HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-01, Page 18Liteknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 19 1996 — Page 17 4C Coming Events COMMUNITY SHOWER For Lr Alton at Luckncra United GilMil on May16, dessert 7:30 pm. shower p.m. Everyone welcome. -- 18410x AUBURN & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Annual a.ucticnD. orrft and bake sal% FrkiaYp. May 109 Auburn Community Hail. Doors open 6 pm .0 auction 7 p.m. Handley Auctions. For information call 626- 7216 or 626-77504 — 18019cc GYMNASTICS Moms and tots p.m.; junior 6'. a years, 6:0 7:30 p.m.; starting Monday, May 6 for 6 weeks, at Lucknow Central gym. Roster 'first night. Information from 628-2143. --1-6.1ear ' MYSTERY DINNER 1950's Mystery Dinner: Theatre 'Wary Lotto, Mary Lou"- at Blytkfestivat-May 3 & 4. Diriner 6 pm., show 8 p.m. Dinner/theatre- pack age $28; ShoW only116. Cafl5195393OO. -- 1 6- 18ee • THE -MIKADO! ,Saturday,May 110 -P,#,Y,t9rm,•4,nces.at 2:30 and 0- P,k,riizr.0,10,MPA111)q4ki 101; 164 9ICels 0441Y,aric!iit the door. 5for children, 121 and, under. Available from [Myth Pestivai Singer mem- bers. 'Blyth Festival So* Olfiei)c-52349300,--BItiewater' (Mite Supplies11'Wingh4k: Dutch ` Store; lintOn; Campbell's.. Gederleh; Bob and Betts, Variety, Seaforth. i8,19cc 2NDANNUALR RAL BUSINESS FAIR • Friday:and Satijrday;' May • •and atthe Lucknow ))ort0.,covnse An oppor- tunity.for ruralbOsiness.oato deMonstrate protOttetsieer, Creative display:cow • test; Oa, 2210/3937 for .iiitotenatjan,,, SpOneered Ly Lucknovit Bt. 'District . Cbamber of Corrinterce. S111/013TH ANNVAL• FIDDLE AND STEPDANCE SW() I3TH ANNUAL FID- DLE' and. STEPDANCE harripionehipsi tratford Fairgrounds Coliseum,' Stratford, ,June 28 78.0 pm,'June, 29 10:30, a.m., Final -and Show 70O Tickets at door. Advance tickets/camping information 519.27140115.4.18hc• ' • 48 Coming Events LONG TEAM CARE finrOit County Long Term Care Committee plans for long term care seNioes '80r HaStfOR County residents. Next meeting: Wednesday. May (3, at 9:30 a.m. at the OMAFRA Officer, Clinton. Everyone welcome. —18 TEA & BAKE SALE May 11, 2 - 4 p.m. at the Legion Hall. Sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 309. -16,19 141 ANNIVERSARY • at . Dungannon United Church Sunday, May 6, 11 a.m. Kathy Petrie guest speaker. Special- music, Luncheon to folk*. —1748 90TH ANNIVERSARY - Ontario Horticultural Assoc. LuCknOW & District' Hortictiltural Society is hold- ing a Spring Flower Show and luncheon - soup, sand- • wiches and, dessert from 11 aln: to 2 p.m., Wednesday, • May 15 at Lucknow Legion. ' Sake and plant sate. " • Minission COMMUNITY SHOWER The acappella and unique vocal sounds of Educations performing arts program. „,, OW entertained 'senior students at .L.CPS •last Livingston photo) Week ao part of .the Bruce County 'Board.of a for Maribeth Dawson on May 7 At 7:30 pm ,at Dungannon United Church . , • . • AtfivimAGt'SALE‘ Luckn�W Sports Complex. Donatione;'Orte.lnitYO'ceePt..., . ed:'Watetror further tdetails. • .,;718ae• qaP411,P.W'P9ris4fPP'-ao. average of 18•24.,•pound$ Of carrots pr person each yar, r: 2 rrr r • r 'n4 1,11e.e. 1,1 • To enjoy your drive,., Keep your hands a com- fortable distance.aparton the steering wheel and your arms slightly bent. (A helpful 'hint. from the Canadian -Physiotherapy Association) -°.: WHEN IT: COMES TO TREES WEVE BRANCHED out • At Vino) Landscaping we • •' now iv iiof 400 varintles. of,• onade WI': .flow6tin9 • •,. tom, Aionifornup lone. and 61--irOttil)04611141100' vin ovororocit). fruit troco,, And' 'of oouraci Out,: trgiOltion continti6r. of conOotorUly,' ou0orior novice ondluplity 001priOtiliVO ynu • should nnil tifi,itypot wont to tint ovorwnow IOW • SLOGAN/LOGO CONTEST for Lticknow's 140th birth day. Enter and win. See full rules and details In display ad in April 17 Lucknow entinel. —17-21 ar Lucknow rownowide e May 25 !Oration too to ID •your saki on map Info44orglo 5284429 esfrom the health council 1", •itting .•, to:' The Huron Perth District Health Council (HPDHC) will now Submit a proposal to the Ministry of Health for funding to conduct a Hospital and Related Health Service's Study. • The study is intended to exavaine the eionfiguration of the Iffiron/Pertli Distriet's eight hospitals and to develop recoMinendatiOn$ at; to hoW the liOspi tat system might hr restrOetnred to maintain or etthaneo SorViee and aupi Mize efficieneY in Vito of govemmoot funding. cutbacks, Reconnnendations arising from the study will to provided to the 'Minister of licalth. A Task Force has been established by the FIPDIIC and has. bep,uo to meet, At the Aim, 25 Inceting9 eipeCiatoVp Cathy cica, asked how the community should interpret the inclusion of "Related Health Services" within, the study, 040 WAS tOld that while 4110. Task Force has 'yet to identify these services specificakly, it is important for the study to address the impact that restmaturing of the district's hospital system will have onoother healtil services stich as Pat Home Care and physician 'Also disci!ssed. at the meeting was the need to identify various ways to• --obtain- input, from -mNidentsof-the,diS:=7-• - • • • trict into }IPMIC,platining processes, Specific to ,Jong term care. planning, .4 fortrinisIO'bejleld in June to,Consider how' the ITIVUe can best Otain- intuit from ,e0rvico (ttSars of 1()neterni 040 tarvico5, such 'as'nnrsing. Iii) And 'distrjetreSidentSiaawherid, ...0Ora0.t0.01‘.i*cSent04.4Jatntrart thr. findinres.',.:frOM iOnitnimity ttittitions :to'.i•Oentify the 'need4'.-:Ofper7 sons. :Wjtir:Mental 'health- prObJetn. '-,T1.00::COntittne610, Ile a needifOr.*lOne4,. 40r*.1000.:and,'fqr Mentathealtliser0000t4atare.:041lable.':' • '; rrr li,10ir 00.01.,f4011itY/- 3'10 7;'.and 7 to 9 pan; 09r1fO1id4y.i.J00049,All.,are..We4r, corne401)0010vents,;;.,:i':,: mitritipitt;ron rAly„.,,,emettroomkkohpiesvi LET'S CLEAN UP OUR TOWN! 'P.A1)00 I 4 #011101*14,4 6-12 ki akiI ifirAlirk wit iltiltH tyl fr.44,,Aft#, ALL SEATS $4.. MON. TO THURS.