HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-15, Page 18rags 18 Luc ow Sentlih L Weanesday2 ► , 15tI996 May 25th is FORMAL wt IGHT:4;1' �. ** . • for a do► and rnakeu Alt ' BOOK NOW 528-2043 O ESSIO � HAIR DESIGN *' ** 611 Campbell St, Lucknow re Hard Maple or Ash SLABWOOD L railed 'time Offer Catl now m $1300/17 cu. yd. Truck Load Delivered . within 20 Miles Mileage charge Beyond That Large Quantity Discounts When You Haul!!! Craig Hardwoods Ltd., Auburn, On . odiy-� V W(NGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION Melissa aars Patricia Geertsnia and Alexandria 1 Vander Ie , students at, Lucknow and District Christia;:,; Schools Were engrossed. in turning. out their hest color- ing for spe= , dial visitors on Grandparent Day last week. ► Heart, Stroke canvass a success Despite inclernent weather plaguing the per- son erson to person canvass of the Huron County Chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the campaign has been a suc- cessful one - thanks to the dedicated efforts of all involved. ' The support of so many will further the. research to eradicate Canada's N . 1 killer. Over the last decade, the the death rate from heart and stroke disease has declined by 35 per cent. Continued research - will decrease the num - bars and victims will have a better quality of life. by John Goig Huron County resi- dents will have more money in their pockets fromanCincome tax cut ' and a N%', Y Wrr y L for f- ers: after last week's provincial budget , .says,. Huro: MPP Helen Johns. The Clint;+>n Raceway also., got a tax,bre , ` . Speaking t^i the G oderich Chamber of Comarnerce last Thursday dzAring a lunch rneeting, Johns told n d udience of about 20 people that . the Conservative govern- ment believes in order to entice new business to the province ..< 6 , d to stim- ulate the economy, a tax cut was in order. Personal income tax will be reduced by 30.2 per cent over the next three years and there will be a retail sales tax rebate for new farm buildings for farmers.' The Clinton Raceway is getting' a tax cut on the amount :its charged per bet to bring it in line with the amount of tax charged: on other types of gambling: The tat cuts and some spending increase' good- ies in the budget carne after the severe spending cuts during most of the first year of the C•-nservative govern - lava. The Conservatives lowered 11 different taxes, including personal income tax by 7 per cent starting July 1, and the an Nsotice is hereby giv= n that the Annual Meeting of the VVingham and District' Hospital Corporation will be held in the Nursing Assistants°, Training Centre, Catherine St., Wingharn, .tI ntarit n Thursday, Juste 20, 1996 at the hour , f eight o'clock p.m. for the revision of bylaws; for the=lection of Governors; for the app0intment of Auditrs; and for the transaction of such other things as may properly come before the eeting. Copies cif the Annual Report and Hospital Financial Statements may be obtained at the front desk of the VVinghr. m and D=istrict Hospital effective June 12, 1996 and at the Annual Meeting. Memberships granting voting .privileges may be purchased at the front desk of the hospital for five dollars ($5.00) prior tfive o°or ck p.m., Wednesday, June 5, 1996.. No membership sold, after that time will entitle the purchaser•to a yot, Dated of Wincgham, Ont rio, this 3rd day jf May, 1996. By order of the Hoard of Governors: BA.RRY W. RERI B.A. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT P.O. BOX 300 • VVINGHAM, ONT.' NOG 2W0 WINGHAM JCINCAiDINL 306 Josephine St. 357.1522 ' 357-1551 (Fax) 1-396-7977 Auditing Accounting Tex Services ROSS TAYLOR C.A. . KEITH RAYMOND C.G.A. ARRY REID, C.A. J9 employerhealltln�i. tax. The government also imposed sureh. ge en bank prof- its and levy for health care ;on. higher income earners, . ' .. it was important for me to be her and give sgrmte .reasons for what we've one in the •bud- get," she said. "I need y r,u to help me get the itessage out." Johns was especially concerned about the per- ception of the govern- ment in the eyes of stu- dents and asked Chamber members to encourage their children to support the Conservative',s cuts to educatin. "We have to let them k<<:.w that money is being allocated better withinthe quality educa- tion we have." Johns said the govern- ment is concerned about the perception its being tough on children. She said a spending .increase of $200 n ilhon to child care is an example. of the province's commitment to spending for children. But .the child care that children go toin the future as Johns said the province is going to be redesigning child care in the province tobetter reflect what she calls "looking after children when they •are young." °he :province previ- ously . cut $100 million from the child care bud- get. Few questions were asked from the small BRIAN W. FOLMEB *Landscape Design *Construction *Retail Sales Vht,. Sec, Eryet9 cry -Mon -Sat 8-S. Sun 1 - mkt, -4 y to1:10- li1'mttai 104 as e11• a new sbipnncnts of I".'rLi a riorod o ;e :8'. owatoiea Actin i€atsd rt i Ortil ars,. We ate now located if miles wept ofWalkerton on Hwy. 4849. 1 wile Fast of the Forrno3a corner. 881-3300 PAX 8814176.:. by Mildred Loree A Mother's Day theme was followed for the program of the, 1 uckn w Presbyterian VMS when they met in the church n May 1. Shirley Hawthorne read a poem "Prayers Can't Be Answered Unless They are Prayed." Gladys Robertson gave the devwtio : s, mention- ing several mothers in the Bible especially Salome, the another of James, and John. She felt Salome was one of the best examples ,s f mother- otherhood hoodfound in the Scriptures, weittmnIto The °rollcall was ans ,vered with a poem sr verse on the Mother's Day theme. • WORM crowd, but one had to do with media reports the childcare funding increase could go to It{nd childcare for mother on welfare who could be n Lie to work. Johns said ' such - reports ichreports were only rru j ours and that the workfare program will only apply at first to sin- gle people. She st. id it was unlikely pare; its with children would begin workfare during the life of this budget, b t did say when those parents are forced to go to work or lose welfare benefits, • there will have t,•- be some sort of childcare available. Another question was asked by Bruce Potter, an engineer with , B.M. Ross & Asysociates in Goderich' questioned :johns on a tax exemption for companies who hire students from coop pro- grams. Potter Said BM. Ross hires students both from co-op programs and non - 'co -op university pro- grams. "Both have their • advantages," he , said. But • under the new goverwi rent policy, he said it would be difficult to jus- tify hiring a student from a non -co-op university if there was an equal candi- date from a co-op• pro- gram. The tax rebate is equal to ten per cent of the amount paid to a stu- dent during a co-op term Lucknow WMS honors .mothers Peggy Henderson pre- sented the topic on mis- sionaries, telling of a trip to Korea, Taiwan and Japan that the Moderator Alan McPherson and his wife Maureen had taken in January. She also men- tioned Richard and Jane Paul in Zaire, the growth of Sunday Schools and ' Prayer Houses, in Africa, and the Guidance Conferences for mission— aries. Phemie Cameron read three poems. for the vari- ety number - What Is a M ther?, God Gave to the Heart f a Mother and What Are Seniors Worth? 1Janne Vanderveen gave some of the high- lights of her trip t; the, Synodical Meeting in Brantford.