HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-06, Page 13.mekol w Sentineip Wedieesdaya March 6p 11896 - Page 13 4, Personai *A cost will be iinciiiredp HEAVE.N'LY. PSYCHIC Answers serving <,v^t 5 mil- lion lion readers. Multi -talented International Psychics only , .$2.99 $er mire. 24 Hours, 188 yrs +. Cali 1-900-451-5785, -- 1bc. ARE You experiencing the aftermath of an, abortion/emo- tionsyou Can't explain? Most post-abortal women': experience trauma an their lives, Call our 24 - hr, hotline colleetr ,(81:9). 323.«8751' for confidential sup- port R-1Oar *A cost will: be incurFed.: _. . CANADA'S " MOST GIFTED psychics have ensr ers to your problems or questions about health, love, • relationship,. money, lucky °nunibors.. $3.49/minute, 18+,.24 hours, 1- 90Q-451-4336. --1 0bo ADOPt1'EES/BIRTH PAR- ENTS/FAMILY MEMBERS,; • Canada Wide National'Registry and search' assistance 1-800- $71,0477, -.900-$71-8477. Information line 1- • SC.0-871:-8477. E -radii - ffcwnr@georgian;,net. 1Obc 0W -cost -will be incurred. CLAIRVOYANT PSYCHICS! Genuine psychics with•,amax.. ing, strong, powerful skills.. Sensational results! Stop searching! Cail now 1.900-451- 37 /°. 8 $2.99'man. 1:8+ 24 his. LC.C•,-1'llbc *A cost will: be _Incurred. PSYCHIC:ANSWERS - Pollee use us. • Harness . Your Destiny. ;Instant Answer. solve al ; Problems' • with s - ifted Ps s C. IG Lo Ve': • �ccess.. i. .Kala on hi s...Ev �nl. - .�u t sp a .y 'Rays:.$2:99/Min,, 18* 24. hours =Rated=#i-: Call 1-900 • '5� -' ; -- 7 4055,..0 d 1 cc +t f.... ,Q$ 9, Q A cosit ion be. incurred. LIV ,AC URA4T ;,F R EES- S0NAL: P5YCHICB: tell you where. your . future, lies; . love, marriage; relationships,career,' reunite you with toyed ones. $2.76/min a 1-900.451-2787,- $2.76/minute, , 184.,' 24 hours .HOST' AN. ADULT` HOME PARTY, Discreet home shop- ping for adult products.. Earn discounts and free gifts. Great for Bridal Showers: • Bachelorette Parties, or, just for ! 'fun Call FANTASIESONLY1^ 0-9.--10`c;: 800 27 6 665 5 b WEDDINGS: .Pettonned your. Location ar, ou'r indoor -o outdoor chapel {noes denominatlonai). Por •,personal arrangements Wad brochure :cait3 Aev Chris, Martian., Ali Fantle I?astorai. Centre, t miller, 524-572 ,.` 36 Announcement~ ARENA DRIVE !I"9 95 Lottery draw winners cru March 1,199e were; $ QQ - Kin .Davids m, Holyrood, $30Q - Carl Stanley, Lucknow; $200 -Debbie. Metcalfe, Clifford, -1Qar KINSMEN 'CASH Calendar winners Feb. 26 $50 Doris Eadi Wingharif Feb, 27, $$d Elaine Hall, Palmerston; Feb; 28' $50' MaryLdu Raynard, Lucknow; Feb, 29 $250 ;Liz Peterson" Atwood; Mar, 1 $100 GerEYI Karen, Couello Ryan, Dublin;. Mar. 2, $59 Tom Bro9me, Lucknow; Mar, B, $50, Mary Lasola, Richmond l it➢". -- 19ar THE LUCKN.OW ,MEDICAL Centrewill be closed March 8, 11, 12, 13 as Pr. Shubat be attending a c nti luca- tion course. --0' 1 30, Auctions 39 . Educational 42, Obituaries AUCTION SALES. *Your Race Or Ours *3 Auctioneers for the price of one *Witt! over 25 yrs. experience Call RIND . Y AUCTION LTD. 519-529-7625 519-529-7970 Res, WEST WAWANOSt` TOWNSHIP RATEPAYERS Intertrn_insta ►trent of 1996 taxes is due FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1996. Taxes must be paid in person or by mall to the Treasurer, West. Wawanosh Office, Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2110•, Lilian Nolan Clerk -Treasurer. 37. Mort gage�. e 1 nd. 4 2 Mortgage .MoneY Available as:Iowas 6 0. � interest Personal `ioans If` you i y givat fy, payments • • . Amt.Ao VI's �t. Me, .'....ayent 5 ... ,�,. ��(�y 8 .1 = . '10000 'E 83 as 8 :f ; ts,txxi Co oQ • ,-o i dela e e risol �e r d bti Call (519)02111.800.30719 . ,Astral Fulncdittg Inc.'• 35. Legal: Notices .. TO '"CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate • of . dESSIE ABIGAIL CHESTER late- of the. Cit:. of Landon in a y �. the "County of ' Middlesex, deceased, who died ons or; bout: the 3rd day of 1� g : s ' filed i1dGa11rlber, 9 �k must, be 'with' the undersigned On or `I 1'56;there- after r„, before Apt 9 99 . Yee e . after.the Executors of the'. estate will, distribute. he asset s of theestatehaving regard only to :the claims of which.the undersigned then has notice,. Dated FebruarY 1` 5;1996. . c ,o' GEORGE J .BRQPhIY .Barrister l Solicitor, ' tile':'' B 510 LUCKNOW, Ontario, NOG 2110. 48,09,10 AUCTION � G ER� , E r. " C ', NS T� SALE DAVIDSON .CENTR FRIDAY, MARCH 15 If you have something to sell, give us a call., Grant McDonald 395-A353 Wallace Balla : h a Auctioneers \ RRLN AINTOUL Auction AMarch 1f3 :Farm Machinery for Mike Hahn's Estate,: Murnington' p. near Newton. Sat, March 3 g6 Farm Machinery-& Household Effects: for .Keith'&•Joyce Van Camp, RR #4, ,Brussels (Morris. Twp.) Wed.. MOrc -:90 Farm Machinery, Hank Veltkamp RR #1 Newton" pavi. march 30/96" Farm: Machinery & Household Effects for R:J. Bola Menzies, RR #2, Listowel.(prey,Twp,) Frr,. Farm Machinery for Lloyd 'Collins got ' e, RR:#s, GotferiCh: (Ashfield T ) M pi1��p8.. Reavon::ie FarAm Erqui" m/96ten •Consignment Sate, Lucknow; AP. +?ta a*, r 3a+r ar l�Asc - f m' I ' hin - ; ery � Household Effects for Ai,ian Herrfort, ,RR .1 , Ne Mor .into w rr n wt .:rt A TIN,;) P t. 41.0/ I :.!" .r ..I� S ;;a amE 'r cn,, tin sy 4u pmpn . ons'ignrnent Sa)e,,Dentis, 'SOL:April-Ow : Livestock -Farm a•hine for , .M,c.:.�f John &'Trieva,Jamieson, RR #3 Wingham (East Wawanosh Twp.) t rioL esto Exchange Ontario' 8 I� , C!i(�(r/lte 9e" 'Kitchener, Stockyard Tues; & Thurs Brussels every, Friday Rte: #3 Wingham 357-2349 I T REMINDER Q • R iso re E 'CONSIGNMENT TI A�1� � SALE� of Approximately 100 traders -. Backhoes -Farm Equipment - Snowmo Iles 3` bi 4 Wheelers - Trailers and Miscellaneous Items to be held at Brindley Sales Ya d :.. Dungannon .r` rch 9:30 AA. CONSIGNMENTS vvetc6me TERMSt Cash.or cheque with proper 1 D -:8% .Sales Tax and 'ttx G.S.T.`. where; applicable Owneror; • auctioneer;not resecns.ble foraccidents or ass of purchase day of tale. Any announcements; day of sale .take precedence ever written advertising.. Auctioneer•` GORDONSRINL :... 519.�� ,9T97 911as. 519-5294625 Bus. 39i Educational LEARN AOTIONEERIN at the Southwestern achool of Auctioneering. Next class April 1 • - '19, 1996, Contact: Southwestern Ontario Shoe of Auctioneering, R.R. #5,, Woodstock, Ontario" N4$ 7V9 (819)-837-2116. A NEW . CAREER? Trained apartment/condo, manager needed .across Canada. We trainl Job search assistance, Also specializing in relocation to B.C. Information/brochure call 1-800.665-0339, T-1Qbc BE AN INTERIOR DECORA- TOR -with our great home study course,` Call today for your FREE BOOK, 1-80Q-267- 189. The Sheffield School, 1001-38 McArthur Ave,,. Ottawa, On K1L"6R2. 142,.. Obituaries MURRAY LAW RENCE , .. RQSEANNA STANLiY. Roseanna Stanley, of River Valiey Apartments, Lucknow, • passed away at the Wingham and District Hospital, on Feb. 28,.1996,: in her 91st year, Mrs. Stanley was a member of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church. She was barn err Dec, 29, 1905 in: Kinloss Township,= a daughter of the late Donald and :$alanine (Fischer). Stewart. Mrs. Stanley is sur., f v# uel by h r e.children, Russell (Tina) $tanley,1)arr e, Audrey iokie of Tavlstook, Stewart (Barb) Stanley,. R.R. 1, St. Williams., Carol (David) Schlein.mer, Stratford, and Wayne (Marg) Stanley,' tucknow 16 grandachitdren and 20 great grandchildren. She is also su1vived by a sister Isabelle England of ,Locknpw,' and two brothers, Man Stewart of Vl/aterloo, and Jim Stewart of Midland. Mrs; Stanley was Murray Lawrence Barrett 08 predeceased by her husband, years, on February 27, 1996. !Jerold, in 1971; two brothers Dearly loved by his ,sons,, Murdoch and Harold; and g llas York Barrett and John infant daughter, . Donalda; and. Dou g two sons-in-law, Gil Reston Murray Barrett and his sister, Glenda Margaret Hughes and and Roy Wickie.Visitation was her husband, John Hill and at the MacKenzie• and children Chris Hughes,. Victoria McCreath Funeral: Home, Hu hes Andiew ill'._ and Lucknow, where -the 'service g , H was held. on Mar. 2 with Rev. Matthew Hiil, at his son Doug's : hame'in Toronto, where he Peggy Kinsrrtan officiating, - Dean - to r ed - ; . : �...R1fS n she his -creta- ,was cared . -for "; lay .doug arid; Glenda. Sadly missed' but pries, of his grand:rrtother.. F1ower..,bearers were .Melinda '.;.fondly remembered 'h�Y° his -Richar`ds.:Bev :Townsend, Fa e wonderful granddaughter, Zoe, Y . the lightoturrayslrfe Elli s, AnnetteSchierrcmer i . r•° i •: K is Gam' 'e.: ,.t , rine,..., Lori ;3tanley; . was�'a-full and adren re oma. �. to s an ��:1ivi c Val:. Staple an Sue S fres.. . e, n :ea h"da . is hi.s: .. P_tb r ae e ,,, . a t. g f lire s �! 9t,D a hi� rnrould IteVe hl5 Da u e e ;iFriends and fannily do Th�u'gh x� 'h o # Bayne Stant'ey, yi nt he ,M d eerta � a Y � .. �y i ne d (� ; ; a ustvn D a re'si grit. ;�.-. Lu¢lt+now since;f yx �' r Ht�storr and,Cira SchIemrr>rer, ap t O 9 he to the e; 9 Q u. d• :p p S n li inter ent Gf nl ill' lin the• oornrrunit, and will be � • !? 9 - h'1 ee y.Cemete tucknow,--�10 call missed, He .was attive in !T Y nelsons Stanley,.:.; aw the + Huron Society of Artists.. and :the He rbn Fringe Flew 46- ill, Memoriam Naturalists: Contributions to CRAWFORD r ' Trail Association, The B lice ra i In loving memory of Cliff,who P•.O". BoX-857, Hamilton, Ont: assed awe March' 9,4996 LBN. 3N9 in ;Murry 's/memo p y Y re God saw the path was getting would be appreciated - where rough, he walked many a mile; and The hills to hard to climb, stored many a smiler --1 U He gently closed your weary ETTA DOREEN SMITH eyes, And whispered peace be thine, Etta Doreen- • Smith, of Your life was filled with kindly Pinecrest Manor Nursing deeds $E`A SUCCESS`F4iI.,;1tVRITER . Homy, passed away 'at : A hal i hand to-ill',16 need- p ng. ., With our reef home -study.. Wingh nr and C istrict. Hospital, 'ilea did, for ire° + ur'verbest, course. Call far our FRE :. on `Feb:f 25,: 1996, -1n hien 79th y ! ! Y E May `God grant you eternal ' r. Thar forriter Etta e ;: " , the late: -Earl and Gladys - McArthur Avenue, (itkawa, bn,r salty missed by wife Kay, chil 4. • .Cranston was" a daughter of Writing. 3chaol,'; 2486.363 g • and g . Lovingly:;. remembered ROO IC .1-,i00461-.1.329... 'The 'Year. rest ... ns on. She: was „ H de Cra _ t. .KL 6th. 7-10bc ( Y )r nr►• d A t Jrsary� arid. born in yltingltam on Apr. 21, den A, ati r.' B,QOKKkeFiik : A,N.I , 1917.:Mi's. $'raith IS 4i1 vived by Ben, grandchildren and great INCOME' 'TAX CO'URS'ES!. a daughter StieIl y and her hus- gran9Glalldren y- , Learn lri++ol>tie tax Preparation hand�..lack MacLeod of • SCOTT and •Bookkeeping by corre .Hanover; two brothers Allan In lovirfg memory of a dear spondence. Earn your 'gerbil- and Margaret' Cranstorn, St.. father and grandfather Robert r'March cate now. For :frac., brtaGhures, I;elen s, and George and Jame , Sctytt wha"passed away ,M rc no. obli iation,` U & R" Tax. oe .5;1995.•, ,� Cranston of Luckrtgw!� :She was , . , • . Schools, 1345 • Permhina i-lwy., the special aunt of Wayrre and Fond are the ties that are faro' Manitoba, R3T 2DG; `' ,Mai Cranston, Luoknbw: Itllrs: ken. 1b0-665-5144, over 20 years , Smith will` be. missed, b. ' two Dear is" the one that is gone. of tax �trsning� exporer►Ge;"-µ � ,grariddaughtersand sever • In memory we°shall keep hirci lobo::.nieces anti na hews She was as long as the years roll on. • " . , .: Sall nntssed � and:.;lovin. re • ec ease �.her husband Y v INTERESTED IN GAi�EDR , p +d c Smith, u by • , .. • R I ? f : a Lloyd' Smith, and a brother remernb re l leyyour +childraerr, T �+►1N., h1G . Golf op >t'atlnr~s, oy � . ., hotel rest uran' tourism avel . Ron. Visitation was ,"at the ' grandchildren and gre ttgrand- o'varits/converit1o'ns, MacKenzie;. and McCreath . Funeral . Home, Lucknow, culinary/pastry arta..Atlsrntic Tourism -and Hospitality " where the, service was con- Instituto,. Holland Colleige,.. in . ' ducted on Feb. 27 with Rev. PEI,1.Suo¢445•52$5. 4:106t Peggy Kinsman officiating. Flower, bearer :Was, a;great : THE HALISt�ATON• �CF100 �• OP:PIND RTS is offering over nlee K risti C, .wraanss,ton. Honorary 260 Arts and drafts yoursespallbearerJirnHyde. Active panbead• ., rr"s wer arm s miner 19111i� For info .. _.. d g u r . t'o or broo rtre' o t. ,, nephews. Wayne Cranston, rria i n h c n act S.5,P.C. Sox 838, H2iliburt'icn, Bob Cranston, RAY Cranston arid.iicNc Cranston. Spring Ontario ICOtVi `l S0 (�Q� �45�"� 1680. del .680i bl; interment Tiverton Cemetery.-- JA children. --100c Cards of Thanks 47 Cards of Thanks GARGER _ We would like to thank the Lucknow Fire Department fpr their quick response to our call. It was greatly ap,preoaated. fiord, Mary Lou and Doug. -- ° 10X -°10x ERRINGTON We would like to thank the for- mer neighbors of St: Helen's for their surprise visit, Your gift will have a special place On the wall of bur new horse; Ross. and. Elaine. --10x CRANSTON, Thank You to Pinecrest Manor and staff for making their home tta's home for the short time she was there. Thanks goes "to everyone.who sent cards, calls or visits •while Etta was sick. and since her passing away; to • all those who brought food to the house or gave- memorial donations on Etta's behalf; to Dr. Shubat and the nursing staff of the first floor of Wingham and District Hospital. for their excellent care,whle Etta was sick. Special thanks goes to Joan and Jeff Pollard at MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Horne whose expertise and kindness made a very diffi- cult time easier. Thank you to Rev:''Peggy' Kinsman for the beautiful 'service and: kind words and- to the Ladies :Ataiillaryetif Legion Branch :309 ter the lovely 'Lindh after the, service, Last but. certainly' net least to my family for,°beti'trf tbeze:w heri w needed4* most.:We can- not! tha�k et no ``h fo l ur i do s i� r a � r1.e �� Mti s 9, � tnrze 4iu : s : �. l ha o r. Q ' y a ii -1 AMPBE A sin carathank yeti t o Erie ds y;<� t n and• family for the• gifts of flow-*. ;. ers, cards, food and - phone` :calls while Marion was in ital. A special h.nk.. ou to Dr.: p,# art y Shubat and ,doctors and nurses in St. Joseph's and Wingham Hospitals `for their good care. ayn+e •7 Also our appreciation for Rev.,' Peggy . Kinsmans' visits to both hospitals. Harold and Marion. - -10x BROPHY Our famiiY w'i'shes .to extend, sincere thanks to everyone who assisted us during the long illness of Peter, George's brother. Thank you also to those who a sympa- thy ym expressed p y p thy and sorrow upon hearing of. Peter's death on February 23, Your help, kind words and. appreciation of our Toss were of great comfort. Our prayers for Peter were aided by the knowl- edge that our friends and corn- munity su ,,pparted. (is..George, Lorraine and' family. -10 SC014 I would like like to thank everyone for calls and visits While I was in the . hospital and since' cern- inig home. Special thanks to my o me . . m for elf1, her #telp�a'rt rd .toe Ron and Linda for looking after our house. Thanks again. Trish, --10x Coaling ants • AUBURN & DISTRICT :"LIONS CLUB r+eakfast- ., encakese s ' �g r toast, Sausage. . ' Auburn - Morn ri '�► l';Co unit; mm . . y, Hall,. Sunda Mary 1.0 9 a.m.'-'1`2 y�, noon 5 ` f it ,. $4 Q/ e�rson am .p y. rate $20Maple syrup. donated. by: a . lUl r ebiw .ns ns dole Sy up. products. --19cc ANI WISH' •i 4IRISH, EUCHRE PARTY ARTY sponsored by .Lucknow and i t i. D s rist�Horttculttl'ral Society te. be held at•.Lucknow Legion, Mar, 15, 8 parr. Prizes, lunch, everyone welcome. --10,11 xc