HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-21, Page 13a • vessy_Night a WS. and H.T. Wendy Ritchie 223, Terri Van DDiepen 560; Eric Taylor 341t 856.200+ games: Terri Van Diepen 200, 207, John, Van Diepen 203, 216, Nick Sehaus 200, Erie Taylor 341, 280, 265, Robert Jones 235, 276, Jeff Sehaus 2(14,' Wendy Ritchie 223. Standings: Lucknow Bowl 48, Head Pins 47, Zoroastrian 44, Snowbirds 40112, Happy Rollers 40, What 33 i/2, Ngti-Nniukjug - KS. and qT. Vilma Elliott 230, ie Schlegel 526; Gerald Rhody 266, Bob Jones 659.:200+ games: Bob Jones 245, 227, Erie .1 aldenby 237, Fritz Schlegel 220, 220, Brad Engel 261, Grace Ropf 202, John Hopf 234, Clint Thomson 200, Gerald Rhody 266, 232, Wilma Elliott 230, ToniDowney 214, Barb Machan 215, Leonard Clarke 211, Standings: Gooftes 107,Ladies and Ladt the Tramp 91, Jetsons 73, Mickey Mouse 68, Flintstores: 64, Road Runners 60. , Town and Countrry^ ' H.S.. and H3)4 Anne Anderson 229,; 360; Harold Errington 188, Gordon . Brooks 329.. 150 • games: Dick Nettleton 170, Stuart Lane 174, Harold Errington' 188,,Oordoo Brooks 171, 158, John McKinnon 165;, Anne IVMeDougall'159,, Jean Phillips 168, Fern:. Mcdonald 155, Shirley Brooks 227, Lois. Parrish 150, • Marion McKinnon 153, Anne Anderson 229. Standings: Tulips 64, Pansies 61, Hyacinths 58, Daffodils 56, Crocuses 39, Snowdrops 'Y C Smurfs: Grace Finnigan 89, '9Nicole. ow Ne • Local athlet ��11 at c+�mpet��i�on Three local athletes par- ticipated in. a track and field meet at York University last Sunday, -• The results are as, fol- lows: Atom Boy,-. Sandy • Lougheed: shot put 1st, - 6.35 Metres, high jump st. 1.28 Metres, . 60 metre secondys�.4: Mite �ys•rJY ayell : shot put 7th 4.0.7 me `es' Ion jump 5th 2.54 metres, 800 metre 4th 3.22.03 Minutes, 200, metre 5th 40.19 sec- onds; Hamish Black: shot put ist5;22 metres; long jump,lst 3.07 metres, 800 metre 3rd 3.12,58 ninutes,,, ,200 ' metre 4th 38.87 sec end's, 60 metre hurdles 1st 11:.8` seconds:. l J. and Hamish also participated inthe 4.x 200 Tyke boys relay placing • third, Nigel Black had to drop out4:of all his events due to injury. .♦J. O: by Deanna Reavie: Lucknow . Junior Women's . Institute members enjoyed pampering at their February meeting;llilurray Irvin, Sandra Giesbrecht and Karen Slater gave each member a very relaxingback massage. Displays. of Tupperware products by 'Bernice Glenn and Partylite Candles and accessories by .Patti Lamb were also enjoyed. Fourteen members answered , the rollcall with their favorite Commercial. A donation -to the Junior Division of the Lucknow Fall. Fair was approved. We alsohope to have an entry for the Lucknow Agricultural Society Talent Show to be held,: in, March. Dee Grahamrand_Ruth_Ritchie-:served a light snack to conclude a very relaxed evening. by Elaine Errington 'St. Helen's WI held their Valentie s meeting at the home of Caroline• Menary. Blamte Errington opened the. , +� in the usual meetingh s way and read a poi P l ru , p'�b ary . . Rollcall- name a good thin ; in life that is freeL. was answered b,,.. 11 mem- bers. 'The secretary's report was given .by Florence cC.on.,ne.1:1,' Correspondence was dealt with. A donation to the Fall Fair was. approved, A corn - triunity triunity . pot duck supper for the corner light fund, is to 1 held at the hall Mar. 19. Mrs. Errington had the motto. She gave a treading - words. that work miracles. eco They can take�� but asec�%yy«nd if i and;� last a lifetime. A little le praise once in a while .can ..., make adifference. Mrs, 1 to . !a reading ng rt gave re 5 Vegetables have rights too. Helen Todd invited us to River Valley apartments. ' for ;. the` March meeting. Florence McConnell had two readin s.'.Mr s. Ra nand. had a Valentine contest with, Isabel Gaunt the winner. A lovely lunch was pro- vided vided' by Norma,° and � and Florence, `. C was It arr�l i,nc w thanked for opening her home to the group. Lute Beyersbergen 84. Pee Vices: Greg Beyersber-gen 109. Bantam: Richard Elliott 176, Whitney Taylor 171, Jennifer Bcyersbefgcn 143, Jody Machan 153,. 128, Justin. Armstrong 158. Juniors: Patrick Ritchie 159, David Gillespie 151, Matthew Stewart 176. Standings: Olympics 1037, Paramount 1439, Starlit* 966. Scorpion 736, Cyclones 1001, Ninjas 1006. W nedy Night - 200 games: Marion Juries 203, Brian'' Schaus, 202, Steve Van Oseh. 211, cNick Schans 203, Judi deBoer 220, Erie Taylor 255, 216, 244, Standings: No Narners 80, 13th 73, Ringers 70,• Squirrels 69, Chipmunks 63, SE's 57, d y T11;11t Yed - 200+ games: `1,helma. ,heel 263, Don Affleck 283, Robert Jones 212,, 202, Nick .Sehaus 245, Marion Jones 208, 222, Paul Beese 249, 213, Ron Gillespie 241, 240, 213, Enc "Taylor 227, •294, 345, Andy Page 225. Standings: Bar J's, 90, ALL Rights 70, HOG 67, NBC 54. Ripley - 150+ games: Wilma Elliott 164, Edna Stanley 161, Anna MacTavish 150, Gordon Frey 180, 164, Shirley Adams 163, Marg, Smith 161, Tofu Adams 155; Standings:. White Sox 54, Braves 44, Tigers .42, Expos 33, Blue 'Jays. 27, Orioles 25. Ladies - 200+ games: Wilma Elliott 202, 211, Terri Van Diepen 249, Shirley Kennedy' 202, Marg Wilson 245, Marion Jones 258," Daae Archer 218. Standings: Orchids 86 1/2 Snowdrops 821/2, Roses 75, Daffodils 64, low Sentinel, Wednesday, February 21 9966, , Foge 13 hw(oai til raiz CPO A rerj 7f doW Harristan Tony Gre.o. February 2rd,, ,2411., '250t Friday, :30 p.m. Saturdaiy, 7:30 p.m • Sunday, 10:00 ai:iia. Call For More information . .(ma' rept AWESOME POWWi ,003041W ‘.41010 MCP ipa, '? • ,airi '338-5581 Desiring dor The Future Huron Landscaping Is offering tone time $5O °credit: for landscape designs booked before March. 29, 1996.. . Now .for More Info 519-529-7247 .L4 tee Huron :landscaping Umited;1/2 mite south of Lucknow. These LOPS studentswere winners at the school level in public speaking.. Back row, :froth the .deft, seniors: . Ellen Husk, first; Laura :Sande, 'second, and Michael Mali, third. Front row. juniors: Bob, Raymond,second and Nigel Black, third. Absent Angie Nicholson, first in juniors. (Pat Livingston photo) foDid you know?***``. Fifty per cent of stroke vic- tims will be left with a dis- ability. L1 The local March of Dimes campaign has raised $2,071 to date, and is still welcoming dona- tionsjfrom rural residents. Laura Lee Cayley -and r o � 'c Anne Anderpt Were s W co- chairs of this, year's cam- paign ai'. n., to . helpthe: Ontario March of Dimes' continue Vital' services aid. ro- grams for the ;1.4 million people who�have PhYsleal d b ities. All who d have donated helped these special peo- ple reach their full poten- tial and a imr their abilities," says.Cayley. The ladies are thankful for the many dedicated canvassers who contended with frigid weather 'during the campaign. �T ' anpOunces that our.� IN .0U ` Neas iy' , Over . :lots., of ;stock wh ch, ill die` soon . ire $till haus ice `t irl da , T`his`t IN #i_` 3LOI L ,vwill begin o WED., FEB.,21. at 9 30 am and will; be OVER. ON EB 29TH. flurryn and take advarrfa 9eot this HUGE SELLOUT SA# 1,000 -people reading this column were asked if they woke up in the middle of the night and could not get back to sleep, how. many do you think would say yes " `100? .Orr: 30? ell, here's .a clue. Insomnia ranks 'r fourth behind the common cold, stomach disorders and headaches as a reasonwhy people -seek their, doctor's help. Now that's a lot of sleepless --nights: n the bad old, day 'suffering . em . `peeple �r insomnia were prescribed a Sedative Hypnotic - often a barbiturate . u ;while the medication helped them sleep, it was also: Nighty addictive. The net result? The �atidnt swapped.one problem for I' another. "thing's' B"t u c' bare etl, significantly gaver the; ye ars as. years the Medical coir miinit became increasingly aware of the serious side effects of barbiturates, Today, 1 would estimate the nurnber of sedative hypnotic drugs prescribed solely for sleeping have decreased . by a good thirty percent, with minor tranquilizers (e.g.Lorazapanr) Pharmacy Facts taking- .. their p ace, he difference between sedatives and trait uilizers?,while thc;oriset i similar, they duration of action is ianger a sedative therefore • slee is :indticed for a loner pg, period of time.' But while today 's medications ,. are more effective and less to bedtime addictive, l still 'believe. ,'they are overused., The good. news? por people; are r+ l ►ing 'on rn dicwea�tions for ai good night's sleep. Yn fact,, as researchers learn. inose and more about sleep, your '. doctor is rbeconaing.• more 'knowledgeable about howto. deal with : sleap4elated Faidiavertrscmcnt: sleep is,.:a natural: phenomenon, it is also a; learned,behaviour. That' means if you have "forgotten" how to sleep, .you. can probably • h re_learn'� .the behaviour, again. •. ' Here are a. dew tipsy 1): Your bed is not an office.. • Jse:your' desk for reading, working, and studying .. and • your bed for sleeping. 2) Eat a light snack, but avoid stimulants before. bedtime. No coffee, colas, chocolate,' or alcohol. • 3 beat-with:your next day's, work:: schedule�and then turn off u . side a u iet o r mind: Sgt'aside � late thine before bed. Now, get: back to . m� 1� W, to; y opening question ,:. `inti a. survey of 1,000 adults, more than 300 coni �..lained' they woke up in the' middle•of t -e night and.' could' notget hack to slee p i ' l Clearly, insomnia' is st 1 a major problem. Increasingly, however, it is,bcing dealt with without tpedicatian. Y 'u c ow Pharmacists,. "ALWAYS THEM TAKINGCARE" problems a ample, while