HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-08, Page 126 Trucks 4116 Page 12 , , : uc I uarr Sentinel WedneS Gavot* SM . MULTi-FAMLY garage sale on Saturday, Ma?11,,9 a.m. `l p.m. „ WYitegMurch. -1'1:71: 1 For Sale Sin:._if 13130 Sale . Tis the season to .bo grilling, ', i'�aon ! o Our Lett "�olocova . . Deluxe . Broil Kind and Duoane ,EWlodels• NO- pay- rPtrlittu`,, rw interest til October, 96, O.A.C. Asst Modern Appliance and,: Electronics a4.101 11' (Hanover Man. -49co ' SThE _B9 ILPING$$ BEST [BUILDING. PRICES. Steel Straftwall. Type - not gttonbet'e 322x54 $°34 0, 40x72 64,23a, • 6O2(90 00,443, 60x126 $31,3-14 other -aims available - misc. clearance. - 24 hrs - U -its( O-263-8499.--iebc DINING ROOM suite - 6 chairs;: bUffe t, hOtch and table. 5284406. --1' 9-21, 22- 24rrx CE ",TIFIED SEED potatoes - white, red and yellow vari- eties; gr ss- seed forages and lawn seed. G r, urge. Errington: Phon 529-7175. -19x COMPUTER TA LES and centres, office desks and chairs, tables, filing cabi- nets, storag shelving,, and more. Large selection of quality used and new in stock. Outfit your office and save $$$. Lovers; 200 AdelaideSt. S., London, 1- 800-265-6699. Delivery available. -- 16-20cc CUSTOMS FAXING P Need to sendor receive a fax? The Sentinel does cus- tom faxing for customers,. Drop in or call 528-2822 lot details.•T41tfnx WiDE SELECTION ofused appliances, fridges, stoves, washersand dryers. All ser* wised ,and including a war-. rantya Cell M,ode'rn Appliance Centre, Hanover 364-1011, -x751 tfgp. THE I UCKNOW SENTINEL has the following papers available irt. our office on Wednesday.: Goderich Signal Star, Kincardine News, Walkerton Herald Times, Clinton News Record, Mitchell 'Advocate, $eaforth Nur, n Exp.sitor. -16tfrix ,,WHY HAVE; A YARD SALE' Call- ups. We buy it;. all. Antiques; Furniture, Coins, etc: No fuss No Muss. Call 519-363-0213. - 4,9tfcc LOSE WEIGHT Without dieting 100% all natural safe .Simple to use,, no counting calories, no workouts, no pills, inexpen- sive. REALLY WORKS. Call Marianne .. Bollinger, Dungannon 52.9-7807. --17- 2Occ _ NEED A'RESUME? Professionally pre ared,, lager printed on quality paper. $15.00 for S sets. We. keep your resume. on file' to oase you need. changes or updates- at a later date. Call us: or drop in for details.. The Lucknow Sentinel, 520 -2822 -04th( 23; Mai ,1996 S0 Cels 1067PONTlAO AOADIAN- door auto maqc, Q.x ollent condition throughout. Only 04.000 original ?r o>.. $2,800 . • cel$,. $89©00 certified ;or best offer. Call C odorrioh 624a2702 -14-19nx4 1987 CUTLASS CIE M for. parts; Body in, good condi- tion and soma new parts. Asking $500 or best offer. Call 528-3711. --18,19x 1003 BUiCK SKYLARK runs w U; body needs works. . $350 as is. Phone 528-3436;--18,19ar 1986 TOYOTA TERCEL wagon, 4 wheel drive, 5 speed manual,153,60,0 km.. $2200. Phone 52:43115. -e 19 1992 FOD EXPL.`R•ER XLT fully loaded,., dark green, trailer tow package. 90,000 km. Phone 528- 383.4;719.21 ar,22-24hix 70i Rec., Vehicles 1993 TERRY 27, 5th wheel trailer A/C, awning, roof rack, Amt condition $15,495; 1994 SUZUKI King .Quad ATV, 4 wheelshaft drive $5,000 o.b.o. Phone 529- 7619. -15-17x, 18-20nx HAVE YOU' A GOOD RN. unit for sale. Let us sell it for you. Good highway expo- sure. Rob's Trailer Sates, south of Grand Bend., Phone` 519-243-3624 18;19cc ,100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CANADA'S #t mono DEALER TRAILERS. PARK MODELS STH WHEELS * HARDTOPS Hitches, Truck Gaps; New/Used 33 years ort business rMu.. Salos.Rentals.Service•Parts Hviiy, #8, 1 mire West of Stratford 019) 393-5938 7e. i llotoiycles 19$2 YAMAHA Heritage 'Special 650 cc, 7,286' 'km., With . windshieldx backrest, $1.200 orbest offer: Phone 3954261:. -419µ21 h. Boat, lli OterS etc ., . • 12 FOOT ALUMINUM boat, trailer, and 3 .112 hp Johnston Motor, Phone Phone .; a. 10. Pots TO ONE AWAY to a goo home a 1 112 year old oleoRetrievelr.,He.hies ail shots.. and as . been, neutered. Phone. ne. 528.0081 after aj1" 'p.m. -,19 M�9. Oaga Horses WANTED - Have your kids outgrown theirr porgy? We. are 'looking, for a. qutet- pony/horse • that would be good with,children. Phone 529-7145.--97-20xc lit Produce - AC IBPAVOR Certified seed beans. Treated 40 bags: Phon 628-2402 or 520- 3618. --13tfar 11 g Equip4 DAi Y: DOUBLE 6 herring- bone parlour complete with. receiver panel, weight bars, automatic take offs, pul- sators, rubber rnatts and 12 -feeders. 500 ft. Patz stable cleaner chain 2 drive units. 85 ft hay mow belt conveyor (Vaimatel) 45 ft bale eleva- tor. Patz stable cleaner for feed, Lucknow feedmixer with weightronic weight scales. Phone 527-0968. 18,19cc 11h. Services ' G'IL.OHRIS.T FARM SUP - , PLY Belting and repairs to: all makes of balers,. swathers, and combine pick ups. Patz sales and service, Lucknow Grain buggies, mixers etc. • R.R. '" 5, Lucknow. • 395-2651; 27tfar TARPS AND . INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS = made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. ;New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540. - 261fg- peouro 12. Real Estate LAKE HURON • Sunsets? New price:: beautiful all brick newer home with circular driveway in small quiet sub- diviision Lake community. 5 minutes south of Goderich just, yards from the beach.. Three.. bedrooms plus. Large eat in.country kitchen with lots of oak cabinets; Two baths;,, sunken living room, large ' attached garage with pit,. main floor laundry, central. vae,elec- tronio air cleaner, down draftstove on atone hearth in large. family room, water softener,' dishwasher, hot tub, black andgrey-Marble look on back deck, beach access, large lot,. very clean and nicely decorated excel-� lent priooi Dail owner: for' viewing at (.519) 524.4476 after 4:30 p.m. or leave message.--18-24nxe .: 2 Roil Rotate 30G A, OAMPOROLIND membership/timeshare? Well take ill AMerioa°s largest, oldest resale clear- inghouse. ''R }sort Sales international 1-800428," 6957. Timeshare rentals nestled'. Can 24 hours a dayA 419 0 100'AORE PROPERTY on: Outskirts of 'Lucknow. 7 acres workable 25 acres bush, also has barn. and 5 year o!rd ranch styli ho rrn. e -with finished. basement, Asking $195,900- Phone 5to-82 -55.024 --18,19' (BUILDiN6 L•TS (Deer Run Estates, 1/2 acre, well treed, fully serviced. Olarke's Homes 395-5454, - -1 Mar B.A. MCDONAGH. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. LUCKNOW 4 bedroom nom close t. downtown, jene 1st ' possession. fr sking $64,900" 531 ROSE ST & 5:ROSE S'. - 2 - 3 bedroom hornes with separate dee'ds. Doable driveway, Asking :$39,900 and $34,900.. HURON TWPO -.25 acre. $26,500. KINLOSS. TWP. _ Fellow brick 3 bedroom home op 26 acres, appy x. 1/2 workable. Reduced to $105,000, PALMIAERSTON ST. - 3 bedroom . red brick bungalow with attached garage with door opener. Built in 1966, new windows, new soffits,`new propane - furnace, Jew roof 5 yrs. old. Make an'offer.. WEST WAVVANOSH` ;50 acres self drained land with approx. 27 acres workable, river crosses the property, 4 SERVICED LOTS 2 on N Delhi St.. and one or Havelock St and one on. Ross St, .40 SEAT RESTAURANT- Newly decorated new roof, 3 lots, equipment included: By highway, priced to sell. ASHFIELD - 100 acres, 80 workable, 20 bush, Targe beef or dairy barn, silo, hog barn. implement shed, 3 bedroorti home, 4 pc. & 2 pc. bath, fireplace: AS FIELD - 75 acres, 70 workable.. Asking $59,000. Oa1f.. Fraser Mackinnon 528-3013 Barry McDonagh 528.2031 14. Vacations • WH1TEWATER RAFTING IN EASTERN CANADA on the famous. Ottawa River based from, beautiful out- door resort High adventure and family packages: No experience necessary. 1- 800-264-7238. FREE. brochure;--19bc is Apts LUCKNOW, - 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, pri- vale entrance $370 per -Monthplus utilities. Available immediately. Phone 37.1847,--48tfar - MODERN, 2 BEDROOM apartment, Cresthavon Apartments, available June 1. $385 per month, plus utile, ides. ilhune 511,0.648-2215 after 6 p.m.-1Otfar 11 Apt*, T o .-MBROOM apartment in Point Clan, tc^oil batbs, • laundry room: living dining room, carpeted, . freshly painted, $450/month '.plr sa: utilitiesk C rJli > ef> , at 096-8444. -,-'184,90 TWO' BEDROOM upper level. main strOat pear,, avail- a..ble immediately, Phone 528.2031.--14tfar t.:AkdE TWO bedroo.ru apartMent. Avaliabie April let. $4001morltb plus utili- ties. Above main street. Cali Paul 528-2411. --14tf GROUND FLOOR, 2 beep room, heated, newly reno- vated; two bedroom upper,. both close to rain street. -- .19&far APARTMENTS .FOR Rent in Listowel, Wingham, Luoknew, MoUnt Forest, and Wroxeter, One - two and three bedrtore. Phone 335-3227 or after 5 p.m., 335°3103•--19tfar ONE EDR QOM heated apartment cn main street; close to d wntown, Available July 1. Phon 528-3948.--19tfar ONE -AND Two bedroom apartments. Newly renovat- ed, enovated. Available immediately No pets. References required,. Phone 39542433. -09tfar UNDER. NEW MANAGE- MENT! Walkerton Yonge St. Apartments has one, two and three . bedroom apartments available for rent.. Swimming pool, garage, quiet exclusive complex, across from Bruce County Building's, OPP, near 'school. Apply , to: • Adrian, Apt; 7, 1012: Yonge St. 881-2790.--13tfcc RENT GEARED to income apartments, in Chilton, Exeter and Goderich, for women and children, who have experienced abuse. Calf Phoenix of Huron 524- 1620, 482-5288, 235-3183. --18,19cc DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new{managerment. Preshty.. painted and reno- vated. Two and three bed- room, 1 inonth free rent.. Available irrsrrredraitely. Phone9w6» 332.- 3tf r• 3 BE-48O0M HOUSE in Lucknow, 'large kitchen, detached garage, large lot, Phone698-2071. --1.8,19 NEWLY RENOVATED, farrr house for rent 4 1/2 miles • northof Lucknow. R:ofol"e.noes .required, no pets. $42$ per month plus 11 00. A -„ply 10 drawer #16 elo The • Luoknow, Sentinel, • Box 400, Luoknow, NOG 2W0. «-1.4tfar; TWO BEDROOM bungalow in,ucknow, 4 appliances included, 15/month plus, utilities. Available lay Cali 'Paul 528.241.1.. 15tfar 24,Commorcial MAN' STREET Store/office space, 400 sq. ft. Available i ri modiatoly. Phone 628- 2001. -14ttar ore For Rent Main Street Luoimow 8s42445 25m Wanted. to Buy OLD BARNS, BRICK HOUSES - wanted to buy. Phone after 2 p.m., 2p3- 5539. —1 ltfgp WANTED - STANDING timer,_ hardwood and soft- wood, oftwood, Cali Alex: Chisholm (519) 529.7606. -- ,1 Ci,19,20cc WANTED TO BUY: Riding mowers, push Mowers, tillers and snowbiowers in ned of rep,iir: Cash paid, PI =asp call 524-1933 day- time or 524-6716 aft :yr5 p.m.--19-23nxe ' . 26. Help Wanted $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1-800-383-3589. 19bc ASSEMBLE CRAFTS in your home, earn up to $12'. per hour, a #9 stamped. envelope brings. details. Assembly work. Box 6, R.R. 6, Goderich, On: N7A 3Y3. Corn. 6.--17-20cc • CONCERNED ABOUT JCB SECURITY? •Above average income •Low investment •Turnkey business •No experience required -Now expanding -Health products/services 1-800-850-1702 HERBAL MAGIC'I''l prim ass eings ammo moo rim oil Om INN oil Resume Rule #4 1' 1. Curiously; most job seekers invest r very little time, mane .or effort when reparing their rresumes. 1' • Daesn�t this document, in mast 1 cases,serve d your i 't contact 1` I asrs., with apotential employer? Clearly 1 then, the overall design, content, I, 1and construction of both your resume and cover letter will play a 1 major role in the effectiveness of 1 1 your job �hiunting campaign. With 1 I so mu lh idtng lin it,'isn't it l impor tant to commit. thie necessary i time, money and effort to this too - 1 •oikedt•i Hared, butcr�tical element .1 of the jobsearch rogram? II With over fifteen years experience:, wo to ;inr'Vi'eW- 1..winnin know how resumescreate send covetering 1 tetters.,Sttudent•Rates Available. 1 For convenient pa ment caI1 1 1 o a or oro yoint- 1 Hartman & Associates i 138 St. David. Street, Gnderich 1 (519) 524.6017 1 1 e !MI rye e , a� es a lto �..no"•, a,i