HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-20, Page 1A former. "Lucknow
reeve, George Wesley
Joynt, died at Wingham
'and District Hospital, on
With the exception of
1968, Mr, Joynt served as
this coiomunity's reeve
from 1957 to 1985, a pert;
'od of 27 years. Be carded.
on a family tradition of ser -
Vice to the community. His
`.grandfather, John Joynt
wasreeve irr 1909;1910-,
and 1915. Mr. Joyfit's-
father; Wesley, _served as,
reeve from, 1943 to 1947.
,George Joynt was
named warden of Bruce
County, in1,959.
The funeral is today
(Wednesday) at 1;30 p.m,
at the, MacKenzie and
McCreath Funeral Hone,'
t��MiiAfinalsr • ,, The 10°41 Bto...411-aidavulanAce tteoatni--!do.wu, eliminated
.°1411. r411:etlhille',
., . . .
.straightrtaclTeeYs Ass°,9ja,ii°a,;:cfit4Yag4iilst.L' ,°„$.,,6.1!1' who , went '
M100‘,,,, , will ,_ : . h. final round
and th'e.-,, Ontario
Lucknow .. ...,,,,,' ., ': - . .. ' d..tt,tvim.-`"--' . Andrew,
..,11.40ilibun0" -Luaiiii-c4it' . - - 'Ibidal), leors:
ntl.w' wd.11:01SditlYi. c '4.iirtoeY, got tbe,inar , „ ,
., .. ..,Last,, , ,, .4,,o,f.',u.t„, Dale., .../s4e.f-patc raig . ...f,..,
,i,,... l'yith',4,:5:1ilin11;;'' (2)'akid.t'i:11;oru D. Cririt3te:;s and
• , than.' ac with ass's Dennis u ';',i•-,:.,i,i
_ Jona ' I team, (2), •
f the local Courtney' with ' • '
'- ' for Greg. .day night,
MacKinnon._was played goals and Friday
GeKeinalin°07 4-,
Game tw0 uped tinwollg Lubbers, Rob McGee . C
t .n o
Mark Stanley picking Moffat, , ,
single. Andrew,
'Moffat assisted inthe to 1 final
Lucknow lost the flip and travelled back to blear' ,on
Sunday for the third game. This 6 to 1 win advanced to the ,
. team to the final rOund.: . _s each,
•MacKinnon and C. Moffat registered, two goal ,,
'with Andrew and .Taylor Mali claiming .singles,- Setting up
the plays were. c,„ . Moffat, Daryl Aitchison, Lubbers c ),
' McGee, MacKinnon (2) and Andrew. ' five
MacKinnon was' the high scorer in this series with
" goals and three assists. .
,... .. This "ttaritim team isplaying some great posters
hockey -, fast
anclean. u
d Watch the arena lnilletin board Or for
marut:idtown announcing when the final r31,10,d,star starts - it
be $ ' ' dyafternoon.
And why not come out and give,
your support to the local youth? . ' • ''' "' . '
er040Citti better000 than a barbequed harn ,orgef:iiis far as
six-year-old Kody Coftin is concerned.. KOdy was one ot many yoUng-:
the WhackyOlyrnpici windup for March break
activities last iwOokiNt:thelo.00:0610y0011ainbOrgiAnc(fiOtdog,com-
pliments T:ot the 'NW** County filefeffP*00000,.*Osociatiori. '(Pat.
• • :
w4iiimpat 00410M:101;.NlageklaMeitMOVNOKIMMP:'*ingtgaefinatitaW.
• Area businesses should
be checking their bills care-
fully. • .
A promotion . made to
look like an electrical bill
has been sent to businesses
throughout the province,
including Kincardine.
It shows a break down of ,
'how -much power the busi-
ness has consumed and how
much it costs (in amounts of
ore, than1400) for a spo-
cific'period of time.
The promotion comes ,
from a company called ,
Association warns people
ntario Energy Electric ba$:
o conanndecittioisnuwoittliatittirle&adt,
PUC nstareijiliEenctet4rivtgc,ttsyErelienrg,c0t6aiartit'atriA0.1,,
NeviIle Cautions 'people to. .
read theirbills earefully and
, be sure they aren't making
• payments for services they
never received.
The Merchant Alert sys-
tem was used lag wleek in
Kincardine to warn area
businesses of the bills.
Neville said anyone who
receives a bill, or who may
have paid a bill, from
Ontario Energy Electric can
contact them. •
The information is being
forwarded to the OPP's
antirackets branch who are
investigating. '
One member Of,the,,boird:
Of. governors at Viingnain
.and .District - Hospital played
, :"."`devil advocate' at, the
• •
March • meeting,siiggesting
that ,the board 'consider
• 'dciwrisizing the uturiber,of
M1 ,
Doug Fortune,, past chair
• Mail 'of the hospital board
said he has been giving the
nutter a good deal of
„ thought inthc past few
monthslie said he is con-
cerned that ,eme members
may not be fully apprised of
Matters which tome before
' . the boardbecatise they do
not sit on the resource Or
oiecutiVe committees.?
„Fortune "suggested ',Wino
,nating, the two aorrmit,
,teesand going ,tci two full
board meetings a month; He .
tossed .but a ..number ,:rof
ideas; including 'having two
doctors.,Sit'on 'the, board
rather than the currentthree.
It also was suggested by •
Julie Deans that thermmber
,=•of %%Ingham representatives
could be reduced.
The, ,Towii of Wirigham-
currently has four members,
as well as the Mayor' on the,
local hospital board.
*tutu to page
• Marriage and am* life
c -are under enormous stress
today with economic and
societal pressures affecting
even the most stable.rela-
tionships. Loving communi-
cation is Widely believed to
be the corner -stone Of a'
healthy xt!arliageo,enabling
partners' to cope with major
difficulties as well as every-
day tensions. •
• Professional marriage
and family counsellors
"an and - Angela
Richardson from Komoka,
Ontario, have been invited
by the Luckuow Christian
Reformed Church to give a
seminar ' •on
"'Communication Within,
Marriage” on Thursday
evening, March 28, from 7
10 as a pblic service
Lucknow c�inmunity;
Since 1985, ' the •
•Richardsons have been
working .- as a husband -and-
• wife team in a private
tice, involved with pre-mar-
'fiagef Marriage, individual
and family counselling.
Their directive 'methods of '
dealing with physical, eino-
tiel(lrans4thaaviledils' Pveitryitilhailghlirs;bc; '
cess rite;
• Private counselling'expe
rience gives them, realistic,
insight into the problems,of
today's society and .con-
tributes to their practical
approach to teaching. Their,
seminar teaching is also
very practical and gives
concrete help in enhancing
• When spring ' is in the air, 'A Breath of Scotland' will
be blowing into Lucknow. .
, BiIled as "the best in Scottish entertainment", Ronnie
Cobum'S A Breath of Statland Will play at the Lucknow
and District Community Centre on April 23.
addition to being a great way to rid yourself of the
winter doldrums, this event will act as a fund-raiser for
the Five County Pipes & Drums, who are off to
Montreal in July. to, .head Up the Canadian delegation in
the Liens International' parade:,
• The ,Five County Pipes and 'Drums includes pipers
from Kincardine,' Durham,1fanover, Mount Forest,
Listowel, Clinton and Brussels." This will be the third
:time' they have had the honor of loading this' nation's
'Lions, I 1993 they travelled to:Bloomington, Minnesota
and in 1994 it was Phoenix* Arizona-
The'internationally known Ronnie Coburn is described
as a."funnyiOan who provides clean and fun humor for
everyone to enjoy."
• Tickets for the perfefitatice are availablein Lucknow
- at Annie's Gas Bar or Chisholm Fuels, or contact any:
member of the Five County Pipe and Dram band.
• The, .fundraiser is jointly sponsored. by the Five
Cotmty Pipe. and Divot Band ,and the District A9: lion;