HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-20, Page 4Page 4 — Luc Sentinel, WednesdaysMarch. 20219%
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Cr. Fixit tries
As parents, .I would, Jaz-.
and a guess that most of us.
expect, that at sonic point in
the future we will babysit
for our kids. Our turn came
last week when Number.
One Son and Number One
Daughter-in-law were holi-
saying. Mr. Fixit offered to 'babysit for..
cight'days, and of course I agreed it would
n't by a problem, at ieast,forus. For the par-
ents, it will probably take them a good
week to undo all the spoiling our 'grandson'
received. and they may regret leaving him
with in.
It was an interesting week, to pout it mild-
ly. Mr. Fixit was,' initiated into that world of
regular feedings, ponying, and entertaining.
The first.day in our home, the 'grandson'
decided to kind of sulk; not eat and whine a
lot. He missed his parents.
'Grandpa' started td 'worry declaring,
'fie has to eat." My theory was he'd eat
when he was hungry.- But gramps. decided,
some coddling .was in order and, set about
preparing a dish that couldn't be refused by
our 'grandson".
Regular trips to the potty with his 'grand-
,son'. were handled by Mr Fixit with 'no
complaining. They went for walks together,
enjoying the'milder weather and the hint of
spring in the air They • played ball, together
and . Watched TV together and 'gram's' lov-
ingly tucked himin each night.
In' the evening, our 'grandson' enjoyed a
Wilder /play time after dinner wearing off
some -more of his energy before bedtime: It
was at these times that .he decided he really
loved hisgrandma'''and`insisted`on a time
of cuddling while sitting on my knee.
. Doesn't it just warm your heart, when
those %grandkids' jump . on yourknee, put
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Publications a i.re iration uo. 0847 held at &u know, Ontario
their. arms around you and give you a big
Yeh, right. Well try having an 85 pound
Boxer with legs that don't. quit jump up on
your' lap and give you a kiss that. starts. at
the base of your neck and goes to your eye-
brows! Now that's a. kiss! Seems my
Elizabeth Taylor°perfume and band lotion is
adored by more than my mate.
We haven't had a dog in ,the household
since we moved from the f;� n ; so this was
a renewed experience for us, but one that
our feline resident could have done without.
Jack hates 'Tyson, 'but 'Fyson still being a
'toddler'' is still trying to be friends: So= to.
keep peace and avoid injuries from Jack's
razor sharp nails,: the two pets : had to be
kept separated at all times.
I must admit' though,. that our 'grandson'r'
is. pretty smart and quick. Before MFixit
could have the treat ready, Tyson would
perform his routine of ...sit, shake one paw,
shake • the other paw, lay down.and roll
over. Mr:.xit.:was :,still getting down on his
1 learned he 'liked licorice•, Well, how can'
you ignore those beautiful, big brown eyes
.staring at you.
Yes, last week was another experience in
our life as parents. T just hope; Mr• Fixit is
as enamored when , our two.legged grand-
children arrive, 1 seem to recall diaper
changing was not one of his favorite , parts
u of child-rearing.
barbecue: not.many Haitian
words have come into use in
the English language, but .
this is one, 'probably ..the
most widely used. The
Haitian Creole word < Abair-
bacoa denotes. aV framework:.
of sticks set upon posts, In
other words our barbecue
griR'k Originally; the word'
was : applied only ' to- the'.
framework :itself, on which.
These: old; lire extinguishers are part :of Harrold McGee's collection. They
were manufactured by the late Art Breckies of Lucknow. The :instructions
read 'throw at. flame." Does anyone have -.fu ether information about these?
anox or sheep would be
roasted whole. Later bars
becue came to be applied to
any open-air feast of this
Idnd, part cularly:large-scale."
ones. It is not a recent ad-
dition to the English ' lan-
guage, . for we can find it
used in its present sense in
the wont of Alexander Pope,
the English poet who lived
from 1688 to • 1744.
Dear editor,
The success of 1VIADD
Huron/Bruce's' "Red Ribbon
Campaign 1996" shows that
the concern of citizens and'
visitors to the towns, •vil-
lages, and rural areas of the
counties of Huron and
Bruce, .regarding the perva-
sive problem of impaired:
driving, continues' to grow'
Over $3000 was raised in
this campaign, 100 per cent
of which will be used local-
ly to aid in the fight .against
impaired driving, the most
common form of potentially
violent crime in our society
MAID strives to change
prevalent attitudes to the
operation of . all forms .of
vehicles and machinery,
including ' automobiles,
watercraft, snowmobiles,
motorcycles, ATVs, and
farm machinery by persons
impaired: by the use of alco-
hol or other drugs.
Progratns include visits
to schools, workplaces and
community groups to pre-
sent the facts about
impaired driving and the
terrible consequences.
involved'* both to individu-
als and society. MADD and
its friendslobby govern-
ment at ,all levels for neces-
sary and appropriate legisla-
tive :,.changes as well as
proper enforcement . of
eyiisting legislation and sen-
tencing of convicted
impaired drivers to a degree
reflecting the severity of
their crime. MADD serves
the victims of drunk drivers,
including family members
of the drinking driver, and
is often the only support
line these victims have.
The funds raised in "Red
Ribbon Campaign 1996"
willbe used entirely in
Huron/Bruce to expand
•turn to page. 5
Sentinel Memoirs
70 years ago
March 2511926
ire at Whitechurch ,
Martin's Mill at
Whitechurch ° for
grinding alfalfa, and
hay: for::,. poultry food' was ,
destroyed by fire last Friday
night. The. loss is estiimated
at $7,000.
Mr. Martin is in a
London..ho'spital where he
recently: underwent an open,
ation. He had bought the
• last
ittill only t fall and had
beendoting a good business.
The 'cause of the. firre is.
unknown ,x
Why the bakery? - Only
a, few years ago most
women bought from -the
bake shop - secretly y. and in
many , homes it Was consid-
ered th on a► blotch o ' e family
1 y
honor to be duct of home-. ,
made br'efid.
Today,conditions are
reversed and while the
homemade bread maker is
respected, many feel, she is
foolishly energetic :.and
every day the family is, get:
ting better acquainted with
the baker's; full line of bake
frig "+ otden Crust Bread -
the, bread, that made mother
quit .baking."d ,Get it at
Reid's Dominion Bakery.
50 years ago
March 26, 1946
he bingo ban
Answering criticism
arising from the
"bingo ban', Hon. Leslie
Blackwell, Attorney
General of Ontario* pointed
out that: the law banning
bingo, lotteries, and draws is
prodded for in ,the Criminal~
Code .of Canada, ' and
authorities are
simply enforcing a
Dominion decree.
There is an exception
that a bingo may be occa-
n's mill at
sionally run by a charitable
or religious organization if
proceeds, are wholly for the
benefit of the organization,
A municipal council or
official', however,,is entirely:
without authority to .grant,
permission to hold a bingo.
Raffles are permissible
onlyat bazaars, . after per-
� ^ ..
mission has been obtained
from ibcal•,aut orities :and
when the articles raffled
have f iits
t,bse offered for.
n. ff fed.
sale,,,and none of themis of
a yams exceeding $50.
:5-e- sago
y, k
'March 25 1981
lston squeaks past
Harron - It was nip
and tuck,but in the
*end :Murray Elston, accom-
plished what he had setout
to do: keep the Huron -
Bruce riding . i..g in the Liberal,
He overcame a strong
Challenge from
ve GaryHarron,
Conservative � %� ,
in, ,a race which saw the lead.
the seat by chang a hands several times,
to wiu. 224
votes, 12,164 to 11,940. ,
NDP candidate Tony
Mc nail polled 1,979
It was:. a tense night for
Liberals in this riding,
grown accustomed to
watching Murray Gaunt
sweep to victory with mar-
gins aroaehin` 10,000
pp g
'rotes.. However they were
ha py to see their candidate
win in the face of a strong
Conservativetide across `'
t a s. teh
100 years young Olive
Phillipsof Pinecrest Manor,
ucknow, celebrated her
100th birthday on St.
Patrick's Day, March 1".