HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-01, Page 13u I Lutinow Sesitinet Wedues4ay9. May13 1:498 - rage 13 ,ct*ssing4 52t; 2822 01.. Articles for Sale OZ Yard Sale O3. Garage Sale • • 4 " 04. Antiques . 04a. Crafts OS. Cars,fOr Stde 96. Trucks for Sale .$Poicii;$ ..„1ECBEiVTION. - • 7a. For sale General 7b. Wanted to Buy 7c. Wanted to Rent 7d. Bicycles le: Motorcycles 7I Snowmobiles ' 7g. Rec. Vehicles „ 7h. Boats, Motors etc. 7.T. Service & Part•s 7K. Swimming Pools 08. Computers , 10. 'Pets, ,• lei. Horses FARMMARKUT' 11a. For sale General 111). Wanted to Buy • • Ile, Wanted to Hire lid. Empl. Wanted lle.• Livestock ilf. Farm Produce, • 11g. Equipment 11h: Services 1.11.Farm-Land ilk. Real Estate, 111 Wanted to Rent lim. For Rent 12., Real Estate. 13. Mobile Homes • 14. Vacations 1,6. For Rent • 17., Apart.tnents • 18. -Houses for Rent 19a. Bed & Breakfast 20. 'tom & Board 1.ommercial ;- 24. Wanted to Rant, 25. Wanted to Buy - 26. Help Wanted. 27. Wanted General 28. Business Opp 29. Tenders 30. -.Empl. Wanted 31. Servke Directory 32. ilabysitting 33. IVItstellaneous 34. • Personal 35. 'LegaiNotiees 6. Annoulierments 37, Mortgages 38 ;Auctions 39. Educational 40. 1,4°st &Found 41. To Give Away 42. Obituaries 43. Births 44. Engagements 4S. Marriages 46. InMemoriam 47. Card of Thanks 48, Coming Events ' 11 But Trite We11. III issues Sell it in 143,- or it another 40411/ FMB III a Drop irito our office any Thursday with your word' ciassiiied, (maximum 25 words) and pay only 3.25 (paid in advance). That's.$1 .00 ott regular rates, • For Salo FIREWOOD - Dry and greenhard reaPlac, ash wo &i slabs. Cut to -stove length. Deliver'''avail- able by the truck load. Call 524-7104 or. 1-000.727. 9171d (long distanee). after 6 p.m. - 51trgp THE. LUCKNOVV SENTINEL Is, available at the following locations out of town: Holyrood Geneial Store': Flipley Superior Market; Dawson's Store, Dungannon: MacNays,., Store, Amberley; Triangle Discount, GOcierielY Wingharn ' Stationery, Wingharn, MatAdam Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert General Store, and Keith's Repair $4rvice; Whitechurch, 9tfnX • WE WILL be at the Lucknow Sales Barn every Wednesday with 8 - 10 lb, boxes of cookies $6.50,: also other specials, --16-19. C.IUEENSIZE MATTRESS • and pine boxsPring set! New! Premium 30 year war- ' rarity, Quality' -Quilted, - padded iuxury fabric; cover! Comfortable, hint, orthope- dic, 608, coitsprings! Bargain $395, ..(Value $700).. Delivered! Call (519) 651- 6076. --18tfcc STORESHELVING, show,. cases, slatwall • and acces- sories, grid displays, man- nequins, peghooks,' and more. Steel shelving and pallet racking too! Outfit • your,store and warehouse and save $$$. Lovers New Lised„ 200 Adelaide St. S London. 1-800-265-6699 .- 16-20cc WOODSTOVE & FIRE PLACE glass, will not break from heat. Cut to any size or shape.. The Chininey Sweep's Stove Parlor & 4GliatfinteberYPnit'lx°°.' 1 For Salo Pick uw your copy of TliE LUC KNOW SENTINEL at any • of the ,following Lucknow busnesses: -:Beckers Milk,' Bell's ,Disconnt; LucknoW Village Market, Limbach Pharmacy, -Know Service 'Centre and 62ti ONE YEAR olitlayieg bona for sale, $1, pach..Phone. 6204406. -.17,1000'„ i9 t CUBIC FT, e es eek- er„ 30 day' money back guarantee; Arnana microwave oven, (it. ip old,' • but works like new).$60 0.11v,Phcme. 5203600., , 18-19 • ,GARDEN, SEEDS - seed potatoes, onion sets, sweet corn:, Yellow and green. beans, peas. Holyrood General Store 395-5062. ..,movING, SALE lawn furni- ture, table, chairs, toaster oven, padded recliner, lawn ohairs, two ,sheds, 3 - .•• wheeled bicycle, 18 - speed bicycle, books, tri -light lamp, umbrella tree with pots. 524-8$59:, -:1800 • 1995 DEMO MODELS in wood and propane at fan- tsawsteic;*.pStove prices,TParlour eerhiolmuni a,eY Gallery, 2 km, west -of Tiverton on Inverhuron Road. Phone, 368-5274. -- 17-19cc CEDAR TREES, any size Up to 5 ft. for hedges and wind breaks; also cedar Posts,. Call Andrew • .Johnston 395-5231. --letter 1 al For Sale TELESOOPEw••45 Mercury outbOard; 'antique :tele.. phone; plate collection:, V. Palekh,'Heiniich„. Iniperial, Chingqe-Chen; • Purple Martini and bat houses. Call ave 395-4840. KRANENBURG'S BUTCHER SHOP 612 CamPOeil St. LUCKNOVII 528-2242 Bruce Packers Head. 479 Cheese I si Beef Heart at 4 Tongues • I * lb. Beet Chucks Cut R. wrapped 80 ib,aVg. . 111, I • For Solo CONFIDENTIAL TYPING The Lucknow Sentinel does oonfidential custom :typing for customers; reSurne's„ letters etc. We can offer you a number of different print types and siies. Call our office' or drop in for more details. --Stfrix " • MOOSE, I3EAFI, fishing and smaii games licenseknow available at the Holyropd General Stoke. .18a) „ pn) YOU ItNOW IF YOU MY A NEW itviA1T4Ess BEFORE CHRISTMAS PAY NO GST AND,RECEIVE FREE A NEW ROLLER FRAME CitiE FURNITURE Hwy. 21, G. GOOERIOH 5244231 CLASSIC UPRIGHT piano and bench, dark finish $400. • Phone 395.6592 after t„ p.m...17,18 'HOUSE AFITiCLES' freez. wall Unit, Kerosene heaterqueen size water bed with heater,;. Phone 527- 0968...18,19m • STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES 'Steel Straitwall Type -.not • quonset 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,2330 5000 $200443, 60x126 $310314 other sizes a.vailable misc. clearance. Paragon -24 his -1400-263.8499. 1 , OFIGANIC BEEF, apple but- ter, wool blankets` available now. Community Shared° Garden vegetables. Sign up irrirnediately. Lamb, Ducks' -order for fall. Meetirtg Place Organic Farm, 519-528. 2493. ..17.20xo WATERBED IVIATTRESS- ES Waterbed Fleplacement Foam Maftress: Special .10° thickness! Firm density, Soft.ConVokite 'both sides! Quilted fabric covere, **Single: $246. • **Super Single' $326. "Double:, $345. **Queen: $3954. **King: $465...We make your waterbed enjoyable! • Free area delivery! Visit "Primetime Mattress." Hwy #6 North, FerguS, at the Fergus Market , (The FoundrY). weekonds - p.m.)..Shop by phone anytime: (619) 661-60754 letfcc 1, For Sale COMPUTER TABLES and entreS, -officc. desks and =chairs, .tables, filing. cabi- nets, storage shelving, and More. Large selection:of quality used and new in stock. Outfit your office. and save $$$. *Lovers, 200 • Adelaide St. S., London, 1. .- 80Q-265.6699. Delivery. available...16.20cc CUSTOM FAXING Need to send or receive a fax? The Sentinel does ,eus- toimoefa:Eint.ogEfoTo r:ciimofetomLiseresd..,... Orop io or call 528-2622 for details.-41tfnx w „ appliances, fridges stoves, vvathers and dlyers.,All ser- * viced and 'including a war- ranty. Call, Modern Appliance Centre, Hanover 364-1011. -61 tfgp ESPECIALLY FOR Mother's Day - Hanging flower baskets now avail- able at Holyrood General Store, --18ar THE LL/Ci<NOW SENTINEL „ has the following ,papers 'available in our office On „Wednesday. Goderich °Signal Star, Kincardine News, Walkerton Herald Times, Clinton News Record, ,Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Expositor.' 16tfrik • " WHY HAVE A YARD 'SALE? Call us. We buy it alt. Antiques. Furniture, Coins, etc.. No fuss No. Muis, Call 519-363-0213. -- 49tfcc • • • - • - LOSE WEIGHT • 'Without 'dieting 1001°. all natural, safe. Simple to Use, no Counting calories, no workouts, no pills, inexpen sive. ,REALLY WORKS:Call ,• Marianne • Bollinger, Dungannon 629-71307. ..17., 20cc GRAY'S', PtFIENNIALS • opening May '4, karool OILIMP6 Of- SPOOtid 'y6ar plants grown n the field. Over 150 variotieS avorites.and ore types. NO hot 2,hollsO sPodifriens. 'These planta have .wintered in Bruce 'bounty and like it! , Bring us a sketch of your . flowerbed and wt, will help' you design a showpiecrf(ne extra 'charge). Gift certifi..'. cotes available' for Mother's Day . Location 3 miles west of Walkerton onKincardine highway. Hour S weekdays after 430 p.m. a day on weekends. 881.1522; .. 10m