HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-15, Page 6a Page 6 LilianoW Seiltinelv y Nab 199Ce Lula 1 -a -m trot . w .a Utb1flt to executiv The-Oxecutive director of Winahara and istrict h ;os. ltal hasbeen autho- rized to make an a awl ince- e offer to new physicians wishing to locate in town, as well as free space until a med- ical clinic has been established bete: The board gave the authorization at its May meeting. In the resource report, ob pike said that ,chile his committee is i t r pious to Iftak S progress on the clin- ic, he said he believes that Lloyd Koch, executive director at Ninir :'1, should have so ! e au 4 a>ority when it co, Tires to atald ng Pia offer to prospective physi- The _bl.,ard and the hospital lh;, vc director been attemptinge for � some time to attract new physioi -... s to Wingham to serve area patients. Koch reports that .a num- ber of physicians have e cpressed an interest in locating here. 66There is an urgenney to this because we have had a number of inquiries,'; sand Pike: "We need something on an interim basis.," Finally it was decided •th.t Koch may offer neer physicians an annual income of $100,000, as well as free space, e suggested usingthe former nursing training centre or rooms in emergency until a clinic has been estab- lished. opt ; i unions g rrt Stiviletou The' two, unions representing regis- tered d nurses and registered: practical 'nurses at . 4? in,gharu and. District Hospital have been given notice of pos- sible lle lay-offs of full-time ce emnployees, b :his repotA to the May meeting of the bona r d of governors at Wingbam and Distract ospdtal,, Executive ,w)irector Lloyd Koch said he reported to the board's executive committee that the hospital will be required to readjust its stye fang requirement for the coming year. Koch said the hospital ;awe' tly has too , lany full-time sta • and has been issuing temporary lay-off notices when lower census does not wat the number l.,f sty; n schedtiNRed for dc:,ty en specific day. The new ,;registered practic , Nurses' collective agreement requires six m;•.nths netice tthe union prior t:•; lay- off, Koch noted. The registered nurses' cllective agreement requites N., three- month jr stice for lay- rfs. Due tthese constraints, continued Koch, the required lay-off notices were' issued t the tw..- respective unions of. up to six full-time staff in each of the 'collective agreeients. Introducing our new Service Guarantee: As part of our commitment to serve youbetter, we're proud to introduce our new Service Guarantee. It's brimming with promise. And promises. Whenever you call us to meet at your property, we'll make an appointment for a time suitable for both of use We, promise to keep that ' appointment, on time. We promise to complete all the work that was agreed to. We promise that this work will be finished within a mutually agreeable time. And if for nine reason we can't keep any of these -promises, we'll waive the applicable service charge or fee. • It's just one of the ways we're trying to do right by. our customers, And in the near future, we'll be offering other improvements like expanded customer service hours, communications centres for quicker and easier access to us, and a new, more flexible billing system.. At Ontario Hydro Retail, we'll never stop working towards serving you better. Promise. ' eusratitat ruts not a;u:,r la tarstvett of t 0 ep,Oitntnrant ars re Gut t ion ttz Cu11. Ontario. Hdr� Heakiartd, ilydro* * .a division of Ontario Hydro R3 tali v.'xnOtice Meetings with union representatives will be set up;r llater;is month. to dns piss how lay-offs Will .be carried out and how many Fill be affected once the results of thm early retirement program are known. At. the April hospit 1 board meth, it was agreed to offer earlly retirement to appro Innately 20 eligible employ- ees, e deadline for applications to the pLr„ was April 30. Koch says there has been a good response to the early- retirement oi ter, which may help to off- set possible )lay-offs. In a related matter, Larry Hindle, director of hum,.:,r relations at the hos- pit,. w, has prepared a report on e, ,,ploy- ee morale . at WDH, w ich was deliv- ered by Vice Chairman George Underwe, e d at the May meeting. Sick days taken by staff gener..,.11y are regarded as one indicatil n of employee morale, noted Underwood. It is interestir g tnote that sick days taken bat Wingham hospital are signifi- cantly lower than the average of any other facility in the Region 5 district, making 4TH the envy of other 1cal hospitals, said Underwood. takes out loan by Pat Livingston West . Wawanosh Township has borrowed $150,000 to help cover the township's portion ..f the Dungannon Drainage Works 1995 'project, Reeve Bob Hallam . said in a telephone inter- view last week that the loan. is..spread. over five years with a floating interest .rate. Innterest is paid monthly. The total cost of the project - was, $1,019,371.55. Of ,that, the municipality's por- tion totals $207,336:31. The balance is appor- EORTHCOMIT MARRIAGE tioned as follows: gov- ernment road grants $252,600, infrastructure grants $66,159, Hur•,n county $43,231.85, Ashfield, Township $37,570.41, agriculture grant $21,510.30, with ratepayers on the project assessed at $390,963.68. West Wawanash's drainage superintendent and building inspector, Joe Hanna, has tendered his resignation. it was effective Apr. 2, however Hanna agreed to remain in an acting position until the .vacancy is .filled. Hallam said he was sorry to see Hanna -go. "He has a way with peo- ple. It's not an easy job." An application by three residents for a zon' ing amendment to allow =Oar, t&Uaur alai ttia, skl /dr ttliattircoatattaa itvand 41i tan2ral: at i4 pU t en t y'hUr TYLER - BSS Sharon, daughter, off` Morris & Martina Bo's/ .of 14t 2, Seaforth and Doug, on of Keith Tyler. Bambara 1 is of Lwow, are pleased to announce theireir.forthcoming targe The wedding till take place May 25, 1996 at Std Joseph's Catholic Chun ib Clinton. 04 a parochial school on part of • Lot • 16, Concession 10, has been approved by council, fol- lowing a public meeting in early April. A proposed gas fran- chise agreement from Northern Cross Pipelines Limited has been for- warded to tle township's legal council for review. Hallam said the agree-, ment deals with giving permission to the compa- ny to go on township property to hook up pip- ing to the wells. Helen Rintoul will: continue as .the munici- pality's Wingham and District hospital board member. 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