HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-13, Page 10-4 VOL. 1 3 WK. 11 WEDNESDAY, MARCR 13, 1996 • 60 INCLAJDES owlers win trip • Two local bowlers will be enjoying a trip to Florida in • November, Eric Haldenby and Fritz Schlegel qualified in their own league for the high -low • double, advanced through the house round at Lucknow Bowl and then to the provin- cial level on Mar. 2. Competing against 112 other teams in Hamilton, the twosome rolled 2f$5 pins over average to take second place. Their prize: an all expense paid trip for two plus luggage for each of . them come this November, Congratulations! • Bantams advance. to OM playoffs The Lueknow Bantam A team.elithinated Chesley three games ,straight and new advance to the Ontario Minor Hockey Association'finals. After receiving a, pass in the quarter finals, Lucknow comes up against Lucan in the 'semifinals. • Their first gime is in Lucknow on Wednesday , (tonight) at 8 p.m. The secOnd game will, be Friday. night in Lucan at 8:45 pm. • , In game two of the Chesley series, Lucknow was Vic- tOriouS With a.s4, to 1 sabre. Goals were from Jonathan MacKinnOrt (2), Craig Moffat and Ean Moffat, 'with assists by C. Moffat, Dennis Lubbers, Mark Stanley,and Rob McGee. In the 5 to 1 victory on Wednesday, Lubbers and C. Moffat scored to eadh,and C. Moffat a single. Assists were from MacKinnon (3), Lubbers, McGee and C. • , Moffat. These skaters were Fear'. Groovy during Sunday's Quantum Leap carnival • presented by the Lucknow Skating Club. Taking part were in the Wilk row, Cindy Willits, Ashley Boak, Loretta Weber. Front row: Kelsey Cox, Chelsea Adamson and Kristina Drennan.,(Pat Livingston photo) stay in Bruce by Pat Halpin Junior Kindergarten will continues to be offered in Bruce county schools if trustees accept a recommen- dation from the board's edu.. cational issues committee: "The good news is Bruce , county is in a very good position when it comes to JK," said cornmittee chair- man Carolyn Day as she presented 11 options for the continuation of IK devel- oped by the board's execu- tive council. The estimated price 'of those options ranges from the current $26,00() Bruce county ratepayers spent, on Junior Kindergarten this year, to, , savings of as much as $243,000 a year by provid-' ing JK in only one school in each, municipality. Several of the options consider using Early Childhood Education assistants work- .turn to page 2 by. Pat Livingston Alleged faulty engineer- ing and escalated costs on the Dungannon Drainage Works 1995 project contin- ue to be a matter of dissen- sion between several assessed property owners and. West Wawattolh Tbwnship, council. The esti mated cost of the project. (March 1995) was $950,000. The actual costs came in at $1 011 217 about a 6.4 per cent increase. , At the Mar. 5 meeting, of council, about 22 people turned out to once again convey their frustrations. This was the third meeting in as ,many rnonths attended • by assessed owners. At a January Meeting; council • listened to residents' corn- • plaints and documented all of the, drainage probleins. At February's Council Meet- ing, OA engineer, Tom Pridhato, of R.I. Burnside and Associates, heard the residents' verbal and written .complaints and indicated they would be rectified in the spring. The ratepayers .are an that council went ahead and paid the balance ($17,400). of the engineer's :bill' in February. 'The ratepayers ' believe .the final. payment should have been ,held back until the work was c6mPlet- ed‘properly, • •- I'm wondering why. three ,people -at the, front table volunteered to pay the engineer, after we were all bitching we didn't want you W1)0. him," asked Dwayne Rivett. ft1 . have no doubt the bill cao,:be.00#firnied.bY the hoitis" replied •Councillor Gord }hint. "Ii was no good to go to court. 1 have,no 'citialm he (engineer) will come back and fix the prob- lems. The, bill was due and, payable." "If 1 read' it right,' the bill. is due when Work is satis factorily cOrripleted„'s said 101) 14/1cCortnick, another assessed property owner. • "You're not working in otir best interests, interject- ed Rivett. "Von bourn hand , • • • 1 ' • , • ' s over Dungannon drain in your resignations." Councillor 'Doug Miller - tried to reassure the delega- tion; "I have good faith that he is good for his Word." • Deputy Reeve Ron Snowden's statement, "If we didn't pay, the infrastructure funds could have'been, ardized;" didn't convince Rivett. ' "You knew the infra- structure funds were secure as soon as the hole was in the ground," countered Rivett. The-Surn,of $99,0100 was allocated toward the Project form the three-tier infrastructure funding. At, this point Hallam, who had vacated the chair, because he is assessed x • ty't:..14::;•;), delegates under the drainage project, returned to the meeting. If you don't like' the way this: council is acting, .you can kick us out," said Hall*:' '• - An earlier motion by Councillor Stuart 'Alton' to have the head 'of the engi- neering firmi come to a meeting finally, got a secon- der, after he explained that he believcd it was necessary 'to have the '"reassurance .r)f- the engineeringcompany that they` will do. their utmost to look. after every- one's problems satisfaCtori- ly." The contractor D'Atnore will also beasked to attend. • There Was no; verbal response from ratepayers to. TVIeCortnick's question, "Do yon want council to stay or do you want a week to think and talk about it?" • Hallaminterjecied saying this was a`•matter for the ratepayers and didn't have to take up- time at this couw, Cil meeting. , In a later telephone inter- .' view, Hallam said he knows there are Problems with the drainage project. "You can't deal with them until spring. Some of them are self inflicted, but .there is a lot -thent-that have to be dealt - with. My concern now is , who is at wrong. Who's goink to pay for some of these miscues?" When contacted by tele- phone, Ifunt, said, "I'm not saying I'm coMpletely happy with the way it unfolded, but I think they (engineer and contractor) have Made the commitnient and both have reputations to protect and both will do what is feasible to solve the problems. It doesn't do any good to sit there meeting after meet- ing and just have verbal grumbling," said Hunt'. "It has to bejogically put down on paper. what the concern is and we'll address if one • by one." Hunt said he perceives that the drain itself is filnc. tioning quite well. '"yes, there are special problems . and there are things that the dituria: to page 2..