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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-01, Page 21
11 Fappy bbirthday to Herb and nie Birthday wishes go out this week to Herb MMQQnill:nta who will be 96 OR Friday, May 3. He was hoping to return to his River Valley Apartment from Wingham Hospital on Tuesday. Also celebrating i birthday is Annie 'ie Laidlaw of Maple Breezes who will be 9 on May 5. Congratulations t• each of these seniors citizens. There is some action° taking place with sold signs showing up around town. Brenda and Leonard Komi -wed ..of St, Thomas .. have purchased. the Norte on the corner of Inglis and Hamilton Streets that had been owned by Gary Woodcock. Brenda is the administrator at Pinecrest Mori rLuflOWby LOK aldrM ea. ion and Donna Crich leave moved at Glean Haven Apartments ents into the ap .rt.ient formerly occupied by Donalda Ritchie. Aima Sykes has taken tip residence in the apartment where the Orioles had been livin.. Doug: Cameron of (a1gaty spent Friday and: Saturdaywith his mother, Ihernie Carleton, and other relatives, John Harold Campbell of Kand a ops, .. passed away suddenly in his 67th . year ' ashi1e visit iritg to y Lucknow. Sympathy isextended to 'his mother, Edna Campbell of Pin oiest-:. Manor and other 'rela- tives. II 4 About 40 volunteers at eerest Kilanor Nursing Home were treateed, to .dinner last: week during Volunteer Week Mildred Irwin n (right), a 'P' necrest resident, had the pleasure of expressing everyone*s'Appreciation. Shirley Hunter accepted Mrs. Irwin's thank' you on behalf of all volunteers. (Pat .' Livingston stonphoto) Joe Gallant and Cheryl:', Tyson havelaunched a. Coinmt nication Business." 4 called., of Gailazt .0 C;<artrfl.rxas Q �:,.tio� at their farm. Cheryl : was recently elected: to the Board, sof directors of . uron Business `ev:e.,�dpmen``t orporationn heql's ,daughter Taira. and husband Jeff have recently purchased .a home in .Pu �le Grove. r`p ;.". Bill . an.. ' Joanne i nS,t' tined, xeeetitl: . a e ,ertd>en• � thtee - . .. r 1?vtsittn r7crrith. ; 3oe. months` tou'jrrn and g. and 'Che i•T semi* sightseeing ' n " ustralia. r.' They toured the island b froni dine ' side tc the ether They , also tonged both islands 'of • Tew ` Zealand. hey em oved n beautiful , warm su'miner while°..vt�e lied ilio �alct and snow• Carord'an ', and Nora Robb enjoyed .the visit ori Saturday of N era's tw , siste rrs and : their- jhus� hands. • Residents -`and staff a 'ti ieerest Manor wet. coined Edna.;owan and Sohn Sp vak,�`to .the rijurs- g horne recently• and said goodbye to Freda ,cid who , moved . to t be .e o. ,neon to laser ; to ger ;ally Happy' birthday: wish:- s go :out' this. month to ua S.teer :and Jean eibel. + ecii and Kai Webster visited on Saturday with their old neighbors Elmer . and .Edna ulbert, incaNrdin�e. � t lilting wit ht Kae Webster "on . "Thursday"' was ':cher nephew, Bill MaG flari L n f b e ardine. Fran . and; Mike Cunningham are' .,no �g a� iilant Dental IQ good: tooth -brushing should take: 25 seconds; one m mute, 2-3 minutes, or 10 minutes., Place your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle and tub back and forth gently, Brush all tooth surfaces and your tongue. Brush at least twice a day, espe- cially after meals. Try and brush your teeth for "as long as a song." 1'he . Walrus has ayer of 'blubber: to keep • too s a thin. `warm, e s it eats machor fort camouflage, ;Answer: to .keep Warm. ii airus live in •very cold water, and .their, bliubber insulates them. The Wingham Friendship Group is now in its thirteenth season 'meeting on Thursday . evenings. About 20 students and 12 teacher volunteers get together to socialize, sing, work on Bible lessons and learn about their role in God's world. Lucknow residents Nei Korten and. and Frank Hayden share a spew clal time together. (photo submitted) ,any :peeiai events are . dinned er , the . month; of May starting, up the" i; th with. a. Mother's y l ay come a nd: go. tea to iwliich family acid . ends area ited.' 'i'he thoughts of those a Fineerest axe :-lilt' `the families of arion� Harris and' JeNsie _Kirkland who passed` away recently. BARNY W. 1 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Poo BOX 30 Q Wik«ei AM, v . l��ii_O 2.WO AROWE t31 ,septi i e Sty 357.1522 .3614551 tF . 14964107 Auditing Tax Si -alai -4a 1 L TAYLOR CA E. k H RAYMOND ©.GA, PARRY RED, OA, ti. #sire , Join us f- r an ifai '' motive evening with G Kennedy, the well krte�,wn fur u uiul author 'of` You're Worth Its, one of today's- ,est. %,veil received .investment books, ul will cat through the mystery surrounding the, w •;rid of financial piwrining. �� TUESDAY 14th 45 to 8045 Ooderich Township ornuntty. entre. HOL ESVU L alt gonnody, a�tt/nor of financial advice book 'u "re Nettie ft invest ent Strategic s for :Wonon a° r FoYour.F eeTicket Call: Janiee;.Uuntley, • Anne:Bondy .5274642o • or :52.9131 up: •''oda, • ANNE JANICE� , DOUG BONDY HUNTLEY ELL101 V min. t oft p Cute' back * ain can be. sud d. ,en and.intense owerex the s . � ' :` event -;` ref the pin less° ' +`.onside ab ' . p its- r ly , inor.t a, sh t iriiie and lifter proper „,' treatment : will .. eventuall isap�ear1-Tower►er for . r slime opie,. back pain is an •everyday problem and they simply lean to live with' it., This is the chronic type of hath pa n.. lo� help Xessen the intcnsity'rif chronic' back. pain • - there are a fcv w thinigs yOett 'can true First of AI you can, do yourself a `big favour lang voile aid mattress withby arepiwwcio, a that has "an `extra'; firm sa.pporl. Discuss this with a ehireprae`tor b with.'all'the Sorebacks he sees, he'shoiild be able to ireconiineud. the right, kind of mattress you should; get.lf'yon de not want to invest in a new mattress, for Whatever the, reason, ` try .placing a sheet of plywood under your. mattress.• ixcreisee .• A daily exercise program designed ,to strcttah those aching back :muscles can produce ama°zing results for some people. Again, ;your chiropractor would be an: excellent source far helping yott armacy aet Have Pelle v;, tlmbachPhacriiacy; pain. Orercises Which strengthen the abdominalinurscles cani,be of . .great help.,The exercises most lie done ov+cry 'day' to be :r of any .tiff.-signlificant value. Jose some 'weight to *reduce', the stress on 'your back. Per people who must do a lot Of. driving, one of the specially. resigned rigid lar sets may be of, value. An exauriple of 'these . prnductsis the Obto'`,viii Seat.. These seats are fairly expensive, but may be more than worth, the cost if they provide some ° relief. These seats are po tabic;, so you can ,also, use them in your; favourite chair at home while used are noaterct'rdai' entre.' inflammatory drugs (i'�i'sAIDS)' and' 'iusele;relaxants; Exain'`lcs. 'of NS,AIiss . are.: naproxens ibuprofen and dicloffenae.: This kind of deur is sometimes hard on ;the turnnty. Por people with sensitive stomachs, though, your doctor. tray recti iimend ilial you ''take;the drug: with food or,he may -,prescribe another -drug Which, protects: the stornach,from it* Irritatingcfifects.of: SAl1 Sb An cxa:miple of this kind of protective agent is misoprostol f brand .carne; Cytotec). Sacroiliao auri. ltimbobaeraf .silppoi-ts aid' in the relief aback' 'lisconiiforts and eniconru a :;: prepnr, posture." These, supports r>tay be i•eeoinirtendc+ by your; physician and should '.be fitted • only ,by . people traincds in' this flclelr•Ait improperly fitting support- is of rte. value whatsoever o those of You Who suffer front chronic back problems, ,I liopc tries sugestioits' are of so mc value tc ybii. Your Luek now' P4rnit. aN fists �e develop an +exercise program 'best watching television or reading. "ALVVAYS suited to you. Learning to stand; To help ens., the pain, your At, lift and bend correctly puts doctor may prescribe medication' categories of rte s, Paid Advertisement daily exercises can relieve .or fotyou. TAI 'NG CAM" eliminate a vast amount of bac ' The main c d •