HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-22, Page 1,VQX,,10123 a :
DN - AZ °22,1991
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Ashfield 'Township
council has been able to
hold the municipal por-
tion of ratepayers', taxes
to •a zero per cent
increase. "We are going
to be doing a little less,
new toad work, but the
naintenf;nce will stay
the, aame," , said : Reeve
Allan Gibson .
A residential: or farm'
.public" school supporter
is looking at a mill rate
of.1.2.694,. Comprised of
county at 2.255, 'educa-
tion at 8.522 and town-
ship at 1.917.. Separate
school supporters will
be taxed at 1,2.5$1.
Res pardner
® •
by Jennifer
Mosey, on downtown
• this weekend for .a yip -
pin' good time at the
= fourth annual Western
Days, hosted by the
Lucknow and Distric,t
Chamber of Commerce.
,;,There's* going' to be
something for eve"ry ne
this -year,•from ` stage
coach . rides to,', a. rural
business fair and, town-
wide garage :,sale
most' activities take
place. Saturday with rides
in a replica stage coach
from the Sports .Complex
from.10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Also at the -Sports
Complex there are free
pony rides from' 10 a.m.
to noon for those young
bucks who 'want to ride ,
tall in the saddle.
Everyone will -get .a,.
• gander rat the best dressed
cowpoke '1 0 years "and
under at the contest <at` 10
:h.rn. at the Sports';
turn to page 6
Wingham 'include
PP will 'cluster
by Nellie Evans
'The- Ontario Provincial Police will "cfluster"",detach-
ments in Exeter, Coderich and Wingham in an effort
to increase efficiency and service.
Clustering means:
oPositions held by three detachment, commanders
will consolidate into ore position to be held by Staff
Sergeant Brian )3aldwin of Goderich.
*Administrative functions like, staff hours, police:
reports and press releases once done at each detach-
ment will now be donein Goderieh,
•Police officers will be dispatched 24 hours a day
instead'. of 20 hours. Sergeant Paul I1olmes.'of,Exeter
•said :.telephone, calls from the public will still be
rerouted after hours to headquarters in Mount Forest,
but officers will be dispatched from their detachment
base instead of their homes.
The' changes may occur by June 2, said Holmes:
"We're in: cluster ,mode on June :2 but administra-
tion.may or may not be' moved then," he said,
:Current patrol ,zones will remain but in situations
where additional officers are needed to the Exeter.
area, they will tome from Goderch. aThere willalso
be one duty roster for the entire area. '
"TheiV will be a team leader. A *sergeant with each
shift with over 11 officers at time, said Holmes.
One. communit , service' officer (John Marshall).
will handle the entire area.
Holmes didn't know how the changes would affect
,A new name hasn't been selected for the larger
irearms- re gistriation will now be done only in.
Goderr cls..
A injured purebred
Holstein heifer, owned by
Donald Ritchie, needed
$300 in vet services after
it was attacked by a dog.
Kinloss council approved
Ritchie's claim. along
with a $200 allowance
for appy arance since the :.
animal was registered.
Russell Mackie's ten-
der to count dogs in the
municipality at the rate 'of
$4 each was accepted: by
council when -they met
inlay 6.
Noah, Alvin and
Gleason Bauman and
Noah Horst explained',to
council their intentions
with their property; on
Conc . '11 to snake the
temporary parochial
school ap
�ermanent one
and to erect a meeting
,,plate (church and a .;
turn to paw 2
The children at Puddieduck's daycare were thrilled with the chicks
they saw Friday at Lucknow Farm Supply: Hayley Martin's eyes were.
wide with excitement (Jennifer Vandermeer, photo)
alp' 41:StYn
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place c
by Pat Halpin
The strong tradition of
Flom ' and School
Associations in Bruce
County will be Te iected
in the new school adviso-
ry councils .to be estab
fished in each School by
next month
The' board: has
approved itsolicies .and
:for the new
advisory councils. The
policy says the Home a arid,
School Association
automatically liras an
appointerseat oh the
p �i'G4.r.n
advisory council. it states.
the board "recognizes
and • values" the work of
, exiting Home • and
School `organizations,
and says they can work
in. ° partnership with
Advisory Councils.
"School -Community
Advisory Gouneits...are
not intended to replace
such organization's," ;the
policy says.
Trtee Dennis
postixnmus objected d to
School Advisory conn- �.
oils„ saying they were
ordered by ' the province
and .dtctplicate a istin.
organizations. " don't
like being told what to
.do. Here in Bruce we do
havre a strong' Home -and
School' .Association,!'
Posthurrnus said, asking
what would happen, if the
board refused' toset up
the new councils.
"1 .sec np reason , we
wouldn't. We are already
doing .'many, of'the;
fib- n,
things, said �stipe r'iitterr
dict David Arrnstrong.