HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-04-24, Page 14Pao 14 Lucktiw iie4 Weittiesitay, April 24, 1996 I• *kV fltd _ Us gum Canty Board at ligation REQUIRES TEACIIER ASSISTANTS Ti OR VOSITIONSi IN VARIOUS AREAS Special Education l) sign language foierTpreting 4 -or ar,,,c1 Itearing-iotpaireci the succ.essfa candidateisitettla he as grrainate of a c,,.4ice or make -T -64y iotaprefercUabling 2) brailio banscribing; Eitafie.7 3) Wi1 oMaY andi.or physic:of ipchalleugeciL Library I) perating ana rii3iiiiralaq a cemputerixci et1alegning and search system, ineindine Orculatien; . 2) tnaintlining physical orgartIzation of libraryback'? and MSaine-St, 3) QPCOliAgcr), it MS al-4011er current inforriration tetinaciow, 4) gemral troubleshaeting eomputcr software and hardware isnres', and 5) interest and initiative in teaming r..-ris scilwaTe and tcatrioleky, Early VERO I) assisting injunieriseuTor kindergarten satin , • t Ideal candidates should possess relevant post -secondary education andfor related work experienee. Applications should inelude a complete Stlitall2ry of thavarididate's qoaliticati6o$ And e4verieuee, including Owe references, - to the undersigned prior to neon, Vriday, May 3. 1996, Successful applicants will become members of C.V.P.E. Local 140i. We thank those' wiro submit a resume.. arid 014v4,4 that Qnity' those Aro arechocit for slet . Interview will receive at reply, • Brown chair , . Shelley Kin, Business Manaoq Ibsen County'Boatil of Bancation • ' 103 Albeit Sbreet cliaton, iOntario NOM 1U 2B Business 0 - 3O Enspi. Wanted HiCiliSOHOOL STUDEN7 locking YOUR OWN BOSS and build your own business from, your home in the Health and wellness indus- try. Per .info package call 1 EiCk-852-2850J-17bc R OiliNCHILLAS/ •OF part-time„ Guaranteed incorne,.Direct :purchase or . joint venture. Quality N.O.B.C, graded stock. Call. Tom or Greg Riedstra, • 457-4660; fax 9oa,,457- 6527,—.1-74c A LICENSED gravel pit with 13C) ton per hour $creerier, 70' elevator, and loader. -Phone 10905-684-8748, 1- 19-578-7093 after hours. 13-17cc LEASING - DANCE Bar Hotel and Restaurant or Just Restaurant. Turd Key peration, Hensall: 5190 262-2311, -07000' 29 Tenders f surocaor ercVoi- GC MA Monday to Friday, Will babysitting, heLQS6 work et©. Phone 528-27 5- -- 16,17x LOCAL LICENSED carpen- ter with many years experi. ence, is available for small building projects. References available. Cali Paul Martin S24-2922. —14- 16tfcc 31,0 Setvice • Directory CARL SLOETJES Sales. Installation, Renovations 0, Replacement Windows , Doors 0 Kitchen Cabinetsp Vanities 0. Carpet and Linoleum * Roohng 0 Free Estimates , FR7• • : • LuCKNaW: 5294104 , • P. Carroll Director OFFICE PERSON' required to be responsible • for record keeping, bookkeeping and payroll. • Proficiency with :computers required: • Send resume to: • ctisto Arnberlay. • 0#1 Ripley,, Ontario, NOG2RO • ' .":•••"1` rienced iirn ..Equipment • Operators. „Aft..orke.-:endorSemerit. an adva, ':-IleforeticeareguiredCall (519) 395-4627 ,, ,,• F KiNtoss TOWNSHIP 0 • .HELP WANTED ; The Township of: Kiriloss requires eresPensible Per" son to -c01.int the dogs In the Township, issue. dog licens- es 'and tags; and to collect the required. • fees. Applications in writirig,• stet- , ingage„ residence, „„and • price expected per dog* are, to he in the, Clerk's Office, tif 4:39, p.nr., May 6, 1996. Any applica- tion not necessarily accept- „ ed. • " „ ' Mark L. Booker, &PLC.% • Clerk-Tressurer • HOI,YROOti, Ontario • NOG 280 395-3575 21orititraitti3t1. General WANTED: Findlay Oval Cookstoves, immediately, any condition, Paying up to: $800. Apply: JOHN GIN- GRICH STOVE REPAIR, fIR#2, Drayton, 8 miles • Northwest of Eirreira. No Ilusiness Opp. RETURN INVESTMENT ist year $15,000,9 $20:0p01 EstabliShed at home busi- ness with secure wholesale • and retail accounts. 'High • margin on. assembled prod- uOts.. Could be added to existing : biltinase. or • expanded to." „full time income. Reasonably Priced for quick sale!' Owners cating. Call (519).„5277,1883. GOVERNMENT FUNDS, Government assistance Pro- grams inforrnatiO available. For your new of existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call 1-$00416- 1615.-01* FREE EXCLUSIVE CATA- LOGUES ....Mom's Pantry Products, . Tiara Giftware. Earn EXTRA. inn • lOOs items lull/Part/spare time; Great • fundraiser! . `1430(00-6002 • for inferPak.--1.70q. • „, NOW IN ONTARIO.NEW• SPACE AGE, nopp..obAtING. Exclusive .: Roofsaver dealership available in your area. 1171EFilvto,),..2000 - an elastemetio seamless r cciat, ing that totally seals and protects a roof from the ,e10-' Merits:With no need.* resh- ingle. Half the cost of reroot. Eiceilent" for metal, Concretet „walls 'and other surfaces. Proven ettectivein residential and commercial installations. Investment of $.12,950 includes inverftry„ protected territory, full torn:. piny support and training. Call collect (416)398-7663 or fax (416)398-7889. 'Serious inquiries only. phorie.--17hci 17bc TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Tender The ,Township 'of Kinloss is calling for tenders for the• sole, of ono, like. new, 1Y2 Horsepower Leeson Eledtrin Motor, and one used Minolta 0300RE, -Photocopier. Tenders to. be received in , the cierk'spf0Ce;:Holytooda by 4:30 P.m.., May 6.: 1,996. Any tender not necessarily • accepted: ,• • itark.L ,Becker, clerk -Treasurer floLYR000;cintado NOG 280 8951575 • •• • TOP 5011 • Screeneditinu.:reeneci Pit Run Gravel • &"4'A" Gravel Site Grading James Synies Paving & Materials SS Is Caning for tenders o0tering'_of'hiaterial at the •Kinloss Township Waste Disposal Site. Tenders to state hourly rate expected,. size and make of machineand state •- . applicable charges for float move. A., •:',,twotioor:.ntinirnbrit'Obarg0 Will,be-exPeOted'per Cover.Teriders to be received in: • the Clerk's • Office in Holyrood by May 6, 1996 by 4:30 pm. L�west or any . , tender hot necessarily • .• accepted. Markt,..Secker,-A. •Clerk -Treasurer HOLYROODI Ontario • NOQ 2B0 395-3575 Joiltilfirc 31. Service, Directory MOViN Complete Fizo4izu ser&o% local or long ctstarzoe forr resNerltIl OF corfinievaL Fee esVmates, or do b't yourself with our rental trucks and equiipment. •LisiGwei Rental and Moving Systeme. Fully insured and licensed. 291 -1202 or toll free 14300-639.6806. 341far 3i SerViee DereCtOrY HACK WRUNG NOW MAK adjustabae fawn ate, 7 ft ,to 10 ft, Ou6lom rc,,ade I3leavy, • .Phone529.s2n ov 629- 7i30 resIdeake. FR -6E• -ADVERTISING FOR -1 FULL YEAR ON 'THE' INTERNET/ PLUS/ FREE •Computer software includ- ed/ Don't pass up 'Oils •amazing advertising offert Call (4l6)391.44560 Fax (416)391-021.-47bc INCOME TAX preparation, • reasonable rates, fiee,Pick up and delivery. Normal delivery time Within 1 week, Pat Porter 6284208, 16,17x • , • •14ACKETTAIVELDING• NCV/ PICKING up mowers for spring tune up, all, work .94aranteecl. We fix" all makes of rriowers and chain sa*s. Phone 529-3232 Of • 529.7135 residence. • 22x ROTO TILLING, screen and window. repairs. 'Call Steve 395.3931. -- 6,17x HOUSE PAINTING* interior arid exterior. Contact John • Mowbray • 396.6373. Reasonable rates„ 14 years experience. .16-19xc • ' PIANO •NEED tuning? Call • Doug Clark $28-3945. April • and May $45,,,,16,17x 1:0:, ••Neit)1091991.1x*. .... .. . ., , aq,.. t! . ,. rimy. ., • -- i0a6enlePtViii) ' ' . - ltilmtinl,..fiiiiiiivO4i,S1 • faOlmiliiiiigt reit ...1,., • .hapeillS;PeclHoili;0;iiiIsikfrooligP!Ili!,*00( bi Psca Licensed ter ' 01976..", ' inc•andOrix.,' ....„, - •..,.: ; Your og's lest Friend GROOMING seRvict • • ca_niiice, • Farrell ;1*arnrzettnntsor 5245961 52i ••, • „ •55. Micorint towatds ist Groomtng Paws Kennel in Benne 076)396,4102- c, Pine River(519)1954817 • - •-• siluron Conity Board oI Educat!oi ,INVITATION TO PRE -QUALIFY ' GC,0Eirt1cia DISTRICT COLILEOLATE INSTIITEITE .1011,41,51t II Internsted General, Mechanical and Eleetrield Contractors arc iniited to prolnalify to complete Phase 11 renoirationito the Libraryille§iOiree • Centre at Gotietleh Disaint Collegiate, tnsiitate for the'llusiri Cnunly hoard. of; Education, Approximate *aloe "11'000,000.0.0.'IreOtiering.of -" this project will 4001%40n ProVincia.1 Government financing, •- • on the ability to e otoPieto work of a siotilai 0aitire-itadliao to thisproject.$o4 shill be lifflitcd /et no more then 6 Oetteraft onractor bidders Itoti 4 sabiredes ill each c*44:fly,.ibe (wrierteeve the tight to pre.qtialifY additional biddera, ae, required, ti' meet this limit. • Sobroission most bo in ,the form ofocompletedeCA 1111 and Will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on, Wednesday, May 1, 1996, et the office er Garrett* MarkletAtA, 516 Herm Street, Stratford, Ontario, NSA sT7. Only shccessfo1 applicants will be tbotacted. . . , , carpatiNelag & ciearoing,po. 'Carpet and Upholgtery Cleaning' LiadaStaaiay$19-52i4336' mark stover 519-357.2072 L flrown• • Carroll Direttor Dave Seabrook Excavating *Graver* Top Soil Fine Grading Large excavator trucks, loader; dozers Reasonable rates 528-2047 . 528-3144 Mobile 5244311 RR 0, Lucknow 32 BabwoUting MOTHER OF 2 willing to babysit ill her home staffing May 1, reasonable rates, lunch provided, activities. Conti Sherrie at 628-2916 after 0:30 p.m. -•,.15,1•7 • MATURE STUDENT required to babysit-5'schoel age children for summer M011til$. Early hours 5:45' - 4:16 p.m weekdaya. References required. Apply to drawer #22, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 406, Lucknow. --10,1.7., • 33. IMMOG0 BRING 1-10IVIE' • THE WORLD! EF FOUndation looking•fOr Volunteer hoot families for ,student -s frorir'20 countries. arriving epotember, Please all, toil - tree, 1v600-2634826;...17bc • 4. Personal ,HAVING'..„A •DRINKING tillooLoyi?? AA can, help. Phone Goderich 624-6001 or Walkerton .841 -3635, Var. • GRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE - Are' yOt.i Preg- nent? Need help? Call �Ur 24 hour hotline collect 3751 ordrop in at 178 Mein' S. Mount Forest fo'f...ffea , .,:elli pregnancyriancis p testing ccohuodn-;:. birth coaches, *A cost will be incurred.. HEAVENLY AnSWers. terving Over 5.0, • , Million, readers and multi- talented psychics. Free astrootiart:with,..your first • reading! Riture*:'.Qareer.$2.99/ min, 18 + 24 Hours 1.900-451,VE13-4711&„: • %test will be incurred.;' • CANADA'S, MOST GIFTED OVOtitei 4avO'eneweie to • your problems or questions :•.about health; toVe.,,,I:elatiort-,: $6,44 inOneYk':!LiCicYjniinlia . here; $3.49/minute„ 18+,: 24 • boors, 1.900451 - -17bo 7. •• • A COO will be incurred. I- • • 'LIVE0,P4C.URATEiPRO, , ESSIONA4 PSYCHICS tell • you whore your - future. Hest • :1 love, marriage, relati on-, ; • ships, career, reilnite:yOu • ;. with Icivati pries. - $2.75/minUte„.1.900-461.-. 278701,84, 24 hours. -17b,:', llVIPOTENCE? SHYNESS?' ANGERit, , • TROUBLED, L DI -T F E N.? ANXIOUS/DEPRESSED? Private, professional record- ings. "All you do is lister 18+. . $2.99/minute. , " Recordings approximately 3 'Minutes. 1900451 0080 • •