HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-01, Page 8U=d6=IME rattle 8 Lir ktiew Set :ttn t Wednred,e ' May .1,199 o THIS WEEKEND SATURDAY RDAY — 9 AM RIGH SCHOOL NAT1ONAIS Opento ate students Giant Trophies to Winning Schiool & Winning Driver Contests - Awards ANY STREET LEGAL CAR SUNDAY .— 2 pin THUNDER SERIFS q.. plus HAUGH TIRE/PAilt°S'AUTUMARINE PRO CONT' SERIES #1 Quick 10:- Fastest of the Fastest! GRAND marORPLEX 3 of �m . E. Beach the e h 238 -RACE hat a`J ALAS i$INtEj. �Caut�•:� ��tFw"ru�u 872,00d. Ste Miler 02. Renovated 0 bedroom wit garage, WeU treed 02 1 C 132 Col 2 A 6 & - Spacious 4 bedroom house SO E. D2..'&. 20 x 48 died. Aehficid $119,000. $34,900„ Olyoo St Three bedroom, c?au ie Oct, garage, LUCM4ow 24 x :00 frocrao. hod, 802 80 M, $24,000. BUNGALOW _ 2 bedroom, 20 x 30 shed, $49,000. HAVELOCK a 4 bedroom, garage, new kitchen, good family home( 4 YEAR. ell Bungalow in LucknoW on 1acre tot; move ars condition. $49,900 a bedroom, 10 , . storey new kitchen, era, waited, Victoria St WHEELER ST, Q 3 bedroom house on, ►illd. $69100.0, 9s ACRES : a bailees, 4 bedroom. house, barn, $129,900, ,: GOUGH St 4 bedroom with garage and family roomy $74„900. DAIRY A 149 aures, 30 ties, 3 bedroom bungalow, 130 workable, Kinross Twp, 100 ACRES 30 workable, fieldstone house, beef born, shed. Kinloss rwo. ELGIN" ST - 3 bedroom,' 12 storey with garage, oil heat, air conditioning, $84,900: FARM "PROPERTIES WANTED tilt AMPOYE S WOULD Olt LIE 74 MYi K rL The War An7ips LUCKNOW MINOR BASEBALL SCHEDULE Home Games h f iriSMeR Ball Pari Tuesdays -7OORM. M- QVLTQ May 28th vs, Clinton June 4th vs. Listowel Jun 26th vs, Exeter? July 2-nd vsoGoderieh July 9th vs.. Mitchell July 15th vee Deshwood AO►, Hume_Os ngennon 7130 PPM, , Tues�� Mel 7th'vs� L iiowol l t Tueal Mey 14tH ve. Cilnton Tues., May 21stvsa Sty MAry fuee., May 28th vs. Mitchell Wed., May 29th vs. Exeter 1. Tiles, June 4th vs. Exeter l Tues.„ June faith vs: Listowel Wed., . July .10th vs. Goderich `fires., July 16th vs. Doderich l Tues., July 2 -rd. ve. Listowel l MIPGV Home. Games .• Dungannon Thursdays 7:00 P.M. May 30th vs. Mitchell June 6th "vs. t ietowel June 20th vs .List wel June 27th vs. Goderloh July 4th vs'. Exeter July llth vs Goderich July 18th vs, Clinton. July 25th vs. Dashwood Birthdays • Anniversaries • Graduation Because good tittles deserve special notice,, place a, "Happy Ad" and watch haw fast the word spreads, HAPPY ADS from 521.00 plus G.S.T. To ,Alice your happy message, call 28-2822 Birthdays • •4111111'('! s(ll i('s • ,1'll(iiflil ion rAllitoujity Council Clieddoor gayer ,laktt i'Bttersou Lvety month when iii110,11 County Council discusses the disposal of the old library headquarters in Goderich, the 551110 EnotiQn As passed "that the Warden and Clerk -Administrator pro- ceed as directed." Nothing is revealed about who will purchase the building, nobody is ceillowed to knew how 'much money 'the .county will gain from the sale. ,It's call very secret. The lights in the council charnnber are on, but the councillors and the tax payers are left sitting n, ? the dark. At Thursday's meeting of County Councils .however, twA councillors stood up to say the e °unty should be more open with its decisions and: more accountable to the publico. Couna.. Tom Cunningham from Hullett .Twp. saidthe frequency If closed sessions is hung the image of the council and should be addressed. • Cttnnagliam said he. realizes certain: things like the competitive sale of prop - city and some personnel ersonnel, matters have � to be discussed in closed sessions, but despite the fact legislation is quite spe- cific. regarding what things should be discussed in the :public eye, he 'felt .the county government needs fo.take a. look at bow it informs the public aboutthe. decisions it makes. "The e . Public acre";getting the" erre - 1� P F tion that we are working behind closed doors,"' said Cunningham'.. Under' ` the current system Cunningham said county decisions stay hiddei., for sb .long that by the time decisions are trade public, the Ilssues are long forgotten; Warden will Clifford told (oun. Cunningham. that his ,request for a ;review of the, closed session policy would ceriairibi.be taken under advise,,. rnent. t 1,:cllow h this particular situation it (the sale of the library headquarters) seems to be, dragging on," saki Clifford, "beat at is an ou going one and certainly, when it is finalized, It will: b shown by motion." Com. Bill Mickle of Exeter, backed Cunning,ham by asking, "Is there really a HOcessnty for .all those `in camera' meetings," said Mich'":oa Mickle said he is particularly con - corned by the fact Clifford, who owns a local real estate company, is taking directive action in the disp''sal of the library pr pertY„ I hope you are not putting yourself into a conflict in this particular situa- tion, bowing your background," said Miiklea "I am trying to be protective, but i am also concerned that. we , seem to have au awful lot of, In camera' meet- ings." �. Clifford said be understood Micklegs; concent, but he. noted' that individual council members must :decide for theni4 selves whether or not they have a con¢. ,flirt of interest• with any particular gov- ernment decision. Clifford admitted his firm did make a bid on the library\contraat but was not successful "If our fin, had been,3" .said Clifford, "there is no doubt that 1, would ' not be sitting : u* :the chattiber during this dis- cussion." And regahlirzg concerns that closed sessions have'become.`a regular'part of county government, Clifford said, "I really am ,not prepared to answer the reasons." lie ` said he would be pleased to dis- cuss the matter .further with any men- ber of council on apersonal basis, or if it is a big concern, council could go into closed session -to discuss it further. by Blake Patterson nuron County has agreed to give the Morris Tract fund rimers a "final extension" to raise the rnoney, heeded lo, purchase the Morris Tract for the Nature onservancy of Canada (NC(). At' the Apr25 °meeting of ihr roti County Council, 'tie county:` gover axnent approved .a requese from the 'NCC to extend the Apr. 15 deadline to Sept. 6w. In return, the NCC agreed to make. their $20,000 . deposit cheque anon -refundable if the final 'deadline is rnisseda Friends ` of the Morris Tract .member Mary to rah in saidher group still needs to ,raise about $100,000 andwill now have to : gear up their worts for a summer campaign. The Dorris Tract is located on the anoh shore of 'the lviaitland River, east of +Jodcrich: ` he ,Tract is one of the few .remaining hardwood forestsr left in Huron Co t1tt. If the money to purchase the :tract .cannot be raised,: the property will be included in the county's selective` logging program, If you would like to contribute to the fund raising effort,, call the friends of the A/fortis Tract at 524- ;4363 or the Nature Conservancy of Canada at 1 + 465-0029. If you would like to mail' your contribu- tion, sent your donation to: Box 44:l,Coderach, N1A 4C7, c%.1 fiends of the Morris Tract.