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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-22, Page 26
31. Service Directory MOVING c k , ` `.J.E,z -ES?E' .,Ee es. o'ee : 4 E. a- c E ` c •,.,.. c a t ,S J'e :E -5E: 2';4' "21,2 HACKETT WELDING 1/4 d 1`1 . az: r,.Gt.. e c c " .. F 1, �_e ems., • . L..• y4 . " , d. 44— ,.it,• J4 .:C• .e -447 h'.. r . r- r• HACKETT WEL:DIt4G vtr ' "c r:': Iii 41. 'I 4:._ 22, 1.r�tW: J 4,4 y 1. 4 '1.. 1:. ''1'. r. J; .. '')t; ,Jt;') • >,44; • : 11 ; ,'.v t 4 ,''• jt..'r 1, ;v. 1,• 11 ' ' 1'•.44 i , �: .t . / • /OHM HIGKEYT I COPIST'RUCTIOP1,1 (Non 'erstft 'JJl!d." d'J I //'; 'd'r.rvdt1'J'7t e ld`.at'Id I''Ivl"4 rjwt t J'1, di,"4''1.1'1 1'I"lVeit .4411'110 id'" 'J.41411' IV; /J J ,t 4' 19+ICCIPJ4 . ' 4 i; •'Jte ' (Jt qP/r LIt4t 4 ;1411; J'.4a'/JI JI' I' •i �i ese.ib cigar Reim" elf ot.t 1 bit tlue 004111, a hat Slip -5961 1211►4561 , Dave Seabrook' Excarvatirlg ligasied= EAB 1 S TIER REQUIRED and 4 year old 4n our • ^ E '::h-sm:)►ver refer- e es requ'red Apply 4n 44,1 hg stating swages ex;e:'ea tc Box 182 NOG. 2H0 •- 2 2`K 31. Service Directory D&Illi Scrap Metals Buyers of scrap metal, cars and trucks, etc Free pickup Call 519-392-8534 R.A. HAVENS ELECTRIC Kee•. ,r}F /1!:,404 "'F a•r rrl ;.,..Irr1 41/.411 E.ectr r_al contractors' FREE ESTIMATES ,Rod Havens LUC KNOW 528-2301 CARL SLOETJES Ste tnstallatlon. Renovation* • ;,04. ;y-flwi u, >1irn»rr'1 4 •lr//r • !•:' ,e;r_r.:Ilt)lr4(;t; • it b4-, • ::14,,1:4 ;011 ._'tre.)4,Jrr, • .',00firvj •r !i,.4; l Garr 41:1477% /;/:14')ii 529-3164 524-4138 K811A 1)(tveway Staling ,, ;fit Kevin Ata, 1 'J x ^:alrr '.'J4atrrt • '4:44 t Ammo 1' ;.Jill':. Re.g Brindley Contractor' ' 111:1"tr;ro irj 'Lir /frail ft.:ti ,rt;t1 (,esiltrq •F';,r iii' "'�J4Jl';k rlri'.l• re pi -J r FIF1106 Goderich 519-529-7472 41 Years o1 Service •)a,ut dn'rynG IAulra�r ()Ft Mi., fey 0r01 /,U UI44 It I'd A' 114,t `', •40/e 744t. '4,44 ',4 if 1 1,cet,t, 11,•,@,4:,t-, „�, ,,,t ,14y' '.')/10-%04.44 t d1J J.'i.J� 1. 4,,44,., ? 00,.,et41r,-r4r t'.44.44 1,4, 14,434jv,.• t. :-• p„), d1 ra'U; 4,t4.4' 1h,k 1J Ll r.it 1 1.j'r'lf.;,' //Orlin (a 1 2 r I(; Jt f',r Bila Allen MacKenzie 395-3352 34. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help Phone Godench 524.6001 or Walkerton 881.3635 21ar CRISIST PREGNANCY CENTRE - Are you preg• nant? Need help') Cali our 24 hour hotline collect 323- 3751 or drop In at 1 78 Main St 'S Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, coun- selling and support, child- birth coaches clothing •- 21ar 'A cost will be incurred. ,HEAVE''NLY PSYCHIC Answers serving over 50 million readers and multi• talented psychics Free astrrjcha:ri with your first reacting' Relationships, F,.iturr;'r,weer $2 99/ rain 18 • 24 Hrrur ▪ 1-900'451- 31113 -21bc •r!(Jr0'4r51- •1113s-21br 'A cost will be incurred. CANADA S MOST GIFTED psychics have answers to your problerris rpt qU4 511r)n5 about health love, relation• rriorley, lucky num- bers $3 49/rrllrlute 18+, 24, ho'urs, 1-900-45 1 •4`1'U 211-x, 'A coot will be incurred. 111 Ar.r, i) PIA 1 E PH() i f '.',Ir�f1AI l", rr,I1{(,') t'.It' /'.IJ 1.' ';r(t /'J1Jr IIJt'jr': lie'. r, /f: rrl;arna'J'a rt;l:atlrin •,tlt,•, '.:art:4;r; reunite /%yu yrs t1; I'r/4;'J / '.Irr,lr,,j}(; t '100 451, 2/1;7 1114 24 11'4'.4/; 211)', • 'A r r,st will T4H 1nr Ijrrrrj. 1,1 4,1.! I 1 14,1111 P'., trri7r,'1 rru',•4114rJ 11.1144 11/ iii:ir11'It 1'!1•',',11',',I '•.,1 44;IJ4c1,,C,,1 (;� 'lti 111:11 r.,af 1:7 /1.7 x//7'14 441 :, '1! 4,': 1a'a/14uh 1 33 1r,4 1 tar)")' 4.', l 41 4; 1'. 1 r1F'rIIt.(i4,t,lrtirl'h;r;/ '1114'. I. 114 /r;1) /• t.11•14 '1111/,4 ti/--'' 4;, /441111 4,')11, rht.,r1 41/111 //6 444,t;a4'11 /1t hi. &, '; 44414 ilii /4;41 111,tkt; /',1itt•t;It i,t;ar'1 i,r' )4114?l'J 14.141'if$ (tat. If P4,1 i i, /4,1,441, 4111 Ft,! '1) ta :714,.41/lI'..r44 ,,4.7'1 '.',174:1'14•,:4, 174,1 '.,"yll 1',r 140;0; 141,14; /tri/ u$1tIt 4/ (,),$),fr,', 1 711)r) :r , I :a 'FAA! l 11,f." • ,1'1 /4.111I t It4/44,1e.1/.1 I / 4,1tJ4) /',114''.4''Milt;^'.:nl. till y',(..1 l,o1j1 lily' ,111:1. YIUJ„�1'. t:' J .,71�i▪ 11' 111') l:,lti 4,1 l,, rc .144'1/ '1' I, t:-)! .., :14 ,./. (1l,11 fltt-), 4 bIJn1 ,^'.',irti!ltr,lis1 1! 11,i., • WEDDINGS 194 .„4 ..p,. Ipl+y,,, 4,4 •,,,lt14,1,. 4 44'c4,t1 •1,4,1. 141 , ••,,44$'• 4,64. t"41.7',.�+.-.lt',. ..po 1.3t4 I444,/I.901 hal 7` oil l,. 4'd 4r„a ',t' I't 6-t=4,44,44464 . 9 'A llrllyutt )'byi.hlc AUVICI 4JN At.l. )f+tiOhlt.EMb f4f l 14,E 4!)VE MAtif4IA6k f3Uj14�tbs & NEk1 111 idany /+1.4.1;4 1 01.44 I f U i y., .1 ',AA., 0040 I w I, 1,011, joy, .4.4.,, 13 17 ;41 ' 001„0:1 ,1,biot 61.0 4.,11 1a r 044, G.T..o4.iJ 4.44 . 1,1 14 t n +lt tri 1.';''744 f• . •,5r 1'r ,r ;t?id, (519) 673.1183 L.uc•knew Sentinel, Wednesday, May 22, 1996 Page 21 35. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AH claim against the estate of VIRDEN ALEXANDER MOWBRAY late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of March 1996, must be filed with the undersigned on or before July 15, 1996, there- after the Executors of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice Dated May 10, 1996. C/O GEORGE J BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, LUCKNUIN, Ontario NOG 2H0 -•21.23 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of IDA MAY HOWALD lata 01 the V1ilar;e of l ur,kri(Jw, 411 1hr: (;ourity 01 Bruce;, rJrer,rrrlsrt(J, who (144./4.4 ori ?Jr ';it)( )I t 111t, 1 2111 (Jay nI 1Jr;r,f:4rit.Mr, 11!914, rnus,t to; Iihr;r1 with 1414; unfl'i;r',I1Jrtr;11 on 01 4)4,419(4; .)Illy 15, 1'.494,, 11ii,rr,•;1f14t1 this 1 ltur,iitr,r 491 1111; +;+,4.414; will (1i'itril,lrtr: .0,...41!: ',f Ito, 4: ;4:4444 11.rv1 r14J tt:t,p3t11 '40111y 141 1114; 1,1aitti , '441 //1141.1, 1114 I111411•I'.li1)44r:11 44) 41?, .11.4• 4114)11,4; r1,114'•,1 r.,iy 4.14;44)/4'14`'/4) J`1ii1(/1'11'(,'` 114:1:r4I: )4;:1 .4 ,t,li(,i4444.f .t:4,, 4;10, 1 4)(•V f 44 )W, ()/11.2444, (Jrl�r 1'21 1r) Nc)flc, Tr,,C141.IIIT0It'a• AND flrthl',Ii'i Alt cla►rnsa tignlrab,t the • tUlblb 1)1 . . MIJHUA'Y HAlltttt-._11 1.114: ''91 ilii; Vlttn4Jt: 40) 1 II..H /444'11; 4411 11,4; a ,4,unty , ,I 11x4.:t n::r,11, w144, frit -4d ',I ,11',+11 )lie' .'114,4 On/ lit I t;t,lianly, 1,94!);,' tiul�l,l,4a 11lt,41 y/Ili, )Ii. 441/'1/,1bi4Jrrt�7.1 +144 I,t:.fort; July lt,, I!hita 1141:tt:.111t',t /lit-. I /t:,1114,Io,r,1 i44,t c:�fntt •//'411 'hal4il,ulr, 1144 41 Ow '.1 IL,r, t-,rzInit-, I.d i;4rlyy Ih4Jn441 '01'1/,1', 110r, , intid,1w 401 4411i. 11 ' II Ir, 7114.164 oflJ44ie 1 )4,-Iht144 1411,•`, /0,1444 t• 1 ci)t,'j lila/ '11; 1 'at /',111 /I 1(11 1 1'11 It 11'11'(, Ild414$114 n t:1,114 114,04 h141 14)1,0 fit 1111 ,O1.11OI(•, iIr.1( a 711(1% «I '1 36, Announcements I")IJt),AI 14 4.1`;14 t,dlcll•1:n,r y141.4iti !Ad/ f f )s`,4) 11111 h 1”-dlt.IGt;11 (914,$.,4+ V1tI1+�Itd1J4 ?Ads 14 • ti4, - tlt,al.1 I1,1411111i,o 14.4,1'4,41/4 fila/ 11441 '/14111,41 1 114 •l 14•0 yr f4/ It 1)'',40 4l!. I d44J4;. 1111;1// 1 lild/ I / 101i )4411 lie 1111/1.1* 1 •t.141 4/1.11 1441 44$,i4,.ili.y 111114/ 1411,1e/ May 1tt $ O 41(1414 I $'14+lJ4a144 1'1,4i it'(.ld1I' Ida 35. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of WILBUR BROWN late of the Village 'of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 291h day of March 1996,.must be filed with the undersigned on Or before July 15, 1996, there - atter the Executors of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice Dated May 10, 1996 c/o GFOFRGE J BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, t UCKNOW, Ontario NOG 2H0. —21-23 36. Announcements ARENA [)RIVE.. IN 95 Lottery draw winners on May 11, 1996 worr;. $5()0 - Margaret Mowbray, t ur;know, $300- • }toss Pickard, 1 ucknow, $20(1 Betty Mcl)on.tgl , I IJc:kr44ow 21;tr 8:00 a.m. = 5:00 p.m. Located 3 •miles South of Grand Bend on Highway 21 1 d 2 Mortgage Money Ai,bl•Grl4zly 111, 114.44,.114 1 4300 Ad,ti101/1000114400 00 44.'51)” Intereat 1'101 J"4.,,I 11,01,4 Ir y4444 44+la4ity 4.dhulo4444) /1111. Atel:f![,u , 1041. I'rdyl1141lI., • 1.44111:1 •.4t nes • t4(4,4µ4 • h1 11 '44-;114141 •I[.^.4141. 1 'u.1J',II!lat0 0'4./11 4111,41 4.611 1'110) 3$'14(111 1 WO 36/ 1 y S1 ASTHAI 1'1.1NDIN( INC 38. Auction* AUCTION SALE .,1 41.,. 0,4,111 4 tit 14..0 1/411 Ila 14$441 114 IIIb t ut.kll()%v 61)4110 Curnpltax Friday, June 1/96 . 5''3(1 F M '411,4.441 4.ieds, 4 ., 1;4b11'Ji di+Gills o4 I-e4)lb41 441444'4 1111 Allan R. Mil er Auctioneer (519) 395.5062 38. Auction AUCTION SALE of 1 4a'rr, Machinery Arinyue' Floti ertoirJ 1: f4 "1'. )!. Mrsr,ellanee,Ii' NM be held to Met, 8 Marlin `,,rrutrl I (t +'. (,or4r"eb54rlri 14 4,4'.i','',, towns i , ' woes east ',t Walluri and 1 rn 'e 'r,u1n Watch tot `,Igr1� Sat., May 25, 1996 at 10 a.m. MACHINERY slew Hotlan') b/19 S(lrt>adtt:1 with ta,- 1,.14 New Hollanci -a'"y hdr't., r,; NF,w Holland / /'4 yraudre t:,rllrr Neh HUaldrld 4',4 (7'i, f11ecI$10n feeder wd'l':r. Hytlrogen•'3 16 trIree lurro.v pIr,v. :3 hcii w4yvrl5 1 '4'1;,IJi h,1y4Jn ,' {si, fl(JIdilorl .wri et,, 3,' N r• �, elev,1L0( U'1 6/I';01', 21 11 I, hay 1•It7vd14.,1 41:+;/14' Ann'40•44 44 ',,114+4'4 141 .4'1 VEHICLES & ACCESSORIES ''44'' 1', 4 11t,d 11l/1131,1,A1 1^44444' i „•1 t(IU 1114(4, 'I &' +:1(44'31' 1,44) 1.1111/44( Filo '0,1',' .1,1413.1,4/ 1 1 n /44.1 { hr'), trlk• M I?1,1141,41,1 .0117,41, .4,4441.: i 1,414 4 1`,); Ron 1114E ,� sit{ (.1`1 ni)" 1 ti',rt 444,4114.4 4'14.44 < 11 lfe, k 1.4-4'4, i Iv.'',t4i(F 41;1'14,/ with 1.441(1,), 4'1,14,4';, 14,,11 l ,111 1ta t,tc,M, 4111 1.41 4/14i11,4,11• .N1(, I.tl11,1tn, 1 14144', 4(4Dt F 1111111)1 ti ANTIOUES (4,l 144 .1 1,11.11, 111.,11-441 4 /114 k'. f,',,44;,', 1:'.4, 1 4 ,111444.4 4)1,111 wi,bt,i 1414.1. 7,),) ( 41,111 44771•, 674I.,t 11,14(11'•• -. 1/.40,4'1.1 1,11114 ll'. t'1,I,14r'It, •,1.64741) /11.1411111y 4,4111,14 v.a..14u1)3 t41.t11nn4' 44.)1141 .0,111'/ 4/(.174141 '.1,'1.1 4.1111 h,i, rr,11,:. hui7 14.4 ''''.41 „71'11,411•, 01,1 ;6771) •,lu:vn 4),111.4,11 0134.4 1J,111,n14.11'. 1)19.411 4•11',. 111ACIOftS 1,11114 1141,10 lit t,' w)t11 141, 14, 1,111 1 .•0,414,4 1,41)1/ 11/.:1:44' 141 ,.,,:1611 1.167 1 4 11/46•' ) 4$l)1J'•1 141)1 1) l 4,,1 1 t"t 1,:•,, Iln'1'-4,----: r„ M1./.4•)- I':Ira,w.r:1,.,.., , ,. -'nl 44)..4•4... ' 41 1,4. , I r): _:4 t l 4..r. 1 ° :1,, 1/j',•',444/,.J l), I 1 , ,11,11, 1 11,,4,41•"r .1,1-1.1 '_)114„4 ,::11:Mu11r .(144., 6 I,:,h.,1,u,1 14-.1•. H.1,1•• • 1,1;1, FI,r,c,, ,I ; 1,14.),, IS. -1 4144,) ,:,:,n,•.- 1:11,1) •. MI',l`1,44 4AN1l) )r, r4•{, I.trr, 11141,`:•: ui41I11 71 t "MO' .r�41t1.4'1G,1 f vl)'.4 :411 qi1) 1 •.'r , I /i„ .,114. .•.' Ay( 6/11103 11,1 (4..4‘..j,..; -.•C `.14011"11 1 11-1, 441)6,) 11.774:?167 i ,)44,)11 i1 (414, 1,;1111 11111 '.CI 1.6n114;P.01 a441y 4341:n'i"l.:•,. 01411144 nn.Jcq' 1 n1$,b$ 44 4/44,.411 41,0.41'•0 frt,i,•.:. 1474111 II(.,-(In:.4,Ir- 31:1-4110/ 4,,,7 ., 'lin11 r.� 91,41,.)- 1144: •tib •.�I4411110.41,,.,,i 4411,. r ,.II:y.,.. 01.1.1 I.Iq,ac4 441174 4 x111141,. 44j), I.% 111171/11,.', 4'.01,1011i,.'J 761..,' 41 ' 1 1'41:.1„ 41 .: • :lb r„7 • till', 0 ,1rovc4i .•4' 1.r44m11n;-1 ((;jr,, 1r„ 1411'1 r. 01,;1 (414 1/,1,, 41,tr,.,ale 41„ (01 • , 0 clt Irl 14(:1. 1,4-., 11,,,41 hi -,.ca 114111+, 1111)I7.2 I,a,1, 1.4 116/ 01430) /10 .. i3,1 v ',1. , I ., Icu„1 e,r 44101/1 10''11 145111 4.11,1.. .L.c. 11.. 1 : �,11 10,4: 11,11 ,r 411 ) 1, 1 111.•1 44,I,au.. .31114: I,-nllcr,;� 11114 =..�01 414`0, 1.4:ii ,1011 ,'13-,1 1,.,.•r .11 1111,41 e 44riii110;0,41 0.10, I,•, 131,131,4“ . 10 n, 0 1311.0141101.‘, I:p I 4)tCesi , 01410 00100 , 111 4,414114 1,61101 I?.'',Im ,1111I,0. 4)4344 1/4411010 44,60) 4.414,.4 ad.,v 4,..104: 11113 1.116.,) 0,133,1,1, 141,,1,.)4 ' 444,,,,1'// (43)0,,,.,.11 401,1,103 .,611,,,,, 1,,1/10 0,14,: 7 1 • 14,.111 J 1„ b, 434,x,,,_:.le. i'(. . 1., nl4t1,r44' 4 ;41,1 ',. -..,i/• 17 u,. 114,, ‘143111,11-. 671.1 411 4 441 11', 1 ., . •1. ax1l-4, 11.-,4 r 4 `4 1,1,4 1 . Oa , i, 1.,111 c ,'1111,. 1 4441, y„1 r"t.r,i,, 4.444',', )//¼.:, ,.,I,,n, 4. ..1 111•..,3I all.) II, ,,, 4' 44 ,,1. 14 1 .1.11,l14.,41 41 ,',111 4 14,, 1,1144,., ..,,an, ,7a ' 31' <1 At11 441i14kth t Fi1fAN HIN I OUI :iti / 2:149