HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-04-17, Page 16f Luauow Sentinel, Wedne d iy, April 17, 1996 Page 15 25►. H+> Weed $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New prod- ° ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance, Fast deliv- ery 1-800-383-3589. *--16bc 277 Wanted ,General $LO -PITCH PLAYERS needed for Ladies League. Must be 16 years or older. Phone 528.2327 or 527 2309 evenings. -16,17 ALERT! Stay home - make WANTED: Findlay Ovral money. You assemble Cookstoves, immediately, anadian .products and ainy.condipon. Paying tip to earnop to $627 per week. $800, Apply. JOHN GIN- BE YOUR OWN BOSS and Amazing` recorded ;me $RICH STOVE .REPAIR, build your own business reveals details�'essaga" .705. RR#2 Drayton,. 8 'miles from. your -home in the 739-4905 ext. 7. - O7tfao Northwest of Elmira;? No, Health and wellness Indus- „try., ndus- •try for info package :call t- 800-352.2850.-,4 6bo . AS E CHINCHILLAS! Full or. part-tirna, Guaranteed income. Direct purchase : or NOW, IN QliNT'ARIOA NEW joint venture. Quality .INTERNATIONAL GRI- SPACE 1 GE ROOF` COAT' _ N.C.S.0 graded stock. +haat T A ING;' ' Exclusive'.Raofsaver quo-URALE HANGS Tom•or Greg Riedstra, 005 Agus 15-:34 with'aigricultural dealership available in=K.our 407-4669; fax, g95r4,S - err'4327,� c.Y e�Cpgrience` to ilea%rQrkY wrth• area, .THE�RM° 200.0- . �6bn, 31 w Wavle* Dinoctory GOVERNMENT FUND& Government assistance pro- grams information available For your new or existing business. Take advantage .of the 'government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915- 3615.--16b6 LABORER REQUIRED f+ r ° phone -1 ' Concrete ;manutactu:rin0_ from Mid, April. to late fall,” must be physically fit- For .information 'call 528-$537 days. z-16 , minas* family f il in Australia, elastomeric seamless:coat am y a ia, New .. ,FREE t;XCLUSIVE :LATA- Zealand Europe Japan Ing .thatotaily'aeals and; Costs/details - 1-800-263- 1827, #105 7710-5 St. S.E Calgary, A►_,.B �., . a 9 ry, x T2H :2L9,--16bG EXperlenc farm Equipment Orators Ailr brake endorsement' an - advantage. References required, usto M rle (5'19).29 protects a roof from this, ele- ments with, no need to resh- Ingle. Halt the-cost.of reroof- ing. Excellent for metal, concrete, walls and other surfaces. Proven effective in residential and commercial installations; Investrrnent of $12,950 includes inventory, .'protected territory,` full corn - ' ;pang .support and training.., Call collect'{416)398-7663 or fax (416)398-7689. Serious.inquiries oril'�rr 16bc LOVE.ICE: CREAM? .: BUSINESS peopi rt1NITV LIMITED OFFER y.. nigue Concept,h Add -or►, to :e is#Ing business ie (vari Mety)' or/set up new` Store.' All equipment supplied, .train- >.n veil es, :; Eas ` Lease to r3�, p.�. Owh! $999 down payment. i $g 20 per day Hu,rryi Don't rrtiss •: out this season:; Gait Hospitality Source Concepts 519-773-5885.--"16cc A LICENSED gravel rp;t;with 300 ton per .hour screener, 70' elevator,'and-loader,. • phone',;1:-905-684-8748, 1 519.578-7093 after hours 13-.1' cc •LEASING -"- DANCE. - Bar It"service: expandin +car dealership, Full' time • hours. Experience, ne cessary. Complete knowledge an asset Send resume stating qualificationsto Drawer Kincardine News 708 Queen .St Kincardine,' Ont. N22 2A3 TOWNSHIP of KIND OSs HEtP''VVAN�" ED The Township ..of: Kinloss 'requires 'a responsible.per son. to count the, dogs in,the Township, issue dog. es and tags, sand to collect the required . fees° Applications in writing, stat- ink age, :residence, and. price expectedper:dog, are :to: be in: the Clerk's 'Office Hclyrood, by, 4:30 p.m May 0,','19913. 'Any,appIica tion not necessarily,- A.M.C.Ti .':. r Hotel and ,Restaurant or Just f estaurant,,:rturn Key 'a Operation, "H nsall. 519- Op , a. 262-2314.. :O7tfcc . ` INCOME TAX preparation, reasonable rates, free pick up and delivery. Normal delivery time within 1 week. Pat Porter 528-3238. as 16,17x ASSEMBLE CRAFTS in your home, earn up to $12 per hour.' A self addressed stamped envelope brings full details. Assembly work, Sox 6, R.R. 6 Gaderich, Ont. NTA. 3Y3. Con 8. ` 18 l6cc CARL SLOETJES sa:„ _, it's ii atio:. LOGUES .- Mom's Pantry Products, Tiara Giftware. Earn EXTRA <income, self- ing 100s of items full/part/spare time. Great fundraiser! 1-800732076082 for info pak. 1 6bc 129. Tem George TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS4, ender, "The Township of 'lzirilos is railing•' for tenders for the ' sale of One,' like new, 1 :14epower Leeson. Electric Motor, arkrene used Minolta EP3aoRE, Photocopier,:, Tenders to be; received in the Clerk's Office, I°lolYrood, by 4;306 p.m„`'May 6, '1096. Any tender not net ria ;Clerk;'i Surer "HOLYROOD, Ontario. .NOG 2B0 :395.3575 Dyeing & Clyinli g Co. Carpet:arid Upholstery Cleaning Linda � 6104326.22210 Idle* mower 5194/# 7-2072 34.Pomona' �1 ARE YOU A MAN WHO MOVINGHAS sex with both men and Complete moving services, women? We'd like to, talk with you. Make yourselflocal, or long distance for residential` or commercial. heard by taking part .in this Free estimates, or do 1t University of °Toronto our- Free with our rental ley° itis anonymous and trucks and " equipment. ' confidential. Call for free Ustcwsii Rental and: Moving from anywhere in Ontario. Systems, Fully insured and 1414481+MAL.E.-16bc licensed. 291-1202 or toll *A cost will be ineurrsd, free 1 48:00-639-6896 HEAVENLY. PSYCHIC 34tfar Answers serving Over 56 FREE ADVERTISING” FOR. 1 FULL;. YEAR ON THE INTERNET! PUS! FREE 'Computer, software ed! .: Don'tass u this Future, Career. $2.99/ ming p R 184: 24 Hours 1-g00-451- • amazing aduadising: , offerl. . 3783,740c - Calf .141'8)391 *49=55. Fax Ar . (416.)39,1-021'11:600 cost Wilt beIr curred. HOMEwOtCER:.EAHhCANADAS :MOST GIFTED million readers and' multi- talented -psychics, Free .. astrochart with your first reading! Relationships, ue to 4500/weekly, doing psyrchics.. have answers to asserrrbl work • In =your •Poor problems or Questions y r : about health, love, relation - home, Noexperiiience need ed. Sendamp t ed, envelope,' "IP' mdney, ducky num- 3 ope bars. 349 min to .1$+ 24 for � , ',deta>Iis;. . Smith"� , ` _. � / . u � . , hours, 1 '900-451-4336.- ;Homework Agenicy, Sox 99:,; • "18eb ... I?ungannron; pnt: NOM i R0. a --`18 sic: *A ce t; will, be jec Mrred : `90T0 Ti1:1 iNe, screen and: L vel ACCURATE, PR° FES$IONAL PSYCHICS tell window repairs: Call Stove you where,.your future lies:. 395-.3931 --16,17x love,:marriage, relation• HOUSE PAINTING, interior •Y sh sr career. reunite ou P and exterior Contact -John with • loved' onus; Mowbray: , 395-5375.,,_ $2;75/minute i 900 -451•- Reasonable rates, 14 years 2787 18+ 4 hour :1 b experience.--16-19xc, .2 � 6 A cost will .be Incurred... PIANO NEED tuning?,Call IMPOTENCE?. SHYNESS Doug: Clark 528-3945. Aprii: ANGER? . .:TROUBLED and;Mayr':$45 --16,17x' ' O I"l 'I t,w D / I E":E N ?. ANXIOUS/DEPREas'ED Privatte, professional'recr pings. HAD you do is listen" MOTHER .0F 2 willing, to 18+. ` . $2.99/minute. babyeit in her home' starting, Recordings a �roxirriatel: 3 g pP� •y,. May .1,' reasonable rates, • + _ minutes. ' 1 -9oa-451 =000... lunch provided ',activities. 15bc• Contact Sherrie at 525-291fi LOCAL LICENSEt carper ter -wi h man .:ears ex 'er - t y p ence,•available for �sma lg building :' ., projects. ?. References:"available.. Ca,1 Pahl; Martin.:524-2922 -14 lofted H1GHSCHOOL'STUD NT looking .for :summer employr- Merit' Nlonday to Friday. lllfill,. dci 'babyisitting, "house work etc.` Phone •528.2703. -.- 16,17x afterfi30Pm.--1517:; HEALTH' CARE AIDE will- rng to babysit in. my, home.` 1»ulltime :' 4. -weekdays...- . Nutritious:-, meals and,: snaCks.Close .to "park and school..Call. Allyson' 528- 2873. --16 M/TURE" STUDENT required to babysit 3 school; aghild>ien for mmer; moenths.;cEar`iy.:hourssu5:45.' A.M. !!-,4:1O p.m. weekdays References required. Apply rawer #22, c/a The Lucknow Sentinel, BOX. 400 Lucknow.-16,17 R 1. E.N EMBALMER/FUNERAL' Director/Manager required in Bermuda. Generous,; salary and benefits ' plus large one -bedroom. "apart- ment* no. taxes; Please fax resume to ,B ; Graham 809 292-5589.--16bc BRING . °` HOME THE` WORLDi -:;EF Foundation is -looking, for 'viol inteer- host-- -fanilies.forstudents'from,, :'countries' arriving in' eptember Ptease,call, free,:`1-800-263-2825.--16oc 40.Pors0irr ►I ARE. YOU experencing the aftermath of fan abort- ion/emotions, you "can't:: explain? • Most post-abortal worsen" :experience trauma. Irt.their lives. Cali- our,24 hr. hotline collect, (519) ' : 323-375.1 for confidential. support; --1 Sar An Inform 1, Public Information Session with' Barb isherr. MPI , .. On end the Agenda: a: Education, .Health'Care 'and Ontario: Hydra AA rile BA.N O ON '..PENT M N. HURSDA AFRI 1 '. Everyone welcome; For more information call the .Constituenc Office at 9'- t or 1430Q-667-0376 Ir Dave Seabtook Ekcavating Gravel •:.T p SoiI Fine. Grading Large excavator ator trucks, loader..dmmer Reasonable: rates 528- X31 Mobile a"244311 RR 5...Lu know THE KEY `Counsellors; - highly- qualified counsellors, assist you wish all types 'of issues, relationships; family, work, social,. etc. it .yrs Confident a ,"1 < . y � $2.39/min 1-90.0-:461-3030. -i 6bc ADOPTEES/BIRTH PAW ENTS/FAIUfiLY MEMBERS, Canada: Wide National;, Registry and _search assis-: targe:, .1.800-871-8477: ,information line 1-8.00-871 8477, E-mail ffcwnr igeor gian net -`I6bc 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS- ES! Safe, rapid, .non surgi- cal', permanent restoraDocttionor . 6 - 8 weeks Airline. pilot •deFetoped; approved Free `.information ; by° strait: 406.061.5570, ext. 253;, fax 406=9fi►1-5577. E - ma l: Visiont«"�Montana.com. Satisfaction .guaranteed. '10c 1 COUNSELLING Irielvidue, Meritoli Family 5tr r/ Ar y/PalnManigornent Persons) ► irililesieloreedleck. Pastoral Centre, twlllliM'i44724 KINSMEN CASH Calendar • winners Apr..,18 $50Frank MacKenzie,' Lucknow, Apr,' 9, $50 "Sandra Liddle, Kincardine, '$50 Apr. 10 Roberta Whytock, L fcknow, Apr. 11 $50 Don Morrison, Wingham, Apr, 12 $100. Gordon Cameron, Ripley, Apr. 13 $50 Dungannon Sharks, Dungannon, Apr, . . 14 $50 Laura Coll,. Wingharn.