HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-01-31, Page 3Libraries ould forge partnership by Pat Halpin The provincial govern- ment imposed financial crunch could prompta new partnership, between publi and sebool libraries in - Bruce County, The county library board iss s losing two libraries, in Elmwood and Allenfcrd, but invited the board "of edd. ° cation to look at ways'to` share resources and ensure service to smaller munici- palities. "I propose -we examine the possibility of the public library assuming some func- tions of school libraries in the county," library director ,Marxio Apolloni, in a letter to the board. Education director Paul Martindale said there is merit in the suggestion. 'I've worked in boards with community libraries. it's not a far out idea at all. Suddenly the community has access to a library prob- ably 400 per cent greater than what they have now," Martindale said. While co-operating between the library and education boards ;could give readers access to more books at a lower overall cost, Martindale cautioned the two.bo irds will. have to deal sensitively with , th staffing and'union. issues as they • negotiate ,shared resources and areas of responsibility. Jaunty drop -out rate lower than provincial • The aanua Meeting of the Lucknow Afilicultural Society was held. in the Presbyterian Church On Jam' 23, .One hundred rnembors were • in attendance. Dale Gilchrist, Allan Miller, Margaret deaoer. and Marilynne Grilcluist: entertained. President Allan Miller revierved..the year's work, • and .reports .were. given by leaders��jgqjof the junior Fair' 4- Clubs. During the course of the evening, awards • and pre- sentations, were made. Financial reports were tabled by Ross Errington for . the Craft . Festival and Lloyd:Morrison for .the Agricultural Society. \._ Mr, Miller extended thanks to Mel.and Jayne.. Ritchie for all their help over the years, .• The Society welboined one new direetorr, : Don Ritchie, tot)* board. This year's executive includes; Allah Millet, press Idents Fred DeBoer, first. vices Lloyd Morrison,. sec-' end vice and Murray f rvirp, past. president. Lloyd Morrison will again be trea- surer and Nancy Aitchison is the secretary. • Uomecraft preliminary lists for 1996 are now avail- able vailable at Your Favorite Things and the Sentinel office. by Pat I aipii' Bruce County high schools havea drop-out' rate that's half the provincial average,says a 120 -page document. Superintendent, John Lennon, said the, annual drop-out rate for students over 16 in Bruce County is: 5.3 per cent. The figure is based on an average calcu- fated over six years of. sta- tistics. It is half the provin- cial rate, Lennon said. Education director, Paul. Martindale, said though the rate is low, it. means 200 students a year are leaving:• school wthout a diploma. The largest single group of dropouts is 17-year-olds, he said. Each secondary school in the county has an alter- nate schooling program to help keep students from dropping out, but Martindale said those Pro -- grams' have it challenge serving the diversity of stu- dents •with various reasons for leaving school. Lennon said a monthly *turn to page 6 Archie and Mildred Purdtm. (left) were. the 1995 recipients' of the Agriculture -Service Diploma Ross • erri ton,: made -the ., resentation at the. annual ,banquet of the Cuekncaw & Distri:c. 40110010040 :Society. laSt week. (photo submitted) • County tourism office moves to Southampton The Bruce County Office. of Tourism', nd.. Agriculture has moved from its Wiarton base of five years to the Bruce County Museum and Archives . at Southampton. This move reflects the County's commitment to reduce costs, share information technology and streamline services. The Tourism Office still,reports to the director of the Lu huaw Sentlinelo'We 209 50,000 *0,000 410,; '34%000 '270,000 '2VY,000 130,000 460,000 ,000 0 '6099 58S,t 446,000 '315,0 '30000 1230,0 • $165,000 -" .5,000 *25,000 LUCKNOW & DISTRICT SPORTS COMPLEX PHASE 0 frrrth.d.clubf ' Corey f it rltort ;Jantiaty.lip. 1907 • 9 ¥ears, (d Richard Stark January ai, 1935.. Year old' Rebecca Scott January 31,1 993 3 Years Old Jennifer l ogtenberg. January/ 31, 1988 . •8Years Old Braden Irwin. February 3, 1993 3 Years Old John Elphick February 4, 1987 9 Years OKI Laura McNaughton February 4, 1 987 '9 Years Old • M iA 1996 lag SINTEE iI " :] USIVZ swim $49'99004 . Toa bedroom bungalow, baths, new windows, ` Assumable $40Q I orIIaae. p(� {y� $413,900, o. Three h.edroom bungalow,' edge, of Luoknow, 1/2 -acre lot. Needs sortie works A►HHHEL:n « 112 acre with, three bedroom house, 24 X 50' shed. $02,300. 100 -ACRES 4 7 year gild, e bedropn si hoose, 40` x barn, 10 ,pare orchard., 65 "workable, $138,000.. VINYL SIDED - 1.,1/2 storey, 3 bedroom, orywalled, +-II heat, Victoria St. Reduced to $53,000. • 100 ACRES - 50 workable, balance pasture. $79,900.. 50.ACRES. = Bush property, mainly red .and white pine. $50,000. ' WHEELER ST. - 3 bedroom bungalow with ,.carport, oil heat, $52,500, , PORT ALBERT - 2 bedroom bungalow,, garage, new carpet. $62,900. 75 ACRES - ih workable, balance fenced pasture with creek, Kinloss TWp. $52,500.. FARM PROPERTIES WAITED THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION STRATEGIC PLANNING You care about :children and education. You. care about using taxdollars in education wisely.: You believe future planning is, important. Pleare parttcipate in one of the following Community,eetin s. All peetings are from 7 9 p rrtL PLACE: DATECONTACT Walkerton, Walkerton Public School ' Thursday, February 8, 1996 C. Card 881-1761. Library , . Kincardine, Huron HeightsPublic School Monday, February.19,1996 G.Armstrong 396-7035 Library• • Contact L. Oehm Chest ey Administration Centre, 519-363-2014, or the Principal • of the school in the meeting location. Bruce County Planning and Economic Development Department. Bruce County visitor brochures and area guidebooks will continue to be available in, Wiarton at the Planning Office which remains at 550 Berford Street. "The Tourism Office and the Museum, ;both County departments, have long collaborated on marketing and pro- motion of our County's tourism facilities- and attractions," says ;Sally Wright, tourism and agriculture, coordinator.. "The move will provide more opportunity to share our respective resources and talents. Culture and history are significant travel inducers, and the Bruce County Museum • with its fine galleries, exciting exhibits and crowd -pleasing events snake it one of the top attractions in the entire region." The new address is Box 180, 31 Victoria Street North, Southampton, NON >2L0, phone 519-7974602. Educatjur. board ets by Pat Halpin While the board waits for firm detains . on the province's funding cuts to education,• it got gondnews. from Ontario Hydrr at its *January meeting, Hydro will hand the board more than. $1.02 mil- lion as .its 1*96 impact grant. The money is part of a total' $2.1 million payment- . to .the; county, school boards and impact communities intended to offset the cost of services for .the IJNPD's 4,500 member work force. Search of Fast Relief ecently, I talked about. constipation, its causes and the ; natural .preventativemeasures that can be taken to ,avoid :it: In addition, I suggested exercise, fibre'foods, and drinking plenty of water'as ways to treat constipation. But constipation ' can be uncomfortable, painful; and a source of 'anxiety for those suffering farm it, Often, patients need or desire more immediate treatment than .a change in diet can provide:. For many people, a laxative: is often the best'solution to their problem. My , medical . dictionar'y describes two kinds of laxatives: 1) a substance that causes evacuation of the bowel by a mild action of irritation, and,., 2l an agent that promotes bowel evacuation by increasing the bulk of the faeces, by softening the stool, or by lubricating the. intestinal wall. a Regardless how you define them,, there are' chemical and vegetable -laxatives, and 95 'aper, cent of them can be purchased without prescription. But while both are effective,chemical' laxatives: (e.g. Dulcolax), can br wine so habit-formieg that Pharmacy Facts forming and are .generally. safe, your'•btiwei con get used to em andy .our constipation can worsen.. lin fact, Atonic Constipation is caused by an abtiotmal lack of muscle tone or, a failure Of the colon to respond to stimulation. As you can unagine, this ailment often afflicts elderly or bedridden ' patients after. .prolonged dependence on • Chemical laxatives work'.by causing an incitation of the bowel ' lining. which • stimulates, defecation. They should only be riled in extreme cases of constipations and definitely not.. .:on a regular basis.-. Unlike chem ical laxatives, e vegetable or natural laxativ.ps .a (e.g, Meta nttcil), are blot habit- even when taken over a long period' of time. Their main ingredient is crushed psyllium seed, .a super -concentrated form of.fibre, ,Known as bulk -forming laxatives, 'vegetable laxatives should be taken with lots of water as directed by package instructions. In summary, while it is -good that most people lean towards vegetable laxatives in the treatment of constipation, I often question if many of them require laxatives at all. Before .rushing out to buy a laxative, ask yourself if you are realty constipated. Understand that regularity depends entirely on the individual, and the ,need to defecate Can vary greatly from one person to another. As always, try talking to your doctor, and, remember to drink lots of water, get plenty of fibre, exercise, and relax. In most Cases, if you eat, drink•and live properly, everything else will cone naturally. Your. Lucknow 'Pharmacists... .. ' 'ALWAYS ' TEM TAZNG CARE" Pak,'Advertiscment