HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-15, Page 22Page 2 Li d'z. ow. e4,.y' ioR , W4J el``if1ilayp )flay 10,96i 39.Educational 300 A! 1ajun 1$$ifl[s Rock EVENJN ,AUCTION S LE of.Consignments erns oMoana Furnishings and Aa tigue0 including items from mo Estate of Mrs-. Auldene. McKenzie (WIngha )lwill be held in the TTC sW°7tcsr Agai-cue¢ o uilcing on Money, May: 20 starting pin a■at.6:00 p UCT1 Y NEERSP Wallace Ballagh, ee water 392,5170 Grant McDonald Ripley 395-5353 . Auctions AUCTION SALE of • i ousehOld Furnishings will 'be held in the, i usknow Sports' Complex Friday June 7/96 6P 'V. 6 PPM. • o Good ci n cc nsign- rents accpted until full Allan R. Millen - . Auctkriloer. (519) 395.5062. INTERESTING AUCTION SAL An excellent auction fain estates,' trustees and other 'principals''featuring fig- urines, bronze, china and outstanding jewellery. FRIDAY MAY :17,, 7:00 IR PORT ELQIN AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE,giPORT ELGiN. (on GreenSt. - just off !pain .Street - by-the'arena) FEATURING: Collection of 'Royal Doulton and Hummel fig- urines (some discontinued); 14K ruby earrings, beautiful sapphire necklace, Limoges china vase and miniatures: diamond heart pendant; Ladies 1 carat dia mond, solitairewith: current insurance appraisal; goad coins Including Britain; Canada and Italy: Beautiful marquis ruby and diamond ring. 24K Chinese . bracelet. Very nice opera length .cultured pearl necklace; Fine 18K ruby.. and sapphire bracelet with appraisal. Collection Of sil- ver coins including Canadian, mint sealed coins, silver sets, silver dollars (1937. 1946, 1949 and several others), silver quar- ters and halves; several gold rings; Lovely collection of Chi- nese porcelain including vases, wall plaques, covered jars; very pica diamond engagement ring, 22K gold bangle' bracelet, dia- mond tennis bracelet; German lead crystal; pearl earrings, mar- quis emerald and diamond ring, 18K gold earrings, seVerat 14K gold chains and bracelets, sap- ()hire and diamond earrings,, sapphire and diamond 'cluster ring, bronze °Rerhington" fig- urines, framed Oinked edition. prints by Tammy Laye and Oth- ers, antique silver overlay dish- es, framed needlepoint pictures, semi -antique Persian rugs up to room size, old dolls, framed hockey pictures, garnet ear- rings, striking emerald and dia- mond ring, gents diamond ring, emerald/diamondpendant, Much, troch more. AUCTIONEER JIM HALL PH 519. 02=426 Pak BOX 697, CORRONA, ONTARIO. Serving Ontario with quality auctions fore years Auct1_o .sbO 's1_.11Qte Sate on vides 6:00 •prm. Catalogues and registration tree at. door.,, Visa.' Mastercard, personal cheque with ID., U.S. orCanadian'easit suitable ror :pays ent. U.S. cash accepted at 31.48 Canadian. A fitio sale'worthyr of your attention. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Effects for Mrs. Edna Campbell Lucknow Wednesday, May 22/96 6:30 PM- Sale to be held at Jim Boyles yard on Hwy. #86 E. of. Lucknow Bedroorr suite; tables; chesterfield chair; reclining chair; Moffat fridge (gold); sofa bed; lamps; 2 mirrors; bookcase; desk; sewing machine; bed .linens; dishes; pots ,& pans; ironing board; suitcase; 2 chicken coop chairs; humidifier; end tables; wood table ..& 4 chairs; Moffat.. stove (gold); '12' General Electric° freezer; odd chair; vacuum cleaner; card table;. clothes' hamper lamp; 2: antique clock; heater. TERMS: Cash Cr cheque with proper ID. day of sale. G.S.T. and P.S,T in effect where applicable. Not responsible for accidents or Foss of purchase. Verbal.. announcements 'take precedence over written advertising the day of sale.- FOR. INFORMATION • CONTACT AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL 3572349 OR TOM 528-2310 N.B. Owner in nursing home. 'OQUINSELLOR”TRAINING N'G Instituto e 'Ontario Extension offers: correspondence 'limes for 01Diplonmin Counsel:ling,• Praotlso to begin. tr/lay3O. For a brochure phone a QQq$re - 600.6655704 .-- Qbo big 4 4t 4 te * i, r^ MFIAT CP MACDONA,D. Margaret (Peg) C. MacDonald, of Walkerton and formerly of Lucknow, paase4 away at 'County Of Bruce General Hospit 1, on May 0, 1996, in her 90th, year. Mrs. MacDonald, the form r Margaret Webster, was born 011. Feb. 9, 1907 in Ashfield Township. Sh is survived by her four chil- drer: 14/label and Ja, es Robinsoj of Walkerton, Wintifr< d and Allan Kirkponneli of Walkerton, Betty Pollard of Kincardine? and Don id Mactonald of London; a sister ., Jean. Mertens • n of Grand Bend, and three brothers Elliott Webster of. Forest, Jim Webster of. Kincardine and` Fred Webster of, London, as well as eight grandchildren, five great grandchildren, Several MacDonald in-laws in the Lucknow area. She was predeceased by her husband . Duncan .M'acDonald, a grandson, her parents Robert James and Violet "(Buchanan) Webster, three brothers Mad Webster, George Webster and Bill Webster, and a sister Mary Riohico. Visitation' was at the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow, where ,the funeral was held on May 10 with. Rev. Peggy Kinsman officiating.: Laurine . . Madge sang ` • Amazing Grace, accompanied by George Harris at the organ. Pallbearers were Dave (irkconnell, Steve Kirkconnell, Gary Robinson, Troy Wade, - Donald MacDonald, and Duncan MacDonald. interment Greenhill Cemetery. --20 , K 142RF -- Oiiittoarios 460. In ELDON WARM— "Eldon AR ldon - nnis Wfaiai passel away in S.:t. Josep'h's Hospitai..Sariia, On p illirdlay, May 4, .1996. Eldon was l t rnun Lucknc r,/ on October 34 1939 and. rarrie .Shirley.Ani aeonof Teeswater>.no Septorrlber 17;-196Q'at Langeide. l le web .tile' son of John Rodwell Wraith and. Fanny ;EUI aboth Wall, both deco sed. He is survived by file wife Shirley, son Larry and - family, daught = r Deborr h and son Scott, all of Sarnia and brother Rod and family of Wingham. Eldon was raised • in Luc How g•_nd for numb,=r qty rs, he and Shirley operated a sm I ll lectrnjcs business thre. While in Lucknow Eldon served as village councillor and vlin� teer firer - n. For a time he worked as an audiovisual technician at the high school in Wirigham and, th'n for -the. Lambton County Board in Sarnia. Later he and Shirley operat- ed Wraith Electronics, tele- phoneanswering' and pag- ing- form, their home in -Sarnia :nia until ill health forced them to discontinue it. Eldon 'enjoyed music, playing the - violin, mandolin, banjo and, guitar and was an active ham perator with his two sons. A small family service was held at Smith Funeral" Home on . Monday, May 6, in Sarnia. He will be interred in the . Langside . Cemetery, -- 20 regi 39•EdUcationai MOVING ON-'. •Access the hidden job. market and ,find your : niche sourer. Nationwide service. Free Eroohure. 1-300. • 24 hours, C.M.S. Inc. --2000 LEARN ANCTIONEERING at the Soathwestem School of Auotioneering. Next class. August 1 -??23/96. Contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R., #6q till oodstodk, Ontario N4S 7V9 (510)637- 211S.d 20bc M1 RE.. A SUCCESSFUL WRITER, with our great homoostndy Oeurse. Call today fir your FREE WOK. 1400.267.1020. The Writing School, 250330 C leA„�rtthbr �j {� [Avenue; Wm, VdE: ,. 110, Ki 6R2:.'20bo IRWIf?! • Chris and Nancy are happy to announce the safe arrival. . of Thomas Chris, 7 lbs., 4 oz. born on April 29, 1996 at St. Joseph's Hospital. Proud ',grandparents are Bob and Marylou Irwin of Lueknow, and Ralph, and Corrie Nixon of Winghain. Groat grand- mothers include Olive Irwin and Dingena Verhoef. -20x f46484. In Memoriam BROOME` In trientery of i dear father Reginald Broome who passed away 0 years ago May i 5,, 1991.. • Even though our loved one has gone, in our hearts wo still remember... , ...and through our memories ho°ll live on. Torn; :Rose and fa ily'.:- 0x. " • MEL STEWART .. Mel R. Stewart at Guelph General .Hospital . on Tuesday, April 23, 1996 after a valiant battle with cancer'; Mel Stewart in his 70th year. Loving husband and best friend of Lorraine (Drennan) Stewart for 51 years. Devoted dad of Dawn Myhill of Toronto, Judy Muller and her hus- band Ted of St. Albert, Alberta. Loved 'grams of Aaron and Kendra. Dear brother :of.' Mrs. ' Joy McKim of Ottawa and the late Blanche Kelly.' Mel served as an air gunner with the R.C.AF. during World War Ii. H was initiated ince Masonry in Old Light. Lodge A.F. and 'AMI.. No. 184 O: R.C., Lucknow; was a Charter member and east Master of Trillum Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 724'. G.R.C. Guelph; active mem:, ber of Guelph Chapter #40 Royal Arch Masons; Victoria Preceptory No. 10 Knights Templar; Knights of York Cross of Honour No. 49; the Ancient and : Accepted Scottish Fite; Guelph . and District Shrine Club and Order of the tasters Star. A Masonic Servide was held at Gilohriet Chapel 0. Mclntyrd ,and 'Wilkie Funeral Home, One -Delhi' Street,, Guelph. Funeral. Snrvice5 at Trinity United Church, April get Intor cant Greenhill Cornet Luoknowd20 PARK In loving memory of a dear friend¢ husband, d, father and grandfather Richard Park who passed away May 17,. 11090. .. g-49 memory is our keep- "iake With which we'11 never pan, God has hip,, in His keeping, And we .have him in .our hearts. *a.dly missed by wife Morino, children Sharon and David Dawson, Rickey Park, Greg and Nancy Park, Sus and Doug frown,' Heather and. Gary D uphin and a 14 grandchildren. -- 20x 47 Cards. of `hake Ii-AIKAW 1 would like to thank rola. tames and friends for 'oarrdc, visits, flowers and goodies whiee 1 was in the hospital and since rVanning home. Your thoughtfulness will lgng he remembered. ll0c a. -A20x 48 Coming Events 47.. Cards of Thanks . ANDERSON Gordon Anderson would like to sincerely thank all tilos- relatives and friends who remembered him with` visits, phone calls and cards while he was a patient in hospital and since returning home. - 20x . CAMERON I wish to thank my family, relatives and friends for remembering me in various ways during hey illness. Nice. t • now to be back to the Sepoy Town. As of today.1 wish' to submitmy resigna- tion to any organization 1 recently held office in. It was a pleasure to serve and .I, will have fond memories of them as well as the fine young people involved in them. Sincerely Mildred. -- 20 STEWART Our grateful.. thanks and deep appreciation is extend- ed to our relatives and friends for their expressions of sympathy and tenderness -shown during the illness and Toss of our husband, 'father and grandfather, Mel R. Special thanks to Old Light Lodge. To Rev. Bresnahan your kindness will always be remembered. Mrs. Lorraine Stewart and family –20 DELINE/SCHIESTEL We would like to thank everyone fpr making our Stag and doe a great suc- cess. -Also a big thank you to the wedding party who organized an excellent' evening Thanks again. Terry~; Dan and Gage. -20 EADIE Thank you, thank you friends and family for the great "surprise party° you. had to celebrate my 40th birthday. Anotho°r heartfelt thanks for the gifts, flowers and cards' I received. Thank yon Cathy MacKinnon, the cake was superb; Vikki and Jaokio for clean up detail, and special thanks to Steven (you know 1 love yal). It was is 'groat evening, 1�i1�. �a20 . BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $3450 in prizes. $1000.00 Jackpot must go.—15tfar COMMUNITY SHOWER For Lynn Alton at Lucknw United Church on May 15, dens art 7:30 p.m. shower 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. 18-20x STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Lucknow Presbyterian Church, Thursday, Jun 13. Two settings 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tickets in advance ONLY, at Finlay Decorators 528-3434 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday: 6 a.m. - 1 p.m. e-19-24. RENEWAL SERVICE Sponsored by Crossroads Christian Centre Saturday, May 25, 7:30 p.m, Lucknow Christian 'School, Highway 86, 1, 1/2 mile east ,of Lucknow, Phone 528-2436. for information. --20,21 ar COME AND GO SHOWER for Rosemary Moser, bride- to-be of Sam Murray on Saturday, May 25 from 1:30. 4 p.m. at the home of • Roberta Whytock, 681 Wheeler St., Lucknow. Everyone welcome. 20,21x FIDDLE JAMBOREE Blyth & District Community Centre, Sunday, May 19th, starts 1:30 p,m. Admission $3; cold dinners $6. Overnight camping. Sponsors Blyth Lions Club. –19,20cc' SOUNDSATION Tickets going fast for the 1996 Soundsatinn Spring Show Friday, May 31. and Saturday, June 1, 8 p.m. Tickets $10, available at Lucknow Cut "'& Curl or phone Debbie at 357-3763. 20,21 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Celebrate the 25th wbddin. anniversary of Margaret and Jirl Errington May 25th, at, Lucknow & District Community Centre. Your presence is their only gift. Dancing: 0 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tiffins Orchestra... 20,21 sx STAG & DOE for Sam Murray Rosemary Moser May 18 9 pm, .1 a.in Ladoknow kona Age of. Majority Ticket MOO .