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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-04-24, Page 16
• -'age 6 bolo -tow ��i to t? �+ir' do a a � April YaI 2 19% I424 Obituaries 'i HERBERT ASQUITH TAYLOR At AiexarKlra MaFine & General Hospital, spital, clerk on Monday,. April 1E3„ 1996', Uer°Berm Asq oiti3 Tar of G o der ch in his 88th year. Dear bra hew of Albert and his wife Catherine of oRo 2, Lu known Uncle of Ken and. Eris wife Felinity of Mossley,. Dorothy of London, Roy and his wife Mariam of R.R. 2, Nubian. Great mole of Javan, Aaron and Panay. Predeceased by his parents Thomas and May (Draisey) Taylorand a brother Service ` l�ar�isgna Funeralerwwce was herd 'atthe McCallum Pella Funeral Home, Geder<i©h,bn. April 18 Rev. -David Nicholson of Knox Presbyterian church . otfiei- atedR int. rmeni t (Dungannon Cemetery. Pallbearers were Javan Taylor Aaron Taylor Renay " TaylorP Russell Alton, :Bill Caesar,. George Sager. Honorary Bearers were' Gerdon: Fowler ;and , Jack trwln„ Donations to- . Knox Presbyterian: Church or the charity of your choice, would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. b 17cc 47 Cards of Thanks MARLMAU David and Mary i1_3ilian are tea e 3 to announce the arrival of their daughter Raphael Lindsey Alyssa on March. 19, 1996 at the Oredit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, weighing 8 lbs., 14 ez. Rachael is a wee sister for Michael and is the granddaughter of Bonita Marleau of Mississauga, Michael Marleau if Dearborn, Mieha. and the late Duncan and Lillian Simpson' of Ku tail. pa `lYx• 44w Eltgagement* Logtei r'r - Burmaster Derk Loetenberg'of A.R. 1. 'Qpngaoioe and Glen and Diane Burmeister of P Carnbtid e° are. .leased to g :announce the forthcoming: marriage of their children Melissa Jane- and chines Olen on May 4thr 1986 at. Dungannon United Church.; A reception .will follow at Ripley Huron Community Centre (Upstairs). Please accept this as an invitation to attend our reception. �a : lay • 473w Cards of Thanks TAYLOR We wish to express our ,5i6 sere thanks and apprecia- tion to our family, friends and relatives for their pholrr7. Qalls, floral arranglements, memorial donations, food brought to our home, cards' of sympathy and to the pail:. bearers. Speciai thanks to Rev. Nicholsoe for his coin - forting words and to McCallum ttt Palla Funeral barite far their kindness at thetime of our ar brother Herberts death. Albert, Catherine and family. -17x WILSON A sincere thank you to fami- ly, friendsand teighbars' for cards, giftsp-phone calls and visits' while i was in .hospital and `since coming home. Everything was greatly appreciated, A.J. Wilson.. -- 17x LQGTBNBERG l would like to thank all those that attended or were a part of my community shearer on ..April -16. The': gifts win' help °inake,our house .a home. Thank you for your kindness. Melissa. P17x NICHOLSO. Wewould like toe °. Cr9b' sincere appreoitiM o our friends and famillikfrorri near and tarp who gathered in our honor, for our 50th l irthday% what a great sures priseEl We thank you for your cards, gifts and good wishes. Everyone present helped to make it a night to remember, A. eery special thank you to our sora Michael and dau jLiterc-ir-taw Dianne, our daughter Christina and son-in-law Tact, haul: and Susan Collin, Judy and Gerald Coiling, ,Paula Taylor and7to Rill Vincent for bringing his guitar. We would also li1e to Say 'a special: thank you to - dear .fri'ends, truce -and Maureen, and : Bill and Bernadette for the delicious dinner and for their part in the happy deception. Ronnie and Lynn. 4,01 Tar PORI l-tBBRT4I CLUB A big thank you to parents and volunteers who helped with our adopt a highway., a-, 17pc. aril of Thanks CARRICK eie uld Eike to thank everk orke for all ti -ie gifts¢ cards,. fruit* visits, galls and Qandy while 'l was in U. H. London and since coming home. Special thanks to ail :may friends and teachers at V.P.S. for their special gifts,. aro still ti"ying to figure out how the Easter Bunny found. roe. The Easter egg hunt was wonderful. . Special thanks to the nursos who took great care of me and for letting me do,the rounds with -them. l'rn getting really good at taking your brood pressure and temperature. I can hardly wait to see all my friends back` t school in September. thank you all very much for your thoughts • and prayers. Travis. a -1,c© 47w Cards of Thanks LUCKNOW GUIDING Thank you for supporting us .- in the sales, of odr •Qirl Guide cookies. Your Sup- port isgreatlya reciated.: Pij if we missed you, you, can still buy your cookies. at Finlay Decorators, The. fids Shop, The Shop Video E Variety and Annies ' pais, h Bar. -17ar PALLW! `FIVE CARE VOLUNTEERS V" o ilunteer's are the very foundation at OUT Palliative Care organization. Without their dedication and devo- tion, we would be unable to rent this very? :important need in our oo nunity . Please accept our heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your commitment to the Wiragharn. & Arca Palliative -Gare. —17or PEN NINGTON A sincere 'thank you to all. our friends and neighhbrs who • organized. and heiped with the benefit dance for us an Friday night To all those who sent cards with best wishes .and.donatioris and, to ali 'who-suppotted us by. your gifts and attendance at the dance. Thank ,you can only partially express our gratitude for the help at:the time, of the fire. 'the cleanup, support and best wishes during the past 3 weeks. 1 $in7txcereiy Betty and Roy, ONSTRUCTION_ Air.rx assOcbmON Furnace Installations` Wood, Oil` Combination :Furnaces Burner Service"Propane Filling Station' PROD►UCTS'FOR FARM, 1-I0t iE ° •INDUSTRY hishorn. Fine LUCKNOW Phone, 529+7524, or' 524-.7 si2 i-i,cknow, Ont NOG'211O �. .Doors end:h indows *Textured'' ceilings . *Cabinets Ir•Preor ngs .*Drywall,iDecks «slid Oak Furniture •Work Boots. �l! actresses etc. • RITCHIE ELECTRIC URISE„ RESIDER IAL. OatfI MERCIAL - FARMS Hydro pole3 &po• le line oonstriudtieon FRESTIMATES TOLL FREE PAGER: 1-416-559-2590 2'WOLSLE'Y' ow ion"Ritchie:5284141- cRANENBURWS BUTCHER SHOP t uality Fresh Meat: geezer Orders, .•CUSTOM CUTTING & CURING LUCKNOW X28 2242 NILE GAGE acin IJ Full rine of mufflers, Custom pipe -bending Yp" to 3" Pipe:&Fittings '11/2"-V" Dripless Undercoating :,• oil changes, tires 4 A imaintcnance. 529-7355 fi519) 52$-2730 Fax: (519) 5204948 f ucknowr uminputeir Forms. Cheques Invoice Sets, B siness Cards printed in. our Ineknow shop. .4- other pro°inotional itoni . sa fca^ taat f • Cowan Printing & Advertising C` t p� ce i for ` or l oat rob yourself of more , l us essd :Reineinber people do read-ads..You are doin .so novel • cod, tnv°estmernl:! or«.. f ,fort at n `tali.: S.0 01 1 0•. `t`hhat is the question!,And 'we've got''ahi a nswers...Righit herein The Luckno lir Sentinel, Cain ns today to' have us help- you;witi your marketing needs. 5282822 Wcidin Bnik.Bins 420 Tons Lucknow �` I 519-3954108 Jim MacKenzie Joe Agnew Repairs to . * Jewellery` -* Watche Clod *Mantle Grandfather 698 f laveleck SL LUCKNOW &3532 'his spc►t re's�rv�r Business �ar�t