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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-22, Page 20
} '1 Lenel'iramy Senttimell, Cr1Yedlunesdaay, May 22, 11983 - Page Ii rtlett visits in Kinlough from Sc Jirrt Bartlett of Scarborough visited on Mc►ndaae, afternoon with Bessie Malden Visitors with Edna and May Boyle were Mr and Mrs John V' Scott of kiple. and Mr and Mrs Robert 1-leske of (Dklahorriaa City Jean Phillips of L Fond -nil and her daughter Peggy Palmer of Welland isited during the week ith Bessie Malden Peggy returned home l -roday and Jean remained with her sister for a longer b rsrt We are sorry to report that Jim Hudgins is a patient on the Wingharn and Distroct Hospital Mr and Mrs Michael Jansen and family of Cochrane spent the weekend with his grand- mother Myrtle Percy Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Carl MacDonald who were married Saturday Mr and Mrs. Weir rborough l.ckenswiller and Myrtle Percy attended Kathleen Graham's 80th birthday party at Croderich on Saturday We extend our best get well wishes to Bruce Bushell who suffered a foot injury and is conva- lescing at his home here. c ereN u Jai c 1 we r.� k n Goalie team members Ch erisce G ala idcenby, Cmc Gia Ocodc nby, Fritz Schlegel and Goodie Schlegel were the winners ©V the season division o1 the Tuesday Might Mo-Smrn©king Bowling League. Absent Colin Dunhlcey. (Pal l -M ngst©n photo) Hay Township is all set Jo celebrate 150 years during Homecoming Weekend June 28 to July 1 m Zurich School and church his- torical displays depicting township lite will he open for public viewing for the weekend (guilts made in Ha:y Township from 1846 to the present will he on view tri the old Township Hall The kickoff even) Voll he the Hornecnrriing Parade at 10 30 a rn Saturday Other activities include the International Tug of War tournaments with two teams 1 rurn Switzerland, five Aflier ican teaarris and Ha:y Township resident teams Hay Township bus tour will take passengers to places of past promi- nence and c•irrent interest detailing some historical trivia Supervised chil- dren's activities will be organised by the Huron County library and Pioneer Museums staff. The Homecoming ary�F,•: is '0 4 6c The J ts©rts wine the pGay©frtf winners on the Tuesday Night Non -Smoking (Bowling Oea guce this year. Team members are Ron Machan, alrL illlareGvalrt's, Peggy Kinsman, Lee©natlfd Clarke and • Toren Downey. (Pact Livi tgst<. tv photo) Goofles win s -sas fb 1� wlin DENTURE MANUFACTURER • DIRECT TO THE PU8L$C No Charge for Consultation or E4aluatton DENTURES • REPAIRS • RELINES All Denture Wort( is Done in a DenturistsDental Latmratory on the Premises 1 est Street sides ce 665-T61 524-6688 By Appointment' tlullZygalllll111x11111,11111 • �`t die •J •1;.^ir�:: • • • r•, • • 0 i • • 0. 1 • dance will start at 9 p.m. at the Zurich Cornmunity Centre. Sunday starts with an Ecumenical Church Service at 11 a.m. at the community centre fol- lowed by other recre- ational events. The day ends with an authentic German meal Monday is Minor Ball Day Pre -registration for events. is required. Contact Dale and Marie Dignan 519-.485-1454 Soundsation •� Chorus ; ®roe®xislk Ciao (fie • • • rririar R Saturday r• May 31 & June J 31 the 1RE(EMNATOR COB`.flNUA1fYV CIFNTCFBt: '10 00 per pQT son Shaming- • 7:59 g r nonage Aveltetto AQ Lucknow Luca' naw cut ' 6 Curl, k j' ' Hortover Rollos �� 1 Mtl&moy . IF -to tornprtglder," To .ttv®tor - Stanley Farm Su ply Wingharn - Etiuowator Ofttca Supplieo. Wotkorton Busses. Kbtco.6tne • Patxon Poto s. ar cep QS 19) 38S-0633 ,w. 10 • 1 s • • ••• • % /1� iffy % ' • 111111 'll� II* HIJJ 1I:Maly •;' J Help your special Graduate celebrate their day with a Happy Ad in the Lucknow Sentinel HEARING AID & DENTURE cL:INIC 'Tuesdaiy Meta season resuflts Season winners: Goof ie;;, playoff winners. 'l'hc Jetsons, regular sea- son 2nd• Ladies and the Tramp, 3rd The Roadrunners, 4th, Mickey Mouse, 5th: The 1-1intstones Ladies high average: Wilma Elliott 173, mens high average. Gerald Rhody 2 i 1, ladies high single. (grace Hopi 288, mens high :single: Jim Millet �5, ladle~ high triple Lea..Anne f ialdenhy 673, men` high triple: 13oh Jones 7(). ladies most improved 'howler Peggy Kinsman mens must improved i'ritz Schlegel 4-54. { THE WAR AMPS PEOPLE JUST WANT TO HELP CHILD AMPUTEES WOULD JUST LIKE TO SAY, THANKS! edoaase you help... ✓ Chomps ler eive frnonr cul ossutonre for the nt+Wry arirftr u)t Itntt)s they. will outgrow in o lifetime' TAP Bo PP OHSHIPS Lucknow b r fys win a Clinton 5-4 The Bantam Greys hardball team played Dungannon on May 14 against'Clinton. Jeff Andrew had two hits, also turning a double play. Jeff Bauer had two hits, Lee Cranston had ntam Inst present this ad et the gat, & receive $1.4):0 OFF two hits, and made an extra base catch at first. Jason Lewis pitched two innings striking, out four Clinton batters. The final score was five to four foreLucknow. • (humps get to meet , others like themselves. ✓ Chumps learn to cope with amputation, ✓ Champs receive sper!ally designed recreational limbs and devices 'LCAUSE YOU HELP, PROGRAMS live CHAMP ARE POSSIRtE. SUNDAY MA 26th A®tsfas $10,, 1BUNDER 83FAMfb9Adt aB tinder 12 f22$® Ontario Pry ®sD� Amateur nooB®Qv®sacra battling cue for the Pcroydrodell a oQQtidemanding nature- a gh rrai n'D!fDtleg 4rosk. A MDintense o®as r©sa�tRacing starts 0:0ONMOSS0iuFOR MORE BNFO; (9© 642-5601 p,IetetIONS CTY• RLD. 25 TO AUBURN, NORTH ON CITY. RD. 22, EAST AT WAWAK9S14 CONSERVATION AREA (_LOOK FOR SIGNS) For more tnrormatu)n about CHAMP and other War Arnps programs conte( 1 The War bumps National Neadquarters 2021 Riverside ()rove Ottawa. Ontano K1V O(,4 lel (613) 731-3821 (Ottawa) or use F zee Across Tel 1 800 268 8821' F ex 1.800 2198988 (,hartalrle Raaleeotron Number 0J86eJ1 be