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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-01, Page 9
spring despt it must be spring C Qa if it w+ cs snowing the night of the last card party of the season at Puri& Grave Community C iteea Rita• and Jack i afford here the high score pri?v win- ners. Prizes for the most lone hands went to Mildred Burt and DJ r flald_enby> Marjorie Thompson and Kay Thacker visited ria Niel l son r t the mal color House during ,the ° week. Marjorie, Marie and Man C iffin' visited with Nancy And Rob Cumuli .g of ,lir ElgitrowSatuiday. Irene ;and ,Francis .. {yle attend d ` 4 Church Rally nay. London on the week - endo Purple Grove Isabel Brook lead a good visit with her sister Doueida MacDonald in Goderich on Tuesday. Visiting recently With Fran and Jim Tali •and family ily were Caroline, Rob and Mariah Farrell of Guelph. The Logtenberg,family visit- ed sit -ed with the Fri on Sunday. Prod and Jim ° t with Ilene` :rad. Arnold- 4nd'family Friday •night. Visiting wit'h'' Marion• mble on the' weekend tut': , i* Sentinel, We* esda , . ,19'` Page 9. the snow woe her sis- ter- in-law is-terrain-law Evelyn Smith of Amherst-. Verrtice and Kea- Price of Esse'. Congratulations to all the participants in the Music Festival in Walkerton. Katherine Collins entertained tire MacGil- livray family to celebrate 'latthew'z 1 I th birthday. The annual meeting of District 8 of the Horti- cultural or iqcultural Society was held in Hanover n Saturday. Frau Farrell,. lett; MacLeod and Edna Stanley .were some i. f the gals attending from t6 r- Another SIlgQ of spring is the starting of 4 - Clubs. The Sheep Club held their start night at Kathy and Anita Reacts horaao. The Food f'as't clubs had their initial. eetin ag tlae CUM -0 on Thursday night. The leaders are Lynn Jewson. and Marilyn Moulton for the Ripley area, and Donna Bridge and hone Maclnnes for tiao60 who wish to meet on Monday Visiting with Muni McGarr during the week were Dianne and Wayne u of .Clan, Anne and Mary Anne visited with Isabel Br ole one evening, Lucknow Presbyterian Church • 1 23 Anniversary Sunday May 5tk 1996. Guest Speaker: Rev. Allah ar Special Music 11:00 5 o Berke: Sister /',ct . Three 7:30 05m5 Service: Elaine Ras and Tom McLean Morning r is 11:00 aim. Evening 7:30 porn EVERYONEWELCOME • cal Michael 'Vitali WW1 0. silver. medallioit at the County Science Fair in Walkerton with his: •pro- ject ' :of "Star Gazer,.96." At LCPS • he won first place in the senior cate- gory. Congratulations :. Michael `Then to keep the coal,, gratulations . rolling, in the same family, Taylor Mali place second in Grade.. 10 level of the annual • .math contest held at EE. Angela feel daughter . of Wayne and Laurie, sang . •a solo ..at the idwestern:. Ontario Rotary,.Mosier Pest valr' Angela placed a first in nor class of Grade ' iso Jessica."Ciilehrist sang a solo. Good work r • girls. Chuck and. Margaret McMann and fa y of Cal ' were lrogle to. visit With Margaret's family, , Brian old .:Al ce Doelman and Ed and `Karen : McGugan and family. There was a familygathering and dinner, at the . home of her 'brother, Gerald, and Alice and :family,, on' Monday' Congratulations. to ►avid .and Nx.C. Clark of Tottenham ,ob Tthe bah of theit son James.". Tuts is thefirst 'grand- child for Donna.. Beef Calf Club jibe, organizational. ,etio for the LucknoW Def !half: Club, was held on Apr.. 17, at Trinity Church.: Leaders. are Bryon Black, Greg. Hackett, Leroy Drennan and Don Alton. Officers are: 'President Doug Johnston, Vice President Sandra Alton, Treasurer Doug : Helm, 'ecretary Lee Drennan,- and . Press Reporter Kathryn .#.ton, Discussion on how to choose a calf for first yearn. members, `; and what weight category• they. should be dal took place. The 2nd ,meeting. was field ion Apr 23 • at; the home of. Brent Black. The group headed to the ham to judge Open breed- ing .Heifers and ,market. 'hogs. Brent Black gave' the, official reasons. for the ;° heifers and Terry Dalton gave the official reasons for the hogsq .. ' After judging. We went to the: house to go.' through tlie meeting in our books. Meeting two was entitled. "A Tale of Four. Stomachs." We dis- cussed iscussed the four stomachs and their functions, and. also the different parts for .a beef animal. A 'retfrom tbc:: Winghar area will be coming to the May 2 meeting to discuss vacci- nations for our 4-H ani- trials. at Her Like a Queen On Her Speefai Day SAVE ; •° Denim cv Two pe. Dress Sets Clearance 'Racks - up to Spring t Summer., Fashions arriving daily lizabeth ickie visited on the weekend with >Denver`;. olid Brenda J►ick a {and. Tamil at button litautreotottitsCtilljpiete 11 [NO s�l&Mdd d. m EIf)g .& © Vans. Pk ►p Tnwks tl w ��yMonthly 1,Wr niptnsu�gentals• m 11 .More Q maid free l)elirre.ty 11 ®e itsk about our fill [s , transportation service11 ® . .Ell 111 in‘ ® CAR & RES- ninivisioncof ettxxst Perth 3500' Huron Ill, (Diel al CALL Cil?tisk for Uel n ti 5248347 In know Cominunity Sunday, May 5, $1000 Winner Pat vii ncardine community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m : Bingo stem at 7:15 p.m,. Kelsey Smc lenaar$ 1 xl 1 SYearays 0199d Brett, Courtney 'May 1,1991 . 5 Years OldC Julie Phillips May 2, 1969• -, 7 Years, Old. icole Berry may 21 3Years Old Jamie Johnston. May ,2,19 • 4 Years Old Susan Quay May 4,190 11 Years Old Darren Van Dyke May 5, 1987 9 Years Old Brander' Carruthers May 6,1986 10 Years Old Cameron i �Jison May 6,, 1994 2 Years Old Ail merchandise reduced by the amount equal to the P.s.T &.G:s.T. d To M HWO WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE 881362.6:' WALKERTON Highway #9 and Industrial Road SALES • SERVICE