HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-04-24, Page 13i Ititted • to Slant 1 For Sale COMPUTER TABLFS centres, office desks and chairS, tabies, filieg nets, storage shelving, and GilOre. Large seiection of quality used and new in stock Outfit your office and save $$$. Lovers, 200 • Adelaide St Soo London, 1- 800-265-6699. Delivery available. --16-20co CUSTOM FAXING • Need to send or receive a fax? The Sentinel does.cus- torn faxing for custoroers, Drop in or call 528-2822 for details. —41tinx. WIDE SELECTION of used appliances,.frideso stoveS, washer's and dryers, All ser- viced and including a war- ranty. Call Modern 'Appliance Centre, Hanover 364-1011.-614p_ THE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL: has the following papers available in our office on Wednesday. 'Oederich Signal Star,- Kincardine News, Walkerton Herald TitrieSt, Clinton News, Record, Mitchell Advocate Siaforth Huron Expositor • , WHY HAVE A YARD, SALE? Call us, We buy it all. Antiques, Furniture, ' Coins, etc. No fuss - No Muss. C II 519-363-0213 Ala Antiques ANTIQUE .HOL9ER - (kitchen paritr0 solid oak, excellent condition. Cali 519-396-4102 for details. Kincardine. -17co Sa Cars 1987 PONT! ACADIAN 2 door automatic, excrit condition throughouto Only 84,000 original km so $2,800 as is, $3,000 certified or best offer. Call Goderloh 624-2702 -14-19roce, • 1985 NISSAN Maxima sta- tion wagon, Runs well, As is asking $496. Phone 619- 595-6267. . 1989 6.0o I, MUSTANG LX,. 5 speedo• tilt, cruise„ power windows and door locks, hatch back, power moon - 'root Cell after 5 porit,,Phone • 528-2327., -17018 • • LOSE WEIGHT Without dieting 100% all ' natural safe. SirnPis to use, no counting calories, no workouts, no pills, inekpen- .. sive. REALLY WORKS,Call Marianne '• Bollinger, Dungannon 529-7807. --17- . • MOVING - BED chesterfield like new condition. Glass top coffee table and end table. Phone 528-2648 in the evening, --16nx WASHER DRYER pairs Kelvinator, Frigidaire, White Westinghouse. Free deliv- • ery, Rent To Own by phone 1-800-954-2337. --17 NEED A FIESUME? Professionally prepared, •- laser printed on quality paper. $15,00 for 5 sets We keep your resume on file in case you need changes or updates at a later date. Call us or drop in for detaiis. The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822--04tink' REPOSSESSED KEN WOOD stereo Dolby Pro Logic surround 5 discdual. , cassette, 250 watt receiver, tower speakers, free daily- ery. Take over payments' $15 weekly.. Phone 1-800 4 95-2337o -47 ORGANIC. BEEF,apple but- ter, woe!' blankets available riow. Community Shared Garden vegetables. Sign up immediately. Lamb, Ducks • order for:fall Meeting Place. Organie Far*, 519-528- 2493.-i7-20xo • c, 1989 FORD PROBE, olec. trent° sound system, till steering, power Steering end Erakes, air conditioning, autornatic„ power mode, speed control,- tachometer, 13Q 000 k $5 900 Phorie lie. Livestock r' ONE 5 VA R old Biaok Limousine WM; three- year - Haig Liiniousiipe bulls; 4H prospect shoW calves - heifers, and steers. Call DefirliS or Doug 595-6590 -- 18-18x • NEWBORN - 260 lbs. dairy or beef caives, picked up at the farm. 624-6916. -16- 18cc• Produce AC BRAVOR Certified seed beans. Trdated 40. bags, •Phone 628-2402 or• 628- 5618. --13tfar WANTED TO •BUY: • Standing first cut hay.- Call • 596-3435. -16,17cc WANTED - GRASS and standing hay. Phone 528- 3$24.? -17,18' 11go Equipe 995, CASE DAVID BROWN fractor, ,cliesel„ good condi"- , bon,' orange engine.. Phone', s28.9609. ...17..,t9ar .--137.15xe16- 1811x 22r1)i' - - 71,Rec • Veltiolos, ' 6 CALF Oalf-tel model. Phone 395-5654. -- 17x _ INTERNATIONAL , 4 .Row 9 3 ERRy 27', 5th wheel trailer A/C, awning, roof rack, A-1. condition $15,495; 1994 spzuki King,Quad ATV, 4 wheel shaft drive $5,000 o.b.o. Phone 529,- 7619 -,16-17x 18-20nX wag cUSTOMEliSATISF'ACTION • c 'Sn PilOWLERDEMot TRAILERS • PARK MODELS • 5TH WHEELS • HARDTOPS;,;: Hitches, Truck Caps, New/Used 33 years in business • ' aardP Q01151 Gack\Va SaterRestidtservici;.Parts Hwy. 103, i mile West of Stratford (519) 393-5938 7e Moytoiwielois 1985-86 HONDA 250 S. '2 wheelers, electric start, shaft drive, reverse, front and rear suspension, rackso st has new and battery. $10425- o.b.00 395-2828.. -- 17co " • 4 i98'. HONDA' GOLDWING . Aspericade .1100 cc. 64,000 krit arnifrri 2.ihelinets,• New battery, will Certify; , Asking $3803 or best offer. , Call after 0 pm. '519 -396 - *8636. --17cc JACK 'RUSSELL pops. Phone 395-3670. --17x • WANTED ,..Have,your kidt. 'Outgrown their pony? We, are it -joking for: a geiet pony/horse that would be good With,dhildren, Phone, 529-7145. --17-20xc corn planter (800 Cyclo -Air) with, insecticide boxes and - Monitor. Call after 6 p.m. (519) 392-6276. ;.-17 4 ROW l.H. 400 corn planter, .32 36$ rows. Best reasonable offer. Phone 395-3439:--17 11k, Services GILCHRIST FARM SUP- PLY- Belting and repairs to all makes of balers, swathers, and combine pick. ups. Patz sales and service, „Lucknow Grain buggies, 27tfar TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS •made to, Size, for trucks, trailers, gravity.boxes;etd. Vinyl; canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540. ---26tfg-. peow • • mixers •etc R Ai• •5 Li.icknow. 396-2861. — tielonew Sentinelv Wednesday, April 24, 199411-1-jage J3 ilia Wanted 12 Real Estate to Rent STOliAGE UNITE) for rent NifiEjarifit)11 taleaa. Utidi 1 16' x 23' with 15 112' x 13' high door with concrete flooro•unit 2 - 23' x 23' w, 11' x 9" kf' high door, cori- crete floor, insulated and • heat available. Unit 5 - 40' x 40' on gravei, 15' x 13' high door. 619-348-4554. -- .16,1 no 12 Rom Estate OLDER TWO storey, yellow brick house, on aPPro* 'Irately one acre In the country between Ripley and Ltroknow; wood heat; priced reasonable for quick sale, Phone 395-.6702. • OPEN HOUSE Sunday, April 28, 1- 3 porno - LAKE HURON Sunsets! • New price: beautiful all brick newer home with circular • driveway In small quiet sub- diVisiono 6 minutes south of • .Goderich just yards from the beach. Three bedrooms' • Large eat in botintry .kitchen. with lots of oak abi • nets, Sunken living room', •large attached garage with pit,main ',floor, laundry, cen- tral vac, ,down draft stove in large family .room, water softener, dishwasher, hot - tub on back deck, beach access, large lot, very clean • and nicely decorated. Call owner for viewing at. (519) $24-4416 after 4:30 p.m. or leave message. --13,18nxe NOW IS THE time to get into the farming business. Corn and wheat are the highest they have ever been; and plenty of cattle. will be needed for Britain. 200 acre •farm, under ,drained, in Chedley„ Call for details z 1-905-684-8748 or 519-5784093 after hours. -- TO rent 20 25 • acres of pasture land Phone 529-7867-1S-17 100-200 ACRES OF gravel •.- land. Phone 519-352-3379 ....Or152-3733.061(for,No.. 17i8• 13-17cc PASTURE WANTED for 40 head. Phone $95065910 171,18' Potw Itiont • 15 ACRES FOR rent in Holyrood area. 10 acres • plowed. Phone 396-5641. 17 6 A McDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD , . LUCKNOW 4,nedroor,n home close to downtown, June 1st posession.' Asking $64,600. • • •'„63i1 ROSE ST & 533 ROSE ST.. 2,- 3 bedroom harries: with separate -deeds. Double driveway. Asking $39,900and$34,900.. HURON •TVI1P., ;25 acres more or lees. This property is 'priestly ',Wooded with Second crit'bush 29 rd. v .100 rd. deptb. Reduced to $26,500. KffkILOSS TwP. brick 3 bedroolti'honto ork 26 acres,- approx, 1/2 workable. Reduced to $106;000, .PALMEFISICiN , ST, - 3 bedroorn: • red ,brick" bungalOw' with, attached garage with dooroperler. 'Built,in 1966; new window, . now soffits, riew. propane'. furnace, new roof '67yrs. old. - Make an Offer. • .• WEST.WAWANOS*1 acret self drairied land with approx. 27 acres Workable, river croSSOe Old Pr9Pertfh• • 4 SERVICED LOTS -g nn N. Delhi St:,and one.on Havelock St. and one,on • Fri Mackinnon 5213.3013 tionyikDonagh 528031 "ieLer•e.ee.„0 GOT A CAMPGROUND merribershipftimesi-oare? Well take Hi America's largest, oideseresale, ea inghouse. Resort 'Sales international 1-800-423- 6967. TimeStia.re rentals. needed. Cali 24 hours .a day.--17be 170 Apt** LUCKNOW - 2 bedroom ground floor apartment pri- vate entrance $570 per month plus •utilities. Available Deco 1. Phone '567-1847., 4Stfar WilkBEDROOM upper • level, main street rear, avail- able May 1, 1996. Phone 528-2051. -14tfar • LARGE TWO bedroom apartment Available April lsto $400/month plus utili- this. Above main street Call Paul 62844110 -14tf ONE.AND. 4we.bedroorn apartmenti Newiy renovat- , ed. Avaliabln imme late y NO • pets. Referemes required. Phone 3954433. - -09tfar UNDER I\IEW MANAGE- 'NIENTI WalkOrtOn Yonge, St; Apartments has one, ''twci and three -bedroom apartments available for tent. Swimming • garage, quiet exclusive complex, across from Bruce County, Buildings, OPP,' near school. Apply to: Adrian, Apt 7, 1012 Vonge St. 881-2790; --l3tfcc MODERN'"? BEDROOM apartment, Cresthaven Apartments, available June 1. $385 per month, plus util- ities'. Phone 519-848;2215 after 6.P.m. --10tfar TWO BEDROOM. upper level, main street, Available ., . • immediately. $325/month. plus utilities. Phone 528- 2146 after e p.m. --1 6-18ar Liammilimimmaii. j • * ' 180 illauses , DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new management. Freshly painted and reno- vated. Two and three bed- room, 1 month free rent, Available immediately. Phone 396-9332.-03tfar THREE BEDROOM country '" home, 2 miles south east of Ripley. $575 plus utilities, first and last, references required, available May 1st. Phone 395-3435. --16,17cc NEWLY RENOVATED farm house for rent 2 1/2 miles north of Lucknow. References required,. no • • pets$425 per month plus hydro. Apply to drawer #16 • 0/0 The Lucknow Seetinel„, Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0. --14tfar • 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Lucknow dose to school and downtown. Available, May 1. Phone 528-2914 days or 357-3753 evenings: HOUSE FOR sale or rent, 408 Ross Street. Information 524-6449 week- • 'ends and evenings. -43tfar • 16a Houses TWO BE2.01-10QM bungalow Luoknow, 4 appliances hiCluded, $575imorith plus utiiitieso Availabie May 1.. Gait Paul 528-241t -161far TWO BEDROOM, .108 Wole St, Godericho duplex available May 15. Large kitchen and living room, 4 piece bath, gas heat, air conditioned, sun deck with - enclosed yard.. Full turbo- ished dry basement with possibilities. Single parking spaoeo ideal for retired pie. Phone 629-7213 leave message., -16,17co • FARM HOUSE for rent. $675 per month. 4 - 6 bed- l'ocliTiS, garage. North West of Teeswater. Phone 619- •665-7818 or 619-336-6581. -16-18C0 23aComniercial - 1 MAIN STREET Store/office space, 400 set. ft. Available immediately. Phone 628- 2031, --,14tfar 25. Vianted to Buy a . OLD BARNS, BRICK HOUSES wanted to buy. Phone after 2 pomo. 233- 5539. —11tfgp WANTED TO BUY red or. • colored soup hens, *antes, pigeons and dOcks. Phone 357-2706, --16-18nx • .1 • 26. tileip Wanted HOMEWORKERS, EARN up to $500/weekly giving away audio tapes to friends. ,and neighbors.. Send #9 stamped :envelope for • details. Smiths Homework, Box 99; Dungannon, On. NOM 1RO.'--17-20cc • 'INTERNATIONAL AGRI- CULTURAL EXCHANGE Ages 18-30 with agricultural, experience to live/work with family' in Australia New Zealand„, Europe, Japano, Costs/details - 1-800-263- • 1827. #105, 7710-5 St. S.E., Calgary, .AB, T2H • EXPERFENCED EMBALMER/FUNERAL Director/Manager required in Bermuda. Generous salary and benefits plus. large one -bedroom apart- ment, no taxes; Please fax resume to B. Graham 809- 292-5589.--17bo $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make 'a lot of money sailing chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing. to . pay in advance. 'Fast dello- - erylsoo-183-35sq...17bc ASSEMBLE !CRAFTS , , . your home, barn up",to.$1g,.::: per hoar, a #9Ottartfped' envelope: brings detads ...Asserribly work. "Bok 6, KR. 6, Goderich„ On. NIA 3Y3. Corn. 6. ,.-1740co COACH 'OlEOUIRED.. for Teeswater Figure Skating' 'Club. Apply to' A.R. 3, • Teeswater, NOG 280. For information cal13.92-6413., 17,18x• •• . • • 1, •