HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-31, Page 12ftge 12 L' ckn tOi w Selgtinelg Wednesdayo Januar/ 31p, 199 Snowmobiles Equipment • -1980. AROTQC CAT 250 Lynx; gond coPdition, $800. Oall524- 8076. -04-050c 1970' SKI DOO Olycapic :runs. well. Phone 395-5667. - 4tiar 198Q6�-KI DOO Safari 377. G1G � A hand warmers, $1,600, 2 TYSO Ski Doo Citation 4500's $1000 each. At 3 in good con - Mien • with 96 trail' permits. Call 395.53231. --05e0 • 1988 SKI 000 $tratos 503, fan cooled, hand warmers, lath gauge package, cover, 96 trail permit, $2,900 o.b.a., will deny- • er, may consider.partial trade on Ovation or Enticer, call (519) 396-7480. leave mes- sage, --09co 10. Pets PUPPIES TO give away to ai good home; 4 English Springer Spaniels 'x Forder Collie, avail- able Feb. 5. Phone•529-7360. -05x FREE TO good home, 3 five • month' .old kittens. Mother is a tiny cat, Cali Barb 395.4006. - 05x 2 -SIBERIAN .Huskies, 14 weeks old. Phone 528.3345, -- P5 11a. For Sale :. ! General 465 Nuffield tractor with hydraulic loader and PS $3500.; David Brown 950 trac- tor with hydraulic loader. $2700.; 5 and 6 foot snowblow- ers $600. each 519-848-2783.- ---4-06cc ° i h.` Farm Services ' GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY -• Belting and repairs to 'all makes of balers, swathers, and combine pick ups. Patz sales and service, Lucknow Grain buggies, mixers etr, R.R. 5, Lucknow. 395-2851. -27tfar TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS - madeto size, for trucks, trailers, 'gravity boxes, etc, Vinyl, :canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma Intl-ustrial. Coverings, Bayfield. 482:-3540.x--36tfgpe- ow.. 12. Real Estate • 1 Apartments WALKERTON ON - YON$E•.St•q Apartrrients has the fellowing apartMents available OM: 3 uedroorla; Four ,2 bedroom starting at $455.60 and up.. plus utilities. Two one bedroom apartments, available January,; 1998.Swilnming :pool, garage, •quiet; • exclusive'.complex.. across from Bruce County; Buildings, OPP, near school. , Apply to Joe. Apartment .7,. 1016 Yonge St., 681-3794. --.- • 47tfgf DUPLEX iN Auburn 2 large 2 bedroom apartments available January 1. No pets. References. Call 526-7355. -- 48#ec HEATED 2 bedrotri apart- ment. $380 per month, avail- able February 1, at 521 Stauffer St., Luckn w. Call 524-9912. --02tf ONE BEDROOM bachelor• apartment available March 1, $260/month plus utilities. Call Paul 528-2411. =-04tfar DURHAM-WALSH Townhousesin Kincardine. Under new management. Freshly painted and renovated. Two and three bedroom, 1 month free rent. Available. immediately. Phone 396- 9832..-0.3tfar HOUSE FOR rent on 2 acres, refurbished 2 bedroom horse, garage and 1200 'sq.. ft. of out buildings, new barn with 2 box stalls. Phone 395=4948 after- noons or evenings 03-05x 23. Commercial STORE FRONT'- Available March 4. 01i heat. ;Call Pal 528-2411 for details.--04tfar 26. Help Wanted 2a Wanted To Oily OLD 'BARiNS, BRICKNOUS- ES - wafted to buy. Phone after 2 pan., 2837558a. 1tf9p `WANTED TO BUUY: aa. . S10 - 15 :pick ,lwp. or Firebird0, any condition,. for . parts restore. or reasonable:. Call 527'1787. --05 o"• OA.i11E' ' , K_ T Success 20.0 Help Wanted $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products availabi''. Nothing to pay in • advance. Fast delivery 1-800- 383-3589. --05bc HOMEWORKERS, earn up to $500/week doing assembly work in your home. No experi- ' ecce needed. Send stamped envelope for details. Smith's Homework, Box 94, Dungannon," Ont. NOM 1 R0. -- 02-05cc EXPERIENCED, licensed, heavy duty mechanic required by CASE IH dealership in Alberta.Good facilities, pro- gressive• foothills area town; close' to major centre. Write: -Manager, box 5219, High: River AB; T1V 1M4 'or call . 403-652- 7944,--05bc VOLUNTEER DIRECTORS WANTED: , The Huron, Business: Development Corporation, a government funded, non-profit corporation, requires Directors to • oviersee • operations and review local: business and community intia tives. 11 interested. please inquire by February 20, 1996 at (519) 527-0305. --05,060c ALERT! .Stay home - make Money. You'. • assemble Canadian products and earn up to $627 per week: Amazing recorded message reveals details. Call 705-739-4905 ext, 7. --05,06x 2EQ Uu5iness Opportunity TRAVEL AGENCY - QNVEST- .MENT $14,995. ,Full Training and Ongoing Support. FOAM, time/Part-time, Non-u or Office. Many Travel Benefits. LIMIT- ED AVAILABILITY. T. , P.Y, Canada i fan da rlc.,"1-800-790-9910, nr 1 -204.98743022.... 0500 GOVERNMENT FUNDS, Government assistance- pro- grams information available. For your new or existing busi- ness. Take advantage of the govoernm.ent'•grants and loans. Call 1-800-915-3615. --054o RAiSE CHINCHILLAS as a profitable full or part-time busi- ness, We provide graded ani- mals,,suppliies, market, financ- ing, Excellent tax benefits available. Canadian Chinchilla, P.O. •B<. x 1684, St. Marys, Ont., N4X 101. 519-229-6117. --04,05ar GOT.A CAMPGROUND mems bership/timneshare" Weil take it! America`s largest, oldest resale clearinghouse. Resort. Sales International 1-800-423 5967. Timeshare rentals: need ed., Call 24 hours a day. -05bc 14w Vacatil:elf 5 DAY CANAL cruises :Explore Ontario's heritage waterways aboard the newly expanded 38- passenger "Kawartha Voyageur". Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, home -style cook- Ing and cheerful 'crew on the calm waiters; Of = the Trent Severer and Rideau Waterway. , Send for brochure to: Ontario Waterways, Box 135 Main, Oriltia, ON L3V, 643 or call 1- 800-581-5767. --05bc artMentoe LUOKNOW, 4 bedrootwl-'. ground floor apartment, private-. entrance 8370 pei Month plus .. utilities. Avallabre Dec. 1 Phone 528.2391, 45tfar TI1E CORPORATION OF'TIDE TOWNSHIP OF HURON requires a w CLE The Township of Huron invites applications for the. position of Clerk. Reporting to the Administrator -Treasurer; the clerk- is responsible for all statutory and advisory duties required of the position, including reports and bye: laws. The applicant shall hold: an AMT designation. ,'Training in -municipal administration at a deputy -clerk' level or higher and possessing 'computer skills will be favourable assets for this position The successful: applicant will possess strong management, analytical and conliflumicat"ion skills. Salary will be commensurate with •experience and qualifications interested candidates are invited to submit a resume`,'. clearly marked "Application for Clerk" by Monday, February 26, 1996, to Mary Rose Walden` Administrator -Treasurer Township of Huron 'P.O. Box, td Ripley, Ontario NO0r 2R Only those applicants selected for aninterview' Will be contacted. lilt accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and .protection ofPrivacy Act, personal ' information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, I r3.C, 1990, c.14:,.45, and will only be used or'candidate Selection. ' RIPLEES RANCH Pet Food company requires dealers to work from their home. Supplement your income. Frill or part-time. Very low start up fee. 905-738-8228 Ext. 22. -- 05bc : HASSLE FREE 'Work that pays well. Choose own area and hours. Provide customers an in -tion presentationof advan- tages ' of buying through Consumer Direct Marketing. Phone Philip P. Bradley (519) 368-8615..--05c= r requiedto help expand in Huron: & Bruce County. This is .a well' established indow cleaning & power ' ashing husmessin Goderich. ' Call:.Ray or Aferrew at Ray's window Washing 524-7700 1-800-404675 Looking fora New Career? Festival School of Hair Styling is now accepting registration for their next class. Make-up & nail Atchnoiggy at no extra charge. OSAP available for those that qualify. For further info. call 519 271.9551• V 34. Pelwet . cos't will. be.tneurred0 H " NEW YEARI New ,ROmanoe, 'Ca* windfall or Gamier Changes? Let ow M •PSYCHICS .unveil your future. 1-900-451.3778„ 18+,24 hrs.,. $2.99 rnin,11.Oa . �Ti15t *A coat wail °bis. Mourned. HEAVENLY PSYC.HiC ANSWERS. Friends.of thou- sands. Ask fort 'ree Astrrochart, 24" Hours $2.99 /min. 16+ 1- 900-451-3783. --05bc *A cost will be lectured. ACCURATE, PRFESSION- AL, LiVE, GIFTED PSYCHICS. ESP, Tarot card readings. Having bad luck in your gob, home, .leve life? Will reunite you with your loved ones. For help call 24 hours a day, $2.75/minute, must be 18+, Phone 1-900-451-2787. --05bc 31. Service Directory KINLO$S EXCAVATING and Gravel. '.For your excavating needs hi hoe, trim dozer and scraper available. Call Paul Jerome 392.8023 or Barry Johnston 395-5231.-14tfar SEWIN9 MACHINE repairs - satisfaction guaranteed all household makes - genuine parts - authorized Singer deal- er, ,Free weekly pick up and delivery to From Our Heart, Lucknow 528-2649. -03-O6ar PROBLEM FEET? , Professional' Nursing Care available Mondays at Lucknow Cut and Curl 528-2914 or in yourhome by appointment. 528.2050. (5 years experience with seniors' foot care) Jo Ann Todd R.PPN„--04-07ar FREE COMPUTER SOFT- WARE! FREE INFORMATION! Over 500 pages of Money- Making reports, projects, busi-0 nesses, ideas, .opportunities,. sources and morel Plus adver- tise on.the Internet only '20 cents per day. Call (416) 391- 4955. 91-4955. Fax (416) 391-0211. -- '05bc MOVING Complete moving services, • local or long distance for resi- dential or commercial. Free • estimates, or do it yourself with ,our rental trucks and 'equip'- ment. Listowel Rental and Moving Systems. Fully Insured and licensed.: 291-1202 or tall free 1-800-639-6896. --34tfar 34g Personal *A cost will, be Incurred. PSYCHO ANSWERS - Police use us, farness Your Destiny...instant Answer solve all Problems with gifted Psyohic,L'o've...Suc" cess.,.Relationships..Career.., Evenly Rays $2.99/min.18+.24' hours. Rated O. Call 1.900'- 451.4055.--48-08cc "NEW° :HEM RRHOIDS? Obir, nio Constipation? Cure them yourself within g4 hours. 100% SAFE, no Medications or t.axatives. To order FREE information please call: Orthoneurolcgical Institute 1- 800-881-1007. --05bc CRISIS PREGNANCY CEN- TRE - Are you' pregnant? Need help? Cali ur 24 hour hotline collect 323-3751 or drop in at 178 Main St. S. Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, counselling and support, child- birth coaches,clothing. --05ar *A cost will be incurred°d CANADA'S MOST GIFTED psychics have answers to your problems or questions about health, love, relationship, money, lucky numbers. $3.49/minute; 18+, 24 hours, 1-900-451-4336. --05bc ADOPTIONS/BIRTH ' PAR- ENTS/FAMILY MEMBERS, Canada Wide National Registry and search assistance 1-800- 871.8477. Information line 1- 800-871-8477. ' E-mail ffcwnr.@georglan.net. --05bc HAVING A DRINKING PROB- LEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3635. --05ar 36sAnnouncements ARENA DRIVE IN,"95 Lottery, draw winners on Jan. 26, 1996 were:$500 Jack Needham, Lucknow., $300- Lawrence Clarke;Lucknow. $200;- Greg Courtney, Lucknow. --05ar KINSMEN CASH Calendar winners Jan. 22 $50 Joseph Calkins, Lucknow; Jan. 23, $50 Murray. Latronica, Gorrie; Jan. 24 $59 . Audrey Magee, Mississauga; Jan. 25. $50 Tammy DeJong, Dungannon; Jan. 26 $100 Ray Harris, Lucknow; Jan. 27 $50 Karen, Knight, Bayfield; Jan. 28 $50 Sheila Green, Kincardine: -- 31. Service Directory JO IN HIcKE . C0NST.i'RUUCTION LTD. New homes, •collages, additions, renovations, ceniOnt*lidcovs8,,doors, intim trirm ork, siding,`decks, farm cuklings,•realestate, ' house Moodier', Mini -backhoe wor tribe & clamp scaffoiding. Ucensiltd •Carpenter since 1916 ' Bac and Fat al ills 15 961 5244561. Caraet Dyeing & Cleaning Co. Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Unda Ste rdey 519-528-2339 Mark ,Stsv er519 351.2072 CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations Replacement Wirdcws` Doers • Kitchen Cabinets " Vanities •Carpet and Linoleum i Roofing Free ,Estimates RR?. LUUCKNOW 529-31 MARY LOU'S . BEAUTY Lounge will be closed from Feb..13 - 26 inclusive. --05.0:6x NOTICE TO TOVVN H1P OF KINLOSS The Clerk's Office at Holyrood will, be .closed' February 5th, 6th, & 7th: The :regular :scheduled Kinloss Township Council. meeting of February 5th, & 19th have been rescheduled to F'ebruar• Y 12th at 9:00 am. Mark L. Becker Clerk -Treasurer HOLYROOD, 'Ontario NOG 280 395-3575. :290 BAYFIELD ao , GOb RICH 1-519-624-6141 WCKNOW AREA TOLL FRE '` -800-6344634 11