HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-01, Page 21i
rage 2 —1.- clinow Sentinel, liftleduesday, May1,1,996
Tractor used o pull
hide upri
4roni page t
Constable Andy Butch was the second officer on
the scene and he also jumped into the water to assist.
• A ureal resident, Ray Cunningham, used Ws tractor
to pull the vehicle upright.
Wirughamiil ambulance crews and hicknow fireli ;ht-
ers assisted at the scene and "played their roles
extremely well," Burgess said° "T'hey're, a pretty effi-
cient limeroup anal well traineJto`°
Police dlo not know if the vie tis had family in the
The Ontario Provincial Pi lice and the Special
Investigation Unit (SIO of the Attorney General's
office continue their invrestigati"irli into the accident.
Burgess said the SIU automatically becomes involved
in cases where there ate police pursuits involving
bodily harm or death. ,He said the SIU has a mandate
to examine last weeks pursuit and will be recon-
structing cting the accident and interviewing witnesses.
a r a
uscntam r isatin.
ofum page 1. do is to
ensure the county contin-
ues to evaluate ire iera
'iota as a viable and pru-
dent alternative to ship-
ping waste out of the
During the question
period which followed
the presentation by the
consulting companies,
Conn. Bob fiallaun of
West Wawanosit Twpp
asked when area resi-
dents would know
whether or not the M
site was . going to be
mothballed or approved..
"You can't leave the
people in limbo,' said
faliarnii o
I sborite Twp-, Co ,
Prat own, who chairs the
Planning and Develop-
ment Committee,
responded to IlallIa es
question by stating that
although she, understood
his concern, nothing
could be done until the
meeting of the planning
committee in May at
which time she hopes
recommendations for the
future of the site can be,
fonBulated for later -con-
sideration by County.
"But we canat'promise
time, at this time," .said
The preparation of the
mastei plan suited In
198$ when li.ur.on
County as1ed consultants
Gore and Stortie to
develop a 40 -year coun-
ty -wide strategy for
reducing, reusing, recy-
cling, and disposing of
residential waste from
single-family and multi-
ple family dwellings, as
well as solid non -haz-
ardous waste from com-
mercial„ industrial and
institutional `(ICI)
est blis%mehtsa
Stage One was coin-
pleted o rya. May 1989,
Stage 2A in August
1990 Stage 2B in April
1994 and Stage 20 iii
February 199(
Following the e1ei tion
of the I'lauiy government,
however, regulations
regarding waste r is taae-
int in Ontario changed
and the count's planning
committee agreed to a
CCAA request that a
review of available waste
management .alternatives
be completed prior to a
find decisioT being
ri hed with. refit to a'
county .landfill site.:
c�t�.a►f �ac�d; c1oor;p►rizes and
entertainment by.
Basement Brassand
Sister Act Three
veryorre Weloom el!!
C�1AI G0nts.ei.u.aa., rzj s1.axs ea.�'.e i?'.::=asa-�.>ra.nca•�a.=:. t:a.'.
Ashfield towiiship council has decidedto- withdraw
The proposed six-month . garbage: colleetiof► service
and: its treelatcd .lee from all of Port Albeit. As .a result,
all residents of, Port Albert - seasonaland pernitarent
will tre,resporisibletOtaetheir.garbage bags and have
,the*transported to, the landfill site',
About 10 iratepayers.fron Pori Albert attended ,the
Apd '19 Meeting of council to voice their objections
o the proposed service and the corresponding fee to
be added to taxes. They 'priesente4n petition obj of -
.t adi"cont sin '1'2 s gnatiu s.Two ►etter were::also
received objecting to the proposed arrangement,. p
.` roup iindicated that.:many ppe ►'went r atepay-
+FIs•cull rrt n a tl C y.contract gear' t'ourid service :frarxr` h. pi
,vate individual and :were satiisfied "►tli that; .ince
8i NS y b R i
Council told ;thegroupthat totscollect on service
was'+ffered .as an alternative,to'"the fib system wr<oh
Blas lin i> : place m Port Al rt 10seasonal residents
and :which has `been - repeatedly -used` by' ;satne ,lanais-
thorized individuals both' locally and abron4.
�t was
pouited out that the "towiistup c sir tly `parovidc's ,six
month coltectron`along the re nderof the lakeshare -
a similar feee
Meir approval. of coupe. s.
Tfr delegation indicated
decision® e.
)oriald ecianan,
and two'other lakesh hie ratepay-
ers.. from no xth' of Port Albert,, talked to, council ut
the 1996 tevy� for garbage•collectio and ,disposal:
along the remainder of the lakesharcb,.;'
council- explained, that they bad given..caieful con-
sideration, to the options. and proposed what they felt
was fair.;It 'was xplaiined.. that the service could be
withdrawn for next your if a. consensus could:rbe
ro bed in •each Beach Asso ciation.
Janice 13. Blake has been hired as a landfill assis�
tont for six ionth ProbattnnarY II .
Zoning amendment
A zoning airendment by: by Terry IVICClinchel for
part Of lot two, knit Concession,. '14TP has:been
approved by council
*The' approxi tiately two ace s'of land, containing au
existing hone and asiociated buildings, will now be
designated agricultural al smaill holding rather than
restricted agriculture,
There were :no objections 'from neighboring
landowners the health ° unit Or planning and ,develop-,
meat. rezoning conformst ► the s and rr.plan. •
An earlier severance application allowed Omit 23
acres of the Mc lin hey farms holding to tnerga on
title with the abutting farm.
Council lias decided; to hime a co
p ►parry to conduct
mntax recovery audit respecting goods and
services tax
and other enol', taxrelated is�s.5