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Many, planning sessions, suchas thisone held a ou Citoiertable Of bofarmer
�arj Becker,, of Dathwoods will be needed rior to�9991 when Hurn win host IPM.
From Left IPM Committee Char Graeme Craig, Michael Becker, Earl : Becker, Neil
cGavirt. photo by Patrick Raft's)
tiefi'•:•' 4ti �,w
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by Patrick Raftis , (waterloo Region).
or the first tide since 1978, '"I�said to my wife, Bonnie -•
Huron. County will host the why don't *e host it, then we
International Plaiting Match won't have far to drive," .remem
(IPM). and .FarmMachinery •bets Becker. Sadly, Bonnie
Show in 1999Becker didn't live to seethe
The :, Ontario . Plowmen's . IPM :on the family's "land, as she
Association accepted -Huron's passed away `` last summer:
bid, the only one on the table; to However 'Bari andMichael,Michael, who
act as host for the 1999 IPM at is studying agriculture at
it's annual convention, .February Ridgetown College, ar e carry
12 in Kitchener. A strong dela- ingon with both _the family
gation from Huron County was farm and the.. dream of hosting.
on : hand at the •.meeting to sup- ; the IPM:<
port the bid, but the Huron dele-
gation's. presentation d dn't, go
without ahitc '.
lammoth task
h Hosting the IPM is a main -
The " group had' just. finished moth.. task, no matter where it's
some opening remarks, and was held`` and the executive of the,
preparing to start a multi -media, 'Huron County Plowmen moved'-
audio-visual :presentation for the - quickly . to begin planning for
selection committee, the. power the event, which could bring
went out. Portunately,...the guest approximately 150,000 visitors-
speaker for the convention to the area over the five da y
offered to be moved up on the ' event in the fall. of 1999.
agenda and by the timehe coin-_ < ' The first ( concern was to
plated his presentation, the ;appoint an overall chairperson.
wer was back on
"So we . actually . got two=
cracks ' at them," notes .Huron
Plowmen IPM committee mem-
bei ,Neill McGavin•
Despite the snag, the bid was.
accepted and for the first time
ever,, the IPM will be held . at a
South Huron. location. - The farm
er reading the guidelines set
out,:111 the'' Ontario's Plowmen's
Association guide book, several
names were Suggested including
former wardens, reeves, farm
organization leaders and others.
The ,Plowmen unanimously
approved the choice-of-Graeme—
Craig, a king -time . secretary
of Earl Becker and son Michael, treasurer of the association. .
as well as some of ,their ::; Craig has experience in p011 -
Dashwood area neighbors, was ' tics,.' farming church • work,
selected from among .a total of business, as aH'leader, school.
four potential Huron sites for .. board official and competitive
he 1999 Becker
° plowing, lie has coached many
. `.e ' his
Earl ck r sad family :::plowmen in local and interna:
first began to think about apply- ttonal- matches as well as twice,
in g to become hostfarm for the in. , the Canadian Plowing
match over a year ago,prior to . Contest; coming- home from
attending the 45 IPM` in Ayr British Columbia arid °,Prince.
Edward Istand, winning the
Reserve Championship both
The Hiion Plowmen's next
step was a meeting, March 6 at
8 p.m at the .Walton.
Cornnaunity Ha11, westspeaker
was Jack Cumming, past chair-
person of the successful Bruce.
County 1993 IPM, -
The organization is .already,
looking for people to fill as
many as 36 committees (it takes
an- estimated 1,0'00 volunteers.
from across the county to put on
a match) ,necessary tostage the:
99 IPM and are -also : seeking -
ideas for a slogan and a theme.
The organization notes that
the Bruce County IPM raised',
over $500,000 for health care in
their, community. The Huron
committee hasyet to designate a
beneficiary of any profits which
result for the '99 event.
Economic spin-offs`
The economic spin-offs to a
wide area around the site of an
International Plowing Match
and Farm Machinery Show are
amazing, says M"cGavin.
.McGavin '. said Renfrew
County estimated' the .IPM gen-
en-erated $13 million in wceaonic
activity when the match was
held. there.
For example, : he. said, .al . the
accorrmnodations;:in Bancroft, a
full hour -and -a -half from the
site were . booked solid during
the match
Craig said the benefits of.:
hosting an IPM are also of a
"You wantto put on an e
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