HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-13, Page 88Farm kids are at constant risk Over the past decade, 55 eisely because adults had last ° children under age 16 died in track air a child's whereabouts. Ontario farm accidents. The Young children siinply have to deaths of these youngsters rep- be supervised by adults at all resented just under 20 per cent tires. of all farm: workplace fatalities. When death is the result :of For every child who died, falling from a,traactur or piece of there may have been a dozen or moving farm equipment, full more kids seriously injured in responsibility lieswith the adult farm: accidents, ,,as well as who allowed the youngster to, countless "near misses." Studies "'come along for 'the ride.'" It show tliat children have n higher' doesn't matter whether the dri- accident rate than adults where ve ,gave in to the child's plea, or statistics.. are adjusted for the simply wanted to keep -track of . fact that youngsters aren't the youngster. Just because dad exposed to farm hazards on a : let you ride' when: you were a full..tune basis. kid, doesn'tmake it o.k. r Statistics can't "begin to Allowing` riders ,on farm°equip- describe the anguish and devas- meat is ..definitely ,a negligent, tation of a .child's death on their "irresponsible act. family. The numbers are useful t, to; point out the' major threats to Kids wanto grow up fast life and limb of children on the A majority of Ontario farm far tl. deaths in the 6 -to 1S age group Adult supervision also involved `farm .machinery.'_ irnperatOre Almost 20 per cent of these vic- Of all child deaths, 60 per tims had .been, "extra:.r ders.".;: • , cent involved youngsters of age Three young teenagers died five or less! .Nearly two-thirds when tractors they were operat-'. 'of the pre-schoolers died after ing overturned, being stuck by or caught up in Major -physical". and psycho.' farm equipment; Another 27 per logical changes, occur during the cent.. were run over after falling: decade between 6. and. 15- :. from tractors or farm equip- years -of -age, It's often hard for ment.:p. P rents to realize just how It's not easy for young farm, quickly their youngsters are families to ,maintain:; constant growing up. The need for direct vigilance in the supervision of ` supervision decreases with age. yyonng s children. The fact However, basic rules - such as remainsthat the majorty of the , staying -away from areas'wherre,; under -5 fatalities': happened pre- work is in progress -- must ; be rate coup Do you wonder where your group or community will be in five years? Is your association or council. equipped to operate successfully inthe future? How will you beaffected-by: • environment trends? • reduced resources? • new ,demands of members, clients or residents`? If you can identify with these:. feired future. • Produces a flexible plan or road map of strategies derived from internal 'discussions and external sources of input. • Steers your county/region in a focused direction for future suc- cess Allows proactive thinking beyond your current activities and.traditi,ons. • • Deals with change positively Situations; strategic' planning by responding to it effectively. may . be just what you are look, : • Involves making decisions 11,1 ing for. The strategic planning consider changes' or anticipated process can guide you towards changes lin the; environment. where you would. like to . be in:: • Sets priorities for actiionthat the futureversus having to deal ; are reflective of all aslectsof with situations as they happen. , your association or muiicip* What is it?. ty. Strategic planning' is a tool; : Strategic planrrh g is not: y that an ou of people such as, '= • A one shot deal. • o a munici� a Pp ity,- association, 'gov • A box of tricks ,or a bundle of ernment body, business, agency, techniques. ' council or" special interest:group, . • A; quick fix to, solve itis mediate. canuse tord.` o : s Ir Qa rival,;+.olio .;their lir blem . future. • -'report left to sit on a shelf. Strategic Tannin: 'IS a .. Strategic : lanni: is` more process t at: thanong-t exn lannii . Examines where dir:orQat Compared to long-term _la nation or business is now, Where ling� where goals are made for or you Want it to be, and how you a specific period of time, strafe-• are going to get there. i gic planning: • involves - your -.community or group. invisioning your ..pre *turn tope 324 stfictly enforced. Most children want to take part in farm work as soon as passible. This creates the need for a new kind of adult supervi- s m. You must determine which tasks are appropriate for a child's age. patient trawling in the proper methods of perform- ing various tasks is vital. If safe- ty rules are broken, adults have to take as much time as is 'nec- essary for explanation .and . enforcement.. Wile a: young teen may be starting to look like an adult, rest assured that their physical, rental and emotional develop- ment are not complete. Simply being able to reach the clutch does not a tractor driver make! Teenagers'` lack of experience and their sense of immortality increase the inherent frisks of operating ..equipment. Adults have . to' be veryfirm with youngsters at this stage, and be certain toset the; rightexam .lel P Farm Progrras? ` °.Past 31A o a Seat! NO R a not allow chi€idrreno p o ave hydraulic' equipmen • k hrak*s and remove tags and self rope :ledd m av power last to yore tort ` h1 °halal mbo a ct iii his SNOW CHECK 1 9 9 7 idl illi to" N5() in I'IZI":I': I'Ohlri- (el' up t0 `)-ItH) in ucw-p1il FREE 1inancing. until I cki-ti lr\ 1,)07. <1 FREE •jackct. and mors. First...Reserve a new 1997 Polaris snowmobile with a °$200 non-refundable deposit between March 1• 'and. April 1$,' 1996.. Polaris will . guarantee, availability, and priority ship- ment of the model you choose. NOTE: SOME 1997' MODELS WILL HAVE Erertr Stora kit * IIVI1,TED AVAILABILITY OUTSIDE OF THIS SNOW CHECK OFFER. This includes Rocky Mountain King (VIII) and Special Edition` (SE). packages. Then...Takt'delivery of : your 'liquid -cooled or fan -cooled snowmobile by September 30, 1996, and take :your pick of FREE Polaris clothing- and accessories, or FREE Polaris Card financing until February '97 plus a lesser •. 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Votd'lvhere w ohibited by Ia !oto nulactu+ 4 augge led iretall: par eb: :. do rulrrefect {teighi, ee,tf+upc mixes Snow :te i i r2hi5d under"the Snorw Chetk piograen must beregistered in the cuitoni flotkr etre asshown pn the Sudo' tom' Ibe cu,tomer.tlrusi t>fte deliviio 01 tine anownrande *mild cuff t .dei r no tater, i n'SepteR+tier 30. ipgb on snorw Check Model, av,�ylatiIe In . *Ott smock, MotOut'n'of 2.5now +heck,' pew c4istdmer Sud o+ Che k cuitd�t rs +iv►11 not ' ,ray for any �arher Polaris effect its toe same time o1 detivety abbot•chin* nlodele once Sow` k tkder haq beenpticed. Offer r 1 through held 15 `.>t. f' holy a't link sale provided balance s, in tett by first paymem due date. Polars eesg.tvei the vlght to-- h*nBe model andi►pi tlrieaitail at any time•* iihouc tiidtng obti lttotu. Vatld to Catladlan wesdeni an ly 'ilk;itlekr ydloUh PoialCiM brod•gii�otteniary 1997 n approdsmt o.g ;r+