HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-14, Page 11p•�U��S •�F'%ry��� QL�,r7C®}�Sr„ app�yQay'©c• �1 yz�rF2�y ji�q�[�T�u"y�}Gxo'y' rncc-n. ch. t�?1(pi ty`4nn6r CLeiSSIFIED 01.;. Articles for Salle 02. `yard Sale 03, Garage Sale 04. Antiques 04a. Crafts 05. Cars for Sale 06. Trucks for Sale SIORTS & RECREALTION la. For tale General lb. Wanted to Buy 7e.. Wanted to Rent 7d.' •bicycles 7e. ` Motorcycles 7f. Snowmobiles "g. Rec. Vehicles 7h. Boats, Motors etc, 7J. Service & Parts 7$ Swimming Pools,;, OS., Computers; I. Pets' plea.: Hoacses FARM MARKET Ill. • for sale General• Wanted to Buy Wanted to Hire Employment Wanted Livestock Farm Produce . Equipment Services Farm Land Real Estate Wanted to Rent - For Rent 12 Real Estate 13. Mobile Homes 14. Vacations 16. For -:Rent 17. Apartments 18. Houses for Rent ! 19a. Bed & Breakfast 20. • Room &, Board 23. Commercial 24. "'tinted to Rent, 25. Wanted to Buys 26. Help Wanted 27 Wanted General 28. Business Oppdrtunity,' 29. Tenders 30. Employment Wanted 31. Service'Directory 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal 35, Legal Notices 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 30.. Auctiona{ 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41« To Give Away 4' bit....',.;. 2.,.iD ttrrrriee 43 B •44. Engagements" 45, Menages 46. In Mentoriiiin 47. Card of" Thanks' 41I. Com Even . 1 1 4.• 2ti•"k,?' \ •�'o,,4v '.�+ f'w�,.w,:,.G'+•`p -:'• 1 ■ II II Mt Drop into our office any Thursday with your word elassiflecr (maximum 25 words) anpay:only $.3.25 d (paid in advance), That's $1.00 off regular ,rales. 1, For Sala WOODSTOVE & FIREPLACE glass, will not break from heat. Cut to any size or shape: The Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlor & Gallery Inc. 368-5274. ----- 4ltfnbcpnx Emergency Service & Repairs to All vehicles trucks, ailers. agricultural equipment MTD Inspection & Regular Maintenance by Licenced Mechanic' Specializing in Diesel Engines d 0ukk service ✓ Less Davin Toms 1 Foie akin1 Canveniant Hours Mixed Pleasure ee,ra leMon D YOU KNOW IP YOU Btu A NEW MNrrRESS.S BEFORE CHRISTMAS PAY NO GST AND RECEIVE PREZ A NEW ROLLER, roam C&E FURNITUR Hwy. GODERICH 524211 1 For Sale WHY HAVE • A YARD SALE? -Call us. We buy it.aili Antigiies,- Furniture, Coins, etc. No friss .•-• No Muss: Cali 519-363-0213. - -49tfcc I, For Sale GOOD CHUNKY hard .maple or ash slab wood, .$6. - $0. per . cord delivered.. Pilon 529- ' 7302..--06-09' BARGAIN.I PERSIAN lamb oo.at. Double 'breasted, large fox collas, bright red lining, Size 13 -14. $200. Call 524-7823. -- 07cc CUSTOM FAXING Need tot send or receive a fax? The Sentinel' doescustom fax • ing: for custorners..Drop in or. call 628-2822 for, .details,..-- 41 tfnx WiDE SELECTION of used appliances, fridges, stoves, washers and dryers. All ser- viced and including a .warranty. Call Modern Appliance Centre, Hanover 3644011.--5ltfgp FRAMED PICTURES at• $chuett"s, Mildmay. . Good selection including" new • arrivals. Also:lamps, coffee and end tables, etc.:Visit ;Schuett's' Furniture Showrooms;(#9 hvtry) Mrli'htay, 519-$67-2308. CLEARANCE SALE MUSIC BOOKS 5% offeverything including - Lion` Ding,:Pocahontas "etc.; Marge s Specialty Shoppe 5284429 "USED" 5.: S Smum,- ',New 10• � YSTEM �'�► ',N4 A' iM, ' 1'r�r+rw T 10'.x'1; SYSTEMS SI, 'NE11V",� 18 INCH DiSH PLUS BOARDS ., $495 WO service all Maket of systerns; % a Is 4'e +re*tet 'TECH ' THE :SATELLITE DiSH'$PECIALtSTS': 519429-1026 • • S'l EEL 15.U!ILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS. The+ last Building; you'll ever need. Future Steel is the recognized • leader in affordable, top-quali- ty, >arch -style structures. For Value, Service,; Integrity and Free Delivery call 1-800-668- $653. --07bc a SINGLE :CANOPY bed, dress= er, night table, curtains, bed- " spread. -and canopy included. $500; kitchen table, 4 chairs, buffet and,hutch, . navy blue and naturalWood, 6 months • old, excellent -:.condition $800 Phone 528 3103. -.07 • STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDING ."Rock ,Bottom Pride -Sr Manufacturer • Direct. Straight Sides, 20 x 30 $2,786.'25 . X 4.03 $4,172. 25 x . - 34 $3,944.30 x-'50 $6,433. 30 x- 44 $6,188.' ()there. Ends Optional Econosparr 1'0)0- 66044422. 07bc CONFIDEN'IAL TYPING. TheLucknow Sentinel does confidential custom 'typing::for customers; resume's.,' letters etc. Vire •'can Offer you,a num- ber` of different: print types and sizes. Call.our.of ice};or drop in_. for .more',details:tfriix STEEL BUILDINGS • A- PRE -ENG BUILDINGS li�l parte, stirage, comrerw clad industrial. New Types, steel/wood, quons*t, cladding. For true',. value .action and •answers: W Iij/ (416) 626- 1154, fait. (416). 52+9-5512 FREE brochures.' CLIP' -SAME.. .*07be HONDA=S Generator,. 3500 $1500; Nintendo, .: games, $1001;,1;983,- Chevy Celebrity, $200; Chain Saar (3 chains), $4.50; Sao •let Engine 335cc0. $250; free kittens: ,great Com- ,pardon einiritals, urgently • need •h ..rot Phone 519-35 '«2617. CI7x �i;=FOr Sale THE LUUKfOW SENTINEL hasthe following papers avail- able in Pur office on Wednesday, Godorlch Signal .Star, Kincardine News, Walkerton Herald .Tlrn.es, Clinton News Record, Mitchell Advocate, $eaforth Huron Expositor, l6tinx WHY RENT? WHEN YOU - CAN RENT -TO -OWN, Kenwood 200 watt stereo sys- tem with 5-diso C.D.' player only $998 or $9.50/week; FICA 31 stereo surround sound. TV only $977 or $9.4.0/week; Hitachi 8mm camcorder - remote' control -only $888 or $8,75 week; RCA hi-fi 4 -head VCR -on 'screen only $444. or $4.20/week; Kenwood car stereo CD player plus 6 x 9 (1 60 watts)' with amplifier only $1097, complete or. $10.60/week. No money down- 'no payments for 100 days,' Krazy Kellys:; 1-800-891-6015. Rent-To-Qwn by Phone - 1342 Neber Street East, Kitchener, - NVEED IIESUME Professionally prepared,: :laser printed on " quality, paper. -$15.0O for 5 sets'. We , keep ;your resume: on file in_ case '.you need changes:or updates 'et a later date.. DaU us or drop in for details. The Lucknow :Sentinel, 528-2822,04tfrx STEEL BUILDINGS BEST ,BUILDING 'PRICES' - Steel Straitwali ,Type - not (Noose - 32 x,54 $9460, 40.x 72 $14,233, 50 x 90 $20,443, • 60 X 126-$31,314 - other. sizes . available mise. clearance. Paragon 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499.°--07bc BEDROOM SUITES - $495 to over $2,500 each:: Good vari- ety at ariety"at Schuett's, Mildmay, Free ,delivery and set-up in, "Wide" area..Select.: from our "mattress and box spring display. Schuett's 519=3874308.'--07cc YOUNG TENDER beef for sale by the half, $1,75 Ib. delivered, Call $57-2847.-07'. . CHINCHILLA CAGES for -sale. Phone 395-4948.•47.09 DELUXE W:llNl the Pooh, baby stroller, excellent condi- titin; high • chair white in color. Phone 528-9837,,.,07 TIME•, LUCKNOW, SENTINEL is. 'available ,atthe•;fdllcvtring loca- :tions Out. af: town': Holyrood: General Store; Ripley Superior Market;., , Dawson's • .,Store',' `Dungannon AMIacNays Store,' Amberley, Triangle Disaognt,' "Goderi;ch;Wingham' Stationery, 1Nin+gliram,, -MMacAdarr `'llMini- .Mart, Ripley,, Port Albert . General:Storer. and Keith's., Repair Service; Whitechurch:: 90nx For sage LQSI; WEIGHT Without • diieting. 100% all natur- al and safe. Sirruple to use, no counting calories, no �w ria outs, no pills, inexpensive. Really, Works. Call Marianne Bollinger, ,Dungannon, 529- 7807. --06-08cc FIREWOOD Dry andgreeen hard maple, ash wood sa.b slabs, Cut to stove u • length. Delivery available by the truck load. Call 524-7104, Or .1-80Q-727.9171, (long dis- ` tance) after 6p.m.--51tfgp FREEZER SALE: Our best selection ever of Chest and Upright Models. Some slightly. marked or imperfect, fully .war- ranted. 7 cubic chest as low ap $288. Shop early for best selection. Modern Appliance 364-1011 (Hanover .Mall). -- 07cc RAINBOW TROUT - • 6 for $12.50' °Fresh, pan available open water fishing. and pond stackers. t ambow Trout Hatchery, Beigrave, David Hedley, 357 X029. --05- Pick up your copyof THE LUC-: ,KNOW 'SENTINEL et, any of -the` following Lucknow busi- - nesses: Beckers Milk.,: • Bell's Discount, Lucknow Village- Market, Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow "Service Centre, and Annie's Gas Bar -52tf 5. Cars For Sale 1983 MONTE CARLO, p.s., b.b., pi., runs good: Needs lit- tle to certify, $1300 o.b.o', Call 519-524-5886 and leave mes- sage. --04-09nxe es-sage:--04-09nxe 1985 BUiCK REGAL Somerset 2 door, 190,000 kms., as is or certified. Phone 395-4942 after 6 p.m. -07 6.- TIfticks. for sale ATTENTION:,TRUCKERS MUST SELL Due to health reasons, must sell 1989 Freightliner conven- tional. 400 Cummins, 15 direct, air ride, 42" bunk. New tires Oct, /95 (95 - 98% rubber), New bearing roll, injectors: brake. shoes, :fan clutch. As is, Phone 510-482-9984 Clinton. -06-11 nxe 1987 F150 4 x 4 302 auto, cruise,. tilt, new rubber 198,000 km, $4000 as is :n.b.o. 528- 0634 after, 8 p.m. --06,07x. 21988 SKI DOD Stratos 503, . tan., cooled, hand manners,' full gauge package, cover 96 trail permit, $2,700 o,b.r„ will dein+- eta, may consider. partial trade :on Ovation or Enticer,. coni (519) 3y■95■y-774rtY80 leave i ass. i �r'MIV,MnIv