HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-14, Page 9•
ore. row Dungannon
stronglugs 8 Gandon -at
employment with First Line
Seeds at Guelph.
Jim and, Margaret
Errington; called on Elgin,
and Jean Ilton m } rrstop
on Feb. 52, offering condo..
lenge in .the sudden passe.
of: their 1 ,year-old grand,
daughter. Amy, daughter of
nlizalth and Menu Ruegg,
on Jan.,. 'Funeral service
and burial took place at
Harnistoa on tan, 27,
"The Written Law" was
the,..tme of Rev, Phillip
Dungannon/Donnybrook .
,Churches on Sunday;
The youth story was cow
tied on what God sees in
the heart of his children,.
Delmar and Judy Sprdul2:
sister Louise, Sehade and
husband Delford of
Milverton, holidayed at
Otho Rios, Jamaica banish-
ing "February Blues." in.
sunny temperatures of 30
Celsius; The foursome
agreed two weeks would
have been better man one.
S learn
by Mildred Low .:
Plzernic. Cameron was
hostess for the meeting of
the Lucknow Presbyterian
V IVIS held at the Iona on
room of the Olean, Haven
Luelmow*Mina, . Wedmerday, February 14, 1996 Page 9
apartments on Feb. .
Shirley Hawthorne was
In eharge of the program
and welcomed 17 members
and four visitorsfrom the
apartments to the meeting.
She read a poem, 'God's
Loves pa. and . a. short devo-
tional .on: the love of God.
Denalda Moffat gave the
devotions readingthe scrip-
ture from Matthew 170 Her
meditation was titled "On
Getting Away," She told d '
ferent Bible stories of peo-
pie getting away. for :a show
time; even Jesus got., away
to pray, but they ,c e back
renewedto workk
The.. rollcall was:
answered with a verse o
The Missions Study was
. presented by Frieda
Laidlaw, who told the story
of missionary. Caroline
Mae onald. Born in
Wingharu in 15.74, sbe
attended the University of
Toronto where she received
her Hon. Doctorate, an
unusual achievement for a
• woman at that time.She
went ,to Japan, a country
that resisted' and resented
foreigners and began a min,
istry to criminals and was
instrumental in ,some prison -
refurms. She became kanown.
as , the "White Angel of
Tokyo./ =
President . Norma
Baynard conducted . the.
business. Flowers were sent .
to Iva Carr and Katherine
Smith in honor of their
bir.-thdays in January.
For the.. variety member
Peggy Henderson reead. a let-
ter from her daughter Clara.
in Malawi, Africa,
Preparing for 199G ]..PM.
Representatives from plowing _associa-
tions across Ontario gathered at the Ontario
Plowmen's Association. (OPAL.) convention; •
in Waterloo over theweekend, to hear plans
for the 1996 International Plowing Match
and Country Festival, slated for. Sept,17
through 21,
Organizers of this year's Match unveiled
their official poster. The poster highlights
the "Fields of Friendship" and "Country
Festival" themes of this year's event, to be
held in Haldimand-Norfolk region, located
along the north shore of Lake Erie between
Tillsonburg and Dunnville. Mary Farkas, an
artist who lives on a,tobacco, apple and gin-
seng farm in Haldimand-Norfolk, painted
the artwork which is framed by the Match
Volunteers in Haldimand-Norfolk have
been hard at work for a number of years
getting ready for the Match. organizers
have assembled about 2,000 acres of land
owned by various farmers near Selkirk,
located in the ,centralpart. of .Haldimand-.
If you would like to reserve exhibit or
vending. space for. the 'Watch, call the
Ontario Plowmen's Association at 1-800-
Studots test debating skills
On Jan. 26, four mem-
bers of the Brookside
Debating Team went. to
Clinton high school, for
their first debating tourna
rent. In the morning there
were two debates. One for
the affirmative and one for
the negative. •
The topic 'of debate was:
Be it resolved that the
Ministry of _Education
makes junior high school
mandatory across Ontario.
In the .afternoon, an,
impromptu debate was held
addressing the resolution:
Be it resolved that pizza
should replace turkey for ..
special meals. All partici-
pants did well and hada
wonderful time.They were
all winners because they
have all learned something
A group of students from
the MAC .class are currently.
completing .a project :that
involved accessing'research
information from . the
Internet, and•then applying
the information in a multi-,
media program called
Authority. Each student: in
the group has taken . °a
Newfoundland topic, and
used a "search engine"
'index) on the Internet to
find information. The stu-
dents are now completing
their presentation, putting
information and pictures
into a "slide show" in a
computer program.. This
program will be' displayed
to their class using a
machine called an •encoder;
which will book up the
• computer to a TV screen..
Brookside has begun ,a
Peace fakers program to
help students learn to use
peaceful problem -solving.
techniquesto settle 'differ-
ences on the playground.
Students involved in a con-
' flirt will have the opportu-
nity to choose to solve their
problems with the help of a
team of Peacemakers,, who
will help thein talk through
the problem and arrive at a
peaceful solution,using a
series of . questions. A
group of grade 6 students is
being trained as peacemak-
ers, and they will use their
skills on the primary play-
(Editors: Mary Jean
Andrew, Mary Cox,
Amanda Drennan, Sara
Drennan, Charles Lyons,
and Autumn Stephens)
March 15'"
All orders at 1995 Prices
Don't take delivery until end of April
Minimum order $1800.00' Inctudltlg taxis
11 North St. E. WINGHAIi
782 Havelock 5t. LUCKNOW
* 20% down payment required
Never one to back away from a challenge, Vicky has
decided to open a Bed & Breakfast inlime for the
1998 Lucknow Reunion.. in the meantime, .her hair
studio will now be located on the faun and with this
new location carnes a new look, a different
atmosphere and even a new name. Introducing
business in town for Image Impact rill be
New Hours are;
Tuesday to Friday 9.6
Evening and Sat: rdaay b
in Ment only:
Thursday, February 29th, The new studio will be
located at her farm, Cedar Rail Ranch, across from
the Morrison Berry ...Patch on Hwy 86 and wine
opening on Monday, ay, Match 25th. .
The phonenumber
remalns 5284210 and all
services presently offered at the shop will be
available at the new loose* Coupons will also
honour00 fa
AigthiSti 0,044 iSEVOine yrs
Viaii 10 0010 an)
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