HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-13, Page 16Page 16 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Mare
Mildred Itoree
Everyone is hoping this
March break is the break in
the winter weather that
we've. been waiting for,
Monday morning looks
promising and the forecasts
for the week sound hoped,
There aro changes once
again in the business section
with Vicky Morrison .clasp
Mg: llmage Impact the end of
February and moving to her
home on Highway ; 86,
reopening there on Mar. 25
as Grassroots Hair Studio,
Tuesday, Mar. 12
bu➢ressions, Hair Design
and Photography Studio
opened under the .manage-
ment of Diane McEwan
.Brad Humphrey is busy
renovating the former Super
Scoop building.
It is good to hear some of
the folk that had been hos-
are able to be back
home again..
Funeral services were
held Wednesday at the
Funeral Home for Nelson
Pearson, of Ashfield
Township, who had.'passed
away on Mondayin* the
Wingham Hospital. •
Bob and .Lois Ross and
family,, of Waterloo, spent
the weekend with their par-
ents; Don andd Jean Ross,
and . Roy : and ' Betty
Mildred McClenaghan
attendedthe funeral of
Glen Swan of Brucefield,
on Wednesday. His wife is
the former • Edith
John McKinnon and Jim
Boyle, of Lucknow,
returned horn,. last. week
er spending a few days
in Las Vegas:
�o1 cit
Residents of the Seafferth-
and Wingham areas recently
received telephone 'soTf ita-
tions for donations to
"Child Find."
Local "Child Find" offi-
cials wish to advise the pub-
lic that their organizations
does not solicit funds by,
- .Anyone receiving such a
solicitation should contact
the local detachment of the .:
Gntario.Provincial .'Police.
13; 1
°khigfor a Design Build
ndscape Firm?
Whynot try..
Because of the efforts and hard work of past and present executive and vol..
unteers, the . Ladies Auxiliary to Winter Sports was able to donated $1.1,000
to the Phase 11 building fund. This makes a total of $310000 donated to the
project. Donna Moffat (second from left), of the fundraising committeek
accepted the tittle cheque for the bigsum 'f from .Margaret . Martin, Loren
Raymond and Andrea Hamilton. (Pat Livingston photo)
Ws gather for meet
by Aliene Bradley
Unit 1, of the Lucknow
UCW met at the River -
Valley Apartments on Mar.
5 with 1 l members .present.
Ella Hackett, leader,
Jean . Conley, acc+arnpa-
nied on her auto harp, the
hymns which, her sister
Donalda` Moffat had played
on a tape.
Allene;'.Bradley read the
scripture and. 'Noma
Campbell gave aninterest-
ing meditation on Lent, and
then prayer. Edythe
MacKenziegave a reading.
Friendship is a mighty ship.
Lois` Walden .gave. an'
article from the Mandate.
"When you need us, we'll
be there." This was the
story of the Maple Grove
United Church congregation
in Oakville, .and " what they
are doing to help the unem-
ployed. .
The rollcall was
answered with each Mem-
ber donating an article for
Friendship House. The
offering was taken and the
Least Coins were gathered
and Lois Walden read an
article on Haiti; Four mem:
~hers' had AMart birthdays.
Shirley Bolt, told what
the Supply and Welfare
Committee were planning
to do. The group are. named
"Nimble. Fingers." Lois
Walden reported on the
Bruce Presbyterial which
was held Mar, 5 in
The meeting closed with.
the Benediction. Deanna
Reavie and Grace Gibson
served,refreshnients and a,
social time was enjoyed."
by Anna May hunter
March 5, -14 meiriberS
and -two . visitors that at
Glenn Havens, apartments;
As the ladies gathered Elsie
Houston: played :several
hymns on the keyboard.
The leader Laura Steffler
opened the sheeting and
committee, the theme being
Lent. Elsie had the call to
worship. It likened the lent
season asa dessert time, a
triumphant time and a time
for prayers.
Ruth : Pritchard read the
scripture from John 13 vers-
es 12 - 17. Helen. Todd, in
the devotions, spoke of
reflections - on the service
of Jesus to others as the
washing of feet, a very
humble -act. The basin and
towel signifies to us to
remember to serve. Elsie
had questions on lent and
Ruth read the answers. The
word lent seems to have
• come from, the lengthening
of days 40 days before
Easter; They then had a
.period for the members to
tell how they observed lent?
Elsie read an article The
Quiet Time. We all need to
make room for a quiet time
from stress and obligations.
Jesus said "Come onto me
and rest." Take a break -a.
quiet time for ourselves or
better still a time with God.
Gertie Henderson's read-
ing was "Magic of a friend."
Hymnsdepicting spring and
Easter was song _.amt again,
l3lsie played the organ.
Prayer closed the program::
The .::offerings were
received .• and Phyllis
Morrison read the devotion
of the least coin. There. are
women in . other`,coutntries
under threat= of death
because they are Christian,
The least coin hel ps to give
. P
them support, and the wider.
community. helps ,to
strengthen; them, as we drop
;a.feww coins into the; jar it .
snows' our = concern for
them. These women have
much cess ,but, have ,a great
Carolyn Menary reported
on: the work. of the 'group'
who, -meet the third
Wednesday of the Month.'
The name of this group
is"The Nimble Fingers."`
Laura reported on the
Presbyterial' Annual that,
was, held March 4 in
Harriiston. The Theme was
"Dare 'to be 'challenged,'
changed ' and' inspired.`'
Gertie Henderson reported
for the friendship.
Laura closed the meeting
and the benediction; was
repeated. Lunch:and social
. time'was-enjoyed.
A substantial increase in rent has the Board of Directors
A• ir the Wingham and Area Seniors Day Centre looking for
n new location..A news release dated Mar., 7: says ,"the
increase would have a serious negative impact on the pro-
grams currently ,offered and attempts to negotiate with the
landlord were not successful." The increase was 38 per
Commitment to client services and the sense of fiscal
. responsibility, that hoard members share, took priority over
the fact that the building "hos served the needs. of the Ivo -
gram, well,
",The hardest part about all of this," says Gloria
Workman, director of the Centre, "is telling the seniors that
there will be a lot -of change in ,a very short period of tithe."'
The Centre will continue to run programs for elderly
Clients, and people; who suffer from Alzheimers or related
Interested community members are invited to share in
welcomed i� .�+e on to the issuepermanently
welcomed the ladies.iY hr YM
EIsie Houston and Rut housing the Wingham and Area -Seniors Day Centre and
Pritchard were the program 'r'ograrrrs and services thait may be similarly affected,:;
iri ' a lon term
soluti of
1/2 mi. south of l awknow
Elaine Irwin
Memorial Bantam
House League
Friday March 15/96
Gaines. stmt 8 ARM
Consolation- 615P. M. -Championship 7:30 P.M.
'learns from Luckr, ow, Ayr, -
ngham,Pqi$tey, Embro, Keady,
St. Marys, Thornton
Atom House League Tournament
Saturday March 1611996
Gaines start at 8.:.
Consolation 6:15.P.M.Championship 7:30 P.M.
Teams from Lucknow, . ,
Ri le-
. T
e w r, Lu � a ar
� �`� �yt�n,
Keagy &r
miss the starewr e � eclat alr
lat ur
h lea is
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