HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-28, Page 5tap. eroi
to help
dances in Dungannon
Dear editor: .
e are writing this letter
in response to, the Teen
Dances .at the Dungannon,.
Agricultural Societyheld
throughout the.earps. ., ) t>
As directors. of .the
Dungannon Agricultural
.g n �g u
Society, we value . the
f portance of youth
involve eat in our eammu-
nity, and we see .the value of
having s� activitie , available
. t avail�
for oar youth:
The . g'.n Dun a • non.
.Agricultural :Society is fac-
ing, an important decision:
Should we still continue to
.offer o these dances to our
youth in our community?
Every teen duncewe are
faced with a hand full of
male female youth who
are under • the influence of
a drugs. e
alcohol or Wh n
these are , mixedit may
increase the risk of. Brio-
We havealways eurttact-
ed the Ontario provincial
Police to notify them of the
event and: also to police
We have needed the. police
.to assist the chaperons on
many occasions to help con-
trol the dance.
We searc hever �. one
-when they arrive to cheek'
'for alcohol and s illegal drugs
but there are always a fen
who bring it through the -
�e ..
doors. . .
We are calling for the
help of parents who waist to
continue to offer events for
our youth. We 'needat least
12 to 14 chaperons ateacb
dance. The dances are held
from 8 to.p '1°2 p ♦m.'I'f you as
ar ino
:a parent* erlt believe ur'.
teenager's futures please
help us in them
safe,. They will be our future
The Dungannon Teen
ouncti has raised money
from the teen dances and
pt.:it towards a basketball
court which Was .built .Dist .
summ r� Therr long g t r
� m.
goal is to wase: enough..
money to purchase play:.
equipment for, thecomm.
.pity to use. The teen. council
has., worked... very hard to
provide dance's for their
Anyone .who causes, a :.
disturbance ' at. the. .next
dance will be asked to leave
and the ;parents• will { be,
called to pick them up..
.Th o
�•�u�a�ann� a
-,A uliut'al Society,
d 'een Council.
an TC
,.. encl.
iuel,00., Sentinel, Wednesday, February xn. 1sss=Page s
Writer questions who is
sovereign, who is servant
Dear editor.
The experienceAof Ashfield fighting the
dump issue is a rnteroeos of the world of
Canadian pbiitics at all levels of govern-
ment. Government does not deal with its
citizens as responsible. people, but rather
they deal withus more like children than
adults, and act more like our• bosses than.
our servants. bilis inreality translates into'.
the r4versai of detanocratie rolesi Who is
sovereign and who is the servant.
:. Our roble:•n a nutshell is that w
p h
lay �eas
citizens do not havea say xm how we. are.
*governed; ratherthe systems of government
all. levels, allowpoliticians. to o
jealous heltQ the power given to the
on election da3;7 and abuse usuntil . :
�a: year or
• so before the next election. At that time.
they.butter us up with gifts so we willor--
et, the abuses we suffered under' them and
re-elect them for:an t her to r
�► h e -.another -,
_term of doing what they want to I Might
add, '
I realize that I ti
naenorieour eat
d a fieri nienc
e. •
otating wit.
by Teresa Pitman
Heather, age four, wants
to :sleep with herparents
every night. While her mom
and dad enjoy cuddling with
i the
her . in h �►orn�ling,. the,
..« eh' bed 'overerowui
when she wain
thiernt. all the tim
decidesto negotiate with
"What if you go to sleep
in our bed, • and then I carry
you, into your own bed,
afterwards," she suggests.
"I'll Wake upwhen you
move me," Heather says -
A 1926 auto.tip
'at expands and cold con-
olt}tracts: -Don't exert witch,.
strength in:screw,tng spark
plug, `'sc tightly into° a not
..tit tta'ir. ;V he the engine
in Ashfield but on the provincial scene .the
Omnibus legislation proves to be abusive,
and the federal Liberal renege on the elec.
tion. promise of creating "obs, `obs, jobs has
p g'J �
played Canadians as. fools.
I have deeided that rather than spending
the rest .of my life fighting government on
ail ,levels .arid getting nowhere, 1 would startan. organization to inform
Ottariaris/Canadianns; about a form of Direct
»en ocraey so that we,; as citizens of
Ontario and Canada :can pressure govern -
Merits to listen. You and is can:. grumble and
complain, about 'what government is doing
or we can do something about its if, you are
aperson who believes you can make a dif�
fcronce in the world,`I woold lake to sendt
you,'some information- on Direct ; de oere-
cy. If we donthave a say now, perhaps. it is
because we have net yet found,construc-
tive and effective two voice... •
Robe :McQueen
R.R. l DungatginonA
cools,; :the -cylinder metal
,will -contract,: making ;it
extremely - 'difficult to
remove the plug • when nee.•
and Mote agrees. Heather, is
a light sleeper,
TheY' keep talking, in
g, ander
:finally; come up with' a salt, -
olustion.:Mom wilt,, lie down
tth Heather ` ,i h r'Ow-0c'
u ±�
_ .. "rtil she is asleep.
ulsrr ,.
e up n':littre':
on the floor beside :°
e\parents' bed, sd that if :
Heather wakes up in the.
night..she'can come. and
sleep there without disturb-:
ing her parents.
The • first night, Heather
wakes up and tries to climb
into her • parents' bed. Her
da nt hl s her et se
g Y P ,g t
tied. into; her sieephng bag on
the floor. The next night
remembers and curls lip on
the floor., On her own;
ther f A
n� amrly.;rm.rg,t
find a different solution`} to
thisprollern.. "Negotiation is'
all~?about finding :the best
sola tion for you, your chi:
and` your'uni�que family sil
Every:",Child;: is born with
a .unique teniperament -and
personalty. Some are more
platcid, ''sonte' are .more
•turn o page'8
clean the glass: dip-
ping a. dean -,cleth.in
ipping.a.cleanfcloth.in ,gaso-
line and rubbit gti,iightly
over the Windshield and.
.windows :and. then polish
with a>dty. +cloth:
tttiunng attull range of services:.auditing. account-
ing,' bush s planning, income:tax planning, per
planning, computer and manage-
un, F 1 K.L Drier, rrA M S .Boltut
t J Muer►, GA .,H E. !l?ler, CA,
laracterized , by an
outbreak of fluid-filled
blisters, chickenpox is a
• common childhood virus' that ,
_.actually looks.. much; worse• -than
it - is. Because ofits appearance
however, most everyone ,is.
shocked by criickenpox...except
.,little boys, of course, who think•
being covered in red spots
Chickenpox is caused by the.,
herpes zoster virus, part of the
,same virus family responsible,
for Cold' -sores. • It is a retry
=• contagious virus W abut S of
Canadians Catek chickenpox by;
age .ten, either through. the air or
from direct contact with the
blisters. The virus begins With a
fever, followed by a rash one to.
. two days later. Soon, the rash
turns into those itchy blisters.
Scratch, them, and they '•may
leave scab or pockmarksi 'Ieavd
them alone howeveer, and even
the scariest-leekiing'blisters, gall
fade away,
Even though chickenpox, is .a
common childhood infection; a
vaccine is not yet available inn'
North America: Therefore If
your child catches chickenpox',
the best treatment is to case the
itchiriess-with either Calarwtinc .
tot,'on,'an oatmeal bath; or in
severe cases, .an antihistamine
prescribed' by , your doctor.
'Rernerribcr, the less your child
tai l uacy Facts,
scratches, the,,faster the POW"'
gocs•• awa,y.
In addition• ,to 'the`'older
remedies however, a newer:
Medication,: ,s now 'also.
avatlablc. 'Appiled „directly;.
Acyclovir reduces; the severityy,
of chickenpox sorass.' Although.,.
authorities say it has far greater
benefit ter...adults,...many
.recommend 'it for children as
' If ',your child catches•
chickenpox, look for many of
their siblings, Classmates. and
friends to catch it within two test
three. ,weeks. To, minimize:
spreading 'the: virus, you should
contact your doctor and the
School.; and: keep. your child a#_
' ,home. The infectious stage will.
last for either five days (after. the
rash begins), or untilail the
blisters crust over (whichever is
Finally, andmost importantly,
do not treat chickenpox' with any
products containing
acetylsalicylic `acid (ASA or
Aspirin). ASA increases the risk
of Reye's•' Syndrome, a severe
liners which damages 'the' lirret..
and. brain, Instead, , use
acetaminophen products tike
Tylenol Or Te pro tri; control
chickenpox related fever.
As I said cattier; most,people
have had chickenpox bythe time
they were ten...years'' old. $e
aware however, that while the a .
virus• is relatively harmless 'to
children; it eau be dangerous to
adults, especial ly:. pregnant
women andlhose with immune
One other thing: Even with full
.recovery, the virus may linger
for years; kept under control by
the body's immune system,:l f
reactivated, . the virus can;
r'esutfa, . often erupting as the
reddish, ,painful:rash known as
Your uel*
"barI nlac sts,..
• ,t'al`c ubioni a ine,nt
Vie "RiPleY