HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-15, Page 10Page3t0 due
Seutialeil Wb May a 199i
e s f o
Meb.rs of (the
Presbyterian, Church here
attended the annlvcrsary
:service at the Luckcu ocn
Presbyterian Chnrch on
Sunday evening,
} n. Tuesday evening.
ihe 1741MSmembers
atter " _ ¶ the' Presbyterial
nDy, y begiHhniA g . with
super follllow(_i by the
`Lindsay and Andrew
Mowrhingstarr, of Dort
.Elgin, visited for a few
days with their . „ ,dpi,;
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Among those from
here, who attended Grace
Farrrrrger's• 90th birthday
teat 'at the , Kincardine
Baptist Church, OB
Sari day. afte moon, were
Mr,, arid. Mrs. Edbrt
Bushell and Bessie
On May 10, at 11 a.ni.
a graveside .service was
held, for the hate. Dorothy
i, alidenby) Thompson, at
the South • Xi floss
Cemetery, Lucknow.
Visitors .during the
week with Mr. ,,: itd Mrs.
Edbert Bushell Were
Mildred Young of
Wiarton, Esther
Bloomfield of Paisley,
Esther Bushell of
Kingarf, Mr.a and Mrs.
Mac McD•nald of
Kincardine, Elsie i k
of Wt ltertoni4 Il1 .
McLa.chlan and friend ,off
Mr. and Mrs, Glen:
Kauffman and Kimberley
of linIouh,' Shirley
ushell and c uldreu of
Kinloss, therine Fraser
of Armo% and Mr, and
Mrs, 'Don Robertson of
Luc!,, flow.
M. and Mrs,. Edbert
Bushell spent Sunday
with- Mr, and Mrs. Bert
Ti hoinpson, Culross
Tara Thacker of
Guelph quiversity enter-
tained -some , rf her cls4
mates over the weekend.
mann ^ Rayr a1'd,.
er df Mr. and- .
B iccc Raynarc recently
returned to Canada aftteF
spew:11 :three years
Scotland' hq. was living
oin theislaod of Iona.-
Inner. e>lrudes, . on
. Scotland's west eta*.
She was working and liv-
ing Iona Abbey with
the Iona Community.
Welcome home Mari: n
Sincere • s53► pathy to
Margaret and Jim
Ellington on the death of
Margaret's younger sis-
ter, Betty Treridal:l in
Cambridge on May 7..
Seven tables of euchre
!shuid of1ona
were in play at the Senior
Centre On Wednesday.
High 'winners wore
Teresa. Courtney and
a +id Sproul with loin
prizes going to Doreen
McCormick and George
Herb and Rosa1ene.
Barger, off'.. tnrli ngton,
visited with her pairents.
Russell ... d Jean. Phillips
on the weekend.
Congratulations to
Elmer Trow a , er who cel-
ebrated his 79th birthday
n May 12, and to Viola
Petrie who will be 92
years yo ., r g tod , y, May
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.Seyerali lc(tin this -area
joined with r eighlorS
and Mends :at Pinecrest
Manor Nursing Home,
Luclsno v for Mother's
Day celebrations bn
Sunday afternoon, May
John and Marina Park,
attended the baptismal
ceremony of their gr.. adp
son Lucas Jo i i , l athan, son.
of W yne and ”- osemary
Park .Jtesley�Tillis
lU; ited Church, Clinton
on Mother's Day. Later
the Park Hamm d fam-
ilies were erste r r ained at
the Clinton reside ce
Wayne and Rosemary.
The Erringtons attend-
ed the funeral May
9.(five days before her
60th birthday.)
Mother's were hon-
ored on Sunday, May 12,
at Dungannon United
Church, when the Eric
NcNe.e family greeted
and presented each
Mother with a carnation,
Favored Hymns were
enjoyed with Mary
Garrfiock at the organ.
Touching the hearts of
the congregation was the
"Love" sermon, preached
by Rev. Phillips Gandon.
Two beautiful
hyt a ngea plants had
been plac .'d in . the
Sanctuary in memory of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Alton and Thomas J.
Webster the V by : the
•Gratitude . was
expressed to the CGIT
Girls for their voluntary
clean-up of the ,church
The community . hon-
ored Maribeth Dawson at
a bridal shower, May 7,
in the United Church
Nancy Park presided
at the piano, for Medley
of spring time tunes.
Diane Park, chairlady for
'the evening, requested
household hint and
Advice that a newly wed
could make use of.
A mock wedding, fea- a
turing the gay 90s, with a
cast of Donna Young as
minister, Lynda McNee
as the bride and Marina
Park. as the groom was
the hilarious.
In alphabetical order
Dorothy Bere, described
her admiration and affec-
tion for Maribeth.
*turn to page 15
H&&p your. special
Graduate celebrate
their day with a
happy Ad in the.
t uaknotit Sentinel