HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-13, Page 12Page 12tiiie ow Sentinel, el,Wednesday� March 13i 1996 Ifrea Moo Vehicles 710* Revco iV,h1c1?s1 • HUGE RV. .. SH.OW! 23rd. Annual Recreational %Miickl! 'Showy Campground Operators I Associated Suppliers ale° in Attendance, March 14461040 Sunday, Marc!, 17, 1.0-5 Western 'Fair Grounds, London. Piliisented by the London St Thomas kV. Dealers Assoc, • Info 519-6854110. 1.1h. Penial Services 'Mho Farm Services Custom, Treating Cleaning "r and ' eating, ior. For more Information ON RITCHIE 355-2806 11j. Fear, 'land WANT TO RENT - land for cropping. Phone 395.5423. -- 10,11x 1 1.k.' Farm Real Estate 20.0 ACRE •FARM under drained for'sale or tease in Chestey. 50 ac e':farm for lease in Lucknow. Cali for informa- tion: 1-(905)-684-8748 ' or (519)-578-7093 after hours.. - 1O;11cc 12. Real lEitate GOT A CAMPGROUND metier bership/timeshare? We'll take. it! America's largest, oldest resale clearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423- 5967. Timeshare' rentals need- ed. Cail 24 hours a day: --11 bc. LEASING DANCE Bar Hotel and Restaurant or Just Restaurant Turn Key Operation, HenSall: 519-262- 2314. -707tfcc • MUST SELL - Fair bedroom, two full baths,.fireplace and , many extras.Close to' Bayfield. Any reasonable offer will be cons dered.Call 565.5583, •- 1+4. Vacation 5 DAY.CANAL cruises :Explore Ontario's heritage waterways. aboard the newly expanded 38 passenger '"Kawartha' Uoyageur't: Enjoy the relaxed .atmosphere, home -style cook- ing andcheerful crew on the calm waters of the Trent-, Severn and Rideau Waterway. Send for brochure to: Ontario• Waterways, Box 135 Main, Oril ia, ON LSV 6J3' or cath 1- 800-561-5767. -11 be 117. Aparnents LUCKNOW 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, private entrance $370 -peer month plus �rtilties. Available Dec.. 1. Phone .528-2391; 45t€ar, , 1,2 3'BEDROOM . apart •ments available in Lucknow and Wingham starting at $425 utilities included. Phone 335- 3766. -11,12 188 SHORE CRES. E41161 EXTRA INCL ME FROM, YOUR' HOME -This' quiet residential dtapiex is in Triple A condition. includes` 2-?' bedroom apartments, carport. closed- . in deck and interlocking brick. double driveway. Spacious. backyard close to schools and lake. , For more information call. 41784 w Mobilielleme MUST SELL 12 x 56, inbite horne. Ooo& starter~. Call Saturday or.Suhday 529.3733, lim MosS, Any reasonable oiler accepted.-11.12cc DOWNSTAIRS - 1 bedroom apartment on fnain•street heat included. Available April 1/96. Phone 528-3948. --1 itfar WALKKERTON YONGE ST., - Apartments has the fallowing apartments available: .Ono 3 bedroom; four 2 bedroom; starting at $455.60 and up, plus utilities. Two one bedroom apartments available •immedi- ately. Swimming'poot, garage, quiets 'exclusive complex, across from Bruce. County Buildings, OPP, near school. Apply to Adrian, Apt. #7,,1012. Yonge St., 881-2790. Mc ONE AND ,Two bedroom apart- ments. Newly renovated. Available. March 1.. No pets. References required. Phone. 395-2433. -- 09tfa°r ,APARTMENT .00R rent `inn . 'quiet, . friendly village, 'close to ballpark. and playground; Large living room and-eat-ln:kitchen. Call' 5267355°49tf06 RENT GEARED to. income apartments, in Cli too,,Exeter and" Goderich fol' women and •ehifdre,n',•'who have experi- enced abuse. OaIt Phoerli, Of Huron 624-1620,'.482-6288, 2354183. -10,1 MODERN 2 BEO'ROOM' apart- Ment; Cresthaven Apartments, availabie April 1,' $385 per imonth,'plus utitltiee phone 6194146-221.5 after, e p.m,.� .. '19tfa. • • PURH.AM-WAISH Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new manaceenxent. Freshly painted and renovated. Two and three bedroom, 1• month free rent.. Available immediately. Phone 396 9332.-03tfar FARM HOUSE for rent, neap Lucknovr, .references required.. Available April 1st. Phone 69$w 2.806. •-09-i1 ar HOUSE FOR rent:in Lucknow:, 3. bedroom,, big kitchen, large lot, detached: garage, $450/month. Phone 519.698- .2071', 10,11' 25. Wanted- To:Buy : OLD DARNS, BRICK HOUS- E'S.: - Wanted, to buy. Phone after 2 p.m., 233-5539.- 1ltfgp'.. CANOES 4 good - used canoes needed for the 1st Lucknow scout. 'Troop. Phone Dale 528 - paw. --11,12, bHeIpWted $ATT''ENTION STUDEMT$$ Make a lot of money selling • chocolate .bars. Newproducts available. 'Nothing to pay in • advance. Fast delivery 1,800- 3834589. ,800-38334589, --11 be ALERT!' Stay home make. money... You • assemble Canadian products and earn up to,$627 per week. Amazing recorded message reveals details. Call 7O5-739.4905 ext. 7.--07tffc ASSEMBLE. CRAFTS :in your home, earn up to $12 per: hour. A self addressed starrirped .envelope brings, full details. Assembly 'work, Box 6, R.R.'.6 Goderich, "Ont. NIA 3Y3. Com.6..:-4)9-12cc • HOMEWORKERS, EARN up to $500/weekly doing assem- la'ly, work in your 'ho.me.. Nth expierience needed. -Send stamped envelope for details: Smith's Homework Agency, .Box 99, Dungannon, Ont. 'NOM t RO. -X09-1,2cc. AZ DRiVERS needed - long- haul, `:U.S. and West 'Coast. Experience an asset. Non- smokers. Aboveaverage pay. 881-2757 or 881-0227, -40- 12cc 'PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANYnear Ottawa seek- ing. Plant Manager'. Non -heat - ° set 'web' and sheetfed,'with bindery and electronic pre-_ ,ptess-Excellent compensation. Write • ,Bob llll+e+Int, ''Performance Printing, P.O.-Box 158, Smiths Falls, Ont., K7A 411.'Ai bc . FIRE YOUR BOSS.:: and be, your own BOSS, in the health and wellness industry. Call our 24 hour toll-free member for your 'information package: 1- $00.352=2860. -1,1bc ... .i Help Wanted __. INTERNATIONAL AGRIOU4 TURA, EXCHANGE - Ages 10 - 30 with agricultural: expert" once to 9Dv%Ark with family in Australia,„ New Zealand. .Europe, Jean costs/detailrit 1.800.2634827.. #106, 771 St. S.E., CCalgary,AB, TOlt, 2L9. --i 1 bo N CHARLTON. RESORTS hi Banff, AB, offers` year round employment opportunities for housekeeping' attendants. Competitive salary} , excellent working co .gluons ,and staff accommodation .available. Some positions; available immediately, more available- in the spring. Contact: Sean Slater, Manager, by fax 403- 762-2744 or by mail: P,O. = ox 1478, Banff, AB, TOL OCO. 11bo 28. Business opportunity GOVERNMENT • .FUNDS: Government ;asS'istahce pro- grams information available. For your new or existing busi- ness. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call, 1-800-915-3615. -411 bc • CANADIAN LAUNCH) Swedens' number 1 selling skin care line is now here. Earn weekly commissions, monthly royalties and national profit sharing. Sell direct or build your sales team. Cant. Oriflame Canada 1-800-363- 4585. -11bc MAKE 1996 PRQFITBLE.. Fult';or part-time opportunities. Investment' of $1495. to $7995. We train. This is not, an MLM. Cali 1•-800-2.67'-0398 for free information..11bc kiDS ONLY CLOTHING: START' YOUR OWN home based business: selling°a great line of .childre=n's clothing. 1:oO% cotton, Canadian .made, grow features. Flexible hours,' positions available for Spring 96. Connie; 905-898-7251:. -- 11 bc.: 30. Employment Wanted LOCAL LICENSED' CARPEN- TER with, many years experi- ence; is available' for small' building projects. References available: Call Paul Martin 524- 2922. --09-11cc. 31. Service, Director 4. �D'gll `m Cornplete moving: services, local or long distance for resi- dential or commercial. Free estimates, or, do it yourself with our rental trudks- and ,equip - Mont. Listowel Rental and Moving Systems. Fully insured and licensed. 29i-1202 or 'toll • free 1-80043978896. 441far is .looking for a clitrlaillie vbluntee* to joint us hi the work against violence agaixstwomen* who is interested itn''developing their tun4rraia1ng. experience as: Fundraising Chairporson This person wilt •attend 'monthly Board meetings •clam'' tie 1't ndrais ig. Cotnmtittee •wolrky'with our. fundraising consultant to' .develop, annual fundraising cycle itaSe contact: 'Bev Harris 519 96 219 TOWNSHIP . F WINLQSS Sealed Tenders clearly marked be 'ree*ed bap ;the under- ; slgFed until 1.22:00' I�iocn, April 1 } 1996 for; 1. Crush, haul .and spread approXimateiy 21,000 cubic yarpf r: .2.Stoedskpiager avelapproxionately • 5,000 oubic•yards of crush gravel. . 3. Quotation for rental, Two on heavy construction equip- _' .Hent and .dump trucks. Tender forms for #1, #2, are- , .available at the Township Offace. item #a to be submitted en cerotractors letterhead. Lowest or any tender not ne- essarily accepted. Henry,L, Clark Road Superintendent Township :Qf Kinloss HQLYR000, Ontario.. NOG 200 (5,19)395-335.3 31 Service • Directory KINLOSS EXCAVATING and Gravel.. For your excavating needs hi hoe, trim dozer and. scraper available. Call Paul Jerome 392-8023 or Barry Johnston 395-5231.-14tfar DON THOMPSON TV & Appliances. Refrigeration Service, 24 hour emergency service. Call 395-3147 or 395- 3393. R.R. '#3, Ripley. --06- 13cC. INCOME TAX preparation - Personal, business or farm returns, 15 years experience, confidential and accurate. Returns aslow as $12. Jane -Gere 528-6945. --09-12xc,13- 1?EzTEL Provincial Conon un cat oilsInc. Ontario slet Choice.for Residential- & Single Line Business ✓Rectors, InsiailaJions,Rearrangements ,/Telephone Wiring &o Jacks <Prewire of New Homes 1=8O13-878'1163 Carpet Dyeing & Cleaning Co. Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Linda Stanley 519.528-2339 Mark Stever 51.9.357i-2072 CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations • Replacement Windows & Doors • "ellen •Vanities • Carpet and Linoleum *Roofing • Free Estimates 111 LWCKNOW 529-3184 tfiCKEY CONSTRUCTION LTD. New'homes; cottages, additions, renovations, replacement windows & doors, alumirluni kirnwrk, siding, deds, farm buildings, realestate, house inspection, mini -backhoe work tube & damp scaffolding; Ucensed er rpertter 81110 1916 al Bus, and Fax or kn. 514-5961 5144561 31. Service Directory eg Brindley Contractor *Plastering *Stucco 'Drywall' *Textured Ceilings *Pring a specialty *Barns House Walls *Quick brick repair RR#6 Goder'iich, 519-529:7472 32. Baby sittil *g TODeLERVILLE leas moved to La.rcknow. A qualified E.C.E. caregiver is willing to care for your children in your home or mine. There's lots of learning. fun to be had, if interested please call Heather 528-3711. --11 33 Misr ARE YOU A MAN WHO HAS sex with both men and women? We'd like to talk with you. Make yourself heard by taking part in this University of Toronto survey. It's anonymous and confidential. Call'for free from anywhere in Ontario: 1- 800.9 -BI -MALE. --11 be VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED FOR DIABETES PREVEN- TION RESEARCH. Research- ers at the University of Western Ontario are studying a medica- tion which may prevent non- insulin dependent (Type II, adult-onset) diabetes. If you ' are age 40 - 65 and are over- weight, have a close relative withdiabetes, or have high blood pressure, or high choles- 'terol :levels, or experienced dia- betes during ,pregnancy, you may be eligible for this research project. Please con- tact (519) 673-3188 or 1-80°- 437-6625. =-11 be 20720 WITHOUT GLASSES! Safe, rapid, non-surgical, per- manent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot. developed; Doctor approved: Free informa- tion by mail: 406-961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. E- mail: Vision@Montana.com. Satisfaction guaranteed. --11 be 34. Personal *A cost will be Incurred. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers serving over 53 mil- lion readers. Multi -talented Interrtatio-nal-P'-yychics=only- $2.99 per min. 24 Hours, 18 yrs. +. Call 1-900-451-3783. 11bc- *A'cost will be Incurred. CANADA'S MOST GIFTED psychics have answers to your problems or questions about health, love, 'relationship, money, lucky numbers. $3.49/minute, 18+, 24 hours, 1- 900-451 ,4336., -11 be *A cost will be Incurred. LIVE, ACCURATE, PROFES- SiONAL PSYCHICS tell you where your future lies: love, marriage, relationships, career, reunite you with loved ones. $2.75/minute, 1.900-4512787, 18+, 24 hours, --11 be 299 SAYFIELD`RIN`GODEf$CH 1-519-524.8141` LUCKN W & AREA TOLL FREE 1-800-634-2834