HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-20, Page 16Poig? titelinow eutrl i, W 1i
achy? March 2U$
wothati •eroys :Caribbean cruise -
Jane Treleaven returned`
home recently foul z week
long Caribbean ,er ise. She
was aeeompattied by three
Mends ftrom. Kincardine.
Visiting for a few days
last week with Genie
Henderson were her cousin
Olean Wraith, his wife: Jane
and: family froom
B aWmanvil le.. 'While mere
they 'went to See `wherehis
grandparents used to live in
Teeswater as well as other
poipts of interest,
Keif and Elieda Laidlaw
spent last week with Dianne
and. Bill Swan; touring
southern states. visiting,
North Carolina and three
°days in Williamsburg,
•Bob, Marion, Matthew
and Olivia McComb of
Castleton were'horne for the
'weekend with Gordon and
Bernice Johnstone. -.
Anna Mae Hunter.spent a
.few days Dist week with her
sisters; Gwen 'Parker at
Plattsville and Beatrice
' r'emaine at'I agersville
:The community mourns
with Margaret Mowbray
and .members of the family
in the passing of Virden
Mowbray in, Wingham
Hospital. on' Saturday.
Funeral services were .at the
Presbyterian Church .on
r Mildred Lore
Monday afternoon.
George .Joytit passed
away on Monday in.
\ Hingham JT s spital.
. Sympathy is :extended to his.
flus l'atily.
There were 8 tables of.
shoot in play at the Drop in
Centre last week.. High
lady was .Elaine Errington;
second nigh Vivian flame;
high man Tom Culbert, W-
and high• Dot ald Murray,
Andy Sc'.tt had the Rost
wife Jessie and members of : shoats.
Margaret Thompson,
Helen , Rothwell and
Kathleen.. Collyer of
Ltick>t ow returned this
week follow tag an enjoy-
able three week holiday
with their sister, Jean
Martha,, of Long Beach,:.,
California, a week of which
was spent in Palm Springs,
..00020$0,0626 rlhdfrurd;
Oen Hogervorst of Lucknow Farm Supply was recognized at a recent •
swine seminar for successftuliy completing the, ,Raiston Purina training
standards to be a Certified Swine Consultant. Ralston Purina. Canada
inc.. emphasizes the Importance of sales personnel- being highly.
trained, . proficient and customer oriented. Congratulations to Ben
Hogervorst for compietingthe certified requirements:
Richard SrneIski Thornes Birkholz
Technical Service Manager, -Hoge . Westem.Qntario Sales Manager
The Lucknow Bantams: won their semi final OMHA series with Lucari three
games straight w The finals will see Lucknow face off with Langton.' (Pat
Livingston Photo)
Come et,.our picture taken
with the Easter Bunny
.. �t
*from ; page 6
discussed. The convener of
the meeting was Evelyn
Gibb on education and cuts
tural activities. The rollcall
was education in other,
countries. The motto was
given by Evelyn on educa-
tion and P.D., days . in our
schools • Helen Currie ,.gave
the district director's report.
Marjorie Wail .introduced
the guest speaker Grace
Richardson of Win.gham:
She gave a interesting talk
on. her years, as "ai teacher
among the, people of Zaire,
Angola and had many- arti-:
cies to show and tell how
they were used.
A' silent aution was
conducted. The lucky cup
and saucer was won by Jean
Ross. Lunch ,was served by
arjorie Wall and Mary
Pee Wee B
The Pee Wee Bs partici-
pated in a wild shoot out
when they, downed
teeswater/Belrnore 11 to 6::
onMar. 11.
Lucknow was paced
Wyatt 'Kwann's hat :trick.. enc
.'tw+o goals each- from Scott
and. Jeremy Austin. Matt
Martin; Jon Drennan, Devin
Maize and Devin Petteplace
picked up singles. Assists.
Were from S Austin (3), J.
Austin, (4), Rene Bleeker,
Jeff Bauer, :Devin Petteplace
and Jon. Drennan.
The Lucknow Pee. Wee B:
team won' its six game
' round' robin series with a
perfect 6.,t 0 record, advanc-
ing to the championship
Atop caltup goalie,
Adam Martin,• layed ver
P �`, Y
strong. in net and was, well
defende by' Liteknows
defence when they met :up
with Teeswater/Belmore" on
Mar. 1a..
. ucknow's four goals
were from Scott Austin (2),
Jeremy Austin. and Kiel.
Farrish,' with. Matt Martin,
Jeff.Bauer Jon Drennan, J.
.Austin and Wyatt .Kwan
The Lancers went down
5 to 4 in overtime in
Dundalk last -Friday night.
Adam Skillen was. pulled
from the net to tie, the .game :.
in the last minute o fthe
third period but Dundalk
netted the winner at 5:20 in
Goals were from Chris
Irwin, Dale Priestap, Brad
Murray and: Russell Sutton.
Assists were by C.' Irwin,
Brad Priestap Steve
Simpson, Jeff Nesbitt and
Chris Michie (2),
The Lancers went down
four straight when Dundalk
visited the .Sepoy, town on
Sunday and won the senior
B championship.
The ga>ne was tied at two
all at the end of the second
period. Dundalk :scored
three unanswered goals in
the third to win 5 to 2.
-Goals were from Brad,
Murray and Darin Lindsay,
with assists going to Brad
Priestap (2), Murray and
Steve Michie.
Atom B Ice Warriors
The Warriors lost th it
first: play, -Off garne of th'e
second 'round 2 to: 1, when
they : travelled to -Wallace on
'Sunday Although Luckn
outplayed the opposition`'
they just, couldn't put the •
Puck in the et.
;.p �u ;
Jesse Johnston scored -the
Ione. goal;'with help, from
Derek : and
Matthew Pritchard;
Hair and Photography
ay. March - 9, 4.- 8 pm
SaturdayMarch 8p 8 - 4
Sitting fee siabOincludis 5 poses
with Easter & Sp4ring,them,es.,
"Look..extra s eciah' ' come earl
ono et" ouria r cu led for $6.4100
(pre -washed and dried necessary).
Appointments appreciated..
e don't know what causes
multiple sclerosis, 'bur research is
closer;;to finding the answer.
PAY for,.. 12 MONTHS
,`:The Lucknow ,and,
District .Horticultural,`
society held its annual card
party last Friday evening
with 1.7 tables of euchre in
play. prizes were wort by',
Rena McNab, Fora-
Falconer 'Porn Culbert, Fred
urns, Rnth Alton, Kay
McCormick ah d Phallic
The :Society is pleased
th the response: of `the
total people. in the "help.
buy ;a board'" .canvass:that' is
currently' underway to build
the wheelchair, accessible
bridge.. in the Waterworks
:Plans, are to have the
bridge,coropl, Led in tithe
'for.,/the. opening , ,of t;he
Lucktioty Greenway, Project
this spring
*room page's
secretary. .Margaret
Erringtpin.. Her wish with
the candle blow-out was
continued success fir
Dungannon Seniors,
Family, ,Friends, and floral
tributes provided 'an ckctt
ing weekend.
Evening entertainment
.the Centre brought out eight
tables of euchrr'e Viinners
were.. Kathleen Glen,'
Margaret. Young, David
Sproul:;td prank Pentland.
0 A G
Flotto-11re Boys
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