HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-21, Page 11These St, Josephs students students were public speaking winners it the school
level. First and second advanced on to the Legion branch level. Back row,
left to right,. seniors: ,Bridget Hogan, third; Brad Hickey, second, and
Me han Martin, first. Front row: Natalie Hogan! third, Abby Simpson, second
and Emily Lalonde first (Pat Livingston photo) '
• Bishop John Sherlock
and Seminarian John
Murphy were welcomed to
• St. Joseph's and St.„
• Augustine parishes on the
• Weekend,Bishop Sherlock
celebrated Mass with Father
Reitzel, with the choir in
excellent voice. Following
• mass a reception in the
church hall was hosted by
the CWL.,
On Sunday, St. Angus-
• tine parish celebrated Father
Patrick Sheridan's 50th
anniversary to the priest-
hood, with a beautiful mass
' con -celebrated by Bishop
Sherlock, with Father
Sheridan, Father Reitzel and
John Murphy.
The Sunday school chil-
dren did the offertory pro-
cession and presented
Bishop Sherlock;with gifts'
in remembrance of his visit
• to St.Augustine.
A delicious dinner was
served by the youth of the
Presentations were made
to Father Patrick Sheridan,
CR from the parish and the
• knights of Columbus.
John and Cheryl Jurjeris
and Bill Reid, of Goderich;
accompanied Joe Hendricks
a,tvvo-Week Vacation to
They: stayed at Club
Guardalava on the northeast
'shores, This Is Joe's fifth
time to travel to Cuba stay-•,
,*• ing first on the south Shore'
then nloVing- each year Elmira Finnigan presided
around to the north shore, at the piano, for the singing'
They had a fun fitted of thelove hymns:The wor-
time and Joe has a beautiful ship service concluded with
suntanned face to tell the the Apostles Creed repeated
tale. in unison, For -,a bit Of
• Congratulations to • humour, convener Margaret.
Arithonyand Dianne Knoop Errington had each inclivid-
on the birth of a new grand- ual place their initials on a
son, Blake Lambeth, born to cutout Valentine and later
'Arnold and Stephanie read, frOln :4 randolnlY
(King) Knopp on Jan. 29 selecteaheartshape'd box.
weighing 8 lbs., 4 oz. •myttie *IT' was winner
• .Congratulations to of the vaien'tine contest
Wilfred and Marion.Anstin conducted by Louise
who celebrated. their 38th Brindley. Mrs. Brindley
Wedding anniversary On gave a reading about,the
Feb,' 8. 1920s and:1936s when n
Bob ' and Doreen' well stocked cellar shelf
McCormick visited during helped to beat the winter
the past weekwith her sister blues. '•` •
Lula and Carman Kaye of
Palmerston, , 14,exte. Murch was 'cOn
'. Ed Pyette of the, gratulated on ,her Valentine
Lucknow Legion was birthday. - '
speaker at the Dungannon Bernice Henry, • and
Senior c entre addressing Clarence Hoy were top
the "Dining Out Program prize winners, 'followed by
for Seniors." Vivian Hogan and Lloyd
Teachers and students, Appleby at the Dungannon
attending • St. Joseph's Senior Citizen weekly.
euchre game. Greatinterest
has been shown by
Dungannon Seniors, on the
health topics 'presented by
the local Lucknow pharma- •
cist. • '
Guest speaker on Sunday
at Dungannon/Donnybrook
churches_ was Bob
• Widdowson a candidate for
the Ministry, from St.
school, Kingsbridge had a
holiday on Wednesday due
to a hydro black out.
Friendship was the theme'
for the annual secret friend
dinner of Dungannon/Nile
UCW, attended by 25 past
and present members. The
ladies guild at St. George's
Anglican Parish Hall,
Goderich served the meal
on Valentines Day.
Biwa* 5211-241t
%CFO ZOO 211
.200 ACRES .160 workable,
° brick house,. beef barn.: West
Wawanosh Twp.
STORE ,plus apartment
Main Street, comer location.
HELENS Country.
bungalow, a oar garage,
inished basement 4
bedrooms. educed• .
DAIRY - 149 'acres, 36 tieei
3:bedroom bungalow, 130
workable, Kinloss Twp.
100 ACRES 60 workable',
,fleldstone-hOuse. 'beef barn,
$hed. KinluSs Twp, . .
, )
;494900.' two bedroom
bungalow, 2 ,baths, new.
vvirioows-. "Assumable
S43500 mortgage.
100 ARES.-.. 7 year 010, 3
'bedroom 'house, 40' X1'00'
barn , -,10 acre orchard., 85
workable. $108,000.
WHEELER ST..3 bedroom
bungalow with 'carport, oil
heat, $52,500, • '
• .
P6Fir ALBERT 2 bedroom
bungalow, garage, new
carpet $62,900:. • .
75 ACRES workable,
baiarree -fenced .pasture with
'creek, kihloss-TwP,*52,§00. ,
IN PORT ELGIN 7:00 p.m. at Lakeshore Recreation
pUESV$PEAKER: Bob Hillier of coigory,
will join us for the evening to share information on how k)
How Advertising Works*Budgeting*Bodio *Newspaper & Print
• ' *Television * Flyers
Admission; $11100 includes Coffee &Dessrt
Nine tables of cards were
in play on Friday night at
the Purple Grove
Community Centre. Some
of the winners were Grace
'Eckensweller, Glen
Haldenby, Isabel Brooks,
-Bette McLeod, and
Christena Louther ,of
Les Manners, Anne
1VIcCo'sh and Mary Anne
Kukoly visited Currie
eCtiwell of South Kinloss on
Weekend visitors with
jim and Fran Farrell and
family were Jessica,.
Jennifer, Tina and Nicole'.
togienberg •from
Dungannon, and Kathy and
Allen Martin. and boys.
• -The Ripley Co-op curl-
ing bonspiel was held in
Ripley on Friday.
Sympathy is extended to
the farrrily of May Bushell,
of Bervie, from her Purple
Grove friends. •
Guests with Nina
MacDonald on Friday were
Isabel Brooks, Bette
McLeod, Anne McCosh and
Mary Anne Kukoly.
Rob Farrell of Guelph
and Ken and Agnes
Logtenberg visited on the
weekend with Jim and Fran
Farrell and family.
Get well wishes to alt
who have had the cold and
flu and to Christina Farrell
who had the misfortune to
break her wrist.
A games night for youth
was held on Friday night at
, St. Andrew's United Church
Fabrics and co-ordinated aceessories not included
Your Complete Bente 1)ecorattist4 Ceotre
Al<1'1,1 \ IA\ 1 11 \I1 )\\( )( ). \\ \I )(1\V HO. NIENTS
11 52S-34.311