HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-15, Page 1• " ....... ........ ... ... VOL. 123Wk. 20 WEDNESDAY, MAY, 15, 1 . 65* IriCLUDES G --pa. man finds . loot ny stolen fry 111 the Lucknow • District Sports Complex last November has been found in a Kinloss tswnship ravine, John Carter told the Sentinel he had spotted something in the ditch earlier, but it wasn't until last week that he was able to get down and retrieve it. Much to his surprise, Carter found a locked cashbox near the abandoned rail- way, on Conc. 1 and proceeded to call. the OPP immediately. ,-,---Constable • Andy Burgess said they were ,able to determine the cashbox-, which con- tained about $150 cash and a cheque, had been stolen from the.Sports Complex on Nov. 11. The money, which was still dry and undarnaged, has been returned. le ikes fiowers A Lucknow florist has reported to Kincardine OPP that• someone is stealing flowers. Kincardine OPP are investigating alleged thefts from • Garden Grove Florist on Campbell Street. The latest report was made to OPP Thursday evening. It is.alleged that the store has been entered several times in thepast two and a half weeks. Flowers are. all that appears to have been taken. There are no signs of forced entry. Police, say it appears a key may have been used, though the owners have changed the looks. • .„ It was a multiculturalism event as the "teen from New Orleans" - Lindsey Raymond, and the "mate -from down under" - Derek Linde - made acquaintances at Lucknow'Central's 'tour of the world last week. Each room represented a different country and visitors were greeted by ambassadors and had thelepassports stamped, (Pat Livingston photo) Bruce of Education budget means mailer almost 2% t by rat H001 The overall budget for the Bruce County Board of Education is. smaller this year, thanks to a provincial 'grant cut of $2.18 million„ but local ratepay- ers will -see their taxes go up 1.83 per cent. Finance chair David Inglis said this year's budget was "difficult" to set, and laid the blame for that squarely on. the province's doorstep. Inglis cited the "severe depth" of the 7.1 per cent 'grant cut handed to the Bruce board, the -lust inexcusable!' delays in grant announcement and poli- cy "the gOvemmenes cava- lier attitude towariithe liiipact of it . • ax increase policies on students and the class- , rooms." "We can't continue to operate this ° way," Inglis said. "Here we are, into the fifth month of our year, and we're only doing our budget now. To me that's ludicrous. We have to look at these things earlier on, ? The mill rate increase approved last week means the education taxes on a property assessed at $25,000 will go up $14.50 thiS year. The only 6xceptiOn is Kincardine, where ratepayers will be billed two per cent more than that to compensate for the 'two per cent tax **turn to page 3- Aghfieid Townshi Council wants A 3 removed fr m list Ashfield Township council has passed a res- lution "encouraging the Co.y of Huron to accept the recormnenda- tions of the cons It. its to proceed ti further inves- tigate and adopt altern tives to landfilling at the proposed A3 the," and that the site be "immedi- ately released from any further consideration for a county landfill" as pro- posed by the waste man- agement master plan. An application for an • official plan amendnient and a proposed zoning amendment. 'on part of Lot 4, Front Concession, STP, has been putcbn bold until the applicant, • Mark Sully, can gather further information from 1 • commenting agencies. At a public meeting on May 7, council heard from the county ?loner that the applicant pro - posed to create four recregtional residential' lots along the lakefront ranging in size from 1.6 acres" to 4.4 acres. The Rand use designation would be changed from restricted agriculture to 'recreational residential to allow the compliance of the lots to the official plan. A small area of general agricultural on Lot 5 STP Would change to restxicted agriculture. The corresponding zon- ing bylaw a:Meathnem- wonii,d change the zoning designation on the.pro- posed four lots from AO 2 to RC1 and NE1 and marginally enlarge the AG2 zone to the south on the property of neighbor- ing landowner Wolfgang Guenther. The planning and development department generally supports the *turn to page 5 Huron County Education cuts lower by Amy Nellands Being a small board will pay off for the Huron County Board of Education as it will receive special , assistance from the provincial government because of this fact, Small boards throughout the province have been • lobbying the government to listen to their concerns about the total impact of the General Legislative Grant .(GLG) regulations., reported Director of &Wad,* Paul Carroll at the May 6 board meeting. • "These boards have indicated less flexibility- in their operation's than larger school boards and therefore less capacity, to accommodate the required grant reductions," his report stated.. • Minister of Education John Snobelen announced on April 25 that a modification of the GLG regula- tions -will limit the grant reductions for small boards With fewer than 10,000 students to either three per woof the' board's 1995 operating expenditures or 15 per pent of the board's 1995 grant, whichever is less. The impact for the board totals $93,306 on a com- bined panel basis. Since tax notices were issued to all Huron -municipalities on April 22 based on the 1996 estimated figures, this additional 'grant' will be sur.. plus to operations in 1996, reported Catroll. "We are very pleased," he said. "This is a srnall amount buts nice. to have at/thing back these days." • t