HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-04-10, Page 25rage 24 atio Help Wanted $ATTENTION STUDENTS$' Make a lot of money selling. chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1.800.368-3589. --t5bc ALERT! 'Stay home make money. You assemble Canadian 'products and earn up to $627 per. week. Amazingrecorded message; reveals details. Call 705. 739.4905 ext. T. -w0 R ttco CONSTRUCTION WORK*; ER for Out of town: work. Transportation: provided. Valid drivers licence required.: Reply to . BOX 328 Mitchell..'NOK' 1 NO -- 14,1500' CLEANING' PERSON ',required, bi-weekly.. Apply, stating wages expected and experience to drawer #6 c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0..- 15', .uei low Sentinel, Wednesday, April 19,19 CASUAL PART time help required for local retail busi- ness, office 'skills an asset. Daytime hours required. Apply to drawer:' #5 "clo The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknov 15,16ar PARTS -SERVICE CONSULTANT required for full service expanding- . car dealership. Full time hours. Experience ne- cessary. Coimplete knowledge an asset. r, u Send es � �°s�.o tati m og� ificati'n t 0 Drawer #11, Kincardine News 70$; Queen St. IClncardine',; ant N2Z 2A3 28easiness 4ppl A LICENSED gravel pit with 300 ton per hour screener, 702 elevator, and loader. Phone 1-905-684-8748,1. 5199578.7093 after hours. O- 13-17cu GOVERNMENT -?FUNDS. Government assistance pro- .grams information available.. For your now or existing business. Take advantage of the governmentgrants and loans. Call 1-800-915m 3616.-a1.5bc ,BE YOUR OWN BOSS' and, build ..your Own business: from your home in the Health and wellness' Indus- try. For info package call I - 8O0-352-2850:--t.Sbc ►rvice Directory HOMEWORKERS, EARN up to $600/weekly :doing assembi'y work in your horned No experience need- ed. eeded. Send stamped envelope for details. Smith°s' Homework Agency, box: �999 Dungannon, Ont. NOM IRO,. -134 boo Antiouivimimits CARL SLOETJES Sales- Installation. Renovations . Roplacemept1Mndaws & Doors .. lOtchen Cabinets. *Vanities Carpetand Linoleum • Soofiing:R'Free Estimates RR 7, W I;=CKN Q • 64 �►2 ARE YOU, A MAN WHO HAS'sexwith both men and women? W •like to talk with you. yourself heard by taking art in this University of Toronto sur- vey. it's anonymous and confidential. Call f rue from anywhere in ' rlo: 1-800-9-Bi-MALEp44 FREE iNFCRMATION: DANCE course on videol Country, Social, tine-danc Ing, Tap-dance! Never seen revolutionary technic and modern. Write . to. Canad*A*Merica„ 2021. Aylwin :Street.,' Montreal I -11W 304, "-15bc = r ENTHUSIASTIC, FRIEND- LY',,OUTGOIN:G PEOPLE'`'; required• to market long dis- ' tance savings plan. One -tune enrollment of Gus tomers for ongoing, monthly commission based on monthly . call volume,. Unlimited income potential.. Part-time or full-time' basis. Write/call: Li Cavanaugh, .258. Cedar Street, .Uniit 2, Cambridge, ON. :NI S 1W8. 519-623-3981.--15bc 30. Emilr:. waste: LOCAL LICENSED carpen- ter with many,'years experi- ence,. is •availabie for small building projects. References available, ;Call 'Pau) Martin 524=28 2. -1 4� 1S*6'' Carpet tieing .&.Cleaning Co. Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Linda Stanley 519-528.2139 Mark Stever 519-3574072 524-413$ I( tic A Driveway Sealing Kevin Alex 'Residential Driveways Commercial Parking Lots 'Foundation• Coating 'Free Estimates, +nnvewaY Rurs entice iirectolry oN c K COMSTR I 'IC N LTD, .Newhomes, cottages, additions renovations, 'reOacefrOit*iiilot dors," aluminum trimworii►.skiing,' farm htaftngs, real house inspection,.mini,backhpe work, tube &:damp acaftokf rng: 004 1976.2 2B : Business OPP. LEASING DANCE Bar Hotel :and. Restaurant or Just Restaurant. Turn Key Operation, Hensall, 519- r . "- 262 2314. 07f%c:., ATTENTION YOUNG ADULTS T1+fIE"FoTtng it- owS' ! am a 50year old mal•, thew* op to $10,000 (Or you and 1 to ,bogin ay.ntu. IF 1. You are between then m0.60115801;126 2. You have an original, ,lm ve concept, idea or product that you` and) carr • develop that will Benefit people in YOUR ►'' . ,group end w Yndr�.� '!o wotAd be profitable. as You went my support,' experience, help and d,, you � in the Grey%i# uce area and are able'te .. convince Mit of Your potential, commithonesty, sincerity arid - MOVING Complete moving ,Services, local Or long` distance:' for residential or commercial, Free ' est`imates, or do it yourself . with our rental trucks and " equipment, Listowel;, Rental'and :Moving Systems. Fully insured; and licensed. 291-1202 or,:toll` free 1-800-633=6896- 34tfar • INCOME •TAX. preparation, reasonable rates, free pick :up' and delivery.Normal delivery time within 1 week. Pat. Porter 5528=3238. -- 14,15x ASSEMBLE CRAFTS; in your home, earn- up to $12 per hour. A` self addressed stamped:envelope brings full details. Assembly work, Box 6, R.R.!�6 Goderich,y�p� Ont, N7A 3Y3. Com.6. 1 3- 16cc screened/Unscreened .Pr ravel gavel fite r a 1 g iames Symes • Paving & Materials Babysitting YI in i. arb MOTHEROF to ,• 2 VviIg babysit in her home starting May 1, reasonable "rates, lunch: provided; activities. Contact Sherrie at 508-2916 after 6:30 p.m. - 15-17 33. ` MI$cs�. 'twill become your partner and Our ittheitleiN unfold. If YOU are up to 'tire challenge, write in the tee conlldencee and trusts At L. repiles (trill be assessed And answered. , My mummy'. ty 9. T1140 FIutllr. 11. Clink`s ekne,219 • FIoshertoti ,,Ontr (wool vsioa924 17' 41*. Gi(o ow: 20/20 'WITHOUT GLASS- ES! Safe, -rapid„ non-surggi- cal, permanent restoration' in 5 8 weeks. Airline. pilot dew:Opt: ed. Doctor; approved; ,1=rOo information by mail: *961-5570, pXt., " 253;. fax 406.961-5677. E- mair:' VisionOlViontaratork Satisfaction guaranteed.. 16bc 34, Personal *A cost will be incurred. PHYSIC ANSWER - Police use us, Harness Your Destiny ...Instant Answer 'solve all Problems; with gift- ed Psychic. Love.,Succe ,s...Relationshi ps,..Evanly' Rays $2.99/rnin. 18+ 24 hours. Rated #1. Call 1.900=451-4055. --12- 15cc HAVING •A . DRINKING PROBLEM? AA,can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3635. 15ar CRISIS.' PREGNANCY CENTRE - Are you preg-. pant? Need help? Call. our 24 hour hotlin `collect. 323- '3751 or dropat',.1 78 Mame St •S. Mount` Forest`,for free pregnancy t. estinJfi coOn- selling .arid support, child- • bi:rth` coaches,• clothing . -- liar • *A cost;wili be incurred." HEAVENLY ,1:!.$y,014,1.0" Answers, serving over SQ: million readers; ,and` multi talented . psychics. Free astrochart withyour.first reading! ReIatiopships, Future, Career. $2.99/ rniri: 18. + 24 'Habra: 1.-9004451- 3783.--1 Sbc *A cost will: be incurred.. CANADA'S. MOST GIFTED psychics have answers td ' (your ° pr`oblerrrs or questions a t h t ove els i -'' bad eel h,, ;i , r ton ship,' money, 'lucky num- bers'. $3:49/minute, 134, 24 hours;'.1;-900-45:1-4836.-- 1:009 *A cost will be•ificurred. LIVE, ACCURATE, "PRO- FESSIONAL PSYCHICS tell .. you a,dhere "our future lien lovemarriage,, relation ships;, career, reunite you with . loved onos. $2.75/.mirrutp 1-900-451 2787,13+, 24hours --15bc f.. THE 'KEY Counseiior# -., highly qualified Counsellors:. assist you with all !Spee cif. personal issues,• relation • . family,'.work, :social; . etc, perrfidcrwtiai, i 3 yrs, $2i9916.00 111004011.4034 .tom CITIZENS for Television Choice! When l think of my cable TV service, I develop• flu-like symptom% if this is you, find out about new Alternatives to cable TV available now How to reduce your, monthly cable bill or personally benefit by organizing your apartment Owner or 'Strata CQtlncii to investigate the install;of a private cable television Sys- tem. Call 1-900-451.3991 a Calls are $2,19 per minute and,callers must be 18 or older. --16b LOVING COUPLE unable to conceive :a child.- If you're pregnant, and thinking about. adoption, please call us and help our dream come true, 1-800.875.9982.+-15bc 36. Announcement KINSMEN CASH Calendar winners: A Apr. 1 $50 Todd Thorrtpson, Ripley; Apr. 2 $60 Qail .McPherson, Lucknow; Apr.' 3 $50 Paul McKee,Belgrave; Apr. 4 $50. Ron Gordon, Kincardine; , Apr, 5 $100 'Barb 'tion• rams Kincardine, ° Apr6 $50 Torn and Karen Van KI'nkle Toronto, Apr. 7 $SO Larry and Barb Harper, Lucknow. -1 Sar ARENA 'DRIVE" IN 95 • Lottery draw winners on Aprj14, 1996 were $500 - Neil Stapleton', Auburn; $300 Doty .Bone,: Lucknow; $200*Tom Pegg;,, •Lucknow. --15ar • ANNOUNCEMENT 1'401..0 eAsed announce' that `Louis Sloetjes and Chad Mann are the"new proprietors of 4.10y4 • Collins Construction Ltd, 1 would like to :takethis opportunity : t.o. thank everyone for their` patronage ober the past.28 ,years: Louis and,Chad,look forward to•your continued: -support. or,. allyour .sePtic do r,; backhoe, by hoe and'gravel inquiries please contact Lents at 529 -7082' -or . Chad at 357-3015.: Dr. fall & Staff' ate .pleased:: to announce the appointment Of Tracy Babcock. (soon: to be Ireland) to their office as Dental Hygienist. Their offibe will snow be accepting new patients. P'.& 2 ' rtgage ins ►' • AbsolutelyMoNo Upfront.M Fees Available as low as 6.50" 'Interreist Personal Loans: you �qualif j, payments Amt. Approxi Mo. Payment ., 5,000 r 41.66 *10,000 •�, 83,s3 '15,000 X125.00 Cons all+dsto.you .debts 519 1.1 $TRAL FUNDI ' INC. A. M Congratulations to the All n`t `io hair ions. p L c .... til.. � _o1Nl.` • ' . Bantams`' from° The Atot`Irl '"B" . . Ice Warriors Congratulations' to Lucknow- B OMHA Cham ions "A great job b o well dWfle boys" MHW Plumbing Lucknow 5?8.3407 Absolutelyy no;u front fee Loans 200025000 1st; �& 2nd .Mortgages • Cali: Dominic'Bradle Y RBS Brokerage House=Inc, 519) 893-8100{24 HRS.) Ri O . A_uV tion Ca1.hd r WEDDINGS Performed .your location or our .Indoor or outdoor :chapel (nondenominational). For;brrochure cath Rev ,Moroari w Ail'Faiths. Pastoral ntre.'Berintil ter. 5245724 - Co�ngratulatlons to the Lucknow Bantams fors wl nninl the . all Ontario Charmplonahip. Lucy Allan Miner, Hoiyrood' serer l Store John &Lloyd Albrecht HR #1 Milverton t:.I. 3C Farm Machinery & Household Effects for Allan Herrfort, RR #1, Newton (Mornington Twlp ) Sat.. ?9/90 Ron Stanley Farm Equipment Consignment Sale,,+B�enire.: St.. rir /..' Livestock, Farm Machinery for .John & Trie e . am ,� 1 V eSt?ny. RR'#3 Wingharn. (East 1Nawanosh Twp,) May- 4/ Estate''A. •Ross McCall. S t, ;Brussels Sat, Mtn°11/ • ,Garth & Ruth McClinchey Hullett Twp, to Mai` 28/90 MerytMarllynSmIth McKillop Twp.; , ont1ritl Livestock ExchaKatcher Stockyard Tues, & "Mute. Brussels every Friday f #3, VVIngharn •