HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-22, Page 11• 1Paact.. (fib -, I In( Lacon SealatimeL VJecititemila. 144, 22. 1996 St. Helen'sWI1 tourr cheese factory •,-)),11) • • • ..) ( ai erton PAP/ R P ()DUCTS Kitsuppiy) *Beer & Liquor Cups *P1*stic 1 Paper Twble Covers *Nskins 1 Plastic Cutlery *Plastic & Paper Bags No minimum order Full or part cases available Delivered or customer Pick-up OPEN: Mon. - Fri. - 8:30am -; 5:00pm 130 Kincardine Rd. Unit #4 WALKERTON 1 *18001E9394559 8 4\ 11 -211k-/11 1'0 ! ;fo the look.; >OU 1,e hpeql ((Jr( Itin;!,for ' •I I r. -t Luc__mow WI finishes quilt T. by VIlabk.1%%hittby 11:4t., Ma:. meeting was d working one as V.t! ,,Argl<ed on a quilt while holdinv our usual meet- ing The quilt 1,,et up at hall and 1 1 ro"rriber yot down If) d,orlf after lunch 1h. (..olortul quilt top put to.,,ether Your'', arid kita (iiIrriore A 11(.,- lay lor ((:rled thu. rnreiirip Report., of t annual were read ',Ind di.,,f,irss.ed (;oodhire rad ari alt i'. ' When (ifKI ,.rear Modiu-rs' ();e quilt was complet f:d dun fly.. 1 fl hu.rf: one more to vont, on. West ern c.litpagt. ( ortrplu), Whatcha don'? Playing time is fun time for bids young and old. Natasha Stanley, left, and Kaelley Hanna checited o MO the neat toys al Puddieduck's daycare Thursday. (Jennifer Vandermeer photo) Huron County, Goderich getting federal money for emergency preparedness programs ()\,er SI 4 million has been allocated to erne Went_ y preparedness project and programs In ()flarn) and some of 11 is c ()Irmo! to this art.a 'Me County of {furor! has been ;111f) cared $7,247 for eineryency response pl arm 11)1' and ( ;mien( h will r rce 1 ve $2,77 for ik.errierperic y response plan Emergent y Mra‘,iires ()roam") was also allocated over $167,000 lot ryvvony, its provincial t114(. 1(:1I emergency 1)1111 and for public (-du( arum prograrns lhe money «)1Iies from the federal 1/4)it'ill11111111 Joint. Eniefgeric y Preparedrie.,,. Program (JINN') The pro ays rustlic COM(110211 110O11, the 1 e [SATURDAY NIGHT BINGO )Hgvv GoDE ic;9.Hc;OLUIVIlitiS CENTRE AT THE ),GAms STh VP 1 11.1) '.(1:51!.s jf'JJ'L1. 411,1.A 1 .P.1) N1 TOTAL PRIZE MONEY tZ OPLN !.23:30 P.M. • '1 :O PM SHARP i4n,5 .1_3L4 YCIT MAST GO! 1 1.<4319bb lic,AiThfitititl etrk..ay.•44,r4414=5'‘ 2, .)•.o . 1/2 PRI( 'BLAZERS fe, AV! 1110. s you grcw up 4A11 t. 4I .491‹: Happy 36alt Paul Johnstone z1kit, 44 4 Love, Al, Gina 1)esitnee, lroy 4Kun, Rosie, 11)(1y, Nit k Ljj .1ot Owl pram allo\vs the federal go‘ernment 1(1 contribute to, or io work jointly with the provinces 4)11 elnergency prepared 111.11 1'1-111.111L'e. 111(' national response capability- More than 100 prop.cts are hemp supportecl 111 ()wain), inclricimp eine!' j.,ern y response plans and ekercises, «minium( ations ecluipment ancl sys terns Strict. 11..11'1)c:j..,,an in 1980, the retie' al government has cliniribtited aborit $22 6 million toward emergency pre paredness Programs 1)1 ct )nlal It) f n for everyone will be a W1111 Wc`cl •11()(4 (ill1 (ill Illy 111.1ili IirI M1'1 1 11.1111', W111 hi* r•,•,i'd ill/ in lily!! 1T`,1 (9 <inn 1 y yr al tilus I'l 1(1.1y .111)1 `..t.41)1151.1 I() 1)1 ti1,11 tl I lit- s,pct pal •••.1c1 11 1).1y'. ,.11k ' Ill 1111-11 r`, 1 III' 1111411 &t1 1A6i61L16,1616ibiLllitAbi6ili 1111140'011 (.4)11,1ittb (4)iir,pleit1 "714 B rE NTCI- Tip Headqinartero i'<r Mill :11/1-t1) 11,1- 5 1 tipi 1 /5, ( t1J.,1,111/ I1111 )„ 514 '1 Wily Ws tidy Mittillily cal fig 1 if) rjr1).11:111,": t)t livt 14121 Abl, 4.1111/111 1/111 11111 5 ii.thwilic.11,141 vis t KJ Eli ri 11 runicAR vauca RENTALS ilia Isom ia -)aii‘ 0/151 l'olciifj 4.I111111(111 119 11 irj 5 CoLLELT A,..,1% 101 II) 1(1) rril 524-8347 191 fli Ell f9F1F9f9FFIFIFIF;trif=IFIFIPI 1,, (akin}, plok 4' 'IIuIl )1 111 to -1 1/ 111 &),)( (5) 1 lir it1r 1)(-11 11)11 Itic C11.11111)c (5)‘,N 11 ‘% 1,1 '„1 h• 1 155 It .1 V\ prkpik: 11115) 1 111k 1\ 11t).%1 lis. 1),1111k 11),i1C 111 W1" 1C)11 1 ),1%, ' And y4-1 )111.,,)1<iv‘111))\k,i) I ht' • At .11•,t) 1)45951519)4 • t ttritimititt tl i(t ,111 •k.15 \ it t mut, ti laihr \ \‘,0 I Ili 1)11.51 lit) Ito • • 1.1(1 1. AI. )9 19.1) • )1, I ),0 It mi. I )1<l•o) Him 14) II) 1) III And ',1111111A 1191111 1)) 41 111 141 'III ill 11 WW1 %hill/ 41 (1', 41 4'4 141 1)/1 1/4.1'11144'',`,4".1 Ohl( 11 1 11411 11/1 a11:11 9)11 IIl- 111(11111 -511VC1 '11) 4 11111- 11/1411 and promote, ,arld dernotimiate Itiril ',1 t procirr41 1114 b1.1111c.") lair people tlw the opportunity to 24-4' 1diellh and lc C., al V available Ii llIi area 1 lie i vv 111 IR Iltit sI 111) lioni dills lc 111 1)161111:SS 1111 S 1114 hid )U (10 R t11Itll. 11,0,11 alski til k 411111111i41a114111', 1,4 44411 ()OIL 1 all ,1`)