HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-27, Page 1601e1
uU1uei'A Weduesdaya Jitlars7 i g7
13L Auctions
43. Obituaries
Virden QAlexander :Mowbray„
0i�}}, sof �LarMknovvA Passed,.away
on Mar, 18., 1996, at the.
Wirlghaln and District Hospital.
Mr. MQ vbray was a :prominent
Lucknow businessman for over
46 cars at theeildeison Flax
MM. Since 1977 he had
en; 'yed his retirement. Mr.
Mowbray was an eider at the .
Lucknow ;Presbyterian. Church
for 51 years. He was a charter
member -of the Lucknow and
(District Lions Club.In 1934,
Mr. Mowbray joined the
Mas o,nio Lodge in Wun hams.
Two years later, he joined the
Lucknow Chapter .o'f the bodge,
and served as first Principal in
1914`,- Mr, . Mowbray was a son
of the late Alexander and
Mabel (Morriscn), i le'was born'
in West Wawanosh Township
on Nov: 25, 1913. Mf.
Mowbray is survived by,is wife
Margaret (Bell) Carruthers" of
Lucknow; children, John and
Mation Mowbray'' of R.R3
Lucknow, Gerald and Joan
Mowbray of R.R. 3 Wingham,
Alan Mowbray 'of R:R. 1 Port
Elgin, Sharyn and Alex
Thompson.of Burk's -Falls;
step daughters, Marilyn
Macintyre of RR. 5, Lucknow,
Amelia' Murray of Clifford, and
Janet . • °Bannerman of
Kincardine. ;Mr.Mowbray. also
leaves'to. mourn his passing.
sisters and brothers, Alba
Mactntrye of Teeswater ;Dr.'
John -'Mowbray of Salt Spring
Island, . B,C,, Helen Strang of.
bhilliwack, B,C, sister-in-law
Beryl Mowbray of Shelburne;''
22 grandchildren and 17 great
grandchildren. He was ,prede-:
ceased, by his first wife Freda
Mustard, and a brother
Kenneth Mowbray. of Lucknow.
Visitation . was , at the
MacKenzie and McCreath
Funeral Home where the Lions
conducted a walk' through of
respect and a Masonic service
was held.:The'funerat was held;
on :Mar, 17 at the Lucknow
Presbyterian Church with Rev,
Peggy Kinsman officiating,
Piano and violin prelude was
provided by two grandsons,
Michael and Scott Bannerman.
During the service a grand-
daughter; "Hannah Thompson,
played a violin selection
Amazing Grace. The -trio of-
Helen.- . Brisban, Peggy
Henderson and Marion
Mundell, with Norma Raynard
at organist also contributed to
the service,: A beautiful eulogy
to her dad was given by Janet
Bannerman: Flower bearers
OF ANGLERS tiumErits, .
38. Auctions
Farm Machinery
wIli be held for
Jim and Juan-Whytopk
Lot 16 Cork. 4 Culross Twp.
Bruce County 1 mi. 8. of
Teeswater on Hwy. #4.
Saturday, April 6/96
10:30 AM
-TRACTORS: 1830 John'Deere
Tractor with '146 loader with
material bucket; 2950,4eohn
Deere 'Tractor with cab
adjustable wheels, 28.60 hrs. ;
550 Cockshutt Tractor,
Freeman loader,
'HARVESTING: Kverniand
Plough - 4 x16" bottoms; 3 p.h;
Oliver plough .3 X 12" bottoms;
White 252 disc •.; 56 Plates, 18-.:
ft. (Wings included); 1.H, 4500
Vibrashank-cultivator . 18 ft,.
(wingsincluded); t7ft., chain
harrows & diamond harrows; 3
- 'Old Drum land "rollers; John.
Deere 7000 corn ,planter with •
insecticides; New Idea 10 T.
manure spreader, variable stow
speed apron.. double beater,'
hydraulic.end.gate; George
White trail weed spraYer, . 30 ft;.
,bourn; New Holland :479
haybine •S ft.; International.
4000 .Swather 12.ft.; Ferguson
3 p.h. side rake; New Holland,
65 side rage, New Holland 310,
-,Baler with thrower`(electric
control); 2 Bale thrower racks
on John ,Deere wagons; 2.20
*Bale thrower racks on a T. .
wagons; 32'ft bale elevator
Skeleton bale elevator ., 20 ft;
2. Dion Forage boxes on Bt.
wagons, Tumco Grain box on 8 '
1'wagon; J.D. 17 run Seed dill
with grass seeder; International
56 Corn & c Bean Planter with
insecticides; 2 - Flexicoil 6 ft.
tend packers; 4 row 3 p.h,
scuffler with rolling shields:
ANTIQUES:, Fleury 1.' Furr*.
walking plough,; National 2
furrow walking' plough; 2 Cutter
shafts; Wooden Gravel box,
Old White bricks. .
Generator;Snow blower - 7 1/2
ft,; Cattle Clappers; Electric
Fencers and.stakes;10' x 10'-
Mat for, maternity •pen; Cow,
lifter; Tractor chains;32 ft.
wooden extension ladder
Any announcements day of
sale lake . precedence' aver
.written advertising. E.& 0.E:..
owner:, and auctioneer .net
responsible for ;accidents or".
injuries in: any way connected.
With the sale, , .
TERMS: Cash or cheque .with
I.D. dayof sale
Lunch Booth
Whytock, 'fie'eswater 519-ah2
• ,,, 414492'611 L
RANT iMcDD.ONALD,, diel r
519496-5353 '
Auction Calendar
Wodp9 Morph 27190
farm Machinery Hank valtka p.
HH #i Newton'
Farm Machinery& Household
° Effects for<R.J.•Bob`Merixies,
R.i #2. IJstewei(GreyTwp.)
• Fig 5/96
ran Marhinety'forlJoydl, Ciiin5
Estate, HR #3,; cderieh
4Ashfield Twp►.)
'Mone. -April 4/96
ileavre'Ferm Equintherit
Consignment Sale, Lucknow..
W+e. A rit 10/
John &"Lt yydAlbrecht
RR #1, Milverton
Sat,. Ap1l1.13/96
Farm Machinery & ,Hous'ehold
Effects. for Allan Herrfort, RB #1,
Newton (Mornington .Twp.)
Ben"Stanleyar Equipment...
Consignment Sale, Benne..
sot:, Apo, 27196
Livestock, Farm Machinery.for
John & l rieva Jamieson,
RR #3 Wingham
(East Wawanosh Twp.)
Sat:. May 4/96
Estate A Rose McCait
Sat, May 11/96
Garth & Ruth McClinchey
- Sat:..MM,y',:25/96
Mery & Marlyn Smith
Ontario Livestock Exchange
Kitchener Stockyard
Tues. & Thurs,
Brussels -every Friday
-1!IR II3 Wingham
39. Educational'
Institute Ontario ;Extension
offers correspondence courses
for:. the. Diplema in Counselling
Practise to begin March 30.
For a brochure phone. Toll-free.
1-800-6655-7044.--13bc .'
with our great home -study.
course. ,Call for your FREE
' BOOK. 1-800-267-1829, The
Writing School, 2486-38'
McArthur Avenue, . Ottawa, On.,
K1:L 682. --13bo
the Southwestern School of:
Auctioneering. Next class April
• 13 ,- 19, 1996, Contact;
Southwestern Ontario School
of Auctioneering, A.R. #6,
Woodstock, Ontario `N4S, 7V9
(619).537-2115 --13bc
TOR..,with our great home
study course. Call today for
your FREE BOOK. 1.800-267-
1829. The Sheffield School,
1061 .;38 . McArthur; Ave.,
Ottawa, On'KiL6142. =13bc
apartment/condo managers'
needed across Canada. We
trains Job search assistance.
Also many jobs available In
B.C:I Information/brochure call
d5i .1400
LOST AT Lucknow area: -
child's Mickey; Mouse watch,
tan leather band and gold face..
Please'call 529-1031: aa1
• 18xc
A 'net►
.rpt of
giving `;
were grandchildren: Scott
Bannerman, Jonath-on
Thompson, 'Elizabeth
Thompson, Sharyn Thompson
Fiona Mowbray, Melanie
Bannerman and 'Danielle
Bannerman.'Honorary pall;
bearers were members'of the
Presbyterian Church, Session:
Albert. Taylor, Donalda, Moffat,
Ken Laidlaw, Bill Henderson,
Donald Murray, Ron Machan.
and Grant Tartish. Pallbearers
.were six grandsons: Paul •
Thompson, Duncan Mowbray,
Andrew Mowbrayp . Al honse
Murray, Michael Bannerman,
and Sandy Maclntyre.:Spring
intermentGreenhill Cemetery,
Lucknow. 13at
42. ObituaIrieS
George W.eiey Joynt, 79, a
formai-reev' f the Village of
Lucknow, passed away Mar,
18, 1996, at the 'Wingham and
District Hospital. George and
his wife, Jessie, lived on floss
Street their entire married life
' He farmed, in West Wawanosh
Township raising beef cattle,
and, later growing- cash. crops.
Mr. Joynt was also the owner
of two apple. orchards in earlier
years. His 'interest in municipal
politics was, peaked in the mid-
50s and: led him to serveasvil-
lage -councillor, then reeve in
1957. George was proud to.
serve as reeve during the
100th: anniversary of the village
in 1958. In 1059, he was
Warden of Bruce County. He
wasfiercely proud of his com-
munity and was a !teen advo-
•cate of 'projects that would
serve to enhance a bettor life
for the citizens of Bruce
County. Mr. Joynt was reeve of
the village from '1957 to 1985,
with the exception of 1958, a
total of 27 years.. He was a
member of the Masonic. Lodge
-:for overr,,50 years' and a charter
member of the Lucknow and
District Lions, Club. Mr. Joypt
was born . in West Wawanosh
on Mar. 9, 1917, to. the 'late
Wesley Joynt and Edith
Freeman. He is survived by his
wife; the former • Jessie
Pearson of Ethel, 'whom he
married on Sept. 15, 1943;, two
daughters, Mary Jane Nielsen
of Milton, and Katherine Ann
Joynt of Hamilton, as well as a
grandson Torben Wesley
Nielsen: A Masonic Lodge ser, -
vice was held on Mar. 19. Rev.
Bill Bresnahan of. the Lucknow
United Church, where Mr.
Joynt was a ,member, officiated
at the funeral on Mar. 20 at the
MacKenzie: and McCreath.
Funeral Home chapel,
Lucknow. Organist was Anne
Pritchard. Honorary pallbearers`
were Warren Zinn George
Anderson, Omar Brooks and
Bob Struthers, Pallbearers
were Jim Boyle, Ab Murray,
Frazer MacKinnon, Frank
Hawthorne, Brock = Cleland and
Stuart Reavie. Spring inter-
ment at Greenhill ;Cemetery,
43. Births
Amy and George are pleased
to announce the safe arrival of
their son Patrick Albert Alton..
Born -March 4, 1996, at Clinton.
Publicm'Hospital weighing 7 ib.
15' oz. Proud grandparents ere-
re:Ken and Ruth Alton, Lucknow,
Bob and Linda Libby, Shelby
Township, MI. and,great•grand
parents. Alice Pricer;
'Lucknowv, Jeasie Alton„
Australia, Albert. and• Esther.
Libby, Rochester,
Blair and Barb of 'Wingham- are
pleased to announce thebirth
of their soli' fienjamin; Arthur
born March .2a; 1996 .,.at
.,Wingham. and District Hospital
weighing..7 lbs., 12' 'o2:.'
Benjamin is a wee :brother for
Scott and grandson for Bertha
and Bill :Scott of Ripley and
Ron and Edna Alton, Lucknow,
great grandsorl.for Jack and
Mary Scott, Ripley: Arthus
Stewart, Lucknow end Harvey
Alton; Wingham, --13
Longtime resident of Turnbsrey
Township,. Subscription. Agent
for the `Ontario Farmer news-
paper, a member of Winghare
Masonic Lodge #286 and
. Royal Canadian Legion Branch
180,: `Wingharn. At London
Hepil .Sciences Centre on
Moray., .March. 18„ 1996. Mr,
C�Piiliara M.foss' Of R.R. #1,
Wingharnin his 72rid year,
Beloved husband of Margaret
(Book.), Loving father of Shelia
and her husband Fred Lewis of
H.R.#2, Tiverton, Shirley and
her husband Cana McArthur of
Richmond Hili, Dianne Lane of
R.R. 1, Wingham, Donna
Cameron of Nanalano, [ ,C.,
Marilyn and her husband Rick
Ayearst of the Bahamas, Bill
and his wife Karen Foss of
R.R. #1, Wingham, and Hugh
Ross and John Kelly of Oxford
Mills. Brother of Trudie and her
husband Art Burke of
Mississauga; Norris and his
wife Flo Ross of R.R. #1,
Biuevale, ,Mabel McKay of
Kincardine, Don and his wife.
Denice Ross and Eileen and
her husband Bob Million all of
Kipawa, Quebec, Dave and his
wife Janet Ross of Tiverton
and Ednaand her husband
;John•Marchuk of Redding,
California. Grandfather of Fred
'and Angi : Lewis, Paul and
Mark McArthur, Robbie and
Shawn ' Lane, Dustin and
Denessa Cameron, Jessica
and Jordan Ross. Great-grand-
father ' of Denaka. The family
received ' friends at the
McBurney Funeral Home,'
Wingham, on Wednesday,
March 20, Funeral services
were field at St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Wingham
on Thursday, March 21.
Reverend elan Barr officiated.
Sp ing interment in South
Kinloss , e t
C e r
o me ry B anch 189, .
Royal Canadian Legion held a
memorial service in tate funeral:
home. Wingham Masonic
Lodge #286 held' a memorial
service in the funeral home.
Memorial donations to the
Canadian; Cancer. Society or
your favorite charity would be
greatly -appreciated by the fam-
ily. --13
46 in Memoriam
in loving memory of a dear
wife, mother, and grandmother
Eileen Wagner who passed
away 2 years ago• March 27,
Beautiful 'memories are won-
derful thinga.
They last 'til the longest day,
They never wear out, they
never get lost, '
And cannever be given away,
To others a part of the past,
But to us. who loved and Jost
Your memgry will .always last.
Always remembered and sadly
missed by husband Gerald and
family. --13x
d ,
Inlovin menton of a dear
g, y
husband, father and'grandfa-
ther.Cla " on'Alton, who' passed:
away one' year ° age April 2
:' 1996:,
'Deepin . our hearts lie a icy
" Of a loved enc laid/to reot,
•I:n. memory's'frame we. shall
keep t, "
iecauuse, he was; one of the'
' t adly ntlssod" q •
Lovingly remernb'ernd by Lois
424 Obituaries-
A$ 0, g. E. Hospital, Petroliap
On Monday, March 18, 1996,.
I Idau�
Orwin, age 7nnQQa
9 of
Moan' da. tunita: Mr. °swan Was
IQfe member of A.F. & A.M.
Maitland Lodge 33, . St, Simon
of Cyrene .:Preceptory #87,
Lambton Shrine club Meter
Corp. and a member of the
Wyoming Chapter 238 Eastern:
Star. :eloved husband of
Doreen (lrvin)° Irwin, "Dear
father of Carslyn and her hus-
band Robert Frayne.of Petrolla
and Richard and his, wife Jennl
Irwin of Point Edward. Dear
grandfather of Jennifer . Frayne
and her friend Rod, and Scott
Frayno and his friend
Stephanie. Dear brother of
Evelyn Klemm and her hus-
band Rudy of Peacock P• int
and Terri Hrynkiw and her hus-
band John of Niagara Falls.,
Also survived by a sister-in-law
Helen Irwin of Waterloo and an
aunt, Elleda Irwin of Lucknow.
Predeceased by his parents
James and Etta (Woods) Irwin,
sister Mary Jane and by broth-
ers Ross and Gordon. The
funeral service was at held a
the Smith Funeral ,Home, 1676
London Rd., (hwy 7)., Sarnia on
Friday, March 22, with Rev.
Marietta Marshall • of
Mandaumin. Interment will take
place at Greenhill Cemetery,
Lucknow at a later date.
Sympathythrough donations to
the Shrine Hospital for Crippled
,Children, Mandaumin United
Church or C.E.E. Hospital;
Petrone would be appreciated.
At Cambridge Memorial
Hospital on Monday, -March 18;
1996, : Gladys (Cornish)
Kilpatrick of Cambridge and
formerly of Goderich and
Ashfield, Township in her 73rd
year: Wife of the late Harvey
Kilpatrick. Dear mother of Jan
and Stephen Sharpe of
Cambridge and the late Mark
Kilpatrick, sister of Josephine.
Cornish, Grace Hubbell and
Fred Cornish. in accordance
with her wishes, there will be
ng funeral : homevisitation or
funeral service. Private inter-
ment Greenhill' Cemetery,
Lucknow. Donations to the '
Heart, and Stroke Foundation
would be appreciated as
expressions of sympathy.
(McCallum and Palle Funeral
Home; G ederich; 524-7345.
130c ,
n NMemolriam.
Frank. Ritchie - April 1,198.5.'
As children, we can't compre-
hend orfully realize the mean -
log of a .father's love:, how ten-
. der and how wise. His patience .
and his guidence, his helppful
caring ways;, the special
thoughtful things he did to
brightenup the days. Time
0es b ,,,'�, etote w+c '.�n .` the
��. ,. y b A o ,k tivrt
depth of :his concern, the love.
in his protectiveness - it takes
se long to learn. But as we
grow, we undorstarid for we
look back and see through
older eyes' and wiser hearts,.
his loyalty and love; its these
and '<many' otherthings' that we.
remmierillbcr Dad; yeti. have,
'made me proud and happy, to
have had a Dad as fine a .you.
Love, your daughter Anne
lie lira'. , --1.3
9 9-..