HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-31, Page 11pt ow Sentinel, Wea ` r esti^ January 31.,1996 Page, Zi '0 • -CLASSIFIED 8- 01,. Articles for Sale 02. Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04. Antiques 04a. Crafts 05. • Cars for Sale • 06. Trucks for Sale SPORTS. & RECREAT 01 7a, For sale General 7b. Wanted to Buy 7c. Wanted to Rent 7d. Bicycles 7e. Motorcycles 7f. Snowmobiles 7g. Rec. Vehicles • 7b. Boats, Motors etc. 7.1. Service & Parts 7K. Swimming Pools OS. Computers 10 Pets Rorses CALL P LIS AT 528-2822 ill ■iE■■ F'A'RM MEiRKE lia. For sale General 111. Wanted to Buy 11c. Wanted to Hire 11d. Employment Wanted 11e. Livestock 11f. Farad Produce 11g, Equipment 11h. Services 11j. Farm Land 11k.. Real Estate. 111. Wanted to Rent 11m. Por Rent Drop into. our office any Thursday.With your word classified (maximum, 25 words) and pay only . $3.25 (paid in advance): That's $1.00 off regular rates. 12. Real Estate 13. ` Motile Homes 14. Vacations 16. rorRent' 17 Apartments 18. Houses for Rent 19a. • Bed & Breakfast 20. Room do Board ' 23. Commercial 24.. Wanted to hent- 25. Wanted to Buy P 26. Help Wanted 27. Wanted General 28. ; .Business Opportunity 29.- Tenders:. $d Bmployment Wanted 31. Sen nice l'1irectory : 32. Babysitting 33. Misceftaneous 34. Personal ' 35. Legal LegallsioticeS 36. Announcements` 37. Mortgages, 38. Auctions 39. Educotieu A Last.& Foxed, 41. T"b C►iv$ Away 42. Obltiraties.: 43. Births 44. Eukageameints • 45. Marriages 46, . `la Memoriam. 4'7, 'tartlet lititaniti 48. Craning POWs- , PET FOOD SPECIALS COUNTRY BLEND Cat Food SAVE .750 pkg. 8 kg. Now $12.12 DEALER'S PRIDE Dog Food SAVE 4."" bag. 20 kg. Now $16.13 PRO PLAN Dog Food Adult Now " .89 SAVE` s2�'� No $33 LUGKNOW''. FARM SUPPLY T°i 644 Campbi►li St. 528.230'' Emergency Service & Repairs to All vehicles `Car's.. trucks, trailers, agricultural equipment MTO Inspection, & Regular Maintenance by Licenced Mechanic. Specializing in Diesel. Engines / `Quick ServiceJ Less Gown Time J fairBilling of Convaniert Hours y ea Pleasurre. Serims Centre FiFI #1 ` n annon 37r or -Salo STEEL BUILDINGS ALL $TEL BQILOING ,"Rock Bottom Pricesl". Manufacturer Direct. Straight Sides, 20 x 30 $2,788. 25 al 40 $4,172. 25 x 34 $3,944. 30 x 50 .$6,433. 30 x 44 $6,188. «Others. Ends. Optional. , EuonQspan 1-800- 668-5422. --05bc • CONFIDENTIAL TYPING The Lucknow .Sentinel does confidential custom typing;` for customers; resume's, letters etc, We can offer you a num- ber of different' print types and sizes. Can our office or drop in for. more details: -affix- - FIREWOOD affix - FIREWOOD Dry and green hard maple, ash wood slabs. Cut :to: stove length. Delivery available by the truck load. Call 524-7104 'or 1-800-727-9171. (long dis- tance) after 6 p.m.-5ltigp • STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN -TECH STEEL BUILD- INGS: Top Quality, Canadian made, Wood/Steel and All/Steel straiightwail buildings CS.SE1! '; Certified. Arenas, Stables, Workshops, barns,IVndustrial;: large or smali, Contacting Available, - - `24. hours,1-800-561-2200. -05bc" THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL is available at the following loca- tions out of,town: Holyrood General Store;. Ripley Superior -Market; Dawson's .. Store, Dungannon; MacNays Store, Amberley; Triangle Discount, Goderich; Wingham Stationery, Wingham, MacAdam Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert General Store, and Keith's Repair Service; Whitechurch. .WOODSTOVE & FIREPLACE glass, will not break from heat, Out to' any size or shape. The Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlor & Gallery Inc. 368.8274...-: 41tfnbcpnx NEW CHESTERFIELD Suites at Schuett's, Mildmay. Trade-in • your old suite - Show a cushion to Schuett's salesman for eval- uation of your suite.Free deliv- ery in a "Wide" area.--.05cc RAINBOW TROUT 6 for $12.50. Fresh, pan size. Also available open water 'fishing and pond stockers. Rainbow Trout Hatchery, Belgrave, David Hedley, 357-2329. --05- 10 -9tfnx' .. . LOSE WEIGHT Without dieting. 100% all nota... al and safe. Simpie to use, no counting calories,' no work outs, no pills, inexpensive. -Fleetly Works. Cail Marianne Bollinger, Dungannon, .529- 7807.--O5'O8cc Illllill 11111111'1111111iiiiil, LEARA SALE Muslo:Books, 25% of e'verythingincltrding, Lion King, Pocahontas etc., Margie's Specialty ShOppe 8;43429 SATELLITE SYSTEMSC" "USED" 10 Ft SYSTEMS "NEW"; 10 Ft SYSTEMS "NEW" 18 INCH DISH 8 YCII PLUS BOARDS 4J `We service all makeea of -systems %mode a Y SomtioimeNet H THE SATELLITE DISH SPECIALISTS 18429-4026 Pick up your copy of THE LUC- KNOW SENTINEL at any of the following Lucknow busi- nesses: Beckers Milk, Ben's Discount, Lucknow Village Market, Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow Service Centre and Annie's *Gas Bar -52t1 PRY, FIREWOOD.- ;Beech, Iron 1Noad, Hard" Maple.` nick lip or% 'delivered. phone Ken or Brian : 395-4442 'or 528-32.38 ,(leave;;; <message), --04-06 POOL. TABLE ;slate. and; shuf-, fleboards. •Call Bob 51 0=-29l 627o : 20,13270 or 51`9-291-36.17 evenings.--03-05cc SPOT-MATIC Camera with 50 mm, 28that, 1.35 mm 'leans; 1,2,3 'Close Up Rings; Bellows Il, slide copier. '$365. Call' 518,- 273-4840. --03,04,05nxe CUSTOM FAXING Need to send or receive a fax? The Sentinel does custom fix- ing for customers: Drop in or call. 528-2822 for details. -- 4ltfnx WIDE' SELECTION of used appliances, fridges, stoves, washers and dryers. Ail ser- viced and including a warranty. ` Cail Modern •Appliance Centre, Hanover 384-1011: - Sitfgp +12 Campbell Sty LOCKNOlifif.528 22421 691 Liverwurst Polish" Sausage i •► lb Beet Iaaaat 90 I.B. AVG. CIA &Wrapped` 9 DID YOU -KNOW IF YOU BUY A NEW MATTRESS SET I E1 ORE CHRISTMAS PAY -NO OST ANS RRCBIVE 'REF A NEW ROLLER FRAME 5 DISC CC Carousel,Only used once. Cali (519) 52i- 2776' after 6 p.m. Goderich. -- 02-onxe JUVENILE • BEDROOM Furniture dressers, mates v beds, Chests, good selection at Sohuett's' Mildmay 367-9303 bunk beds, mattresses. Free delivery and set up in "Wide" area. �-05co , STEEL.. BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS. The last. Building you'll ever need. Future' Steel: is" the recognized leader in affordable, '°toprquali- ty, arch -style. structures. For Value, Service,. Integrity and, Free Delivery call 1-600-668- 8653. O5bc FURNiTURE °kt 1 wy,2 ,$ GODERIOH 5244231 KARAOKE - ' Mr.. Entertainment, Can'aida's` largest°karaoke dealer, has the.. largest selection of •singa-long tapas and related karabko :products. Call now for our free -'catalrrgi.ies 1-800-6614464 ••056tf . For Sale THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following papers avail- • able in our office on. Wednesday. Coderich Signal Star, Kincardine News, Walkerton Herald Tiames, Clinton News Record, Mitchell Advocate, . S eafo rth Huron Expositor.,--16tfnx WHY HAVE A YARD SALE? Call us. We buy it all. Antiques, Furniture, Coins, etc. No fuss - No Muss. Call 519-363-0213. - -49tfcc , , WHY RENT? WHEN YOU CAN RENT -TO -OWN. Kenwood 200 watt stereo sys- tem with 5 -disc C.D. player only $998 or $9.50/week; RCA 31" stereo surround sound .TV only $977 or :$9.40/week; Hitachi 8mm- 'camcorder - remote control -only $888 or -$8.75 week; RCA hi-fi 4 -head VCR -on screen only $444 or. $4.20/week; Kenwood car. stereo CD player plus 6 x 9 1160 matte) with amplifier holy $1097" complete or $1050/week. NO money domi- no payments :for 100 days. Kraxy Kelly's 1-800-891-60i 5, Rent -To -Own by Phone.- 1342 Weber Street East, Kitchener. - -05bc FIREWOOD -Why buy green slabs far 1 /2 of,. the money, 1/2 of the wood;: 1/2 of the heat, twice the work and mess when you could buy. SEASONED BODY HARD- WOOD - cut, split, end deliv- ered $175/load. (4 cords ;128 cu. ft.). Order 2 or more loads and get it for $17.0/load. Phone. 529-1026.--47tfar STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDINGS PRICES Steel Straightwall Type - not quonset - 32 x 54 $9,460, 40 x 72 $14,233, 50 x 90 $20,443, 60 x 126 $31,314 other sizes available - mise. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800.263- 8499.--05bc. NEED A RESUME" Professionally prepared, laser printed on quality paper. $15.00 for 5'sets We keep your returns onfile in case: you need changes or updates at a later date. Gall us or drop In for details. The Lucknow • Sentinel, 528.2822-04tfnx 5. Cars For. Salo 1991 CHEV SPRINT, White, 3 cylinder, 6 speed, 2 door, 136,000 km., new brakes, 2 new tires, safety checked, in Aug. 95..$2995 or best offer. ;, Call (619) •357-3246 Wingham after 6 pm, or leavve message. -03.06x0 1963 MONTE. CARLO, p.s., p.t., runs good. Needs lit- • tie to certify. $1300 .o.b.o.• Call 5��y�1y�.9J�{-524(�y-5yy8{f��8�6Jry,• and leave mss*. si'll1a .I--04 O9nxe • • 41, i-Ca4. �'M 4•'..0� ;8'.r'G.::q vro'W.Mp3hV e