HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-06, Page 3Lueknow Sentinel,
e'sday, Ma,
6,1996 — Page3
MVCA balance
despite provine:
in spite of 50 per cent
reduction in _provincial
grant, the. 'Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority
(MVCA) has° passed a bal-
anced budget for 1996. The:
MVCA's board of direct • rs'
approved a budget of
.1,003,456 at their
February meeting. Under,
the budget, ,there is rno'
increase in the general levy
to municipalities.
A staff restructuring' plan
was announced as part of
the budget, •Under the plan,
the MVCA has reduced its
administration, resulting in
significant savings. The
positions of general manag-
er ,and secretary -treasurer,
bots recently, vacated„ areJ
being reassigned' to existing
MVCA staff. :Awl
\citendorf l n •; w serving
as general :manager/were- 44
Lary treasurer on an acting
basis. Tw,• other ;staff' that
lett theIVGA: in .
December will : not be
"These changes will
allow the 1VIVCA to rr axi-
Rize, the delivery of ser-
vices and minimize cost in
1996," said 'Ivan Suggitt,
MVCA chainnaa. "This is a
first step in .a plan to absorb
the loss of provincial grants
that will take place this year.
andin 1997.°4
In their November eco-
Francophone families in,
the Bruce -Grey separate
board will be ,asked if they
want their children to attend
a French -as -a -first -language
Trustees have hired the;
Ontario Institute' for Studies
-in Education to survey the
number of families eligible.
and interested in the pro-
gram; and where those
families live. The consultant
will make recommendations
on, Whether the program is
iii! ' teS meat the pro vin-
ea�� • vernment announced
th; you'd red gee gats
totCo9servation Aut otitles
by 70 per cent, by 1997..
This will heave local conser-
vation work to be•itupported
mainly by user .Rees,munic-
ipalities and other funding.
"1996 'will serve as a
transition year for conseryaa.
tion .authorities," said.
n itt..' "During �u.rrirng rhes year
.the MYCA will be consult; .
ing with.Watershed munici-
palities and residents to
determine what services,
will survive into 1997, and'
how they will be nded♦"
VUti170WARd ,4a
VAVLVia;a`" `C49V
200 ACRES ll 0 wwrka l3a
brick Louse, beet. barn. West
Wawanosh TWp.
$40,900 4 Peaal to wide
modular (in-° aere lot near
Luckrrow., 4 bedroom" new
ST. HELENS Gauntry
bungalow, ' oar garage,
'finished reduced, 4
a first 1 n a, e?
feasible, ,where it should be
set up, and how it wetuld
affect existing French
immersion programs.
Currently, the board,pays
tuition for Francophone : stu- •
dents to. attend French lan-
guage schools outside the
area. Business, superinten-
dent Paul Serre said there
are,two studehtss' now taking
advantage of that option!
Earlier this school year a
family requested the board
consider offering a French
as a first language program.
At that tithe, the board did
not have any, figures to indi-
cate how .many,:families.
were eligible for the service
as set out by' provincial'. leg-
"les important that we do.
this study so that we have:
information on which to
base our "decisions," said -
trustee 'Kathy York. "it's a
night francophones have;
sometimes it's avery costly
° MMRY 149 acres" 30 ties, -
bedroom .hungalow, 1$0.
workable Kinloss Twp.
10•ACRES $0 workable'
,: fpldstone house. beef barer,
:shed. Kinlosa Twp.
.$1oO ACRES ‘.3 ,:bedroom
bilraga- low, 0.5 cleared; beef
.barn; 4110000.;
ilio ACRES - 7 year old,
bedroom. house,. 40" x190°
_barn,. to acre' :orchar(t;
workable; $1$6,$00.
WHEELER ST. : i edroorrn.
bungalow with carport,. oil
PORT ALBERT p 2 bedroom
bungalow,garage, new
carpet. $02,900...
70 ACRES', 1, workable,
:balance, fenced pasture. With
creek, Kinloss TTwp. $$2►504,
lr da i1,
arch i()
:%)tl:'1ih'o11 t'enit E'
poi 'irrrrlh un �t. '/\'ineardirre
1'noon -4p.tn..
'fashion Show by
/(1:1 Ctliketi
J3 . tel
~� ree J7 111 1. 1011~~
'Displays by _i»
Bri: irtt'r.' (' c:" Services
_rlosteNf t7rl: `Trac rl :11c'ur.$ c'r Keith
to► the residents, iow an
area, who, . ii:aw-e Ocie' our first yep:
in business a success.'
o show our appreciation we
are bating .. a....
Huron Township defeated Ripley in the ' cOnsolation round of they Legion
Tyke tournament on, Saturday. It was a cicise game, see sawing,back and
forth until the last seconds. when Huron tipped.one in for the 11 to 10 win.
Ron Alton, second from left, thecoordinator of the tournament tor. 26 years
Made the presentation to: back row, from the left, John 'McIntosh, Alex
Bailey, Carrick Wilken, Shawn McIntosh, Michael Elliott, Wade Lowry and
Kitt ;Elmes. Front row: Stephen Nattier, Derek Elmos, Andrew McGarvey,;
Jaime Bailey, Mitch Morris, Derek Realer and:; Wes Eltnes. Absent Chris
,from page
The change means the
same program will be deliv-
ered "in a different format,"
without affecting staffing
numbers. The truce -Grey
board has provided ♦11; in its
elementary schools for more
than 22 years. Currently,
480 students are enrolled in
Junior and Senior ,.
Kindergarten, , with 16
teachers in the program.
,Trustees Were told .the
board will, consider the cut
to JK funding "as part of the
bigger. picture of grant loss,
es,": and look for other ways
in the budget to offset' the
revenue loss. Serre admits
the decision about IK was
made without consulting
"It"s pretty hard to consult
With*parents " on something
of that nature when we're
talking that kind of dollars,"
he said."The magnitude of
the cuts We're: going to be
facing with, the 'so -caller
one billion dollars in reduc-
tions does not give us the
kind of tinie and, leeway to
do that kind ;efcontact." °.
Sere describertthe wove,'.
to the all -day every:other
day format a. liter ersion" to
the scheduleoperated by the
board in the `lflid '70s,
"'This, board has a long
history of(prr~oviding) tate
Knitergartcn program, both'
IX and SK," Serine said.,
r one 'day 0
�itir'stisily Murch 7; 19
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