HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-01, Page 15May 1, 1996 weidoesit"'Y' " Senti"1 page 141 - Luck° 1. For Sale 170. Riles Vehicles ilAVC 'YOU A GOOD RN. unit for sale. Let us suit it for you. Good highway expo- sure. flolis Trailer Sales, south of Grand Bend. Phone 619-243-3824. 18,19ce USED REFFIlLIERATOR wthiktittteOriditiOni can el' 'Phone 629-768-1. --18x NEED A RESUME? Professionally prepared, laser printed on quality paper. $16,00 for 6 sets We keep your resume on file in case you need changes Of updates at a later date. Cali us or drop in M details. Thelucknow Sentinel, 528-2822.-04tfrix— STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILD- INOS..,°Reck Bottom Pricesl° Manufacturer Direat High Sidewalls. 2,5 x 30 $2,588.00. 30 x 44 $4,906.00. 35 x00 $7,977.00. 40 x 04 $9,088.00; 46 x 78 $14,444.00; *theft. Ends OPtional. Pioneer 1-800- 668-6422. -.18bc • SAWMILL $4895. Saw logs. Into boards, planks,. beams. ,Large capacity. Best -sawmill value anywhere. 'FREE infonnation.: 1.800- _665.6899. Silvacrift Sawmills, 6625.Ordan Dr., B.2, •Mississauga, Ontari0 L5T IX2 Ube 100% CUSTOiltii SATISFACjoi ClitiADAr$ #1 hlOWLER DEAtER 11h., Services • TRAILERS* PARK MODELS STII WHEELS HARDTOPS -posier 'Conquest 4IyAinel - +Womble -Suricarriper Hitches, Truck Carks„ Noviauseti 3 years tri Plistnes9 Wpc,,C)MT 6:014 Saiti'RentliSieiViCO3,10 tiWY.• 4#8,1 1 rn West of Stratford (51%393-5938 • GIs LCHHiST FARM SUP- PLY - Betting and epair to all makes of balers, swatiters, and combine pick ups, Patz sales and service, Lucknow Grain buggies, ffiriXefS etc. H.R. 5, Lucknew. 390-2851. 27tfar TARPS AND- INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma •industrial . Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540. 26t1g- peow •t CUSTOM CORN planting,, till and. CE)twootional 028. 2423. —18. 2. Yard Sale MULTI FAMILY yard sale South- DelhiSt., West, Lucknow May 4th, 8.a.M.to ? Toys, boOks; hoUsehold Items, Bargains galore.. -18x oriole:Sal* • VVALKERTOIsl INDOOR, Flea market reopens, May 4 -forthe season. Locatedtop, 'of east hill. r.,18ce TEESWAtER, 57 Brownlee St.; Ma '4, 0"a•rn: ? House Sold, Moving • sale.--18 • " 5, r .1987:Pc)NTIAG AQADIAN :door auternatic, excellent :Conclitiee throughout. Only . . ,. • ,. ' 84,000 eriginal krns. $2,800 - . .• . .' ai-` is, :$3„000 certified or' 4 , heSt:cffet Call Goderiett , , 624-2702 '--14-10nxe • ',' -,.."'. ,,,, _ l ' :-. 1969 &et IVIUSTANG, 104 Pets 111, Wanted • to fliont BLOND FEMALE Cocker Spaniel puppy. lst shots. •Phone 396.2733. -.lex 100, Horses WANTED Have your kids outgrown their pony? We are looking .for a • quiet •pony/horse.that would be good with, children.' Phone 629-7145. —17-20x° 110w ILIIVOStOC 100-2.00 ACRES OF ravel •land. •Phone 619-352-3379, •'or 3524733 ask for Norm. 47018 • ; PASTURE .VVANTED fo'r 40 head. ehone 395-5691. , 17,18 -• , . • • o , , ' 12.•:000" .Estate*.. OLimNoEt'is31;:lYeEbAurt;lehlrde.eByloaacrk. timausine,-bulls`,"14H •prospect show calves' r heifers 'and, Steers, '-pall Dennisior Doug 395-53 • NEWBORN 250 lbs; dairy • or beef calves, Pickedu'P-at the lood,•• Produce: , AC BRAVciiii certified seed beans. Treated 40 bags. '• Pnone. 628-2402 or.528-' 0618, 7f13ffar, VVAN,TED 'GltIASS and standing !bane '028". 3624. -17,1 , „ 6 speed,. tilt„ cruise, power . windows and- door locks4-4 hatth back, power- moon roof. Call after: 5 p.m. PriOriF .528-23274• . . • 1087 CUTLASS OIEHA tor-. parts BodYin'.good tion and sornq new parta. • 'Asking $500. or best offer.. ,Call62-17i..1.,18,1L0)( • . ; • • - 1983 BOCK .SKYLARK , rens 'welt -'body' needs. werke.-$850 as is. 'Phone' •'528-3436. --18,1,0ar:... • :_„ • r 70, Rec, Vehicles .1993 TERRY vio 5th whee• l trailer A/C, awning, roof *rack, A-1 cooditiort $15,495; 1994 SUZUKI King Quad ATV, 4 wheet shaft drive $5,000 o.b.O. Phone 620- - Equip. 905'0ASE DAVID BROWN tractor, diesel, good celicli,7 Ion, orange engine. Phone .305-3543. DAIRY: herring-,, • bone parlour Complete with receiver panel, weight jars„ :auternatic take offs, Put': sators, rubber rnatts and 12 fet3ders. 500 ft. Patz :stable, cleaner chain 2 drive units. 85 ft hay mow belt conveyor .(Vairnatel) 45 ft bale eleva- • tor. Patz'stable cleaner for feed, Luckriow feed mixer with weightronio weight cles. Phone 627.0968. 00' 18,19ce CASE 310 small dozer with • blade $4500; 460 Nufield with hyd. loader $2800 take • trade. Call 519-848-2753. -- • 7619. —16-17x, 18-20nx mcc GOT CAMPGROUND Membership/timeshare? We'll ',take iti America'S • largest, oldest resale clear- inghouse, Resort Sales Internatiooat 1-800-423-0 5976.Tirneahare rentals neded Call 24 hours' a • de ,"186 BA McDONAGH RF AL ESTATE INSURANCE LTD LUCKNO bedroom nome-cioseto downtown, June lst PosSessiOri.,: Asking $64,900. 13TROSS'ST-8i,533#00g.. ;1*!,; 3 homes with Separate •••..,' deeds. pottble dthieWay.-..Asking, :•klURON",TWP,f.:;.:06'aCte $26,500. Kilkl.LOSs brick ..horite,on 26 acres approx. :1/2 .. ,,wor able. Fleducpcf.... to , 10,000., ...PALMERS1'64 SY. a... 1)edroOth brick bungalow with: attached garage -,Operier, 'Suitt inc,1055, new ,wind6WS, new soffits, heW propane urnaCe; ettaW reof.5. yrs. old.' Make art offer. WESTWAWANOSH- acres -self drainedland with approx. 27 acres, Workable, riyeferOssestheproperty; 4 SERVICED LOTS a ori DelhiN. St and one oh Havelock St. and One on Floss St. 40 SEAT RESTAURANT Newly doccuated ,noW robf, 3 lots,- eguipmerrtincluded. Sy highway, priced to so. ASHFIELD -10o aeres, 80: workable, 20 bush, large beef or dairy barn, 'silo. kHu barn, Implement St.100, 3 bectrooro home, 4 po. & pc, bath, fireplace. ., ASHFIELO 76 acres, 70 Workable.Askino$59,000... , Call Fraser MacKinnon 5284013 Barry McDonagh 528-2031 12‘ Roe, Estate ill LAKE HURON Sulisets, New ptice beautiful ail blick hot -tie Willi clar driveway in sinall quiet sub- divisiori Lake community. 5 filtriutes south of Goderich just yards from the beach. Three bedrooms Large eat in country kitchen with lots of oakcabinets. Two baths, sunken living room, large attached garage with pit, Main floor Two pEurii.OM upper laundry, central vacpelec- ,evel, main street. Available 'ironic air Cii3a,nert CiQW" immediately. $326/month draft stove on stone hearth plus utilities. Phone 628. ill, large family morn, water2140 a- fter e softener, dishwasher,. hot tub black and grey marble look on back dook„, beach access, large lot, VerY.clean and nicely 'decorated exce3. a a A AA IA, A I I•, lord prioet oall owner for Townhouses in iiinca,rdine,... viewirig at '(019):624-4476 after 4:30 p.m. or leave itinde'r new management' Freshly 'painted and jeno•. rriessage.«.1-8.24nxe 100 AcRE pRopesTy ,on vroaciterild;,:flivi fnooantitdh tihrereee rbeent . - outskirts of.:Lucknow.. 76 Available, immediately acres workab e 25 acres . , phone 396.9332,, 04tfalo bush, also has barn and 6 . year aid ranch style honrie• 11(1 'LUCknOYY, large kitcherl, with finished basement..., Asiditg $196 900 Phone. - detached girag-P;:large 1°11 519.623.5572 .48,19 P; TWO.. ;BEDROOM..108 14. Vacations•to -duplex. avadable * 'May 16,!;Large kitchen and WHITEWATER :RAFTING living : room,. . 4.. piece IN EASTERN:CANADA:on- bath gas 'heat alleondi-, the faMous. Ottawa River ,tioned;.- „.,sundeo15. with based.from beautiful out *,.'enclipiedyarg... '0411..unfiro; doer resort. High adventure Jetted A•dry-, basement with , and 'entity,. packages,: No ,‘,.poseibititieS.;..$ingle,parking. ,,spple0,07,0eholdoeea,la.toe9r;7re4tiiroed,,locaPyLlo',* „ • • . breehtire.18tic,2: • tyttispage„--18.,19cp,::, • - . , TIE0c:441"Eariarill •. house for rent.2 '1/2 miles LUCKNb:W '0 r 0 efeien-aafetOrP0);19.,-, 17. Apts. 26. Help Wanted UNDER NE vv NIANAGU- MENP Walkerton Ifonge ApaitiTionts has orie, two and three bedroom apartments available for rent. Swimming pool, 9ara9e, quiet exclusive complex, across from Broca County Buildings, OPP, Jlear school. Apply to; Adrian, Apt 7, 1012 Yonge • St 881-2790. -.13tfcc HOMEWORKEHS, EARN Up to $S0Orweekly giving away audio tapes to friends and neighbors. Send *9 stamped envelope for details. Smith's Honiewo Box 99, 'Dungannon, On. NOM 1R0. '1720c ASSEMBLE OR FTS your horne„ earn up to $12 per hour, a *9 stamped • envelope brings details. Assembly work. Box 6, 14.8. Goderich, On. NM 3Y3, • Com. 6. --17-20co COACH 11E04)111ED for Tee€water Figure Skating Club. •Apply to H.R. • Teeswater, NOG 280. For • ,information cal1.392-6413. . 17,18x FRANCHISE SALES, • FRANCON CONSULTIN6 LiNwrED. Sells Franchises • for'National acdounts Eam $100,000+ potential inoorne • selling and sitting! if you can 'sell, we 'want yout Fax resume (416)236-0894.- • 18bc • ' FULL TIIVIE. largeappliance ..• ..•- service technician required * Vehicle and sorne tools sup- • plied. 'Apply to Walter's Horne Furnishings,' Box. 238, 'Shaunavon, SK, SON 2M0. Fax '06-2973400. • Maker4-16t of money - chocolate bars•I‘few...T.:.pro. uc'ts - available. .Nothing t� pay in advance. Fast deliv - KATY'S CLOSET1'A 100% tANAt5IAN'131REdt:::eareS g round`floorapaplus able ladies' fashions needsrtment, Pr Pit8*$42sper ',month - vateontrarce$37PehdraAP1lt°raer #16 co-ordinators in your area. utilities.nonthpuseor6'Le(r°ntnI1Er"°• 4commission. F°voiiaoiDec:1.fonsox400likoNbGfree °chlr6411519-75657.1847,'-45ff , 44z810be,aoo11tr ..TWO BEDROOMapartment' L°u'1i• BEDROOM bungalow •in .Poirit Clark, .two full in -4 appliances ethos -laundry reerh,;..ifohig & dining. room, • utilities. .Available May 1. freshly painted, $450/month Call Paul 528-241 t--iStfar 396844418,19cci at RM- HOUSEtor rent pitik ' • • • •.$6,7or poi.Mt:onto 4 bed-. • .. • TWO BEDROOM upper,'recast, garage. North. West level, Main:street rear,avall- of moswatef, Phone 519- abie Mav 1 1496' Phone 666-7818 or 819-336:6681. 8-2031. --14tfar • —16-18co Available April 16t._ $400/Month'plus utili- ties. AboN;to main Street Bali ONE ANDTwo bedroom apartments .• Newly renevat- AVailableiirmediately . • NO: pets. °Re'fererices required Phone 305-2433. -00tfir •• • FitjNIT GEARED to :income • aPartrifents," Exeter. and Goderich, for • women and children, who have experienced abuse; • :Call Phoenix of Huron 64- 1620, 482-5288, 2364183. • .4851.9cc MODERN 2 BEDROOM, apartment, Cresthaven 4 Apartment% available June 1. $385 per month, plus util- ities. Phone 619-848-2216 after 6 p.m. --letter , • 4 r MAIN, Store/office spice, 400 sq ft, Availabie. Iminediately. PhOrie 628- , 2631, -141far., , 113usiness LEASING - DANCE Bar • Hotel andliestaurant or Just Restaurant,' Turn Key 2°6P2e-21:43t114°.°20117treencl4 sal5:1 ARE YOUR -ASSETS pro., teoted?,We-invite you t� lis- ten to, the most extraordith ,nary and'powerful wealth btiliding -opportunity in Pief, 'world end livithilY a few•Min- etes, yOU Will aotuallY hear ' .how you can make profits of • $10,000 Within-the:next 30,." :.'daysJA rnancial strategy. ' • 1.0ox more pOWerful those MLM or any other besiriess where yitki are paid directly:. • and daily andyou hover have to leave Your home. .Wo offer a persortal'finan•- Oial program unlike ariythirig • else, in the world and have corribined it with the meet ingenious and most power- ful income and profit struc- ture aver devised! Onco in a lifetime an extraordinary opportunity present S itself!' •Please fax your name and telephone number today 1- 800-461-0542 or det11 519- . 527-1883. --18cc gs. Wanted to Buy • OLD BARNS; BRICK HOUSES - wanted to bey. Phone after 2 P.rrf., 233 6639„. ..11tigp WANTED TO BUY red or;: colored soup hens,' banties, pigeons and ducks. Phone 357-2706. --16-18nx WANTED STANDING timer, hardwood and soft- wood. Call Alex Chisholir (519) 529-7606. -- 18019,20ce