HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-04-24, Page 18Page J: :, tiak u Sentinel, Wednesday, Apt
404 Coining
W_6[c�' itechn-��'�w •a/i��[I`�1aa��!,, AO i 29,
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Gr3Fjf�k filet Weico ml Iteb
ApoU1� 2i!, 23, W.'�!. bc�uYa �' p.m
Central Huron Secoodayy
School,. princess r7
�mngb b U satopno rtIste
T mray L ye; Edda Geirresh-
nients;. hakegoods; door
prizes.' PToceeds4 school
funotionS. A416017 c
*from page
planned for the
arena flo r - stag and
does,: the Lions; monster
bingo, the Li +ns rutin -
mage sale; the fund-rais-
ing dance for Phase iia.
the= ..craft festival, Red
Green at the 'i ltd Games
Night in September, temberan
g p � d,
. fait fair the . � r to name
The „' inti
T � t uhr oe
room on theound level
is also being d
b e for
booked f -
This i : h Black's
'� � � ck s first
asfacility _ i ty and prey ,.
gram coordinator, "It's
_been a really busy season
• and the ti.nio •went ;by
fast," he ' e•o'lrmeat ed
n , t
while reviewing the win-
ter season and upcoing
summer programs..
oc e
The Western Ontario
Athletic Association
(WOAA) gids hockey
programa is entering its
fourth your, under the
umbrella of the WOAA.
There have been girls'
hockey tea1115 hi the area
for many years but with-
out organization and a
system to prod, ce new
players. T these teams
came to the WOAA for
organization, direction
and a constitution to play
The league 'started
with six teams in a senior
division. (16 years and
older); and then: an inter-
division for
players aged
started. ii 5 a junior
division. fore players lu ers 11
and wander began, There
were a total of 454 play-
ers, coaches ' and trainers
registered on 22 teams...
The governing body
for girls hockey in;•
Ontario is : the Ontario`:
Assoeiatien" (OW:}JA)¢, Tn .
the fall, of 1995 it was.
voted by the membership
that the WOAA joii' 'the
OW A, So that the bene,
fits of ..the 'larger..orgatma
nation could be enjoyed
by the members of the
The WOAA is still
governing its own pro-
gram ram in tlhispurea and it is
this flexibility that is
helping the new hockey
teams get started so that
girls of almost ,any , age
can participate.
The introduction of
the juuni r division will
give this area the >?rohg.
foundation requiredfor a,
solid hockey program in
the 'future. It is hope
there willbe rapi
growtlt in the ,i,tnerniedib
and, the junior
sion so thegirls
program : will gain ...
strength With tune.
There were over
10,000 irls/women reg-
istered with the OWFIA
'in. the 95/96 season and it
is r the., �.na a�
fastest, growing
g i g•
C d . exit in •.
Eaph, year:the
ieio ''b'
atstara�c n hs going: up.
by about 25:..centper .,
year and theWOAAsays
this, trend isnot likel • to
stop in the near future,
eonsidering the -world
',turn to page 20
+200 ga Yl 1LC so 4D r or
2 1:1. 232, 7Q,, Jim
Boer 22,7 Marion
Taylor 2*, .$'e Van
Osch. 225, 2499: Dan
Wylds 2116, Marion
Jones 262, Donna
Arnold 213, Skip Deese
242, 222, 2404
Standings: 13th 443,
Sq.'irrels 134, N
,tiers 128, .inners,
113, SW 96, Chipmunks
;1AligBaht - H.S.
and H.T. Terri 'Van.
Diepen 201,' 496; Eric
Taylor 315, 758. 210+
-teameso 'John Van Diepeh
rni Van' Diepeu
Eric Taylor 210,
45, 233, RAbert Jones
232, Dune klumphrey
218; rim`.'Young p■ 201.
• P1a.y'�ff } standi ' sV
Snowbirds 6, What P5,.
Zoroastrian 4, Lucknow
BoWl Head Fins 3.112,:
Happy Rollers 11/2a
'ri a t
es: . e
gam Marion i�� Jon s
2 216,Vert, Jones
210, '218, : , Eric � Erh 'Taylor
08 be
� , 2 , Ron +fix li'
s to
210....Stan.din s b G
+169, NBC 41, Bar Is
10,x,, All Rights -510,'
Ripley m 150+ • ames:
'Abse Elliott . 185
Shirley Adams 18'3,
Helen McGrog®' rs,.
Norval Pollock 163.,
r Anna MC' Tavish 151
Standings: Blue Jays :115,
Tigers 12,• raves .,10,
Orioles 9, . Expos 7
White Sox 7..
Loe Q. 200+ games:
Carol ., Koehler 200,
Wilma Elliott .04, Lynn:
Nall 218,, Shirley
Kennedy 205, ; 201,
DMa:a.r$ffeidil Scott' 231,
• Tyler 212,. Haan Jones
• 240. ' Standings:
Snowdrops ' +12
Orchids +30,. .ses 709
fow i tr Q .
.S and., um. 'Fern,
McDonald 113O, b
Dick Nettleton 187, 32a,
1 SQ+ games: • Fern ..
McDonald ` 150, .166
• ShirleyBrook' I63,.155
Marg" Nettleton' 167
Anne Andersen x:166
Dick Nettleton 1S7, Ken :.
The m el .1:73, Don Ross
152. Standings: Pansies
11, Snowdrops' 9,
Daffodils a tAipQ
y4�� lizs5,CrocuCej5.
-, H.S.
and H.D. John 1 opf 255,
Oerald Rhotly 664;
Grace Kopf 225, 568.
200+ games: Gerald
Rhody 207, 210, 247,
Ron Mackin 201, 230.
Leonard Clarke 200, i.
Steve Mach= 209,. 219,.
Clint Thompson 203,
ob Jonas 217, rad,.
Engel 204, Merle body:
200. Standings: Goefies
+137.6, Jetso s +130,
o d. nes :+93.2 ,.
Mickey Mo se +77.2,
Fiiintstones '-32.6, Ladies
anal the Tramp -88.2
B__C a Smurfsa .Grace
Finnigan 8 Q.PatriciaPatrQ�
all �/p b Pee .wees p
Joseph h ',Archer 1105,
Vicki .,King. . 100.
171,U Hubbard
�'�5� J� bier
144, Jennifer
eyersber eu 128, ,1314;
Brett ..Archer 129.
Juniors: .Angie
16. : 216.
Nicholson x,190, ,
Greg Beyersbergen:.137,
Patrick Ritchie 171, 183,
Mathew Stewart 1: 5
Paula . Taylor . 205.
Seniors: ' Marlene
Johnston 225.
Jardineof .Banff, AIbrt�� t tted-ret sisters
rs -
cerci �' rrivt the and Bonnie. s;huest week,
Austin Wilfred. n Intl Pus e+d awe �• .
Apr. 1. at .., . , � file
;..�I . xandra M
,_..and 'General
os it y o otich in 1xsw�67th'Jearq neral mois
was-; at St. Joseph's Roman
Catholic Church,
Kingsbridge* on Saturday; followed by dinner in the
Kingsbridg parish. hall.
Relatives *Were.present• from.
Blyth, urlxn '.t,.o
a s n, Cl ntori caderich, Lucknow, w ngham,. ,.
London Orangeville; Stratford, Dein annori Trenton
i •Port•Al
alalia tern, Auburn and ltngslgea
John Spivak was transferred by ambulance from
the Go _. elic Hospital
• �► . ; h .fast �edn sda (7 t Eittccrest
o gyp D
Manor, ku wp• •
Co to r
a�_ tat ons to 121tondar�:�'o an who was „united
� � u� r�'
in marriage to
MikeMunro, at St: .
Joseph's Church,'
• .ngsbr
td eonSaturday,
l3n eWas arcdby the
Kingsbridge CWL followed by .reception at the
1 aicknow'Conumunity Centre.
sympathy to Marcella Courtney and family
y� visitors. p yb
and' to�a
theL,eddy ��i>�chil , ;+gin the Beath of Pete � Murray,tVCu�t�a .... Sundaysu l 3 ie7lt�lr7a
husband', of the former Bet O'ConnorMurraywho Highlighting htin the seniors
....., seniors pot luck
passed away in Royal Dap, Michigan. Several nieces edn�s aevening.was the activities.'n
of a member
B` rnlce S a•
e Glen, � lh iron Dawson ...,..and Margaret
Errington took part in
a slat 'The fat Storya
A read-
ing and prayer wereoffered.by Donna Young'.
Aiistilig the bride-to-be were Marlene Ondfrey, -.
Trances...:Farrell, JudyNAndress and dao hter;
Stephanie'', , yIa Curran and the, Logtenberg girls
Jessica, Jennifer, Nicole and Tena.
Dave eSprout acC
aled his
er;Joe and 'wife
Charlotte visittheir nephew Charlie
iVlthglit1C'd; at St.
M s on Saturday.
~ ,
'Herbert '
�` 0 , ago 57brother of Albertpassed
awayatAlexnndra,Marine; o ita: l,
Goderich, on
F y
A , , ark and friends were •received ; at
.McCallum &Fa IaFuneral eb f
Nancy Park' and PennyHodges co -hosted a"relative
bridal shower for Dana Park on Sunday. Assisting Assistin•' the
bride-to-be wa her other Diani Park'aitSundra
Curran, MMother, of the groom -to -be.
Evans Itlv� tt-,celebrated his sixth birthday last
Friday attended by his' cousins. Grandpa and
Grandma Gordon• and Yvonne *Dougherty were
and nephews attended the' visitation : and the funeral
Yin Royal
Oak,t on :.onda
"Welcome theme to Joyce Moran who spent eight
in d c rt
b9., r
; o � ch and. I�®thdo� hospitals,
:., Chatrlady Diane Park welcomed tbe co aOlinounity to
a bridal shower honoring Melissa Io tonbVirgat
Dunarms . i
n n stied Church, o , A r„ ,' 16.
• who Spent three monthsin Apollo, Florida, as a .coin-
oin'ran_ ton' to an elderly lady.
Euhre winners were rt
noun,; I�u a.
Brindley�Fred inns� JtEbngtotthe gents.
`' I.oue'lla Royal, of Portage La Prairie who visited
h s
the Bell relatives, accortipanted her sister Jean
Phillips to the Senior Zone 8' spring rally ,. at
Dashwood. Jack Riddell was guest speaker,'
Luncheon guesti of Phil and Mary Ganiock were
h• is � of :algve.
parents James and°: ,Sheila '.Carrioc Palgrave.
r � � a
.Attending the Dungannon -Church service the three
arrlock d>4 n c l e .
lit Alex; 'Maris and Lara fondly ,greet --
greetedi their grandparents,.
' President Jean Errington welcomed nine ladies and
a young gentleman, Nicolas 1VIcGy
ilver tn. the
Dungannon/Nile UCW at the home sof Young
on. Apr, 16.
The thought forthe day, . the Gift of Easter was
foundin a 1951•, church.,bullettn when George ; -wan
was lay -minister.
�reports- were
presented by Treasurer
Donna Young and Secretary Margaret Errington,
• Camping Sunday is designated for Apr, 2S when'
anadian Tire money will be accepted on .the'calleo;
tion, plates for needed expenditures at Camp:
enes stetng...:
. Home Made cookies were requested for,
summer youth campers snacks.
Cluirch. in Society programs
ns ' convenor Gloria;
• Pearson' n read eiet`
e� pts..that Rev. Heidi Sievert had
written for. the religions p1�:. a 'e In .:the Kitchener.
Waterloo Record..
at o
was ieximessed to Alexandra
cGilvery for sharing her experiences eriences as a Board
IV%hnber with Phoenix Second Stage Housing,,
A. pot of yellow -mums s was delivered to Irvine an
Colleend , who will celebrate their olden.. wea-
ning anniversary Apr. 2Ntl.
Discuss argue donation
our family an sib
onor car to a