HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-27, Page 94-H leadership c
self-confidence booster
by rat Livingston
While the majority of
students were putting their
minds into neutral' during.
March: break, 15 -year-old
Laura Wilkins, ns, of Ashfield
Township, was shifting hers
into high t s absorb, inthe
space of one week the prin-
ciples of what makes a good
The Ontario 44
• Leadership Camp was had
this year between March
and 15 at Port Sydney.:
Sixty -.two 4--I members, 15
t. 21 years of age, from
across, the province enjoyed
a week o o f learning and
94fun" according to Laura.
Huron County had five 4-H
members attend and Bruce Laura Wilkins
County was represented by She no longer has that fear;
three. Craig Stevens., from split into groups of 12 in a the camp is a self-confi-
the 4-H Council in Guelph 'ship'. .Laura was part. of deuce builder, a learning
was the leader. . Apollo while, another, experience, and a great
Laura says the object of Ashfield teen, Sandra Alton opportunity to make .friends
the camp is to teach you was a mate in Columbia. with people from all across
how to lead a group, "It's Each ship elected a captain the province. Laura now
excellent for people who for a day and that person feels capable of becoming a
tend to be on the quiet side was then responsiblefor junior' leader when her six
and want to . become a ` planning events around the teenth birthday arrives.
leader. It brings them out of day's theme for the ship- The, cost 'of the week
their ,shell so they feel com- mates' afternoons. Evening long camp was $:110 per
Portable speaking in front of program were planned by a
person and that includes
others,"'saidi aura. different ship each day as.. everything other than
Its also an' opportunity to well. These evenings ,
'gather new ideas for hold- involved a fleet log' a time spending money. Pull
ing different achievement to reenact events of the day details can be obtained from
programs. in a humorous ,way. The your local OMAFRA office.
A wide variety of events. .goal. was to get the,`4-:HH The next leadership camp is
were included in the week: "" members.invoived in as `: scheduled for June:
learning: tiro two-step,. fox -
t; skiing; a leather work-
shop; a message. workshop,
etc. ° `7,
The participants were
any l sou s possible.
"'The m ° gs: were sort
of like school, said Laura,
"only they were devoted to
leadership- and training abil1
The week wrapped up
with a banquet with Lucy
Duke, the Secretary for the
44-1 Council as guest speak-
er. There was also a Salute
to the Admiral - a time'to
settle any little 'grudges'
said Laura, And as young
people will, they partied on
'through the wee hours of
the morning..
Laura is very enthusiastic
.abouts the leadership camp.
"I'd get up in front of large
group to speak and make an
idiot of. myself," she said.
o.e s s eiter goes on-line
by Mona Irwin
Looking for information about the.
Women's Shelter .:and Counselling. Services
of Huron?
You can pick up -some pamphlets,: .u; or
read about them in area newspapers ;..,
.. or check out their site on the Internet.
Michelle Hansen, the shelter's executive
director, says the board of directors decided
last month topay the yearly fee to put the
shelter online. The Huron County shelter is
the first in Ontario to go on the Internet.
The board uses `Odyssey, an Internet server
whose main office is in London but which
has a ' local branch, or 'node', in Clinton.
Odyssey has offered to host the home page,
so the shelter will not have to pay for it, ,
Hansen adds. .
Local resident Paul Wheeler offered his
time and expertise to set up the site.
"They were the guinea pigs," -says,,
Wheeler jokingly, adding that he was him F
self learning as he set it °ctp. "The next.
upgrade will be a counter, to count the hits
of they site [number of times someone
accesses the page]," he says.
The 'Net connection will be beneficial
for several reasons, says Hansen.
"With reduced "finding for things like
transportation to conferences, this is an
inexpensive way to network and lobby
with groups from anywhep in the world,"
she saysa
The site . offers information about the
&ASS pFky
TherE warm KOBLE,
Litylknow Seatine
W duesd y, March 27 1W6 Page 0.
currently has openings on -their
interested individitals should .calt
to reve t an ,a p i ation forte
shelter's services, philosophy, mandate and
important phone numbers: And by includ-
ing information on •how the public can
help, it also has potential for fundraising
activities, Hansen says. "
It's also an inexpensive way to commu-
nicate about matters not directly related to
the shelter's- operations. For example, the
shelter has taken over management of the
annual craft show on The Square.
We get calls here Eatthe shelter] for
information and applications, Hansen
says. "I can a -mail those requests` to the co-
ordinator. It enables us to keep just one
database, rather than half -a -dozen lists.
Nor will the Internet site be accessible
only to the well-off few.
"Many [Huron] women are online, espe—
cially farm women," says Hansen,
The Internet is the fastest-growing
media in the world, Wheeler adds, .particu-
larly -considering the U.S. military set it, up
roughly two;decades ago,
Later;:oni they hope to add hyptertext
links»--Theseinvolve specially marked
words which allow the. reader to easily
access. related'sites,
E-mail. add'res
weal lt.huron r yssey.on.ea.
Itternet'(World Wide Web)
it www. ysseyiea.aiiiironisheW
Birthday 'Club
Patrick Hansen
March 21, 1991
5 Years. Ofd
.aeries' Palmer
March 23,1991;
8 Years Old
Scott Blake
March 27, 1987
9 Years Old
WesleyHackett .
March 23, 1990
6 Year's Old
Kevin Van Rooy
March 30, 1985
11 Years Old
[Bradley 1 odgkinson
"March 30, 1988
8 Years Old
March 31, 1985
11 Years Old
Britanny M:cGylnn
March 31; 1990
6" Years Old •
Andrew Bolt
.March„31 ', 1990
:6 Years Cold ;•
Marc'i 31, 1991'
8 'liars +Did
Jillian Adelson
1990 ”
6 Years Old
Troy Maki
April 1, 1984
12 Years Old
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