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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-22, Page 22
4. Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 22, 1996 - Page 17 GE OF LUCK LUCKNOW ONTARIO Bertha Whitcroft, Clerk Treasurer Auditor's Report and Financial Statement For The Year Ended December 31st, 1995 Auditor's Report . '.4')l' ''t ../44 #4, t• 141- • 4,t 1.1141. f,,tt.11• , 40, • 4,,t4,A0';',WI•ta t.44{,i1,'1, t..r0,^44 r ,tte • 1147...4^ f.4 .,.1•101S,0 v,Tif-wf cr..je.! tie r47..1.rix4.1-(1 frit • 1'1404-41 '1.t.4••:>4- 41 1, ,i,itt,oit••41.1t•tr, ••••;-„pr.r.g.„11),11.1) ./7 ! I ir •.4.1 I^/ /.141. .4•44N41(1 9-.14 .4,111 7 7, t at. 6'.0 I.: !/14 !, IT, RIO./ 1,42144!4421,,t, , ;, 41.1 ,'J !) tt! ".W.14,1.!1! t htt!!It't y a' t 440 4',43 d 41 t.,,kirre-.1.4arrit. Trofrz,r- rr7r4 , h.:14 we .04,41 peEkyrfl 414 4-t1:4 re4t.',1447.!le 404,t, ,r4r,! 'Whether Ifo7 tot.o.ethetilt .! re-* ,71 t1,444-4414.1 14,:Wee"te,I. A.4„4 exdOptorq. ,771 4 1.,..S7 4747,0, eViGet., .,...,4P4.44" 141F tit •tit144,4,441! tt, ri,S, 441, ! .tEj A.h 4t-lr-IV • 4'.' tU44.ta.4.0-",,-irog 4hr- rat 4.P.Oft11.!_iqplea .1a.-(1 0,10 a griA,r •-b4,ry,..24.-%, •41.4ra.rer1irr7tri tki ta ev411..410 PA? ,7've10.77 4 r1,71,',''.su 771e104'4,771 144. 114.171.' 17)411'y ref •-•,ver..1 I9r •to. I-111(4- Vri•bt Jr i,/r/ ,./11 fri•lt Wt• 1: 4./6 4.• ..rat .10:4 r^. 4 .41 41?.,4'1 i'')"./4 r6'bf 71,4-4:, .1., 1 4•4• 447 ,1 +.1 flu .1 !I, „ fe4'y • 4.4.4. 44- •,, 44, f:',4 -'t -I" 41,114 -'?14-4 47iy u'11 1.44 - *•44'.4 e7.t4.44 et. 4 "tq? 4! .• WV,' "1.010 . 4-7 44 '4 0'7 • ' .tto ' • t".1.4 6"/ 11, 6'44 " a. " -y 0 6 r 4. t 410 „4- ,,•••••—• • ",•,1 • 4,4 I,• 71, 2,4""(1.'7.7 .1",a.•"..i.! ?''t': ▪ • .41. (.7? ( t4. " •.,'1,-'(A 44- 77,14, 't ' 779t.0•,/•, ,74 the '1' a' 4.P '04 .71 e^.'70 , 4••• 44,41 I (et ,Itt ‘4. r •••, ot 4. r4. r•. ••:•••• . • • 4.." • 1,1410 t• 1•0 .1 4, r;r4; .rrr irf Orr (3.z..,•1•,/t,t;,• :4 \e.)" ' I t r"4•6"": • 4.,07,,r7.••, 7-,,•,,,...1••• 6' ............. . Ito14.a, Mot, VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW CONSOLIDATED .BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31st, 1995 N1(4..‘,11(74 '11.1) hair 14A.1-4, Al4 0114il i P VIV.11/144 14-(1 4a4.311' Ej. :IL • • 111A l'24.(047 $607,931,__ 4)1,71944 55,1;94 ,:$15,446 14/7,48`.1 941,4100 E1,127.171 1.1,11W1,095 4. • 1.1A1111.1.111.`., /..4 .,•,t,t!.. 1.4/41)14 .44447 al 4 r. -s7 I$44411714'1-, '14444 1,Y, (4>O) 11.'rifirl1A1,AN4 1.') Al fill. 1 fTh ()1. 1111 VIAI< ,344r -r1 re, rrIllwt 1,1x44i4,11 • • . '201141 •.1,:s.4-4 7,41),4•:". t:Iii• A1,14E104-1 4741141 1411.411, 444) (14t711thlti, 4-r1 r ,47,44,41 .,44474y) r•rritr• it) "•44-t•(!\49/ 4. 1_1 14r-v.ter vr- 1.irr4r17. rite1, (60•161(.....1owleA - 848 (241r11 /) -'118,Yr? 2,4 4400 • '121,,W2.14 107,489 '01,01141 11,321,7 17. , 1 , • • VILLAGE OF. LUCKNOW CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS For The Year Ended December 31, 1995 44'. •• • .4?" t,/ • ••• ,4 Of! • •Pt • 1 7.14...t7,..4•t 4 y 1•.•• .) al Wet v.. 700 14' Kt , tti 49'1 CO .4.14 .4441 St/ VI, 4A,44/"4-1VV4.1',:)1$W741 .• NUE ei *'4.' r 1.,14,• ,PAZI!). I....wt....W. I t“.4914.t.1'.4.04. 4't44 44104.'11, ,CA1 4.,1117, 14 .5c• i' t.7. I) -Al 11 .14‘11) t.,cd JOY 4.s 1'.N1) ,>F ri•Ai. 4t91.4.. 4)) 14" oltaC•11ohLtliQii 114'0 ge„,% • di7170,1 f 4 0.7>4( 0.4 411.01,1y) 71) IA1 AIJI-'1,14 ,6'4 7* AV., 1•0)14 1141' Yi. ;$ .4 th 4. / / 4 ;;/' i4:1 •.. ;1 /44) 'I /91 .r Itlei • ' , f, 7',; (11', r 114, 1hh 1,h4", 44/-/ '1.4/,411 1,h4h • ;jib 31ti,SSY , :$99,03'Y 1,3153,1 '441' ,14:4 '; 4,4 .) 1'44, 1.3,4,5104, .43//,3 11:14 4 • 1,0:11,4 746:-`,i0,4 /0107 ....).Hr/rr .".11:artir• kr 2/41 if 1'1,410 f 141 - 14, 4134.01 4.! ,41')'/t, 1r!)1,741.fr's Kofirttitticbia '. 1,101kkt• 1.'1•,,,y11•• •,"14 lt$1011, It 7. • •. , 4)47, 1,14-11417.y.afit1 r•:•,a7 44,1,3)3 7.44144.44.) -444' 1,1)14. 'it -014 I. 1,1•111, 0et. 47.4 r,400 •()tail 11/11) 41!141,Al1i4ms „• 43A -440r Atio/roilb4*. viv• tif 14-.0 1) 01,if 14riorrry orero -14,44,10.-ids irr•1• • dpigr)foiorirms lioirr iee I Vt's • 11,1^,44. %Jai I'M.' 11,', 1', "41rt • 1.4.'fr4r4i. 11,% 400. :,":"/,‘.11 .'_", 4'44 1) 'er't 10,'. 1- 7! 11-11411 , I lir% '.1(4) I ?h114,14./ 4 11 040- 441 4,011 1:4144 , '14 1,044 ,/'',l>47 1)10 ".44), • It .124, 1, sr,4 • 4/•1.21 11 1'2.4 /4, :01.14441 4 irC2111 . , 4.;/' , . • • '44414J/41i (41/.4',/) (441.9(0)) 3,11:14.1M " 1,11001 5.7 9411 . fi'.1,:t411 M 111‘11( 1111\11)11A1 AN( 1.!) 1INN1N( A 1/7. '>7' A7 l4.11.At• used 44A ()ltsci 7444k44111,1,111 4,I7.e . hog( 4'11 4 07,1707 4)44770y 1.4) IAI PINA1\41 11.44,AVAII A131 7' .110 '>'7-A7-4 741.1i414 .7374551 743 77474 4774552 *3 4 /ti I itIt1 1112 A Complete Auditor's report may be seen at the Municipal Office. A.(kike*O. 94 1