The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-28, Page 18•t$,tentsir ,ow+it5qund:', lu+ ryrot, of Httt.g Mai ` :'. 1age . L1i ekuow geuta,uel, Wethteay, February 28, usrazsvizmcD PAUL Zi%7,1 X 0432 t"w u NCJ Z`a MVO 200 ACRE . `i 0 vioddbie, Nick hew% beef bsm. Wawwnos .' ., $48,000 Double wide modular oua Y4 acre lot near: ,Lucknow. 4 bedroou a, now w4P, , ' St, KEL,ENS .Country bungalow, 2' carr ',garage; 14aipsy�,i ,4 • basetnent, .4. bedrooms,, 'reduc,ed+• fRlRii a 144 actor, 6 tle , bedrooms bungalow, 10 workable Kin6oss.` wp . 100 ACRES, 80 workable,.' fieldstone house, beef barn, :shed. Kinloss 1'wp. Two bedu"eota hungalo.Yft ths, new vv ndows. Assumable $43,504 mortgage. 100 ACRES Q 7 year cid, bedroom .house, 40' x 100" barn, 10 acre orchard., $5 workable. $133000. - . WHEELER :St.. 3 bedroom bungalow with carport, oil heat $52,500. PORT ALBERT - 2 bedroom bungalow, gar .age, ' new carpet. $62,900. 75 ACRES - !/Z workable, • balance fenced pasture with creek,, Kinloss Twp. $52,500.. FARM .PROPERTIES WANTED 1 •1 Ewa Imo Iplis Irian Dokter-7.s Kitchen & Bath 'The GO Idea .Place d 'The k'iaa;est ;C'f fr f' • Bath loplay Topon,P QtTAUTTA`r' me 3 wow vicfaicE. ALWAYS 96� dicine cours� s v1ub1e in Consumers deedsafe wholesome products to .eat; Farmers and processors know the economic impact if drug residues am detected in the., end product. With this innil d, the Livestock Medicines course is being offered to dairy :producers. on M..ch7. ' Much Areas." covered . include injection techniiques,vaeci- nation strategies, purchase,' inventory, storage and dis- posal of livestock meth - eines, extra -label drug use, record-keeping, interpreting product labels, calculating dosage and withdrawal times .and preventing .antibi¢. otic residues.. On March. 8 and 9 a. coursewill introduce partic- ipants ants to. the current issues in animalagriculture and discuss ways to deal i vitt situations and trends which affect agriculture. For full information on the course, call OMAFRA Walkerton at 1-800-265- 3023, on ats tc Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 'Allan. Scott (Marilyn MItrrray) wnt were married on Friday evening, with, a reception Tater in the Lucknow Cononunity Centre, Marilyn is a laugh. ter ,of Mr. and Mrs. Leo urray, We also wish to congrat- ulate Jennifer Stanley,. daughter of Ray. and Helen Stanley, who ,graduated with honors from the University of Guelph on Feb. 2.. Tammara Hodgins, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hodgins, who has been. home for- the past two weeks, left on the weekend 'on her return trip;to Hong • Kong where she has been ,„ Veal steady; stockers YOUR COMPLETE RENOVATION SERVICE Continuous service since i97Q O084`8-'8983 371*1el�r ' •M•r "1-41. ry COWAN PRINTING & ADVERTISING Protpotional Advertisin Products rith your imprint; SPEC. IAS art. Feb. '96 Super STICK PENS only 28 min. too()) 1. Ceramic toffee Mugs $2.26 (min. 72) I 1 Fridge : MA,GNETS - 50% FREEqmiri: 25o) Buy 250 and get„art additional 125 FREE or buy 500 + 250 FREE Oat additional an 10/ OFF rhe above oE ally of our5e,les, Promotional Products if it is a �re ' eat order Without chan. es is 1 p r• � g No extra: screen or setup charges - colour im :int included 1 1 1 Lucknow (519) 528-2730 Fax: (519) 528-3348 The market at. Brussels Livestock saw fed .steers and heifers. selling $1 lower cows on a steady ttradde. On Thursday, all weights cif veal sold steady, and Friday the stockers traded on an active. steady market. Steers -565 steers sold from 77.00 to 82.00 to the high of 93.75. Darren Johnston, Blue - vale; 15, avg. 1382 82 lbs.,. avg. 80.60 with one weigh- ing 1390 sold to Norwich Packers for 93.75. Jack Culbert, Dungan- non, 33, , avg. 1343 lbs., avg. 83.97 to 92.00. Torn Dickson,Stratford, T 14, avg. 1424 lbs., avg. 80.02 to 90.00, Paul Johnston, Bluevale 30, avg. 1387 - lbs., avg. 80.22 to 89.25. Cunningham Farms,. Lucan, 23, avg. 1463 lbs., avg. 78:84 to 80.75; Heifers - 251 heifers sold from 77.60 to 82,00 to the high •of 87,50. Russ. Faber, Kippen, 12, avg., 1212 lbs.,. avg, 79.66 with 1 weighing 1425 lbs., Holly Park Meat for 87.50.. Jeff Bloch, Elmira, 1, Weighing 1165 lbs. sold for 87.50: Geo. Paul & Mark. Pennington, Mildmay, 3, avg„ 1222 lbs,, avg, 83.07 to 87,25. Donna Corbett, Exeter, :8, avg. 1076 lbs, ,avg: 80.86:to 85.25, Wayne'`Rowe,'. Woodham,: 42, : avg. 1293 lbs., .avg.. 78,9$ to, 8$ 4. 0. Cows 303 sold from 32.00 to 50.00. to the high. of 61.00.. Percyeros B.�Holyrood, 9 . , avg. 1477 lbs,, avg, 45.75 to 52.50. • Your advertisement could reach 30,000 Tourists and Visitors this summer in their travels from Tobermory to Pelee island Mang the Great Lakes shores. ow in its 1 year ofpublication Leisure Life Magazine is distributed free wherever tourist traffic is great. Available at tourist information booths, bordercrossings, hotels: motels, restaurants, stores, specialty shops and other varied pointsof interest. Travel and tourism is a multi-million dollar industry in this country and Southern 'Ontario accounts for almost one-half of the total revenues. s , or Rates &Information call.. GodeAeli As. 524-2614 Clinton - 482-3443 Zurich"02364312 Mitchell 348.8431, e ° % 0240 Luc ow 5282822 owes ubl catio"r1° active Andy Yoder, Lueknow,1: weighing 1520 lbs., sold for 49;00. Tey Dalton, Lucknow, . 3 : avg. 1490 lbs., avg: 43,74 to 47.50. .Balls -11 bulls . sold' from 46.00 to 61,65 to�tlte'bigh of .50 48 . Ramimond Bros., Monkton, 1, weighing 1925' lbs:. sold for 68.50. Ross M y e r c o tx, g h, Holyrood, 1, weighing 2110 lbs. sold for 67,50,. Veal 236 veal; Holstein veal. 55.00 to 70,003 beef veal 70.0.0 to 90.00:• w, Don .'Smith, Mount Poorest, 1, weighing 685 lbs, sold for 84.50: • Allan. McKinnon, Shallow Lake; 12', weighing 605 lbs. sold: for 82:00. Cary: Caldwell, 'one weighing 750 lbs. sold for 75:00. teaching for the past two years. A nice livinter break for her. Congratulations to Brad Murray, son of Gerald and Nancy : Murray, who received the WOAA trophy for the highest Senior B points, of the season. 11 plays ,for . the Lucknow. .Lancers, We hope for healthier weather with spring just around n >atl'e corner to clear' up some of the flu and colds that havebeen going around, Visitors during the week with Bessie MVlaulden were „Michael Arenburg of Simcoe and Bessie's. cousin. Dave Edward from Cambridge. Skaters tain gps Members of the skating club, are keeping test people busy. The most:.,recent skaters passing are; Katherine ,Hogervorst, Hillary McDonagh, Joe, Alton, elementary; :Alexis. :Moran, beginner, "Melanie ;;Willits, Amber Hackett,,; gan Moran and Ashton Chamney, novice IV;x • Chelsea- Adamson, Kristina Drennan and Kelsey Cox, basic. Theskating club's carni- val is set for March 10, with the ' theme. being. Quantum Leap. techurch news Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sleigh#holm:. visited with; • Mr. and Mrs. ` Dalton Noels and family of 1,C'rediton recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong visited last week with Mr. and Mrs Fred .Parry andfamily of Bright. Congratulations to Jackie Falconer of Blyth :on Win- ning the bronze medal in figure skating at Stratford. the is ,thedaughter of Kevin and Lorie Falconer, Chambers WMS Chalmers Presbyterian WMS ° net on Feb. 21 at Norma Rintoul's, 'and enjoyed dessert` prior to the meeting. . Norma. opened .the meet- ing and followed w'ith'scrip- lure and meditation, - God's love - unchanging and fol- lowed with prayer. er, Jeann`Ross read*Love of God. Norma:gave the topic Let the beauty of the Lord be upon us. Vera Falconer read. Golden Treasures;, Rollcali was answered by bringing; • a card- for a'shut in. UCW Evelyn Gibb was hostess for the February meeting of ' the UCW..Agnes Farrier openedwith a reading Let's make '96 , the best yet. Margaret Sieightholm read the scripture followed by Agnes reading Keep Your Words Sweet. Mrs. Farrier told of the fancily of refugees from, Yugoslavia that came to Wawanesa Hills min Manitoba. Mrs, Sleightholm read about a family of refugees • from Bosnia::that came to High River United`. Church. l2oltcall 'was a verse with the word love in'it A 1926 nota ;tip U`se distilled water: Use only distilled' water in the battery to avoid metallic impurities„ Even spring water, which is considered to be very pure, contains enough mineral :and "metal - lie salts to ruin a battery. •