HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-04-24, Page 4Page L ickuo-w S ittioel Weduesdayy, -April 24,, 1996
Cliauges '*Wes%Oideva] rtpsu subsoil:4W% a►dwu � brs bb att ttlfai,�oQ��+� 4• t is et 6 es ttt� teL . q _
t 1 I at ih tudkate hoc, 9� 1 ire W4 eipted on the curuti A •ff t cit t K6 ty' MGW R#p � �R:
tl U of the athroit ig Sart ckti . by the moutuus item togetta withaa zd le allowance fiv siguatoxe, rrte4 ehar
fir, but the balance of the at ismen% wiltiii p at the a' ."b ate% •
A otic- Y1tiistie6 0 iiiiiR ityiewsjis 9Cln,,oca5,
P.O. Dux 400, yNesinow' ato 21-10
pho eo W 19 528-2822 fa Q 19l 528,5 29
Established 1813
Tom Thompson — Advertising Manager.
Pat Livingston — General Mier` ter
Phyllisattlx ehrt a int. Me,
Joan Courtney a Typesetter
Sub6 -iptton Rates adi iu• Local Regular $T5.WA, postage and 0 S .) withw
40 nit mats, is.sv-Tator, $2342 Qi u l� .1st ici
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Fore -o. ; & IO $90Publicatto«ns rr registratiau 2194 0847
bell at LueIucWg
educui.. your stres
An interesting article "The len
Commandments for Reducing Stress"
came across my desk some time ago.
don't know the author A could have
been some stressed out mesonlooking
for relief or maybe, theiauthor is a prop
fessiottal that field of malaise
Fn. shoe the connuandments with'
1... Thou shalt not . be perfeet, nor eyer
try to be
'Mould be' nice, but we
all know there me those out
there who think they ,are
perfect and do not hesitate
in letting us °lower nnortals ,
know where we screw up.
2. Thou shalt not try to be
all things .to all people,
So the next time you're :,feeling fraz
zIed and don't know which hat to put
on take them all and throw thein away.
3. Thou shalt leave things undone that
ought to be done.... like the dishes, dust-
ing,' making
ust-ing,;making the bed t love mt1.
4. Thou shalt not spread t%yseftoo. thin
m in others words barn to say. no which'
happens ter' be commandment five.
6, Thou shalt schedule time for thyself
and thy ,supportive network.' So don't
feel guilty if you want to soak in the
tub, hit the golf course, spend time
alone with yourmate/and or children.
7. Thou shalt switch off and do nothing
regularly. Wouldn't it be. nice, if once
a week jou could sinirly take time to
listen to the birds, sell the air, read i
good book, weave your daydteains...
gQ Thou shalt be baring,. untidy inele-
gant and unattractiveat times. Yes,it's
okay to not apply your makeup, shave,
comb your hair or wear those old,
baggy worn-out . sweats once in a
while. .
9d Thou'shalt not feel guilty this
means when doing' any of the above
enjoy it!
10..Especiarly,, thou shalt not be three
own worst enemys, but be, thy.Iest
e fi°ietdQuit beating yourself up , for not-.
being. the perfect mate, mother, friend,
child„,_ all things to all people, a tidy .-
freak, a stressed out volunteer. ,.. after
all, we are .human beings not pro-
graint`ned robots!'
edicated to all volunteers,
. mire ,going. your
Let, me help. yon
You seem to be
'And"iny' :ins: Are
Let me c
tin up to the test,
I'll shoulder your
And give you a
1 was once trou-
With problems
and grief
Til a friend held
me closely
And offered
And all that
friend asked
Before •he was,
Was. when f felt
I;passhis help on.
(photo by Pat Livingston)
Ott years ergo .
April 29, .1926.
nMacPhail spew. out.: When the Won-
t, de utatioo .representing theautomobile
industries iutervieWed { Premier king on
ry of last
ast week,' � �ro�en (wiVes and dough -
of the manufacturers no debt) went along and
"subrtnitted° their appeal to the lone, .woman MP Miss
}• The lady member who always hasbeer* a foe of
privilege and, a champion of the ordinary man and
woman was equal
to the occasion and didn't flinch
before the representative, of wealth and privilege.
S0 years ago
May 2 194
arrtime housing - wards of 35 veterans
of World War havesignified their inter-
est in hew homes. in Lucknuw, . and as a
result a petition has". been forwarded to Wartime
. • + eunstri�ptioru• of new
Limited, requesting the
hones: here.
rc6 Miles_arrivingOn
•board the '••_Auiayii
which docked at Halifax on'TuesdaY,
were. three
overseas brides, whose destination is
in this iniedi-
ate community. J
. They are: hers. Florence Ross .wife of LAC LW.
Ross and daughter Patricia; Mrs:Catherine rrvest.
wife of Cfn. Alex Purves, and Mrs. Jane Johnston,
wife of LAC Keith Johnston.
Scottish bride arrives . llarr-vey Hall and his
Scottish bride, Sheila (Munro), arrived by train in
Lneknow on Monday night. They were gated by
;gathering of well-wishing friends and the skirl o' the
played by D.A. MacLennan of Lochalsh,
years ago
pril 29, 1981
lstout to monitor solicitor general - Murray
Lston, the newly . elected liberal Member .of
the Provincial Legislature for the riding of
trroil-Bruce is to be the Party's Critic of the.
Solicitor General's Ministry.
In making "the announcer ent Liberal Leader
Stuart mith expressed every confidence in Elston s
ability "to undertake this very important area of criti-
riti.cism. We've been concerned for some time that the
jobs of Solicitor General and Attorney General are
held by the same person; 1 know h+ urriay will keep the
pnsine onnthe govenu r inch "rgethesituation.