HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-20, Page 12• .4 Page 12 Lucknew Sentinel, 'ed iesday„ Mar asLegal . notices NOTICE TQ CREDITORS - AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of MARGARET M CARTH U R. GORDON. pate :of• the.Viilage of Uucknow, in ttue `County of 'Bruce, deceased, who .filed or+ •Qr abt ut the 10th day of February., 1996,, must be filed with the undersigned- on or before May 15•,, 1996 thereafter the Executrix ;of the estate wilt dis- tribute the., sets, co the .estate having regard: only to the claims s of which th,e under- signed then has notice..bated March5, c/o GEORGE J,.BROPHY, .Barrister Solicitor, fiek 6101, LUCKNOW, Ontario NSG 2H0. �-12,1 3,14 34. Personal *A oat will be incurrad HEAVENLY PSYCHie Answers saving over 53 mil- lion readers, Multi -talented • international PsyoBaios only '$2.99 par min. 24 Hours, 1.8 yrs' +. Calk 1.900.4514783...a 12bc ' A cast WO beIncurred. .� . CANADA'S MOST GIFTED' psychics have answers to your problems Qr`questions about 6aealth„ love, relationship, i`tioney,; Ducky, nasi b is., $3.49/minute, 18+,.24 !flours, 1-. 900-451,w.4386. -12bo *A cost wilt pe tnoUrred, .. . LVE, ACCURATE, PROFES- SIONAL PSYCHICS tell You where your future :lies: love,. marriage, relationships,,onreer,. reunite you With loved ones .$2,75/minute, 1.900.45t-2787, 19+, 24 hours, -.120c ADOPTEE /BIRTH PAR- ENTS/FAA/111.Y ' AR-ENTS/FAMILY' MEMBERS, Canada elide: National Registry andsearch assistance 1-800- 871 -8417. -800-871-8417. Int ''rmation, line 1- 500-871-8477.. E-mail ffcwnr@georgian,net. 12bo'. *A cost will•be Incurred. 'PHYSIC ANSWER - Police use Harness Your Destiny: ...instant Answer solve Problems with gifted Psychic.. Leve..Successr.Relitionships... .EvenlyRas. $2r 9/rniri. 18t`; 24 hairs.. Rated. #1 :.Galli -900 >i5=14b 5. -i 5cc AR YOU experiencing; the aftermath of an abortion/emo Ilona' yob can't explain?' Most post-abortal women experience trauma in their lives. Call our 24, hr. hotline' collect, (519) 323-3751 for confidential sup- port; 12ar WEDDINGS Permed your location orour indoor or .bbtdoor chapei (noirdenominatiional). For personal errangemaMs: and brochure call:; Rev. Chris Marg*n., Ali Faiths Pastoral 'Centre, Benmiller, 524-5124 35. legalt Notices;.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'AND ND: OTHEnS 4 ,„ All chiles agai st the estate -of CORA MAY BARB . late rot the Village :of Lucknow, in, the' 'County .of . Bruce, deceased, who died ala., or •about the 22ndday. of January, 1996, must be filed with, the undersigned; on or .before April - 30, 19:96; thereafter, the Executors of the estate will dis- - tribute the assets, of the estate ". having ;regard only to the', • claims of which the under- signed then has notice. Dated March 6, 1996., % GEORGE J. BROPHY, • Barrister & Solicitor, Box 6t0; • LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 2H0. --11:-13. 36. Announcements DON AND BEV Thompson Investments will be closed from . March 25th to March. 29th, inclusive --12ar, • KINSMEN N •C'. SH. Calendar A winners Mar.11; 659, Jim De Bleck, Exeter; Mar. 12 $50, • ,Ron:; & Pat Topham, Clifford,, Mar...13 $50 Steve .Atliin son, - ,Lucknow; Mar. 1 , �` r . 4 50 Ba .b Jardine, 'LOcknow; Mar. 15 $100 .. Harvey . Culbert, Dungannon; . Mar....16 $50 Catherine, MaeLeed, Lucknow . Mar. 17.$50 Gavin Hodgir(s, Wingham.-l2ar 2q,:. 11 6.Anenluncernentn ARENA DRiVE IN 95- Lottery draw aviriners on March 15, 1996 were $500 - Sharon (Rintoul) Campbell, Wingham $300 Laura Collison, Teeswater; $200 -John Hodgins, Holyrood. -12ar NO,TiCE TO TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS. interim Tax Instalment "Midair •arcDye March 29,1996 Fayable at the Township. Office in Holyrood, or by mall to theaddress: below..• 'NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties, and have not received a tax bill, 'should contact the Clerk's Office. Failure to `,receive a bill, does not, relieve a taxpayer from responsibility for payment ;of taxes, nor frorn penalty for late payment. ,'Mark L. Becker, A.M.C.T. Clerk: Treasurer HOLYROOD, Ontario NOG 2B0 396.-35`5 Mortgages 1 : nd MOt gage Money Avaitabte as low as • '5O".. Interest Personal Loans Ifyoif,qualify, payments Amt; Aporox� Mo. Payment 5,000, I 41.66 '10,000 : _ ' 'a 83.33 '15,000 '1255.00 :Consolidate your debts Call (519) 363.02.111-800-387.1932 Astral Funding inc. Absolutely no .upfront fee • Loans s2000'i25000 1st & 2nd. Mortgages G. aILDominic Bradley RBS Brokerage House inc. (519) 893-8100 (24 HnS.) AT uC oNAL, rl�' *YO', �Il~ Pr, OUrs Auctioneers .for `�price ofone, Re °With over 2 experience Calle BRINDLEY AUcTION..l T ' '51.9!.50946!5; ou . 919-5294970' e . LEARN AUC T IQNEERiNG at the Southwestern Sah6o• ot-- Auctieneerlragr Next Cees •o - 19. jo9 Wr CP.s Southwestern Ontarribb c&�,�ool of Auctioneerirag, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario WM 7V9' (519) 537-2115, ri2bo 38. AUCtionis CLEARING AUCTION SALE et Fara ,Maotllrler,' a add 14O0setielu Effectyviii 4.e 110 for KEITH AND JOYCE VAN' CAM NR 4: tar° ss' ' n .p( rrRor soutia';of Beigq v~e amt 4/3. miDc east `- oe 6 mallet west of 18>t0ss0s on Ceaonty nesd10, Saturday, March 23/0 9;30 a.m. 4 sharp TRACTORS:' .Mi 35'45 wo cap: & NG 125 Kg2665'brs; MF 1155 cab.: A/C 1301i.F. 4500 his. (Coals) .20.3 x 30; MF 390 65: H.P. 1230 hrs.; MF 175.60 'H.F 700( lire.; Jif. PT X 39 WO tractor, 'snuck: i 980Ohev 3/4 ton 4x4with !'etock rack .(sell as is); 1030, Chev 350;motor (runs well); 1987 full size • black track cep; 25 gallon fuel tank for backof pickup truck. NEIGHBOURS' CONSIGNMENTS' 1967 Mack truck with soca nein. Nuhn spreader; Woods 6 ft. mower; 3G.t spray boom; Casa: 5 furrow plow; iCoois K8-54 blower;1978 440 TNT 'Skidoo; IH 12 ft. disc; White 435 12, shank soli saver; New Holland 512 Manure spreader; Allied bale elevator; .1&M gravity boxes; ITE feed mixer; silo pipes; large pig: • feeder. VACHiNERV IH 720 5x16 plena;'20 Kirigskiide cultivator with, wings; MF 520left disc; New Holland 791 • .manure spreaderwith end gate (top heater): Massey 432i -toasted driit • `with grassseed box (alt grain); bixin forage wagon With roof; New Holland 770 forage harvester with hay head, electric controls; Gehl 99 forage blower; New Reiland 408 heybine; New Holland 270 baler With thrower; 3 bate ;thrower wagons; r..New idea; side rake; • 36 ft. Smoker hay elevatorviritti `motor; 3 section' 12 ' . it,' Turnco packer .With' pups; 5 Section diamond harrows; IH 56:4 - row sorb planter with liquid fertilizer and squeeze! pu,rap; Beater Built' round' bale :wagon with 20 ft. rack.,' 2. yrs. old; New Holland 354. mix mill; 8r/ ft. Locker)* double auger '.snowblower; 4 row cora scuffler; , 11R300 Nardi sprayer with self. level :: booh post -bole digger, `Winne •generator 20,000 wafts P.T.O. ' • .SHOP EQUIPMENT: Forney arca -.welder • 225 amp; Oxy-acetelene torch; bench grinder; shop vacuum; 'welding table with vise; drill press. (floor -model); air• com.pressor;, wooden work bench MISCELLANEOUS: • Buggy (good condition); single, driving harness; • 000 gallon storage tank; • transfer pump with Briggs & Stratton engine.,. hose & fittings; 2 sewage pumps; precast heated cattle waterer; water •troughs and floats;'.hydraulic motor; 3 ,electric fencers; • : aluminum extension ladder;; forks, shovels and brooms; '1 • battery fender; '2 wheelbarrows; 2 mineral,feeders; 'ele'ctric fence wires and steet.posts; garden' hose; small amounts 'of lumber.. and galvanized siding; scrati. metal; brown steel siding. • nousEnopf ee refrigerator;. Viscount ' 21 r u. ft. freezer; ElectiOhrinte huidiff er Nom I ins dehumidifier; 4 single beds; s dressers; wooden. stand;'queen size . waterbed frame; storage cupboard; card table and Chairs;0swag lamps; press back high chair; 2 tall halogen hoer ,lamps; wooden box on 1eg3 Sharp. carousel microwave 4 gallon crock; food processor; food air popcorn popper; crock -pot; barbecue; 2; house fans; puttr h bowi, with 12.cups. Owners' are moving to Western', 'Canada. Plan to attend this large clearing auction as machinery is well • maintained. . 'Parra l5saki, 1,,unch booth.- Household .effects tti Sell at '9:30'•• a.m.•shati*followed by wagon loads, and Machinery. • TERMS: Cash cr.acceptabl cheque With propos: l.0. day of sale. Not responsible far accidents. Verbal ennouncebients'take precedence over advertising. herbs listed AS described•by owner.;' Fol` information call owners;Keith s Joyce voe.Oernp 519.887.6310. • . AUCTIONNEER 9RI N RINT UL 5l9.357-2349., 38 Auctions AUCTION REGISTER CQNSIGNMEN SALE DAVIDSON 0 _ E FRIDAY; AP if you here :something o seil',. give 'us'a call° Grant McDonald. 395-5353 Vtfallace Balla g hi 3924170 Auctioneers TION SALE of FARM M'ACHINERV consigned. by €f greop Of local farptsrs wii be, held at BRIAN 'AFFRAYS 'FARM Lot 9, Con. 12, Turnberry Twp!, ' mi:, east of Hwy. ' •4 on Turn erry-Quieoss Boundar'.y (between.. Wingharla and Teeswater), on TUesday, March 26 12:30 pale. NOTE: This is a'iselectiore of, mop equipment. Auctioneers: Wallace'Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170 •Gdint M D n r C..Q' - 11d, Ri .le- .. 395-5''.: 53 P l� impAiNi.mbiTbuL Auction ..u�tl�i1 �a�.:' .. len ar S"t. a 23/ Farm Machinery & Household Effects for Keith & Joyce Van Camp, f H #4,_Brusseis, (ris• .A01'04 27196' • Farm Machinery HankTwp.) Veltkamp RR #1 Newton-. Sot.. March 30/96 FarmMachinery & :Household Effects for R.J. Bob Menzies,. RR #2, Listowel (Grey Twp.) Fri..• ►pril :5/96 Farm Machinery for Lloyd Collins Estate, RR #3, Goderich. (Ashfield Twp.) NiOI. April ril 8/98 R vie Farm ea Equipment Consignment Sale, Lucknow. Sat.. Aprli.13/96 Farm Machinery& Household. Effects for Allan Herrfort, RR #1, Newton (Mornington Twp.) Sat..0/9 April 98 Rsn' Stanley rm' Fe Equipment Donsignment.SaIe, Rervie. int.. April 27/96 Livestock, Farm Machinery for • . John & Trieva<Jamieson, Rl #3 Wingham (East Wawanosh Twp.) ()Mario Livestock Exchange ictchener Stockyard ' Tues. & 'Thurs. Brussels every Friday AR #3 Wingham 574'349 BE AN' INTERIOR' DECORA- TQR..,with our great 'home study course. Call today ' for se Y `your FHEE BOOK. 1e8O0-267- ',1829. The .Sheffield ,School, 1061.88 . McArthur Ave., Ottawa, On K11 -,.,611.?,, -1g 4c COMPUTERS. No previous computer experience -moot- ary,, Exciting opportunitloa .now available in computer` prig gramming. hire will train suit- able MS 1-800.. � li s. ' erre oartt . , 477-9578, --124e • 39 Educdt on l A N CAREER? II rJGned apartmentf6ondo /Ranagers needed across Canada. We traini Job search assistariioe.. Asa specializitag to relocation to .B.0.. 'information/brochure call 1-800=6 .5-8339. p -iMac BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER : withour great home -study course,. Call for your FREE 'BOOK, 1-800-26Z-1829, The Writing: ` School;,. 2486-38' McArthur Avenue, Ottawa, On., K1L 6112.'-'12b0 .. A NEW CAREER?' Trained apartment/obi-1k) managers needed across 'Canada. We train! Job search assistance.. Also many ,jobs=avallablerin B.C.! Information//brochure call 1-800Q555.8339,---1bbc 40o Lest, &. :Found LOST AT Lttcknow'arena - ,Child's Mickey Mouse 'watch, tan.leather band and gold faw• Please call' 529-1031, --12- 15Xc 42..Qbituaries l I HERBER .O AYTO.N Herbert . Allan Joseph Clayton of R.Rr 1, ,Wingham: and for- merly of Bruce and Huron ToWnShips, passed away at Braemar Retirement' Centre, Wingham` on Sunday, March 10, 1996. -He was 85 years of age., He was born on November 9, 1910 in Bruce Township, a son of the fate Eastwood and Elizabeth' Ann (Potter), Clayton. •Herb . spent most Of his 'life as a taborer of the earth, his love of farming was evident even after his retir- ing to Winghem where he" Was sa.:proud,;Pf his, vegetable 'gar- den and flowers. Herb Was a member: of Wingtiam United Church, dedicated in.church activities and ..helping others. He married Gladys Vina (Mills) on September 2, 1939, who predeceased him an October 13, 1976. He remarried Cora Dorene (Haskins) Mahood on 'April .6, 1974. Herb is survived and iavingly missed by his wife Cora; his Children Phyllis`and Frank Scott,- Goderich, Lynn and Mildred Clayton, Inverhuron; grandchildren Michael, Mark and -Eugene , •Scott, Lisa and Rod MacLennan, Goderich; . Wendy Harrison. Vancouver and o Laurie Harrison, Toronto. Also sufrvived by one sister Mary Thompson, Teeswater. °Herb will be missed by Cora's family Audrey and. Earl Pitch, Wroxeter, Elton and Helen Mahood, Stoney Creek; Helene and William Alcock,' Goderich; Fruth (Mahood) —Jackson and Tony Stauttner, Kitchener, ,and their' families., He was•.predeceased' by"his fipt wife Gladys a son Erio in 1955: eight brothers and three 'sisters. • Visitation was at ' M:cBurney Funeral Home, ' Winglharti where the service was a conducted orti Wednesday',March : t6, 1996 with`°Reverend J: Ilea 'Grant 'officiating. .Sprin'g interment Kincardine Cemetery. Memorial donations sent to Wirt8 ham` United Church and • Heart and Stroke t°oiundation were . reati ' a .preciated by thefamlly,�12ce 1 . 1'our‘ ;. Keg io Sucre',5 7. Carrs Of 'Thanks CHCKNQW SKATING CUM Congratulations to the lucky winners of the a draws made at the .Ldcknew Skating Carnival ' Sunday, Mar; 10. Wormer of the gift basket donated by Jirn and, -Betty •Ross and the John Newby: print was Doris Colyer, the $50 gift certificate ' for Green's Meat Market donated by Barb Rintog4 was weir by .. Lynn McDonagh, and the $2$ cash prize winner 'was .Mane. Humphrey, Thank you ,to Jitn. and "petty Rosa .anal' 'barb Rinteul 'for their donations. -- tzar CRANSTON ' Sincere" thanks to -friends and neighbors for flowers, cards and phone •caliei. to Joan Pollardfor being . caring• +� .bili nH 3o at the time of the passing of Etta, Allan's: sister. Marg end Allan, - -1, . SCOTT. A sincere. thank yen to. an.who remembered us during the ill- ness aind death of my father, Herbert Clayton. Special thanks for the cards, phone cails, food, fiowers and dona- tions, Special mention to the Board of Governors, the .staff• and `NAC a: colleagues °of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital.. Your thoughtfulness. and :kindness ; will long be remembered: "Phyllis, Frank and family., --12cc NICHOLSON We would like to thank o lr family, neighbors, relatives and friends for the lovely dinner, cards, gifts, flowers. and phone calls on the special occasion of our 60th wedding anniversary. Your kindness will'always be Cherished: Archie and. Birdie: 2- 12x; MESSENGER A sincere "thank you'' to•friends and family. for ,,your visits,. cards, notes, gifts, calls- and the many kindnesses shown to Gloria and myself while1 was a patient in Kincardine and Grey- Bruce . Hospitals. Our deepest appreciation for helping us through a difficult time: <Norris,.:- -1bx . IMPRESSIONS We would like to thank every- . one for Making .our Grand Opening such a success. Special thanks to all those who helped' get ready and to every- one for flowers. An extra; spe- sial thanks to Shawn for all his work ` on the renovations. Everything was greatly appre- ciated. Diane and Paul. --12ar ' STANLEY The family of the :late.; Rosie Stanleylike would dike to thank everyone who sent cards, phone calls, visits andfood.. Special thatltts to .Rev. Peggy .. Kinsman arid jean Pollard. TO Dr. Shubat,- Diane, Sherr*, Barb and the nurses on second floor, thanks. A00 ,100004 the. world of you The Stanley fami- 12 STANLEY We wonldlike to.thank our •friends' relatives and•neighbors - for the thetightfuiness shown.: to , us at the time of our- lots.: Thank you for the cards, sits phone. calls and the `feod. I'M not sure how we Would. have' fed tho•gang without' the done- tions of food.'Thanks to Parry and Kathy, for shortening their vacation; se Kris and Jeff could make it. hereto in time. Wayne, Marg, Mori, Darren, Kris,, Jeff, and girls. -1 •