HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-31, Page 9ospital C
Helen Daugherty, secre-
tary, chaired the Jan. 22
meeting of the Wingharii
11ospital Auxiliary.
Seventeen members attend-
Lloyd KoCh, hospital
administrator, was the ,est
voice); lie shared info
tivtn on
•.�current health Ca
concerns„ both m Vilingham
and District Hospital, a'
well . as. within Huron:
County and surrounding
areas. Mr, .Koch, spoke with
great pride of the .cooperate,:
tion of the staff and doctors
working together as -a: team
as nothing could be accont-
plishe.d without this team
There is a great dear of
downsizing of budgets - by
18 per cent already this
'year. Volume of patient care
has dropped; admissions
being down by. five .per
cent. Long team patients do
not remain as long, as more
beds become available in
s healt care co e
E0 explain
Nursing Homes. Team "A'
as closed from June until
November 1995„ and thus
far there has leen no aeed
to reopen it.
The Ministry will' new
pay doctors a standby fee of
70 per hour for weekends
and ,night calls, 'thus saving.
the hospital about $100,0
per year:
.Concentration on cancer
fullo up program, inclhd
lug .five hospitals in south-
tthwestern, Ontario, with
Win Karn, as the hub, will
ease many patients: having.
to travel to London hospi«.
tail. Dr, Marie :Flowers will
head up this important step
-Progress is' being made
towards the construction of
a Medical Clinic.
Discussions are taking place
regarding the best Site local-
ly. This clinic would hope:
fully' attract ,tore doctors to
the arra.
There are 14 specialists
Donnan family moves
to new pastoral charge
We extend sincere sym-
ympathy to the family 'of the
late Cora Barr, wife :of the
late John Barra' who passed
away last Monday at
Pinecrest Manor. LucknOw.
'wha ha tee 4 test,
. Thi reams e . "S at
-the Macn ie And
•McCreath funeral e,,
.Ludlow, where the ',treat
Was 'held oh Thursday after.
noon with spring burial in
Greenhill' Cemetery
Her fatly . were all v.
sent for the ftneraliy'.
and Joan UM of Kinionghtt.
Doris and Morley. Bushell
of Vrightunt1.;ussoll and
Trixie Barr of Anrorth POroy
and : ilce->rl Barr, and thou
KM of Calgary, Donald.Bag
of Watotioot ,13
fly. sl8:l
tft 1
tQ, tier* t10.
Jim MO i >a
.1000ardiu vthiied Vin'
Th► slay NO. o fO tt hw 1,
at hl 0941704 �>a G. 1 ,
where he.. 4 eettratle.Aeitig
after nada goinoltl
surgery and; wo aro ploigod
to rrtart that Ito is kips
good movo,
M t all'd �?' . l! 1>1'
gleof i
wid t >< tlh d
i 41 �'�
cow* into the ho sl ital
each: moth to conduct oliu'
icy wit referral fioin the
family skim required
dor an appointment.
The Distract Health
ouncil is or<idu ting,.a
hospital: services study 'with
eight other hospitals.'Each
one is to appoint a represet.
tative for a steering commit.
tee. They will review coir.
'rent ,services provided and
deride whether they 'over-
lap. Should., obstetrics,
chronic and cznergencjr cafe
be pr vided by all hospi-
The approach by the
Wixigham ' staff is to
p;evince the best quality
care to all its patients, as
well as constantly maintain-
ing the buildings in top cane
Mntinel deadlirienoon�
dh nt N tur
tistalledQ and
saving hi
Will mean a
t7141f ing hi heat'eosts. .
Locally, consideration is I
being glade to improve caro
facilities in obstetric
Currently those ..ars 6$
active beds,. with .4.1PP ;odi4
mately 68 - per cent occupans
Other news
Finding little need fob•
eoffee cart in Ow emergency 1
department, that project hag
ended. TLi curt wlil, be
donated to the :hospital.
The sale of Christmas
balls and gift wrapping pro.
Peers proved yen, success.
fol. .
The Auxiliary currently
his a membership of 99 and
new meMbers are ftlway
A AILET b t 4 pf ri 61 mi•ifirOcOt p� r
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