The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-28, Page 3Kinloss approves fire budget
Kinloss, council approved
the 1996 budget for the dis-
trict fire department at the "
Feb 12 meeting
-This year's budget
($48,070) comes in $7,700
less than '95's budget.
Actual operating costs for
thefire department last year
totalled. $46,873.
The c+%fit of:operat g the
fire 'department is shared
between the cooperating
municipalities of Ashfield,
Kinloss, West Wawaucsh
and Lueknow. The budget
has already been approved
at the joint bo. % level,
Wheels: Away
Bev Brown. representing
Wheels Awaytalked to
council about financial sup-
port needed for the system:
Clerk Mark Becker says
the proposal was for
$300.25 for 1996, . when in
1995, Kinloss had no riders. .
After lengthy ,discussion,
council agreed to continue
as it has in thepast - paying
only the municipality's
Aare of the deficit on a use
by resident basis. .'i ly
operating..expenses incurred
above provincial subsidy,.
donations and fares will be
paid for.
Culvert rains
John. Payne has been
having problems with water
during the sprit.,, runoff.
Council agreed to wstall a
new culvert at Payne'sdri-
veway entrance, and the
road superintendent Will
check the culvert under the
road for blockage:...•
Several bylaw were
passed to provide for main-
tenance and repair on vari-
ous drains in the municipal-
y ,
OMB hearing pality. Duncan Campbell
Another bill for $12,756 has, accepted the position.
has been. received from
Lum,noterra Limited in
regard to the Donegan.
OMB appeal. Meeker says
the total cost to oppose the
appeal for the re4oning is
$66,000 for legal and .eon-
snitant fees. The ratepayers.
eommittee ;aid $15,000
towards the costs.
Council was unformed of
the estimated deficit for
11995, and the road superiu4
tendent spoke briefly on the
roads budget for mainte-
nance and capital for ;1996..
Fuer discussion will take
. placeat the .nextimeeting.
Glen Haldenby has .
resigned as poundkeeper for
;the north endof the nunici-
, .
Actiss .flawed': Little
*from page 1 tions were for notifying the CAS. She said
act does not specify that the doctor his response was that he wasn't sure what
has anything more than a duty to, report his he was going to do.
belief, which he had done. There is no "Was that how it was left?" Morris
penalty for failing to report. asked.
Little pointed out, however; that under "Yes," Ashley replied.
Section 72.3, anyone with a suspicion "Is there any policy, or 'procedure for
that childabuse has taken place, not a reporting?" he asked.
"belief" as Dr. Shubat had, is required to "Yes, there= is a policy. It is usually the
. report. The penalty for failingto do so is . a doctor (who reports to CAS)," she replied.
fine. She echoed this same commentunder cross : v
ex, amination;
Little said an awful lot of people in this.
particular case fallunder that latter categoAshley said shereturned to thehos i
t l.
r,•;. the following morning, to see what hid fhap-
"They act is. flawed. This not a case of a pend and if the incident had been reported
lawyer finding a trick a mistake in the to the CAS: She was not allowed to cora- -
legislation," he said. ment on what she learned: the following day
The case also delves into how the CAS " because Little argued to Judge Gale this
actually became involved. It has already was hearsay.
been reported that the father of the child Morris then called Margaret Hogg, a 25
pled guilty in
pear veteran RN at WDH, to.the stand.
Ontario �rov`%ncial Court, y
General Division to striking the child. He Hogg was the night supervisor during the
was sentenced to 45 days in jail by Judge night in question. She told the court Ashley
R.G.E. Hunter last October had given her a report on the condition of
Crown Attorney Robert Morris called • the infant. Hogg was also asked to make the
nine witnesses to give evidence, beginning arrangements for a transfer for the child to
with the child's father, Aaron, Martin. CHWO and indicated the nature Of the
Martin testified that he and his wife i,ad abuse on the documentation.
taken the child to the Emergency Room at "The issue of reporting to the CAS did
Wingham and District Hospital on June 20 not arise," she said. "I assumed it was :
at approximately 11:25 p.m. he said that he already done."
told the nurse on duty he had struck the During cross examination, Hogg said she
child . on .the head repeatedly some' 15 to was not present for a phone conversation
20 timesafter he became frustrated with between Drs. Shubat and Jane Gloo r from
the child's crying; He also said during the CHWa. � ' .
course of the child`s:treatment. that evening The child vias transferred" by ambulance
at W:DH, he told, Dr. Shubat the same infor- to London shortly after 1 a.m. Dr. Shubat
motion. was, not present when the ambulance atten-
Under cross examination. by .,assisting dants were asked if one of the parents' could
accompany the child to London. Nor were
defense attorney Rusty Mc1.ay,;Mattizi. said p y
he couldn't remember exactly what he told the attendants informed prior to leaving,
the physician, tort, believed he' had told him WDH with the child that the who
father _ .mbulance - was `the
the same information �as;be had toad the was in the back of the ambulance
nurse who initially saw thein that evening. - . admitted abuser..
'Morris called Ashley, a 12 -year En route to London, the nurse who tray
Marilyny y died with the ambulance,opened the traps -
veteran RN. at WDH to the stand next.
Ashley was the first ,medical, professional to fer documents and learned the father was
see the child and hear Martin's admission ofabuser. She shored these to the ambu-
striking the child She told thecourt shelance attendant. The driver and the, man
dant in
noticed : the swelling and discoloration : on :the hack then. made the decision to
the" child's head. S e took the history.from
contact their dispatch 'centre in: London and
the: family'and, then reported to, r, Shiurbat..
arrange for the police to. attend: at the hospii''
p h4Ven
en winch r eunaware, of
physician child, she solid; taha f iia r�rival as they were
The. exanrined the. _
and ordered x-rays of the head. Ashley said; - y ,1'p` child was
Dr. Shubat expressed further concern .four remove from the father's presence.
'Under questioning . on the. stand,
the child' and suggested a transfer to Attendant MarkllomrrMann said had he ,
Children's Hospital of Western Ontario in
known that the father was the abuser prior
London. -
. to 1eavingWIIH he would not; have allowed
Ashley said during the physician s; Martin to travel with them.-
exmaination of the child, the night supervi-.ed
sor arrived and she then reported to her theoi�rrnann said that where they aw' at
CHWO, he overheard the medical, staff
„situation with the ehxld. She also tOld
M►rris she asked thdectorvhthstethere discussing caning ;C S' He'.heard'
nt.sthrte .
g. .
d C0..
.Ir a Jt
Lu know Sentinel, Wednesday, FebruarY 2$p 1990 —Page .3 .
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