HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-06, Page 5Lueknlew Sentinel, Wednesday, March 601996— Page S Haitiann womensuffer .ices 14oO$26ao626TdfQrs by Mildred Lore Women and men of Luekuow joined in common worship with Christians in over 174 countries around the globe and some 2000 communities in Canada, as ;they participated in the World Day of Prayer ser- vice held :this year in the Lucknow Presbyterial Church on Mar., l; at 730 h'•m> . Norina Rayn.ard wel corned everyone .and led -in the call to .worship and Opening prayer. Kathy fowald of South Kinloss Presbyterian Church gave the prayer of confession. The proclamation of the word with the scripture from Jeremiah ,1: 4 .,10 was read by Betty'O'Donnell of St. Marys Roman an Catholic Church. Representing Lufaknow United'Church were Norma. Weatberhead, Ilene Greer, Lois Walden and Laura Stet- eraatdg4 the urgency of 'hod°s; Call,not- only to Jeremiab,and Mary but also. for the oppressed people of l 'aiti. • Dianne Hawthorne led in the singing of I, The Lord of Sea and Sky, accompany. mg hlerseit on, trip guitar. She sang the verses and everyone. joined with her ou the refrain, 'Her second number was, Will You Colne and Follow Me. This year's program was prepared by the women of Haiti, so there was a slide presentationshowing some of the conditions and prob. lews people in that country have to face day by .day. 4ifisv. Peggy Kinsman read the commentary that went with the slides. Wonien have suffered greatly as wit. nesses and' victims of much violence, injustice and lose. cunty so in the 1996service? they made the dramatic cry, 40 •1 frg ro PROGRAMMING? p,� i for Delp, a pry to God forNEED prdirt „ �; • . help, for god to intervene in Sinhilk„7 the situation that is getting �►. li orSO e'A' e . day. • - ,.:.. •rM{� l it EIMi*�GI� , Edith Cooper and Mamie Roulston of St. Peter's Anglican church led in the prayer of intercession and the Lord's Prayer. The Call .to. Commitment and Prayer of Praise and Confidence in God was given by Syke and Tanya Sutherland. representing the j Christian Reformed Churcb< Following the closing hymn,- The Love of 1'esus Calls ,Us, Rev. Kinsman closed the service with the • Benediction, • Everyone was invited for a time of fellowship and refreshment in'the ',church ellowship, BILaLABONG. MOSSIMO, BOY LONDON. NO FEAR. SIMPLE ANY T-1RT 1/10 WITHPURCHASE 'i ll OFANY AR OF JEANS AIRWALK SIMPLE, VANS, SHOES Size a to 10. SAVE 'T IKEDA CORDUROY OVERALLS SIP XL LOOK HERR.. EDWIN, CURTIS. IKEDA, BUFFALO, REQUEST, CALVIN KLEIN Dear editor; With each approaching International Women's Day, we tendto take stock of. progress made in. some areas and criticize the lack of advancement in 'others. The outcome of the . Beijing Conference on Women and Development last September has given many womenaroundthe world new energy and, also hope that things will : really change at the global, a4 -well as ` the local lev:+el, ci angetake place,a;however, inA11.5cetilitrie0 we really know about the situation- of.,women in. remote, villages or rural; 'areas in Asia and Africa? It is estimated that, glob- ally, 1.4 per cent of televi- sion news -addresses-Isom. en's issues and, most of it, is presented by men. In Canada, we seem to be tie- ing increasing challenges like unemployment and welfare cuts, rather than seeing improvements in the economic or social, situation :. of many women. If unpaid cork, mostly done by v men, was Counted aslpart of our.'economy we could add the equivalent of some S' billion .dollars o..oui GDP here inCanada alone,;' Should we not do more to value thecontribution women make, to the'world economy or to our social, well-being? .,., What abot the situation of women.. in countries in Africa Where 7Q' to 80 per,; cent of local food lru dne= tion is the work . and responsibility ,of women? an we even ,imagine the q challenges they fate? Most of them do . not even have access to the bask resources ►f land, credit, health care, r r education. SO far, Very little recog- nition is given to thecontra- bution,:knowledge and hard work thatmillions of women ,perform each, and every day. Still,, without their untiring labor. of 16 hours a day, millions more would starve, leave the land; .migrate to other coun- tries. Are the women inthe villages listened to by the community, leaders;.. by the governments,by the inter- national nter-nat onal donor agencies, by. us? Not enough to be heard across the globe. These women are also • the mothers of the next gen- erations enerations . ,cif world citizens; their influence will be dra- matic areas of :education,: environmental protection . end; local :anal global ecofonlles. If we started to listen to the women at the grassroots level and sup,. ported them in their struggle for access to essential r• esources that ,they .need,. we would make great strides towardsimproving the situ- ation .of :women,, men and • children locally• and ..glfabal.. ly.If. yon sat down with some of these women, as:I have had the. privilege of doing . in. Mali, Bangladesh and Nepal, and listened to their ideas and plans for, the future, : ; you would be° amazed. You would also share that feeling .' of strength and, optimism that emanates from their discus- sions and their actions, 'es, -;they need, our -sup - bit and partnership= to} face' the eliallen"es of their lives and their coma unities; they also'need Us to:gueston our approaches to our own eco- nomic and, social challenges as well as the global issues. In the ,end, Ave .will .all.. nefit from our combined .. actions; o ..n, are ess n- io � ;�` ��, �. ▪ tial to enhancing .-and.sus- tain ing.; hu.n .:develop: ment., No r�lrks �.p rtos : , hf5hlts and tt ori a , vvcin#s, tc� a the !asyst'meePtniaa:RootisisAPteru*:16' So lyd oa r . t.: ,wit ;�:� , o , to a fore. It . ets:� tr i car�les /iur ,car's+ Sly..od % � e e ii d/���,�,���..131Gitfili7.7f.7 o get own here�so h'�r d.1ec`. �a rt d La. ir i4 DIWerSWardedt IT+' you know? 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